hmm, ik ga hem mss ff vanavond installeren, als je hem uninstalleert, behoud je dan nog steeds al je eigen bestanden?
edit// review van die pack:
*This fucking piece of shit completely screwed my computer, I had to reinstall my OS and I lost ALL my files. It wasn't high quality, and it looked buggy and BAD. DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS SOFTWARE!!
*Works great. No issues whatsoever. Nice program bundle kit, lots of programs for tweaking windows that i didn't know existed. Everything looks just wonderful. This install is not for newbies or people who don't like to read the install instructions. Other than that if you don't have it then you're missing out.
edit// na een stapel reviewtjs te hebben gelezen ga ik het niet doen
Laatst bewerkt: 3 jul 2006