vampire cure oplossing (english)

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door oban lagavulin, 2 apr 2006.

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  1. oban lagavulin

    oban lagavulin Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik word ziek van dat zuigen in andermans nek....

    Als iemand dit zou willen omzetten naar nederlands.....

    ik heb um hier vandaan >


    TNX to Viper(user I got from) here`s the walktrough to Vampire CUre.
    Quest - A cure for Vampires
    There are a number of ways to initiate this quest. Here is how I did it: I went to Cheydinhal's Chapel of Arkay, though any chapel should do. Talk to someone in there about a cure. They will start you on the quest.

    The first step in the quest is to talk to Raminus Polus about a cure. You can find him in the Arcane University located in Imperial City. He will tell you a bit about it, and refer you to Count Hassildor. You can find him in Skingrad. Talk to his stuard, and then eventually he will talk to you. He will tell you about how he and his wife are vampires, and while he lives with it, she could not, and went into a coma. He needs the cure to get her out. He then tells you about witches long ago who could do it, and about one of them which may still be alive.

    You can find the witch along the Corbolo River, which is east of the Imperial City. Here is where the fun begins. Before she will help you, you have to help her. She requests you bring her five empty grand soul gems. Though the task may seem daunting, these are easy to find. Inside each Mages guild, there is a shop. Each shop should have one empty Grand Soul Gem for sell. Buy it, or if your good at thievery, pickpocket it. If for some reason these shops do not have Gems, here are a few more places they can be found, though they will be a bit trickier to get.

    Gem One: This is an easy one. Go to the Imperial City Market District. Find the Mystique shop. He has one gem for sale. Four to go.

    Gem's Two - Four: Your lock picking skills better be up to snuff now. Head to Arcane University. Best to go at night, you will be thieving. Go inside, and on the first floor there is a chest with three Gems inside. All are Grand gems, but I believe two of them are not empty. Take them all anyways. You can empty them if you have a staff or magic item; otherwise they have a decent resell value. Its a level 5 lock, so your going to have to work at it, but its worth the effort. Make sure no one sees you. Once you get it open, take them all.

    Gem Five: Head to the Chorral Mage's Guild. Inside, there is a staircase, and display cases to the left and right. The one to the right looks tempting, three gems inside. None are grand though, save your picks. The one the left has one though. It's another level 5 lock, so good luck to you. Once you get this, you have five, but two probably aren't empty. No matter, the hard part should be over.

    Go visit Melisande again now. She will take your gems, but you aren't done yet. She says she can probably make the cure, but you need a slew of ingredients. She asks you to find six Garlic Cloves, five Nightshade Leaves, 2 BloodGrass Shoots, The Blood of an Argonian, and the dust of the vampire Hindaril. Below you will find locations to all ingredients.

    Garlic Cloves: These are fairly easy to find. Many Alchemy shops, Inns, and Mages Guilds have them. Just work your way from shop to shop until you have six. I don’t have any specific locations, but just going shop to shop you should be able to find all six no problem.

    Nightshade: You should be able to take care of all five Nightshade in one go. Go to The Finer Ingredient in Imperial City. He should have five. Incase he doesn’t, I was also able to find two in the Mystique shop in Imperial City, as well as in various Mage’s Guild shops.

    BloodGrass: This is the easiest part of your quest. Both The Finer Ingredient and the Mystique Shop in Imperial City have four, so take your pick. If you want to find it in the wild, it is all over Oblivion, so find yourself a gate and you should be able to come across BloodGrass pretty quick.

    Blood of an Argonian: Melisande gives you a special dagger or this. You don't need to kill them, just give them a good stab and hide so the guards don't nab you. For those of you who don't know, an Argonian is the lizard looking people.

    Hindaril's Vampire Dust: If you are at a decent level by now, this should be a breeze. At level 5, this was a cakewalk. Go to the location on your map. It is pretty straightforward navigating your way there. Once inside the cavern, you will have a few things to pick off before you get to your vampire. I ran into a few rats, a few skeletons, and two lesser vampires before I got to him. I made short work of them all. Hindaril was the easiest of them all though. He was sleeping, and I was able to kill him before he even got to his weapon. I made short work of him. If he manages to get to his weapon, he may be more difficult, so don’t bother with sneaking around, just run in and kill him.

    So, you now have everything. Take it all back to Melisandre. She will tell you she can prepare the cure, and to come back in 24 hours. This is it. Go enjoy your last night as a Vampire. Feast on everyone you can get your bloody hands on. Then go take a nap. The next day, pay your friend a visit again. The cure will be done. Feel free to drink it. You are now officially cured, but your quest isn't over. Remember the count? Head back to Skingrad and pay him a visit. You will be taken to the place where his wife rests. Melisandre will be there also. After a bit of dialogue, he gives her the cure, but it kills her. He requests you give him 24 hours to grieve. Go back into the Count's Mansion and just wait for 24 hours. Same as before, talk to the Count. He will thank for you putting his wife at ease, and reward you with 500 gold. The quest is now officially complete. Congradulations!

    Known Bugs: I have had several reports of Melisandre not accepting BloodGrass. Unfortunately, I do not know what causes this bug, and have been unable to reproduce it. If anyone can figure out what is causing this, please E-mail me.

    Some people have been E-Mailing me saying they cannot find Hindaril’s cave. Make sure a Cure for Vampirism is your active quest, and it should point you in the right direction. If not, the name of the cave is Redwater Slough. Hopefully you can find it.

    Another bug I have had people report is that when going to take care of the Count, the lady you talk to does not go get the count like she is supposed to. If that happens, go outside, and to your left you should come across the Count’s hidden chamber.
  2. C H i L

    C H i L Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De eerste vampire thread werd gesloten, de tweede werd deze ochtend aangemaakt en nu maak je weer een nieuwe, ik moet geen mod zijn om je hierop te mogen wijzen hoop ik.
  3. mutantemile

    mutantemile The Pub's Barman

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ "CHIL the wannabe" / mods: waarom mag dit niet, en wel 1 voor simpelle lockpicks, dit is heel wat moeilijker en uitgebreider...
  4. C H i L

    C H i L Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Omdat hij het in de andere vampire thread kon plaatsen.
  5. Zeroine 83

    Zeroine 83 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hier ben ik het mee eens. Alles over Vampirism en cures kan je wat mij betreft hier posten. Daar dan ook graag verder gaan a.u.b. :)
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