Ultimate Halo 2 Info

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Rovak, 19 aug 2004.

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  1. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    [Mogelijke spoilers]Ultimate Halo 2 Info

    Hier alle goeie info over halo 2 die ik op het internet kon vinden (in nie moeilijk gaan zitte doen da het engels is)


    I’ve revamped this initial post to notate what we have learned about Halo 2 multiplayer through information directly from Bungie as well as information from media sources and beta leaks outside of the developer. Here’s a brief shakedown of what you can know to expect from Halo 2 based on reliable sources. The other posts will remain untouched and I will update this initial and primary one with all new Halo 2 information from time to time.

    There are four different sections that I will cover in this. The first is control and user interface, which delves into the basics of game’s playability. The second is going to deal with the known maps; the third is going to deal with the confirmed weapons and the fourth with vehicles. Have fun.

    The Controls

    Act like a man of thought - Think like a man of action

    - Thomas Mann

    The control for Halo 2 is not all too different then that of the predecessor, but now your armor has been upgraded to Mark VI in order to better compete with the armor worn by the Covenant military leaders known only as Elites. Most of the same actions are used; the left analog moves your character’s movement while the right analog controls the direction he is viewing. The “X” button returns as the main “action button” allowing you to pickup and swap weapons, access control panels, and reload your current weapon as well as when holding it, it allows you to pick up the bomb/flag during some of the various game types. A new feature for this button is called “Boarding” which will be discussed in more detail later. The “A” button is jump, which you will be able to do at a slightly greater height. The “B” button allows you to do a melee attack which you may be able to do a variety of close-range attacks within each weapon class. The “Y” button now not only toggles between your two carried weapons, but also, when over a fallen single-handled weapon can allow you to pick up two weapons and use them simultaneously. This is called “Dual-Wielding” and will also be touched on later. The “White” button allows you to use a flashlight housed on your helmet and the “Black” button allows you to toggle between available grenades. The “R” trigger of course is your primary fire, and the “L” trigger is either your grenades or your secondary weapon depending on whether or not you’re dual-wielding.

    The Beloved HUD

    The user interface HUD or “Heads-Up-Display” has also been altered to incorporate some of the new features and abilities. The top of the screen will be devoted to weapons only and will change depending on whether you are single-wielding or dual-wielding. When single-wielding your grenades will appear on the upper-left portion of the screen and your primary-weapon along with your reserve weapon will be detailed on the upper-right portion of the screen. When dual-wielding, the left-handed weapon will take the place of the grenades and the right-handed weapon will remain intact in the upper-right corner. The bottom left is the source of general information, including your shield meter which is vertical and your selective radar which can be optioned off or on. The bottom right will give you a quick rundown of the Team Scoreboard, the current game type, time left in match and leading players.

    Player Personalization

    In the multiplayer portion of the game the developer has offered a wider range of opportunities and player customization. The online multiplayer service will support scoreboards and statistics for both individuals and clans. When playing a match you will not only be able to select from a wide variety of colors and team-types, but you can now choose between playing with a Spartan or an Elite, both having the same skills and abilities. Above and beyond the player type you can select team and individual icons which can represent clans and cover your armor as well as your base and various locations around the map.

    Network and Online Play

    Team play is being focused on in all new ways, including the leaked beta screens revelation that the developer is hoping for individuals to be able to ply four players via one Xbox, in split-screen fashion. The original game featured four player split-screen offline and sixteen players via a network of four Xboxes. The new game will allow for sixteen Xboxes minimum playing on a network or online, as well as the ability to play online with up to four players on a single system. This may well be what the developer was referring to in terms of a “revolutionary” online system which would bring the same type of entertainment and competition that a local network match can bring.

    Network Speed and Game Modes

    The developer is ambitiously planning on using a new method of filtering out similar connections in order to allow for greater speed during matches. Through the new Optimatch system, the game will root out all connections which are similar to yours and will choose the player with the best connection to host the match, based on ping. If that player leaves the second best connection will host and so on and so forth, allowing the match to perpetuate even in light of someone calling it quits. Optimatch will allow for a variety of prearranged game modes, most of which have been brought over from the original game. The original game showcased Slayer, Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, King Of the Hill and Oddball along with some other variations of the aforementioned. The new game will include a variation of an older game type called Assault. This game requires a team to infiltrate their opponent’s base with a bomb, plant it and prevent the opposing team from diffusing it, an action which can simply be done by standing over the bomb. While carrying it, or its mirror bedfellow the flag, you can melee with it but you're not able to use any other weapons and they do significantly slow you down. Some of the game modes, including Assault have a round-based system where one team plays offense and the other defense and they trade off positions in a series of rounds to see which fairs the best overall. With the added ability to customize matches, there’s even the option to have only Energy Swords, a new Covenant weapon which must be used at close-range, changing the game from a first-person shooter to a first-person action game.

    The Shield

    There are some things which affect your character specifically in terms of health and stamina. In the previous game you had a shield and then a bar system to determine your available health. Your shield would recharge after being depleted, but you would need to locate health to replenish any lost bars. There is no health indicator in the new HUD system, but instead there is simply a vertical shield bar above the radar. This shield, when depleted fully will make the player’s character groan until it is recharged and it will openly flash indicating the need to get to safety. If you’re shot during this time more than once it can have the potential to kill you. When your shield is depleted it will shimmer as in the previous game, but moreover when it recharges you will see the “charging rings” spiral around your character as he regains his shield.


    The act of Boarding is a simple enough scheme but incredibly hard to pull off successfully. In the original game, once one acquired a vehicle they would whore it about until successfully gunned down by another player. Often times, if they were skilled, they could utilize a vehicle successfully throughout an entire match without physically ever firing a non-vehicular round at a player. Once major thing the developer is seeking to do with the sequel is to implement balance. Now, on vehicles which have an open cockpit, like the Ghost or Warthog, a character can rip their opponent out of it and take control if the said vehicle is moving slow enough. When this happens, the original player driving the vehicle is not only humiliated but is usually killed. Players with these vehicles tend to drive them extremely cautiously and not with a reckless and random abandon. When near a board-able vehicle which is moving slow enough, the screen will indicate the option to press the “X” action button and access the vehicle, which would occur in a single swift movement, knocking both the previous driver and taking complete control. This introduces an even more entertaining scenario when the gunner position is procured by an opponent who begins to fire at the driver’s own teammates, especially when the driver fails to notice it. The boarding animation changes depending on what direction and angle the player approaches the board-able vehicle. It is not known what vehicles will be able to be boarded, but some media sources have rumored that all of them will. There has been no confirmation as of yet on that.


    The act of Dual-Wielding occurs when a player has a single-handed weapon, and locates another single-handed weapon, retrieving both at the same time by pressing the “Y” button. When this occurs the HUD will display the ammo and weapon element above the correct and appropriate hand and the player can gun individually or collectively. Since the grenade element the HUD is removed and of course, the player is physically holding two devices simultaneously, those weapons cannot be used. While dual-wielding, whatever reserve weapon was previous used will remain reserved until it is called upon for use, and then, by pressing the “Y” button again the character will drop the left-handed gun and return to their reserve weapon. Dual-wielding on a whole has been described as difficult to get the hang of but extremely effective once you do. Learning the nature of firing two weapons at once, pulling both triggers at the same time while moving both analog sticks isn’t as easy as it appears. Once one does learn the ropes of this action, it is useful not only in combining powerful melees, like removing someone’s shield with a Plasma Pistol and then finishing them off with an SMG, but also if one carries two powerful weapons like the Needler or the SMG, one can take down an opponent with a more powerful sidearm like the Rocket Launcher or the Shotgun at a very quick pace and with littler trouble.

    The Maps

    Every area of trouble gives out a ray of hope; and the one unchangeable certainty is that nothing is certain or unchangeable.

    - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    The new multiplayer maps have been raved as some of the best symmetrical and asymmetrical maps ever constructed in a first-person shooter. In the original game, many of the more popular maps were outdoors and were extremely symmetrical, mirror images of each other without little variation. The remaining maps were complicated mazes or indoor facilities which usually lacked the splendor of the aforementioned. In the new game there are a good deal of both, the maps however are more open, more balanced and more animated along with some of the older maps returning (which have yet to be revealed). Another huge element of the new maps is the destructive environments and objects which react accurately with contact. There are “Fusion Cores” placed in various locations throughout maps which represent latent power. When fired upon they explode. When many are piled up and then fired upon they explode even more violently; with vehicles nearby they explode and throw the vehicle hundreds of meters in to the air, falling down on unsuspecting victims like an alternate weapon. Objects will be able to be moved or altered allowing for cover and even for defense in some situations. On one map, Zanzibar, the base-side has apertures with window shudders that are open by slats. Firing at the slats will close the window shudders, making it easier to advance without fear of snipers firing from those locations. A variety of interactive elements just like this one will be introduced in the new game. Here’s a breakdown of the known multiplayer maps and some pictures of them:



    This is the map that almost everyone knows as they were given a first-class tour during E3 2004 by Bungie writer and producer, Joseph Staten. The map is asymmetrical, or one-sided which has an offense starting on the beachhead and a defense, buried within a power station/base. The basic setup of the map is the beach itself, an outer courtyard outside the fan-generator, an inner-courtyard with a crashed spacecraft encased and the base itself. Within the base there are two levels and stationary gunner points, as well as a garage entrance activated by a switch. All about the map are high sniping points and some semi-closed in areas for close-quarters combat, but overall this is considered a midsize map.

    Burial Mounds


    This is another asymmetrical map, which apparently is located in the desert along with the deserted remains of some spaceship. This map also has a base on one side with offensive insertion point on the other and reminds players who’ve played it of the original’s fan favorite map, Blood Gulch. There are hills, large rocks and steel structures littered throughout this area including one which is notably called “The Ribs” and is apparently the housing skeleton of an ancient ship. The base has several entrances and assault locations with turret positions appropriately placed. It is also considered a midsize map, approximately the same size and general shape of Blood Gulch with a few modifications.



    Currently the largest map in the game and it is symmetrical. It is an underground cavern with large open areas and two bases on each side. The two bases are nearly identical, each with an indoor close-quarters section, an exterior rooftop, stationary turret positions and parking locations for the vehicles. The bases aren’t the main show of this map. There’s a structure in the center which acts as a gateway between the two bases, and within the massive structure there are sniping points, walkways and ramps, as well as large and intricate mazes. Above the structure is huge piston which makes a deep bass sound when it turns periodically during gameplay. This map allows a lot of leg work and vehicular combat from both sides, as well as the infamous dog fights via the Banshee.



    This is a smaller map but it has a lot of corridors and platforms. Primarily it surrounds a central satellite-like beacon which appears to be a Forerunner structure. The map has bridges and walkways which if the character is knocked from will fall to their certain death. The top of the map is a large platform with tiered structures on the perimeter for sniping and internal corridors for close-range combat. The map is surrounded by large ice-covered mountains and has a misty and ambient feel.



    This is a symmetrical map, with two bases on either side within the interior of a Covenant ship. The map is slightly smaller than a midsize map bordering one of the smaller maps of the original game like Rat Race or Derelict. The two bases both have a new elevation system, where a vent of light pushes the character up to the second level of the base (as seen on the right of the above picture). Around the perimeter of the map are walkways and corridors, and on the floor level are small column-like structures between the bases perfect for battles similar to the ones in Hang Em’ High of the original game. At the very top of the map there’s a hovering platform (as seen on the top of the above picture) which responds to weight on any particular side by tilting in that direction. Above it, hung by lowered structures from the ceiling is the secret weapon platform. With a well-timed jump you can acquire the secret weapon and a newfound position to fire it from.

    Ivory Tower


    This is a human building with two bases but it can hardly be called symmetrical in that both sides are extremely different and the map area between them is even more different. The map is similar in size and shape to the previous map; however it is on a grade or slope instead of flat and mirrored. The lower spawn starts out in a basement meanwhile the upper spawn starts out in a military-like structure with a main and side entrance. The front of the structure is in an open area, with its facade looking like steps going up its face. From both spawns one can access an open area, with palm trees and the various platforms and walkways along the perimeter. This location is indoors however it appears open with the plants and the large windows allowing ample sunlight to penetrate. Several portions of this map almost look like a mall, while others look like a basement and even more look like a military installation. On the higher base there’s an elevator platform which can take players up and down various levels.
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 19 aug 2004
  2. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    The Weapons

    If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.

    - The Dalai Lama

    Along with almost all of the original weapons, Halo 2 will feature even more and advanced weapons. The most significant aspect of the Halo 2 weaponry will be the balance that they carry, as for everyone weapon which seems to be unbeatable there is a counter weapon which can in fact beat it. With the variety of weapons and the ability to now dual-wield, the options for combination attacks as well as uncountable strategies is mind-boggling. Most, if not all, can be zoomed to one degree or the other. If they have a scope there will be different levels to zoom through the scope, if they do not the character will stare closer down the barrel of the gun, increasing the accuracy of the sight and reticule. There are many ways to break up the variety of weapons which will be in the game and since I already have pictures of most of them below there will be none for this section and I will briefly go through some of the aspects of each weapon in the following order:


    There are currently only two types of grenades available in the current build of Halo 2’s beta. They are the original game's: the Fragmentation Grenade and the Plasma Grenade. And although nothing has changed about the actual weapons, the animations they possess are far more realistic. The frags no longer have a “pineapple-like” look, and when either grenade explodes the lighting and effects look extremely more convincing and life-like.

    Single-Handed Firearms (dual-wielding weapons)

    The old favorites will return with some slight-tweaks done to all of them. From the human arsenal the M6D pistol will return, but this time with no scope and with slightly less fire power. A new weapon, known only as the Sub-machine gun or SMG, is a single-handed automatic weapon that fires similarly to the original game’s MA5B Assault Rifle. This weapon is inaccurate from a distance, but up close, due to its frenzied speed it is lethal. The Covenant have three of their original guns returning, all with changes, some slight and some drastic. The Plasma Pistol has a slightly different look and a new sound, but not much else. The Plasma Rifle has a slightly longer battery life and it doesn’t freeze you as much as it did in the original game, when hit by it. The most improved single-handed weapon would be the Needler. Quipped about in the first game as being too week for multiplayer, the weapon now is much stronger and is being touted as the strongest of this category.


    As far as the human’s rifles, very little has changed save for the primary automatic rifle they use. The new rifle, which replaces the inaccurate MA5B of the original game, is called the Battle Rifle. It has a scope for single-round fire similar to the M6D pistol of the original game, and it has three round bursts for close-quartered attacks. Apart from that gun, only rifles from the original game are returning with some mild modifications in look and feel. The Shotgun, more aggressive looking than its prior form, is said to have a slower reload rate but a slightly more powerful range of fire. The Sniper Rifle, with a new sleeker look, actually has a recoil between shots which make it more difficult for players who camp to get easy kills. The Covenant weapon depot in this category is all decked out. The standard issue rifle is no longer the single-handed Plasma Rifle, but rather the Covenant Carbine which has a scope and a similar firing system to the human Battle Rifle. It has slightly less power than that rifle but more ammo in clip. One of the most amazing additions to the game however is the Beam Rifle, the Covenant version of a sniper rifle. This weapon can fire almost indefinitely, as it drains four cells a shot and has a hundred cells within one clip. The weapon will overheat if the shots are fired in rapid succession, but if they are paced correctly a player can take out countless foes from a safe distance without removing the zoom or reloading. It doesn’t have a smoke trail either, but does light up very brightly when fired.

    Heavy Artillery

    There are three revealed weapons that will fire explosive charges, two of which have already been in the original game. The Rocket Launcher is almost the same as the previous iteration, however when zoomed, the reticule will turn red and effectively “lock-on” to a target allowing it to heat seek that target via the rocket. It seems like an unfair advantage, but melds well with some additions to the vehicle controls. The Fuel-Rod Gun was not playable in the Xbox version of the original game, only in the PC version, but it will be returning for the sequel. This weapon’s visual appearance has been scaled back a tad, providing more view onscreen since the original was quite obtrusive. It fires the typical plasma shards which explode on impact from an arced trajectory. The third weapon is very new and very special. Called a Brute Shot from its single player affiliation; the weapon fires four explosive grenade-like objects which do not have trajectory. The gun fires four shells at a time in rapid succession and can carry sixteen total, as well, it has a blade on its hilt for interesting melee attacks. The grenade blast is similar to a Shotgun blast in potency.


    The only melee weapon to be revealed so far was the Energy Sword, which up until this game had only been used by Golden Elites. The sword has two attacks: the "B" button will institute the typical melee swipe while the "R" trigger, when "locked-on" will lunge at the enemy, effectively killing them in one hit. There will be at least one more melee weapon in the game based on Studio Manager, Pete Parsons' statement about the developer "loving" melee. That weapon has yet to be revealed.

    The Vehicles

    A ship without Marines is like a garment without buttons.

    - Admiral David D. Porter, USN

    The vehicle count and type has changed probably the most radically. The vehicles which came from the original have been completely revamped both graphically and control-wise and the new vehicles, some which have yet to be revealed, are adding even more balance and versatility to already full-fledged cache of powerful crafts. They also suffer from a more specific damage-system which allows the vehicle to fall apart one piece at a time depending on which elements of the vehicle are being attacked. When the vehicle reaches its limit of damage it will explode, and then, shortly thereafter the energy core of the vehicle will explode, killing anything within its blast radius. Here’s the shakedown of vehicles and their new controls within their own classes:

    All Terrain Single Pilot

    The Ghost was a fan favorite from the original with a wide range of movement, a nice primary fire and a quality maximum speed. The vehicle now has far greater speed with its boost feature by pulling the “L” trigger which allows one to jet across the map at an even faster clip but with less control. The “R” trigger is still the rapid-fire plasma weapon system. The human variation of this vehicle is the ATV, which has no formal name as yet. Although there has been some renders, very little information is known about this vehicle. It was rumored that you would be able to fire one weapon over its dashboard while driving but no gameplay elements for this vehicle have been revealed.

    All Terrain Passenger

    The Warthog, or humorously named “Puma” is the most popular vehicle of the original game. It allowed for a driver, a passenger and a gunner. Several modifications and different brands have been engineered for this game, all of which provide an even deeper role for this craft. The main change is that it now has a wider stance and a more refined control system, this allows for less aggravation which was a problem for newcomers to the original. There is now the addition of an emergency brake and a horn, accessible by the “L” trigger and the “R” trigger respectively. There are two confirmed types of Warthogs, one with a chain-gun and the other with a rocket launcher. The Covenant iteration of this vehicle is incidentally only hinted about in concept drawings. Tentatively called “Shadow” the vehicle appears to have a similar set up as the Warthog with three passengers, one being a driver and another being a gunner, but little else is known about this vehicle.

    Heavy Tank

    The Scorpion Tank was the black widow of the original game’s multiplayer for the Xbox as whoever had it and knew how to use it was unstoppable. With the inclusion of flying vehicles there is a slight adjustment in balance to the gameplay, meaning the tank is no longer safe. However, the craft did not go without modifications. The right axis is no longer restricted for direction, but can be moved independently of the direction of the craft allowing the vehicle to strafe effectively. There are no significant changes that have been revealed apart from that. A media source issued a statement concerning the inclusion of Wraith Tanks as part of a multiplayer arsenal, but nothing has been confirmed by the developer. It would make sense in terms of balance that the massive, purple-encased vehicles of the original game be mainstays for this one as well but that remains to be seen. To refresh newcomers, the primary weapon was a large arcing ball of plasma which had incredible impact on where ever it landed.

    Airborne Crafts

    The Banshee is currently the only flying vehicle which has been confirmed for multiplayer in the sequel. It is returning for the first time in this mode for the Xbox and with some new tweaks. It will also have a boost feature with the “L” trigger and its primary, rapid-plasma fire with remain on the “R” trigger. The fuel-rod cannon, its secondary fire, will now be accessed on the “B” button with a new barrel-roll necessary for evading Scorpion Tank and Rocket Launcher fire. It can be achieved by pressing to the right or left while holding the “A” button down. No official mention of a human flying vehicle, although Studio Manager Pete Parsons would not openly comment on it during an interview, leaving the large possibility that there would be one in the game.
  3. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    Heroes //

    [​IMG] Master Chief
    [​IMG] Cortana
    [​IMG] Sgt. AJ Johnson
    [​IMG] Corporal Perez
    [​IMG] Sgt. Banks
    [​IMG] Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, “Helljumpers”

    Villains //

    [​IMG] [​IMG] Grunts
    [​IMG] Jackals
    [​IMG] Elites
    [​IMG] Brutes
    [​IMG] Prophets


    One character yet to be revealed as good or as evil is considered the most entertaining character in the game ( Mike is pounding on what could be one of the coolest characters ever known to man / Mike Budd is still trouncing on some great animation of a secret character and it looks damn good / John has finished off a secret character that will be great fun to play around).

    There has also been mention to a new creature, inferred to be the size of a Tyrannosaur in the Weekly Updates ( I did a couple of small changes to the weapon/damage code to handle a bad guy too nuts for the existing systems. Nuts in the sense that he has CENSORED where death comes out of and two separate CENSORED. Oh yeah and he's big and mean, kind of like a Tyrannosaurus / John Butkus' odyssey of animation continues, as he explains, "Okay, this week I’ve been bouncing between three characters…Hunter, Marine, and CENSORED. I think the CENSORED will be a lot of fun because he’s like this big CENSORED on a stick, so he’s very top-heavy and CENSORED) and even mentioned in the pre-E3 2004 Game Informer article on having the ability to turn over a Warthog.

    The information cited here could portain to separate characters or even the same, however the way it is separated now fits best the descriptions we've been provided.

    It should be advised as well that with the inclusion of Brutes into the Covenant Hierarchy, the Elite warriors (the ones who made the original pact, or "covenant" with the Prophets) are at odds with these new "Temple Guardians" as indicated by Nylund in "Halo: First Strike." The Brutes are not traditional Covenant warriors, and don't rely on technology or shields to defend themselves. They are primitive, yet brutal creatures who report only to the Prophets.

    Note, as well, that there are two types of Grunts here. One with a re-breather and one without. Since Grunts use methane to breath in their homeworld, it is possible that the game's story will take us to that locale or to another methane-rich environment. Human Weapons //

    [​IMG] M9 HE-DP Grenade
    [​IMG] M6D Pistol
    [​IMG] Battle Rifle
    [​IMG] SMG
    [​IMG] M90 Shotgun
    [​IMG] S2 AM Sniper Rifle
    [​IMG] M19 SSM Rocket Launcher


    In the novel, “Halo: First Strike” there is a new weapon called the Lotus Anti-Tank Mine. Nothing has been revealed of it being in the game, but it seems very possible it will make an appearance, as under the current circumstance, the stories will be intertwined. The inclusion of more grenades is a likely possibility, but nothing stated by the developer has given weight to it as of yet.

    There’s also the rumor that the M6D pistol or a variation of it will not make it into the sequel which couldn’t be further from the truth. Various interviews point to it returning, but the most conclusive would be this line from a previous Weekly Update: I also animated the first-person CENSORED (both single and dual shot), so that should be in the game and working now...it looks pretty cool, but it's definitely a lot weaker than CENSORED and it has CENSORED now, so people are probably going to CENSORED and CENSORED. Oh well, all's fair in the cruel world of gameplay balance. It’s safe to say that the pistol will return, but it will be less powerful than the original.

    The new automatic rifle referred to as the Battle Rifle will now have a scope and will have two different firing options: three round bursts or single shot. The new “SPNKR” variant of the M19 SSM Rocket Launcher has a new feature which allows it to “track” when zoomed on a moving enemy and hone in on it, seeking it out when the missile is fired.

    Pete Parsons has also mentioned in an interview with www.ign.com that they plan on including more melee weapons in the game than available at E3 2004 (which at that point was only the Covenant Energy Sword). This could mean a knife or other blade weapon, although unlikley it is likely that the Energy Sword will have some counter-version on the human side for balancing purposes.
  4. Ice Thunder

    Ice Thunder Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    Covenant Weapons //

    [​IMG] Plasma Grenade
    [​IMG] Plasma Pistol
    [​IMG] Plasma Rifle
    [​IMG] Needler
    [​IMG] Covenant Carbine
    [​IMG] Brute Shot

    [​IMG] Beam Rifle
    [​IMG] Fuel Rod Gun

    (picture unable to be added) Energy Sword


    There are some serious enhancements in Covenant weaponry this time around. First off, the Plasma Rifle will be useable by other players, namely the Jackals and will not be restricted to Elites. Elites have selected now use the Covenant Carbine, the alien answer to the Battle Rifle with a scope and automatic fire capabilities. There has also been the addition of a Covenant sniper rifle, named the Beam Rifle which fires a powerful burst of energy, leaving a trail of light in its wake.

    The Needler is now larger and far more powerful then in the original game. It has been mentioned as the most improved weapon in the game, if not the most favored during dual-wielding.

    The Brute Shot was reviewed in detail in "Halo: First Strike" as a weapon which fires slugs and grenades. The E3 2003 demo just showed that it fired streaming white beams of energy, however new information in the Weekly Updates appears to confirm that there will be a new weapon, versatile and capable of large amounts of firepower: But one of the coolest things Jaime was doing this week was adjusting the scale, type and shape of damage done by a new weapon. I've tried this one before Jaime's ministrations and it is BRUTAL. And no, that's not a pun on the word Brute. It's just a vicious bone hammering bastard of a weapon.

    The name "Brute Shot" comes from a comment made on a recent Weekly Update in which the two words were capitalized for no apparent reason: I kinda miss the tinkle on multiplayer maps, since it loudly announced when somebody was walking in certain areas. Which you would then blast. With a Brute Shot. "Tinkle, tinkle, tinkle. Whump, whump, whump. Blam! Blam! Blam! Ow."

    UPDATE: The Brute Shot has been confirmed as a weapon which fires up to four metallic grenades. They can bounce of solid surfaces and explode with a concussive force similar to a frag grenade or shotgun blast. You can hold up to sixteen grenades at once.

    There's also an indication that Elites may use Brute weapons which could play into the Elite vs. Brute subplot mentioned under the "Villains" post or it could be just for multiplayer: "If you consider re-doing all the Elite animations with him holding a Brute weapon cool, then yes I guess that is cool ****. Let’s see, since we spoke last I’ve finished up a large, intimidating alien, given the elite a Brute weapon, given him animations for that and for the driver and gunner of a new Covenant vehicle, and another Elite's first-person animations for the Brute weapon as well.

    The Fuel Rod Gun is confirmed via this remark in an early Weekly Update: One Covenant gun has been altered subtly to make it look better in first person mode; there were some complaints that part of the stock "looked like a shark fin" and was obstructing the view too much. Human Vehicles //

    [​IMG] ATV
    [​IMG] M12 Warthog LRV
    [​IMG] M12 Warthog Variants
    [​IMG] M12A Warthog LAAV
    [​IMG] M808B Scorpion MBT


    The ATV and the new variations of the M12 Warthog are the only confirmed vehicle additions for the human garage. The ATV was originally stated to have the ability of firing one's gun from the front dash, however nothing has been even hinted at in terms of development yet for this vehicle.

    The M12 variations are vast, even in the early renders seen above. There will be a Warthog for every environment and a variety of weapons afixed to them, currently only two confirmed and that is the original LRV automatic turret and a rocket launcher.

    When asked if there would be any Human Flying Vehicles in the sequel, Pete Parsons simply advised "No comment." In every other answer by which he was certain of a "no" he listed it as such, which does imply that there will in fact be a flying vehicle. Some have suggested a helicopter and some rumors consist of a two-man flying team similar to the M12 Warthog (one pilot on front, one gunner on rear), but nothing as of yet has been revealed. The revelation of this unknown vehicle will more than likely be very close to its launch, as it is perhaps the most entertaining new addition to the human transportation fleet. Other rumors have suggested a water craft, but nothing has surfaced as of yet which indicate there would be such a vehicle in the sequel.

    According to some rumors, the human aircraft will be a fighter known as the Skyhawk. The picture below is an image based on a description from Bungie. Bungie has not formally said they will have this vehicle in the game, but fans have taken the liberty to create renders based on it. Here are some pictures of that vehicle.

  6. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    Covenant Vehicles //

    [​IMG] Ghost
    [​IMG] Shadow
    [​IMG] Phantom
    [​IMG] Creep
    [​IMG] Wraith Tank
    [​IMG] Banshee


    The most notable additions to the already existing Covenant vehicles (Ghosts and Banshees) is the new zoom feature, by which a player can travel at twice the speed by triggering (Left Trigger currently) the craft to do so. It appears, with the inclusion of this feature that the Fuel Rod Cannon fixed to the Banshee will no longer exist. It has been noted that during PC multiplayer matches it shifts balance to far in the favor of the flyer that it may be removed.

    The Covenant vehicle entourage is huge now. It has an M12 Warthog-like transport, complete with gunner, driver and passenger seats called the Shadow.

    Although the Creep (Covenant Transport) and the Phantom (Covenant Dropship) are seen in the E3 2003 demo, it is unlikely that the character will be able to man or drive these crafts. Some rumors currently suggest otherwise, including the operation of the massive plasma cannon seen in the E3 2003 demo, but nothing providing substantial evidence has been released for those two vehicles or the turret. The Wraith Tank, however, has been heavily rumored to be an operable vehicle in the sequel.
  7. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    This is from a beta tester Halo 2 Beta


    The build only had three maps. These were.

    ZANZIBAR- The same as it was at E3. Really a well thought out and balanced
    map, and, to be brutally honest, puts maps like Blood Gulch to shame. Not
    much to say about it because we all already saw it at E3. The one thing is,
    getting the plasma sword isn't as hard as they make it seem.

    MID SHIP- A level taking place on a covenant battle ship. Mostly a round
    map, it has plenty of different height elevations that allow for sneaky
    tactics, especially in CTF. A main platform in the middle holds a new
    weapon, witch I will get to later.

    IVORY TOWER- I don't really get Ivory Tower, it seems to be some sort of an
    enclosed greenhouse or park. It has elevator type platforms, something that
    was missing from Halo:CE MP maps. It also has powerful air vents that if you
    walk over will send you soaring through the air to the level above. Those
    are an excellent way for avoiding death and turning the tables on your


    SMG- Not as bad as it looks. It will definitely satisfy people who are
    missing the ol' assault rifle because of its large clip size, but that
    little baby packs a punch. Two SMGs can take kill a person in about one or
    two seconds. Watch out for that one.

    SHOTGUN- Back and badder then ever. It has a slightly new look, very sexy if
    you ask me. The reload rate is a little slower, but it makes up for it with
    it's powerful attack.

    SNIPER RIFLE- Guess what it has? RECOIL WOOT WOOT! There is a slight recoil
    when you shoot it, making it difficult to kill people as easily. Finally,
    sniping in that game will take a little more skill then before. The bullet
    trail is still there, and it sports a new, slicker look. It's scope is round
    instead of square, and the rifle itself is more streamlined.

    ROCKET LAUNCHER- Not much to be said here. It's a little bigger then it was
    before, and fires slightly faster. Target tracking isn't as unfair as it
    seemed, it actually adds more balance.

    BATTLE RIFLE- A fun and cool looking weapon. Much deadlier when it is
    scoped. Because it fires bursts unscoped, it can be more difficult to hit
    your target and I prefer the SMG for close quarters stuff.

    NEEDLER- Fast. Deadly. Awesome. This gun will become a favorite very
    quickly. The needles are lightning quick and it fires much faster. SMG and
    Needler duel wielded is really really deadly.

    PLASMA RIFLE- Not much to say, sports a new look and sound and doesn't
    freeze you as much when you are hit with it.

    PLASMA PISTOL- Once again, not much has changed. New look and sound, still
    pretty useless.

    BEAM RIFLE- OMG OMG OMG new weapon! The covenant Beam Rifle is the
    equivalent to the human Sniper Rifle. It has the same scope power, two times
    and ten times scope. The main difference is that like all other Covie
    weapons, it does not have to reload. This allows you to stay scoped as long
    as you want. It has 100 charges and drains 4 charges with each shot, so you
    do the math. However, it does overheat, and will do so after two rapid
    succession shots. If you have patience though, you can keep up a steady
    stream of shots without overheating.

    BRUTE SHOT- Another new weapon, it is the Brute rifle. Not really a rifle
    though, more of a grenade launcher. I didn't use it that much, the only map
    it was on was Mid Ship. That, and it wasn't very good. It fires grenades
    that bounce around, so it is hard to hit your target. Still cool though.

    ENERGY SWORD- Don't mess with the best 'cause the best don't mess. That
    pretty sums up the energy sword. If you see someone coming at you with it,
    back away and empty every clip of every weapon you have into them, because
    it is deadly. Once they get a good lock on you, pressing R will do the lunge
    attack and one hit kill you back to Halo 1. I have lovingly dubbed it the
    "n00b stick" to go along with it's other n00bish partner, the n00b cannon,
    or rocket launcher.

    Differences and new stuff:

    -You can jump higher
    -You seem to throw grenades a little shorter
    -You can see your feet
    -You see your shields spark and crackle when they are taken down, and you
    see a ring similar to the one at the beginning of PoA when they recharge
    -All weapons have more than one melee attack
    -When scoped in with any weapon, it has an ammo count in the scope to tell
    you how much is left.
    -All weapons aside from scoped weapons have binoculars.
    -Hijacking vehicles is hard but awesome. And I mean awesome. It's like.
    knifing some one on Counter Strike.
    -When in the warthog passenger seat, it is a third person view instead of
    FP, making it much easier to aim.
    -The warthog handles better, and the right trigger is a horn and the left is
    a brake. It DOES NOT have a boost.
    -The Ghost is still awesome and has unlimited boost.
    -One strange thing I noticed was that there is no fall damage, but that is
    probably just the beta.
    -The HUD is completely different. The health bar is now vertical, and is
    above your radar in the lower left hand corner. Your right-handed weapon has
    taken the health bars previous spot, and the left-handed weapons info is in
    the upper left hand corner. You also can see what your reserve weapon is. In
    the bottom right hand corner is a score keeper, a red bar and a blue bar
    that show the difference between kills, flag captures, etc. This allows you
    to quickly check the score without having to press back.
    -There is no more health. Once your shields go out, you can take three or
    four more shots, but there is nothing to indicate how much health you have
    -Frag grenades don't look like pineapples anymore.
    -You move slower while carrying the bomb or flag, and must hold x to pick
    them up.
    -Spartans and Elites grunt in pain when they are it with no shields up.
    -Halo 2 will support four people on one Xbox for LIVE play. All at the same
    time. In case you didn't here me, I just said FOUR PEOPLE ON LIVE AT THE
    SAME TIME ON THE SAME BOX! How awesome is that?
    -There is no flashlight it is now a teamspeak button.

    New Gametypes

    SWORDS- Yes, there is a swords only game type. 'Nuff said.

    ASSUALT- This is not like the assault with flags. This one is done with
    bombs. It is a lot like bomb maps on CS. One team is on defense, while the
    other is on offense. Some one on the offensive team must pick up the bomb,
    which is like flag in that you can melee with it but can't carry it and use
    guns at the same time. The offensive team must then escort the bomb bearer
    to the defensive teams base, plant the bomb, and prevent the enemy from
    defusing it. You defuse by simply standing on the bomb. After the round is
    over, the teams switch roles, like one flag CTF. It is really an awesome

    Rumors killed or confirmed-

    -You CANNOT drive any vehicles while carrying the flag or bomb.
    -You CANNOT duel wield plasma swords.
    -The flag and bomb DO slow you down.
    -There IS NO DIFFERENCE aside from appearance between Spartans and elites in
    -There is NO health meter.Maps-

    WATERWORKS- You can all see the waterworks screenshots, and it is really,
    really huge. It has all of the known vehicles; Tanks, 'Hogs, Ghosts, and
    Banshees. This map truly is gigantic, and you need at least 10 people. In
    the middle of the map is a giant crevice that you can fall down (and die)
    and fly banshees down (and live, but nothing is there). The bases have an
    assortment of weapons and a stationary gun turret with a good field of fire.


    COVENANT CARBINE- I never found this before because it is hidden on both
    Midship and Ivory Tower. Why is it hidden? Well, I'll tell you. It is
    probably the best gun in the game. It basically is the equivalent to the
    battle rifle, only better. It always fire single shot, but you can hold down
    the trigger. This way it is like shooting a machine gun with a decent rate
    of fire through a scope. Also, it doesn't overheat, it fire cartridges. That
    little flower thing on top is the clip. It has a 20 shot clip.

    MAGNUM- So there it is. The pistol. I hope all you pistol crazy people are
    happy, it's there. Honestly though, what game doesn't have a pistol? It HAS
    been toned down though. I couldn't tell about the amount of damage it did,
    but it only has a ten shot clip and no scope. It still has the same shape as
    before, but it is completely black.


    SCORPION TANK- There it is, it also is back. It is the exact same thing as
    before, except it's main weapon has a faster rate of fire, and cooler
    explosion effects. It also moves on an independent axis from it's turret.
    Now you can "strafe" so to speak with a tank. Also, it doesn't take any
    vehicle damage. I spent 5 minutes shooting it with every weapon, including
    another tank and it didn't leave a scratch.

    BANSHEE- The Banshee also is the same, except for a few minor performance
    upgrades. It can strafe, that is a big improvement. It also doesn't have a
    fuel rod god, that was replaced with the boost. It CAN be hijacked

    Stuff to note.

    -Vehicles damage is highly case sensitive, and you can't shoot out the tires
    of a warthog
    -The SMG target reticle is the same as the AR from Halo:CE.
    -Elite hands look funny, our clan HAS to be Spartans.
    -The Elite HUD is purple.
    -No melee while duel wielding.

    wat nieuwe leaked screenshots

    Hier post ik Filmpjes:

    Discovery Channel Documentaire
    Filmpje van 5 minuten (wel slechte kwaliteit)
    Halo 2 cam 4:51
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 22 aug 2004
  8. xplayer

    xplayer Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    kun je dit niet beter in de centrale halo 2 topic posten, ipv er weer een aparte thread van te maken?

    /edit: wel goede info
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 aug 2004
  9. Danger

    Danger XBW Groentje

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooi hoor al die informatie bij elkaar. Maar ik kijk een beetje plaatjes, want ik wil nog niet alle details weten ;). Mooi stukje!
  10. Socks

    Socks a.k.a sokken

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hmmz sommige mensen willen dit liever niet allemaal weten, misschien moet je eerst ff zeggen dat dit een spoiler is. de verrassing is er namelijk een beetje uit als je weet welke wapens en voertuigen enz er zijn.

    ikzelf heb er weinig problemen mee
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 aug 2004
  11. xplayer

    xplayer Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    als mensen het nog niet willen weten dan lezen ze het toch gewoon niet 8)
  12. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    hmm, heb je mss wel gelijk in, maar als ze geen info over halo 2 wille dan zouden ze ook nie in deze thread moeten kijke
  13. Stryker

    Stryker *

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die laatste post is ook al een paar keer gepost in de Halo 2 thread. Maar verder wel leuk om te lezen.
  14. Socks

    Socks a.k.a sokken

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ rovak, miss wel waar maareh je kan toch ff je eerst post editen en dan zeggen dat dit een mogelijke spoiler is.

    maar echt goeie info, thx
  15. Ghostkiller14

    Ghostkiller14 Visit->www.xboxen.nl

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Echt cwl!!!
  16. Zephyrus

    Zephyrus ...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    bedankt, ik vind niet dat dit in de centrale halo2 topic moet, dit is gewoon keiharde info die niet in een ongeordende topic thuishoort, hier staatie prima

    heel veel info
  17. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thx alles bijelkaar lekker overzichtelijk dank je wel. _O_
  18. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    geen dank, als ik nog meer info vind dan gooi ik die er gewoon weer bij
  19. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat is handig :) :):):)
  20. Rovak

    Rovak Guest

    Er schijnt ook een survival mode in Halo 2 kome te zitten, ik zal er meer info over zoeken
    Laatst bewerkt door een moderator: 19 aug 2004
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