Xbox 360, PC, PS3.
Playlogic Game Factory
Platform / Action-Adventure
Release datum
23 oktober 2009
[gb] Informatie:[/gb]
Play your favorite fairytale character, regain your lost fame and save the fairytale world from certain doom! Luckily, a vast variety of deadly weapons lie around, which you can use to shoot and carve up evil villains, bloodthirsty rabbits and many more terribly cutesy characters roaming the lands… and this is where the fun begins!
Fight your opponents to the death and fulfill challenging quests while leaving behind a big trail of blood!
With Playlogic's unique “Dynamic Slicing” technology, players have the ability to slice up an enemy in any way they like, using intuitive controls. In addition, the game will use the tested powers of the Unreal 3 engine.
- Hilarious black-humour-slapstick-comedy-gore setting
- Fantastically designed fairytale world with cute popular fairytale characters
- Real time "Dynamic Slicing" - a true cutting-edge technology: slice and dice your enemies any way you like in real time
- Intense hack 'n' slash platform action with many puzzle elements
- "Drop-in / drop-out" co-op play mode: enter and leave the game at any point during play, and help your friend to complete his quest… or make his life miserable by working against him!
- Watch up close your slicing and dicing fury with a realtime picture-in-picture zoom
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Fairytale Fights Revealed
Red Riding Hood is going to tear your ass up.
May 4, 2009 - There is one common thread through childhood for all of us. Everyone one of us heard the familiar fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Those morality tales are a part of the fabric of our society. Playlogic wants to take a big heavy axe to those memories and slice them into bloody bits. Hallelujah! Fairytale Fights takes classic fables and turns them brutal in a hack-and-slash adventure.
We spoke with Martin Janse, Producer at Playlogic, to get the first details on this upcoming slaughter-fest.
IGN: Why make a game featuring characters from fairytales? And why make them excessively brutal?
Martin Janse: Everyone remembers his or her favorite fairytales and fairytale characters. Ever wondered what would have happened to your favorite fairy tale character after the story has ended? What if "and they lived happily after" wasn't always the case? This is great stuff to fantasize about. Fairytales always have the auras of sweetness, but when you look closer they are surprisingly violent in most cases.
So what better backdrop to set a salami slicing carnage fest on than a cutesy Fairytale world!
We believe the colorful and engaging fairytale world combined with our over-the-top comical violence and gore offers players a humorous slapstick experience, unlike anything they may have seen before.
Watch the Fairytale Fights debut trailer.
IGN: What's the plot of Fairytale Fights?
Martin Janse: Fairytale Fights revolves around the world of Fairytales. You can choose from one of four fairytale characters with the intent to regain your lost fame and fortune. Furthermore, the Fairytale world is under threat by some mysterious forces. It's up to you to reclaim your fame and ultimately save the fairytale world.
IGN: What fairytale characters are being included?
Martin Janse: We're planning on launching with four of our favorite fairytale characters. More on them later, however I can tell you that Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White will be playable from outset.
IGN: From what we've seen so far, this seems like a hack-and-slash game -- literally. Is there more to the gameplay than that?
Martin Janse: Yes there is, much, much more!
Fairytale Fights features a wealth of content. Using the Unreal Engine 3 as a core, our internal development team has created many custom-made gameplay features and visual effects in order to create a rich and lively world never seen before, and ultimately, this game will push the Hack 'n Slash platform genre into a new direction. All the fairytale characters will appear small in comparison to the majestic levels you play through. I don't want to reveal too much about the game at this stage, however, I can tell you this -- there are tons of weapons to choose from, and combos to pull off when in combat with enemies or friends.
In addition, for the first time ever, players will be able to slice up their friends and enemies in multiple ways using Playlogic Game Factory's "real-time dynamic slicing" technology. These slices are not predefined like in previous games. The player actually has full control on how, where and how many times he can slice.
After your frenzy, the once beautiful fairytale kingdom will be covered in blood and this is where our other amazing and spectacular in-house developed technology comes in to play. Playlogic Game Factory has developed a "volumetric liquid system" whereby players can slide through puddles of blood and see the red stuff stick and drip from clothing, objects and vegetation.
IGN: What are you doing to make sure that the gameplay doesn't feel too repetitive?
Martin Janse: Fairytale Fights features a wide range of enemies, weapons, puzzles and adventures. At every turn there'll be new challenges. It's these elements that make the fairytale world even more believable and the slapstick violence even bigger. Item collection will cater to some of our hardcore fans and we'll also be implementing new weapons to mix-up the battles. Not to mention additional DLC content.
IGN: How extreme does the violence get?
Martin Janse: It's not Gears of War or Dead Space extreme. It's more slapstick gore where you can see the results of your actions in glorious real-time 3D. That said; enemies will react in a "next-gen-shooter kind of way." After hacking off a leg just below the knee, your foe will be jumping around in agony while he holds his wounded leg. Enemies that have been severed at the waist will use their arms to crawl around.
IGN: Is there such as thing as "too far" with this game and if so, can you tell us anything you decided to take out?
Martin Janse: We're certainly not pushing the limits of violence right to the edge, but at the same time we wanted to create a game that allowed players to pull off some awesome combo moves to exploit the dynamic real time slicing. We needed to find a delicate balance between the violence and the world's setting, but we're certainly happy with the result and we think our fans will be happy with it too.
It's about to get bloody up in here.
IGN: Are you going to be able to upgrade characters/weapons and earn new ways to eviscerate enemies as the game progresses?
Martin Janse: Oh yes certainly. While progressing throughout the game, players will get access to new weapons and items, allowing them to create new combos and find new ways to defeat enemies. We'll have over 100 weapons available in the game for players to experiment with.
IGN: Is there multiplayer, and if so, what does it involve?
Martin Janse: Fairytale Fights is built on multiplayer. We currently support up to four players in multiplayer and we're working on adding more.
Multiplayer is also crucial to certain elements of Fairytale Fights. At the same time you are fighting each other for the best weapon, power-up or collectible, you'll also need to work together to reach platforms you can't reach in single-player for example.
IGN: The original Grimm tales were actually pretty harsh, but they did teach lessons to children. Will Fairytale Fights also have morals for the young'ens?
Martin Janse: No definitely not. Fairytale Fights is a fairytale for grown-ups and although you won't be taking away a life lesson, I assure you, it will be a fun ride.
IGN: Are you worried at all that any fairytale creatures who play this game might be inspired to commit violent acts?
Martin Janse: Fairytale Fights is meant to provide players with an entertaining in-game experience only.
[gb] Preview:[/gb]
Fairytale Fights Preview
Op de redactie heeft elke redacteur zo zijn favoriete genres. De een houdt van bloederige shooters zoals Gears of War, de ander houdt van lieflijke spelletjes á la Pikmin. Wat nu als je de lieflijkheid van één spelletje, kon combineren met de totale chaos en meedogenloosheid van een ander spelletje? Maak kennis met Playlogic's nieuwste project: Fairytale Fights.
Eerlijk is eerlijk, mijn verwachtingen lagen niet erg hoog toen ik naar de stand van Playlogic toeliep voor hun nieuwste game. Ik ging op een stoel zitten en voordat ik het wist maakte mijn vertrouwen een ommekeer van 180 graden. Fairytale Fights kan namelijk wel eens Playlogic's doorbraak worden.
De presentatie begon met de introductie van een leuk, lieflijk meisje. Ze bleek een schattige vertolking van roodkapje te zijn. Ze huppelde rond in een magisch bos terwijl er konijntjes rondsprongen en op de achtergrond enorme reuzen wandelden. Het leek alsof ik naar het nieuwste project van Rare zat te kijken, de wereld was enorm kleurrijk en zat boordevol kleine details. Opeens werd het kleine weerloze meisje aangevallen door twee bandieten. Roodkapje greep naar haar mes en sneed de bandieten in talloze kleine stukjes. Voordat ik het wist stond roodkapje op het hoofd te springen van een van de dode bandieten en surfte ze letterlijk door de grote plas bloed op de grond. What the hell?
Zonder te overdrijven is Fairytale Fights de bloederigste game die ik op de beurs heb gezien. Door middel van het 'real time dynamic slicing'-systeem kun je met de rechter analoge knuppel je vijanden precies zo aan stukken snijden zoals jij dat wil. Dit wordt weergegeven in een apart kader aan de zijkant, zodat je extra goed kunt zien hoe je het lichaam van je slachtoffer verminkt. Het bloed dat vloeit kent is ook geheel dynamisch. In principe zou je de gehele ondergrond rood kunnen verven met het spoor dat je achterlaat wanneer je door een plas bloed bent gelopen. Nog toffer vind ik echter de mogelijkheid om als een surfer door de plas van rood lichaamssap te glijden. Functioneel? Nee, maar het ziet er wel verdomd grappig uit!
Wij zagen één level met roodkapje, maar ons is verteld dat ook andere sprookjesfiguren hun opkomst zullen maken. De werelden waarin je met deze personages zult rondlopen zijn grotendeels opgebouwd uit boeken, zoals je wanneer je goed kijkt in het artwork hieronder kunt zien. Ook deze designkeuze komt natuurlijk voort uit het sprookjesthema van Fairytale Fights. Het is helaas nog niet precies duidelijk wat voor gameplay Fairytale Fights zal bevatten. We weten op dit moment alleen dat er veel gehakt zal worden en dat je af en toe het nodige puzzelwerk moet verrichten. Ook zal er een coöpmodus komen voor twee spelers, maar hier hebben wij helaas geen details over ontvangen.
Wij zijn echt reuze benieuwd naar Fairytale Fights. Playlogic heeft in het verleden nog weinig indrukwekkende titels uit weten te geven, hopelijk wordt Fairytale Fights daar een uitzondering op. Het contrast tussen schattigheid en de overdreven bloederigheid lijkt goed uitgewerkt en Playlogic heeft natuurlijk genoeg sprookjesmateriaal voor handen om toffe werelden te creëren.
Het enige wat Fairytale Fights tegenzit is zijn releasedatum. Men mikt op een release in het derde kwartaal van 2009, maar ze willen niet dat de game overhaast wordt. Het zou zomaar kunnen dat Fairytale Fights uitgesteld wordt naar het vierde kwartaal. In dat geval valt Fairytale Fights tussen alle najaarstoppers, het lijkt me in dat geval stug dat de game dat zal overleven. |
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Awesome!  Humor + schattigheid + geweld = win
Hollandsche trots.
Tenminste, daar hoop ik dan op. Dat we na Killzone en Overlrod nog een NL product hebben waar we trots op kunnen zijn.