[XOne] Need for speed: Hot Pursuit

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Flavourlicious, 15 jun 2010.

  1. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:

    [gb]Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit[/gb]

    Ontwikkelaar: Criterion Games
    Uitgever: Electronic Arts
    Genre: Racing
    Platform(s): Xbox 360 & PS3
    Spelers: -
    Opties: Politie's
    Releasedatum: 16 November 2010
    Officiële Website: Klik!
    XBW Gamepage: Flap!


    Snell auto's, chille omgevingen en te gekke politie achtervolgingen! Voor iedereen die de vorige delen gespeeld heeft vroeger is er geen behoefte aan een langere introductie. Voor iedereen die dit niet heeft gespeeld vroeger: Schaam je!
















    Interview met Alex Fry en Richard Parr over de nieuwe engine:

    The circle is now complete. Just over a year ago, Digital Foundry kicked off its extensive range of tech interviews with the leading lights in game development by talking to Criterion technical director Richard Parr and senior engineer Alex Fry. Last week, we visited the Guildford-based developer to take a look at the new Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit and took the opportunity to meet up with Parr and Fry once more to discuss the latest technological innovations for their new game.

    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit represents a big departure for Criterion. This is no mere re-skin of Burnout Paradise - the development team has created a brand new engine for the game, with a different driving experience and a new graphical look far removed from their previous title. It's Need for Speed, but more than that, it's classic Need for Speed, brought up to date for the high-definition era with state-of-the-art rendering and physics.

    We'll be talking in more depth about the game soon, and revealing some surprise information on the creation process, but in the mean time, it's transcript publication time: Fry, Parr and Leadbetter in the Criterion war room. This is what happened...

    Digital Foundry: So, you wrote a brand new engine for Burnout Paradise and now it appears you've done it again for Need for Speed. Was there not a temptation to build upon what you created for Paradise rather than re-build from scratch?

    Alex Fry: Yeah. We learned a hell of a lot in Paradise. One of the things you learn when you do a game... from your post mortem, you put together a lot of your experiences: what went well and what didn't go so well and what can you do better. Sometimes what you can do better means you need to make some big changes.

    The biggest change we did was to the threading model for this game, so it's all new. We went from dual threaded which is what Paradise used. We had update and render threads. We dropped it and went back to one thread. The reasons for that were... well, there were several reasons.

    Firstly we wanted to do a 30Hz game that looked stunning and we wanted fast controller latency. With an extra render thread at 30Hz you have serious latency issues so we went single-threaded. So 30Hz... it'll be really interesting to see what your latency measurements come out as. We think latency is pretty good.

    Digital Foundry: It feels good. But obviously when you're playing the game you've got the display lag to factor in and all that sort of palaver. Thus far, from the games we've tested in our features, the record is 100ms for a 30Hz game.

    Alex Fry: We think we might be 83ms... or 100ms.

    Digital Foundry: Fantastic. WipEout at 60Hz is 83ms based on our tests...

    Alex Fry: If we're more than 100ms I'll be very disappointed.

    Digital Foundry: When you're using the latency board and you're counting the frames between LED and action on-screen, there is a bit of a grey area depending on what point during the 16ms window the LED is activated as the frame is recorded...

    Alex Fry: Also, I'm pretty sure the consoles don't reflect the controller state to the game instantly. There's some kind of background processing in the console that gives you the information so it wants a 60Hz frame or it wants a 30Hz frame. I don't think it's instant.

    Digital Foundry: And from what I understand, latency from the Xbox 360 controller itself is at 8ms.

    Alex Fry: Wireless or wired?

    Digital Foundry: Wireless, I gather.

    Alex Fry: We've tried to get overall lag as low as possible. That's one of the reasons for doing the single thread. We played a few games that were 30Hz and they did appear to be dual threaded and they did seem to have a lot of lag. It wasn't a particularly good experience to play. The designers can't have had a particularly good time working with that and making it feel good. We also tried running Need for Speed dual-threaded at 30Hz in the early days, and it was too laggy for us.

    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit's E3 trailer.Digital Foundry: So, define what you mean by single thread and dual thread. These consoles have a big array of processors on hand, so aren't all games multi-threaded almost by default?

    Alex Fry: You have to use parallelism - you don't have to use threads. A classic way to speed up a game is to run a separate render thread. Your game simulation, your update physics, AI and all of that run on their own thread while your rendering is running decoupled from that in parallel, typically around a frame behind. Sometimes, decoupled it can render at an arbitrary rate and update at an arbitrary rate. In Paradise we decoupled it by a frame, so we always ran a frame behind the update but running in parallel with the next one.

    Digital Foundry: I'm sure it's less of an issue when you're running at 60Hz.

    Alex Fry: It is. Latency is less of an issue and it helps you to squeeze some more out of some pretty tight constraints at 60. With single-threaded we do sequential updates then a render and that's all within the one thread. One of the benefits of that is latency. That's a big deal. Another one is memory. You get an awful lot of memory back because you don't have to buffer.

    When you buffer between threads you need to keep copies of some game state and data to allow it to safely execute in parallel. It adds a lot of overhead. You need to funnel stuff around and if you don't funnel it around you need to have lots of synchronisation. I think between Paradise and this game we must have saved in the order of 20 megabytes of memory. That's an awful lot just by removing that thread and all the buffering that went along with it. Part of our new architecture is about how all of our game modules talk to each other. Basing it on the knowledge we learned, we took the ideas of Paradise and implemented them differently: that’s the new engine.

    Richard Parr: There was a lot of copy and paste from Paradise code where that code was good enough. Whether it's a new engine or not, it's at least a version 2.0 of the Paradise engine, not a 1.1.

    Digital Foundry: It almost sounds like a different engine for a different purpose.

    Alex Fry: That's one way of looking at it.

    Richard Parr: The graphics side of things certainly is new.

    Alex Fry: Put it this way. It's a new architecture but we harvested the best code from Paradise back into the new architecture where it made sense. A good example of this is Black. We harvested a lot of the rendering and physics code from Burnout 3 into Black. It was a completely new architecture, a completely new engine but we re-used a lot of the low-level building blocks to help us make Black. That's still true here. We didn't re-write every line of code. That would be insane.

    Every company takes its good stuff and re-uses it. We didn't take our whole architecture, our whole engine. We did take large subsets of the code and reformulated it into the new architecture. We've always done that. We've taken it all apart completely and put it back together again in a different structure then replaced some bits, written some new bits and re-used some of the good bits but in terms of the architecture, the engine, it's an all-new structure.

    This is the biggest open-world of any Need for Speed title. From coastline highways to winding mountain passes, you’ll have plenty of road to explore.

    Seacrest County:


    With its vast open-world, Seacrest County is the perfect place to get your fix for high-speed racing (or chasing) action. There are several diverse locales throughout – coast, desert, forest, and mountain – with unique features to provide each side of the law with certain benefits and challenges. One strong suggestion we’d make is to drive around the county a few times on your own before taking part in any pursuits. Get familiar with the beautiful scenery and its many hidden shortcuts.



    With sun-soaked beaches, blue water, and picturesque ocean scenery in the background, try to keep your focus on the road ahead, or else you’ll find yourself in the crosshairs of the boys (and girls) in blue very quickly.



    Even though you’re surrounded by miles and miles of sand and dust, Seacrest County’s Finest know exactly where to hide so they can spring out and catch you with very little effort.



    Majestic trees, wildlife, log cabins, and all the comforts of rural living in Seacrest County were spoiled when the racers came to town, blasting through the formerly-quiet streets with their V8-10-12 sports cars.



    Snow-capped mountains and winding roads mean you’d better be careful with your car, or you’ll end up careening into (if you’re lucky) a guardrail.​


    Laten we dat hopen! :thumbs:

    Laatst bewerkt: 10 nov 2010
  2. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oke, shit. Ik klik op enter terwijl ik de titel aan het typen was. Als een Mod het kan aanpassen ben ik hem oneindig dankbaar. :p
  3. WOUW5

    WOUW5 Cpt. Censorshades!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hot Pursuit 2 heb ik zoveel gespeeld! Een van de weinige racegames die ik heel erg tof vond. Nog nauwelijks is er iets bekend en ik kijk er echt al een beetje naar uit1:D
  4. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou dan toch EINDELIJK terug naar de roots.. heeft lang geduurd maar met criterion achter het stuur komt het wel goed.. mooi screens ook.
  5. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zag hem gisteren voorbij komen in de E3 presentaties, eindelijk een NFS zoals NFS was en moet zijn. Ik ben er wel blij mee. Alleen weer een game die ik moet hebben :) november wordt gekkenhuis!
  6. Martijnn

    Martijnn Disco disco, good good!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb er maar weinig vertrouwen in, keer op keer weten NFS games me teleur te stellen. Ze beloven hele tijd wat, ze zetten er andere studios op, ze gooien het concept om, maar dan nog wordt het vaak niks.

    Ik houd zelf al helemaal niet van het idee dat de politie met de duurste auto´s je gaan volgen en op je in gaan beuken. Maak dan een realistische achtervolging zoals je in het echt ziet. Dan ga ik misschien wel nadenken over deze game maar anders niet.
  7. Frangster

    Frangster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze keer 1 groot voordeel: Criterion = win!
  8. haenkie

    haenkie Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Most wanted was wel erg goed. Enige spel die ik helemaal gedaan heb.

    Als het maar niet alleen maar politie achtervolgingen wordt. Het was wel een van de spannendste en leukste onderdelen, maar alleen maar dat is te weinig om een hele game mee te vullen. De bekende overkill.
  9. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    fixed ;)

    vond de game er mooooi uitzien, maar de gameplay wel heel erg outdated....
  10. Daz


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ein-de-lijk! _O_
  11. AntraXxX

    AntraXxX Bruce Springsteen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fucking bruut _O_. OLDSKOOL _O_
  12. CRonaldo7

    CRonaldo7 Feyenoord Rotterdam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hahah ik heb deze nog jaaaaaaaaaren geleden op de pc gespeeld xD old skool ftw
  13. koennn

    koennn Science Fiction Fan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Holy shit dit maakt mijn avond weer goed (hij was al goed maar toch:+). Hot pursuit 1 & 2, dat waren de tijden:cool:
  14. Coentjuh

    Coentjuh Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die politie auto op de eerste screenshot ziet er wel errugg bruut uit:eek:
  15. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
  16. WOUW5

    WOUW5 Cpt. Censorshades!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    OMG wat een briljante reclame!_O_
  17. Furies

    Furies XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Super bruut! Heerlijk oude tijden herleven. :cool:
  18. Ic3DFire

    Ic3DFire Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar toch was het eerste deel van HP (en alle NFS delen daarvoor) het beste ooit :+.

    Ik heb wel weer zin in een goede NFS met exotische auto's :)

    De reclame ownt wel :9
  19. OscarJ

    OscarJ Hip-Hop.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha, toen ik de titel las dacht ik; ''WTF, dat spel is toch al jaren oud?'' Blijkbaar gaat EA dus een remake maken. Ben benieuwd
  20. Flavourlicious

    Flavourlicious Game Developer Moderator Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Yet again, _O_


    Ziet er goed uit!

    Youtube versie want GT kan sloom zijn (vanaf ongeveer minuut 2):

    Laatst bewerkt: 15 jun 2010

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