[XOne] Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Lijpe Mocro, 7 nov 2012.

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  1. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    | Xbox 360 | PS3 | PC | WiiU |
    Release datum
    13 November 2012 ​


    Call of Duty: Black Ops II is een first-person shooter die twee met elkaar verbonden verhalen vertelt. Het ene verhaal speelt zich af in de jaren ’70 en ’80 en draait om Alex Mason, de hoofdrolspeler uit de eerste Black Ops-game. Mason vecht tegen Raul Menendez, een terrorist die zijn eigen populistische beweging leidt.

    Het tweede verhaal draait om Alex’ zoon, David Mason, en speelt zich af in 2025. Ook David strijdt tegen Menendez, die in 2025 de grootmachten China en Amerika tegen elkaar wil opzetten en een grootschalige oorlog wil ontketenen. De verhalen brengen spelers naar diverse locaties over de hele wereld, zoals Singapore, Yemen, Los Angeles, Angola en Afghanistan.

    Voor het eerst in een Call of Duty-games heeft de singleplayermodus van Black Ops II ook Stike Force-missies waarin de prestaties van de speler van invloed zijn op het verloop van het verhaal. Wanneer iemand bijvoorbeeld sterft in zo’n level, komt die persoon niet later in de game nog terug. Als de speler een missie niet succesvol weet te volbrengen, kan de speler niet terug naar een eerdere savegame, maar wordt het verhaal veranderd.

    Spelers kiezen zelf hoe ze een Strike Force-missie aanpakken. Deze missies zijn open van opzet en hebben meerdere doelen die behaald moeten worden; in welke volgorde de speler dat doet, bepaalt hij zelf. In de Strike Force-missies is de speler niet aan één soldaat gebonden; hij kan zelf kiezen met welke soldaat hij speelt en kan ten alle tijden wisselen. Ook is er apparatuur in het level dat bestuurt kan worden, zoals een Overwatch-vliegtuigje van waaruit de speler de situatie van bovenaf kan bekijken en het team soldaten opdrachten kan geven.

    De populaire multiplayermodus keert in deze Black Ops 2-game ook weer terug. De modus kent nieuwe maps, nieuwe (futuristische) wapens en is op diverse punten verbeterd. De belangrijkste verandering is dat de multiplayermodus spelers meer beloont voor ondersteunende acties zoals het pakken van een vlag en het verdedigen van teamgenoten met turrets. Deze prestaties tellen mee voor het behalen van zogenaamde score streak rewards, waarmee spelers de hulp kunnen inroepen van diverse gadgets, zoals het rijdende ARG-tankje.

    Tot slot heeft Black Ops II een Zombies-modus. Met maximaal acht personen tegelijk moeten spelers in deze modus samenwerken om een bijna onaflatende stroom aan zombies de baas te blijven.



    Assault Rifles

    Type 25


    R-870 MCS

    Sub-machine guns

    VECTOR K10

    Light machine guns

    MK 48

    Sniper Rifles

    DSR 50


    FHJ-18 AA




    The ACOG (Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight) provides enhanced zoom at the cost of a slightly slower ADS time.
    Allows you to move faster while aiming your weapon.
    Reduces your weapons idle sway when aiming.
    Night vision scope with interlaced thermal overlay.
    Works like AKIMBO from the Modern Warfare series. DUAL WIELD allows you to equip 2 pistols, one in each hand, but you lose the ability to aim down the sight.
    Increases the ammo available to your magazine by 50%.
    Decreases the time it takes for you to reload your weapon. Every other reload is faster than normal, since 2 magazines are taped together.
    The FMJ (Full Metal Jacket) allows your weapons bullets to penetrate thicker surfaces.
    Reduces your weapons recoil.
    Allows you to shoot grenades. It's a useful tool for clearing rooms or objectives.
    Allows you to toggle between a Red Dot and an ACOG-equivalent scope.
    Removes the scope of your Sniper Rifle and replace it with an Iron Sight.
    Works like the Steady Aim perk by increasing your hip fire accuracy; it also makes you more visible to other players due to the laser.
    Increases your weapons range.
    When aiming down the sight, the MILLIMETER SCANNER scans heat signatures every few seconds and allows you to see enemies through materials up to 25 meters.
    Increases your aiming speed.
    Increases your weapons rate of fire by 20%.
    Replaces your weapons iron sight with a precision Red Dot Sight.
    Allows you to switch to burst or automatic fire at anytime.
    Makes your weapon quieter and reduces muzzle flash. It also prevents you from showing up on the enemy radar every time you shoot.
    Carry a tactical knife in your off hand for faster melee attacks.
    Identifies enemies and highlights them in red.
    Sniper Rifle scope that has multiple levels of zoom.


    The Black Ops 2 Create-A-Class has been completely revamped and updated. The multiplayer Create-A-Class features a new 10 point system, also referred to as "Pick 10", which gives you 10 allocation points to use on weapons, equipment and perks.

    Each weapon, weapon attachment, perk, and equipment uses 1 allocation point, but you can only spend 10 allocation points per class - you, of course, get to choose what you take on the battlefield. If you don't use perks, that saves you 3 points, which can then be used to equip more weapon attachments or grenades. You could also carry only a secondary weapon with 2 attachments, have 4 perks, and one grenade.

    The choice is yours.

    -Create-A-Class unlocks at level 4
    -New ‘Pick 10′ system. You have 10 allocation points to use on whatever you want.
    -Every thing (weapon, perk, attachments, etc) cost 1 out of 10 available points
    -You don’t have to pick a secondary weapon if you don’t want to. Pick anything you want using ‘wildcards’.
    -Every time you level up you get one unlock token. You can use this token to unlock something to use in CaC. You get to choose between things suited for your level, then as you level up more options are there to ‘unlock’ with a token.
    -You cannot unlock everything in one prestige. You have to prestige to get everything. This allows a reason to prestige.
    -You can hold on to unlock tokens as long as you want too – note: unlock tokens are not the same thing as MW3′s prestige tokens.
    -Highest Level per prestige: 55, which means you have 55 unlock tokens by then. There are more than 100 things to unlock so you cannot unlock everything in one prestige.
    -Right before prestiging, you can choose ONE thing to carry over.
    -You unlock attachment for weapons by leveling up the guns. You earn gun XP largely though kills. Possibly assists. Maybe something extra for headshots.
    -Weapons: “if you prestige and unlock a gun, you pick up right where you left off“ - you can now PRESTIGE weapons two times
    10 Prestige Emblems- We saw all 10 Prestige emblems, and they are by far the best prestige emblems in Call of Duty. The best way to describe the tenth emblem is a half skull/half zombie head. All emblems are unique and incredibly more detailed than past CoD prestige emblems.
    Challenges- Don’t reset after you prestige.
    Keep Prestiging- The prestige and rank system has been designed so that every player will keep prestiging. Treyarch is giving you more incentive to keep prestiging by limiting the amount of stuff you lose.
    Prestige Tokens- Are returning, except this time you get to keep your gun progress (attachments) with which ever gun you chose to permanently unlock.
    In Addition to 1 unlock token, you get to pick 1 option below:
    Extra Create-a-class Slot- Just like before, only 5 extra slots for a total of 10.
    Reset- Returning from MW3, complete reset if you choose to.
    Refund- A new feature in BO2, allows you to undo a previous unlock token and spend it somewhere else.


    More Layers- 35 total layers to be exact. Some of the emblems Treyarch made blew our minds.
    RGB Color- Not only do you have the original standard colors to choose from, you can now use custom colors from the RGB scale if your want to be picky about which colors you’re using.
    Transparency- Make the background of your emblem transparent. Which means a carefully placed emblem over a player card could make for some interesting combinations. Treyarch put this to good use when designing the player cards for BO2 (which look amazing and more detailed by the way)


    Aftermath- takes place in Los Angeles
    Yemen- takes place in an island in Yemen
    Nuketown 2025- Now re-imagined in a 60′s depiction of the “Model Home of the Future”, Nuketown 2025 is set to take that familiar close-quarters chaos into the future. (Only preorders get this map).
    Turbine- Map shown in MP Reveal trailer.
    Promenad- Floating resort in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Tight corners and angles throughout.
    Drone- Hidden drone facility in the heart of the Mynamar jungles. Great long engagements down the center, fun close quarter fights through the facility.”
    Cargo- takes place in Singapore. Has moving boxes that change map layout at times.
    Express- Los Angeles Bullet Train Station. Good up and down engagements on bullet train tracks. A train will speed along the tracks every a couple minutes or so. If you’re in it’s path then consider yourself dead.
    Hijacked- Luxurious Super Yacht. Frantic, yet controlled close quarter engagements.
    Overflow- Peshawar, Pakistan. Great urban engagements in the flooded streets.
    Carrier- Chinese Supercarrier. Open engagements on the deck, with great close quarter fights through the hull.”
    Meltdown- Pakistan nuclear power plant. Battle for control of the nuclear cooling tower and the surrounding facilities.
    Raid- Fight through this hillside mansion, in the Hollywood Hills. Hectic close quarters engagements.


    RCXD 325 Points - The RCXD is a small remote-controlled car that can be detonated by the player. The resulting explosion can be pretty powerful.


    UAV 375 Points - The UAV is a killstreak that plots the position of enemy players on your minimap.


    Hunter Killer 400 Points - The Hunter Killer is a new one. It's basically an unmanned airborne drone that seeks out an enemy player and attempts to kill/him. Think of it as an AI-controlled Predator Missile.


    Care Package 450 Points - The Care Package is returning. These are air-dropped packages that contain a random killstreak (and sometimes, ammo).


    Counter UAV 475 Points - The Counter UAV will disable the enemy team's minimap / radar for a set amount of time. Often used to counteract enemy UAVs.


    Guardian 500 Points - The Guardian Turret can be placed down on the ground and pointed towards enemy players. This turret will project microwaves at anyone in front of it, blinding them and impairing their movement. This was seen in the multiplayer reveal trailer.


    Hellstorm Missile 525 Points - The Hellstorm Missile is basically an air-to-surface cluster bomb that is dropped onto a general location. The missile will fall from the sky and then break apart into multiple cluster bombs, which then blanket the area in question with a lot of explosive power.


    Lightning Strike 550 Points - The Lightning Strike is kind of like a futuristic version of the Mortar team found in the previous Black Ops game. This killstreak allows you to pinpoint three locations on the map and have them bombed.


    Death Machine 600 - PointsThe Death Machine (nice name, eh?) is a large mini-gun similar to the one that featured in the previous Treyarch game. Can be pretty powerful; but you use it at the expense of your movement speed.


    Sentry Gun 650 Points - This has appeared in previous Call of Duty games. This is an AI-operated turret that automatically fires upon enemy players. The Sentry Gun will point in one direction and scan the scene for enemies. Can be destroyed pretty instantly if it's knifed, which means that you have to be careful about where you place it.


    War Machine 700 Points - The War Machine isn't just a grenade launcher. It's a SEMI AUTOMATIC grenade launcher that will help you relive the good old days of Ground War on MW2.


    Dragonfire 725 Points - The Dragonfire is a player-controlled killstreak that hovers in the air. An SMG/AR is attached to the bottom of it, which allows the player to fire upon enemy players. Kind of surprised to see this as a 725 scorestreak because it looks incredibly easy to take down.


    AGR 800 Points - The AGR is a bi-pedal robot that has guns / cannons attached to it. This thing will rip through other players like a hot knife through butter. This particular one is air-dropped to your location, so keep that in mind if you decide to select it. Although this can be remote controlled, there have been a number of people saying that it can also work on its own AI and search the map for enemies.


    Stealth Chopper 850 Points - This is basically an attack chopper that does not show up on the enemy's radar. This will automatically roam a section of the map and shoot at other players.


    Orbital VSAT 900 Points - The Orbital VSAT in Black Ops 2 works much like the Blackbird did. This will show the position of enemies on the map and it will also show you what direction they are headed in. Note that this cannot be shot down.


    Escort Drone 1000 Points - The Escort Drone is kind of like the AH-6 Overwatch. This is an AI-controlled drone that follows you around the map while trying to protect you.


    Warthog 1025 Points - The Warthog killstreak is a hovering jet aircraft that makes several swoops across the map while taking shots at enemy players.


    EMP Systems 1050 Points - An EMP doesn't hurt enemy players. Instead, it takes down all enemy killstreaks and equipment. It also disables the other team's minimap / radar. It's worth noting that an EMP will only work for a set amount of time, after which, the game will return to normal.


    Lodestar 1150 Points - The Lodestar can be compared to the Reaper. This allows you to guide surface to air missiles with a laser pointer.


    VTOL Warship 1200 Points - Haven't heard of much information about the VTOL Warship, only that you get to pilot a large warship (duh!!) and shoot the crap out of everybody. Maybe it's just a futuristic version of the Chopper Gunner?


    Canine Unit 1275 Points - The Canine / K9 Unit is a pack of vicious dogs that will run around the map for about a minute or so and hunt down enemy players. These can rack you up a lot of kills in quick succession. This has been a top-level killstreak in the last two Treyarch games.


    Swarm 1400 Points - We got to see the Swarm in action in the multiplayer reveal trailer. Basically, the Swarm is a bunch of Hunter Killer drones that will circle around in the sky and automatically attack enemy players on sight. My guess is that this is going to be extremely powerful (think of multiple Predator Missiles falling from the sky).[/SPOILER]



    Perk 1

    Flak Jacket — Take less explosive damage.
    Ghost — Cannot be detected by enemy UAVs while moving.
    Blind Eye — Unaffected by AI-controlled perks.
    Hardline — Receive bonus score points.
    Lightweight — Move faster, take no damage from falling.

    Perk 2

    Hard-wired — Immune to counter-UAV and enemy EMPs.
    Scavenger — Replenish ammo and grenades from fallen enemies.
    Cold-blooded — Resistance to targeting systems including Dual Band, Target Finder, Sensor Grenades and player-controlled aircraft.
    Toughness — Flinch less when shot.
    Fast Hands — Swap grenades faster, use grenades and equipment faster, and safely throw back frag grenades.

    Perk Tier 3

    Engineer — Show enemy equipment in the world, delay explosives and re-roll and booby trap care packages.
    Dead Silence — Move silently.
    Extreme Conditioning — Sprint for a longer duration.
    Tactical Mask — Reduce the effect of flash, concussion and shock charges.
    Awareness — Enemy movements are easier to hear.
    Dexterity — Climb ladders and mantle over objects faster, recover from melee faster and aim faster after sprinting.


    You can also optionally choose up to 3 Wildcards for your class, which in turn give various options to customize your class even further. For example, by default your primary weapon can be equipped with 2 attachments, but with the Primary Gunfighter Wildcard the weapon can be equipped with 3 attachments.

    Each Wildcard uses 1 allocation point.

    Primary Gunfighter — Allows a 3rd attachment for the primary weapon.
    Secondary Gunfighter — Allows a 2nd attachment for the secondary weapon.
    Overkill — Take a primary weapon as your secondary weapon.
    Danger Close — Take a second Lethal.
    Perk 1 Greed — Take a second Perk 1.
    Perk 2 Greed — Take a second Perk 2.
    Perk 3 Greed — Take a second Perk 3.
    Tactician — Take a Tactical grenade in place of your lethal Grenade.


    Lethal Grenades

    Grenade — Produces lethal radius damage upon detonation.
    Semtex — Grenade that sticks to surfaces before detonating.
    Combat Axe — Retrievable axe that causes instant death upon impact.
    Claymore — Directional antipersonnel mine that triggers a proximity-based explosion.
    C4 — Plastic explosive device that can be set and triggered remotely.
    Bouncing Betty — Proximity mine that launches into the air before detonating. Can be avoided by crouching or going prone.

    Tactical Grenades

    Sensor Grenade
    Shock Charge — A deployable charge which stuns enemies that enter its proximity.
    EMP Grenade
    Tactical Insertion
    Smoke Grenade
    Black Hat PDA — Hack equipment and care packages, or disable enemy vehicles.
    One additional point can be spent on any tactical grenade to bring two of the same type into battle when you spawn.


    The CODcast feature is a special spectator mode that allows the player to take on the role of a game commentator. Using the CODcast interface, the CODcaster has the ability to see all of the action in the game by switching between many different views, including a picture-in-picture mode that allows the player to toggle between the game camera and map top-down view. This is the same kind of functionality used by professional commentators on pro gaming circuits, and is now made available to Call of Duty® fans everywhere.


    -No longer level gate playlists. Play whatever you want at level 1.
    -Final Killcam shows the last shot from a member of the winning team
    -You cannot knife turrets in Black Ops 2 MP
    -You cannot shoot down an ORBTAL VSAT. Only EMP/Counter UAV will take effect VSAT.
    -Everything is unlocked in Private Matches
    -Aggressive style actions (ex: Capturing a Flag in CTF) gets you more score points than a kill in CTF game mode. Same for other objective based modes.
    -If you remove all 10 points, you always get a Combat Knife
    -Emblem Editor: MORE layers, more control over colors. More info coming at end of September
    -”Revenge Voice”-hearing the player you just killed. It is ON in Public Games. Option to on/off in Custom Games
    -Scoreboard shows Captures, Defends, etc.
    -Wager Matches returning in Black Ops II MP as ‘Party Games’
    -Private Matches: you can now add AI bots
    -’Mute all but Party’ option available
    -NO death streaks.
    -Trophy System is returning as a Tactical equipment
    -Emblem Editor IS returning!
    -Split Screen is returning in MP, but for only SOME playlists, NOT all.
    -LIVE STREAMING ability directly from console integrated
    -Same detailed scoreboards (including captures, plants, etc) are returning
    -No more perks that modify guns
    -New ‘League Play’ matchmaking for E-Sports
    -Vahn has confirmed fading objective/bomb makers
    -Rockets that lock onto the Dragonfire
    -2 attachments for secondary weapons
    -You can plant the riot shield to the ground and shoot through it
    -3 attachments for primary
    -6 perks can be used at a time
    -Change zoom level
    -New Equipment ‘Shock Charge’
    -C4 is [of course] returning
    -Tomahawk is back
    -See through smoke with certain attachments
    -Tactical Insertions are returning
    -’Multi-team TDM’ was mentioned
    -New HUD
    -Dolphin Dive is returning
    -Sights to see through barriers
    -Max level is 55, 10 prestiges, last one is called Prestige Master
    -15th prestige logo from Black Ops 1 appeared
    -It appears that custom emblems are returning
    -Accolades are returning, shown was: ‘Flyswatter’, ‘Revenge’, ‘Bloodthirsty’.
    -Bottom left corner shows how many points needed to win the game
    -eSports sections appears, ‘spectator-only’ mode also shown. Looks to be dramatically updated to allow better viewing angles.
    -Scopes are more ‘boxed’ in shape.






    Laatst bewerkt: 8 nov 2012
  2. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik voeg later wat meer dingen toe
  3. Coentjuh

    Coentjuh Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deel 1 heeft nog geen 1000 posts :p
  4. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    had niks te doen dus dacht doe het nu maar :p
  5. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moet je het wel goed doen he, ik mis de groene randen :+
  6. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoor ze praten dan :p

    Ik maak het later af
  7. Looney

    Looney Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoor ze niet praten, zie enkel geplaatste berichtjes hier :D
  8. capullo

    capullo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is het al bekend, dat je net als Black ops 1 zelfgemaakte art op je wapen kan maken?
  9. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  10. LuckyLuciano

    LuckyLuciano PS5: LuckyLuciano__NL | Xbox: LuckyLuciano NL

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Shit joh, gisteren die pre-order geplaatst, maandag nacht in de kou staan wachten. Laat het maar gauw maandag worden!
  11. capullo

    capullo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, wat?
  12. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja dat is bekend
  13. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja meneer
  14. BigSyke

    BigSyke Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Echt droog
  15. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Had de achievment nog niet gezien :). Maar die zien er leuk uit. Zie ik nou MP achievments? Das wel matig!
  16. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Met TL moet dat toch wel lukken? :+
  17. sssilly

    sssilly Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @ Ralluff: Ja die pre-order geld ook bij game-mania met inlevering van 3 spellen
  18. Ralluff

    Ralluff Vedette

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thanks! :)

    Straks maar even kijken wat ik ga inleveren.
  19. Oujdi

    Oujdi Achievement unlocked

    Leuk Bevonden:
    NUKETOWN 2025

  20. sssilly

    sssilly Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    spellen moeten wel samen een waarde van 40 euro hebben, waardes kun je op hun site zien!
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