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[Multi] Destiny 2

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Hybrid, 27 mrt 2017.


Welke class ga jij als eerst aanmaken?

  1. Hunter

  2. Titan

  3. Warlock

  1. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik lees dit... new raid content.
    Toevoeging op huidige raid?
    Of nieuwe raid?

    Curse of Osiris adds a new chapter to the world of Destiny 2, expanding the universe by adding an all-new cinematic story with new and returning characters, a new destination to explore, Mercury and its Infinite Forest, a new social space to visit called the Lighthouse, new missions, new strikes, new raid content , new free roam activities. a world quest to complete, and more.


    Hmm... Titan armor lijkt verdacht veel op vex armor.
  2. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  3. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  4. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die emote ... die gaat smerig misbruikt worden ...

    Dat plaatje wat ik boven jou (@Hybrid) gepost hebt ... dat wapen wat de Warlock vast heeft lijkt verdomt veel op de Praedyth's Timepiece :eek:
  5. bulletproof010

    bulletproof010 Hey! Listen!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    THIS WEEK AT BUNGIE – 11/02/2017
    9h - Cozmo
    This week at Bungie, we announced “Curse of Osiris.”
    Our 2017 World Tour isn’t over yet. At Paris Games Week, we announced your next adventure in Destiny 2. If you missed the trailer, check out the mysteries that await.
    We know you have a lot of questions about what you saw. Osiris has that effect on even his most devout Followers. We have answers coming soon.
    As promised at TwitchCon, there will be three Bungie livestreams in November. We’ll use them to unpack more of what you’ll find in Expansion One.
    Curse of Osiris – Stream One – New Stories to Tell
    11AM Pacific, Wednesday, November 15
    Learn about the places you’ll go, the characters you’ll meet, and the enemies you'll fight.
    Curse of Osiris – Stream Two – New Ways to Play
    11AM Pacific, Tuesday, November 21
    Watch us preview some of the new activities that will challenge you and your Fireteam.
    Curse of Osiris – Stream Three – New Gear to Earn
    11AM Pacific, Wednesday, November 29
    Inspect the new inventories and see it all in action on a brand new Crucible map.
    Many members of the Bungie development team will be in the hot seats to tell you all about what they’ve been working on. We hope you’ll join us to be a part of the moment and sound off in chat.
    Choosing Sides
    You’re about to be called again to declare your loyalty during another week of Faction Rallies. If you are a new player who missed the first event, this will be an opportunity for you to define your character, join a movement, and earn some awesome gear. From November 7 until November 13, follow the call to action from your chosen leader to earn reward packages full of armor, weapons, and more. Your efforts in game will determine which faction is crowned the winner and given the right to sell their weapon as an additional reward.
    Last time, Dead Orbit won the day. Can a new faction unseat them and become champions? Or will they defend their title and create a dynasty that will last forever?
    If you read the 1.0.6 Patch Notes this morning, you may have noticed a few changes we’ve made since the last event. Senior Designer Tim Williams can elaborate.
    Tim Williams: During the first Faction Rallies, we had a chance to learn a lot about how the activities motivated gameplay. We looked at the time invested compared to the rewards and made the following adjustments:
    Faction Rallies
    • Strikes now reward faction tokens at a range of 5 to 9 faction tokens per completion (up from 3 to 7)
      • Nightfall now rewards 10 to 18 faction tokens on first completion per character
    • Completing Heroic Public Events now rewards 5 faction tokens (down from 8)
    • Destroying enemy resources no longer rewards faction tokens
      • Opening Lost Sector Chests now rewards 3 faction tokens for each fireteam member
    Strikes should feel more worthy of the time you invest in them. We noticed that players felt Lost Sectors were useful, but disliked the fact that they couldn’t enjoy them with a fireteam, so we moved the faction tokens from the destructible items to the chest at the end of the activity. The destructibles will still be featured as a daily milestone and are still available to help your fireteam clear out the Lost Sector.
    We’re all excited to see which faction the players will help to win this faction rally. We’ll be watching and looking to improve the Faction Rallies over time, so please keep the feedback coming!
    In addition to the changes Tim talked about, we also added some new weapons for you to obtain from your faction of choice. Here is a look at what we added to the packages, and what each side has to offer if they emerge victorious.
    New Monarchy Weapons
    Future War Cult Weapons
    Dead Orbit Weapons
    The winning faction – and ONLY the winning faction – will sell the weapon they’ve selected to lure you into their ranks. Aside from all the gear you stand to earn, this is what you’re fighting for.
    New Monarchy Sword
    Future War Cult Fusion Rifle
    Dead Orbit Grenade Launcher
    Depending on who emerges the victor, you’ll be able to claim one of these rewards during the week following the ritual. If you pledged loyalty to the winner, you can pick it up for 1,000 Glimmer. For everyone else, it’s 50,000 Glimmer. That’s the price for disloyalty in the Tower.
    Good luck, and may the best faction win!
    Good Will Hunting
    The Bungie Bounty is back. This time, we’ll be playing on Xbox One. Another brave soul has volunteered to host the Bungie team on their own stream. SheSnaps will be the target. Match with her in Quickplay and win during the time indicated below to claim your emblem.
    Bungie Bounty: SheSnaps
    When: November 3rd, 2017
    6:00–8:00 p.m. (Pacific)
    Playlist: Quickplay
    Console: XB1

    SneSnaps won’t be going it alone. We have an all-Bungie fireteam backing her up.
    L0SE – Joel Acosta, BVT Tester
    OppDef – Richard Meier, PVP Tester
    BNG Cozmo – Yours truly, Community Manager
    This will not be a reveal stream like the ones we talked about above. We’ll just be confronting the community in the Crucible and giving out emblems to anyone who can beat us. Don’t expect any revelations about Osiris. We’re saving that for later.
    About that emblem. Here is a peek at what the Sign of Mutual Combat looks like:
    All winners will receive their emblem in the Collections section of their vault within a week. I’ll make the announcement on Twitter. You can see the emblems in your vault at any of the social spaces. For more info you can check out this Bungie Bounty Guide.
    Look alive, PC Players! The next Bungie Bounty will be on your platform.
    Fall Back!
    As we welcome a wider variety of machines that play our game, Destiny Player Support is working around the clock to identify issues and communicate fixes. They have more info about a patch we deployed this morning, along with the impending time change this weekend.
    This is their report.
    Daylight Saving Time (Fall Back):
    Ritual reset times are subject to change during Daylight Savings Time. Starting Sunday November 5, Daily and Weekly Reset will occur at 1:00 AM Pacific (9:00 AM UTC). For additional information concerning ritual resets, please see this Help Article.
    PC Issue updates:
    Since the launch of Destiny 2 on PC, we have been investigating various reports of crashes, performance degradation, framerate hitches, and alternate issues with players on the #Help forum. The following issues have been identified, investigated, and resolved:
    • SSSE3 processor requirement: Hotfix was deployed to remove the SSSE3 processor requirement. Players experiencing crashes due to this requirement should no longer be blocked from playing Destiny 2, but these processors remain below the below minimum spec and are not officially supported.
    • AMD Vega Crashes: Players experiencing crashes when attempting to play through the mission “Six” or during general Destiny 2 gameplay may resolve these issues by downloading the most recent Driver Updates. Players may experience elevated crashes if their drivers have not been updated to version 17.8 or higher, and are advised to update when possible.
    • Clan Rosters: Players should now be able to interact with Clan Rosters after accepting Hotfix
    • Performance Degradation: Hotfix also addressed an issue where players would experience performance degradation over time.
    For a list of all known PC issues, please see the PC Known Issue and Vital Information thread. Please note we are actively investigating reports of Destiny 2 PC frame rate stuttering after accepting Hotfix We advise all players to use the PC Reporting Issuestemplate when posting to the PC Support forum, as this provides valuable information to our internal teams that is used throughout our investigations.
    Trials of the Nine
    Following Hotfix 1.0.6, Trials of the Nine is set to return this Friday (11/:cool:, also making its first appearance on PC. Players are required to complete the Destiny 2 Campaign, finish the Call to Arms Milestone once, have a minimum Power level of 260, and have a pre-made fireteam of four to access this event.
    For additional information concerning Trials of the Nine, please see this Help Article.
    White Gloves, Gold Standards
    With each new release, the #Help forum receives new players in search of assistance. Whether it be general gameplay questions or players seeking information on how to configure their network, Community Mentors are at the ready to lend a helping hand. Prior to Destiny 2 launching in September, an invitation to the Welcoming Committee was offered to players we frequently see sharing Help Articles, Bungie Communications, and troubleshooting steps within the forums. We’d like to extend a belated welcome to the following members:
    • DMHSutter
    • DMHTosh
    • Blackfayaman
    • TheCatalyyyst
    With a forum badge and the ability to mark answers within the #Help forum, each member is also granted the unique “Vigilant Console” emblem within Destiny 2 as thanks for their dedication to the community.
    If you see this emblem in the wild, know you’re in good company.​
    Rampage vindt dit leuk.
  6. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Tekst in SPOILER

    A Tower operator responsible for the sat feed: “Sir, we lost signal from satellites TS-02 and TS-15… 01, 04 and 23 are also gone.”

    Zevala: “What…”

    The same operator: “We are losing them one by one, another two are dead.”

    Operator #2: “Sir, there is no feed, no status… nothing. Something or someone big…” interrupted

    Zevala: “This code RED…” interrupted

    Cade-6: “Wait-wait-wait. Is this ‘Twilight-gap code RED’ or ‘Ikora-is-mad code red’?”

    Zevala not listening to Cade”: “I need every Guardian you can reach on planetary coms back to the City! Titans to the battle stations immediately. Defensive perimeter around the City. Every armed ship ready for takeoff. Start civilians’ evacuation. Now!

    I need scouting ships in a 1000 km around the City. Give me live updates on high- and low-altitude scan within 5000 km radius!”

    Zevala on Tower coms: “Attention all Guardians! This is not a drill. The City is under immediate threat. Anyone not assigned to the battle station report to Vanguard ASAP to receive further orders…

    And, yes… bring heavy weapons. To those who have Gjallarhorn – bring it, all of them, I know some of you have six, and hand it to the ones who do not! Take your heavy synths.”

    Hunters assuming sniper positions. Titans in heavy armor, teamed up in small squads, stand still staring at the sky. Warlocks are meditating. Small groups of Gjallarhorn armed Guardians led by Defender Titans are spreading around the City and on the Wall.

    Sometime later, half an hour before the attack (Because it takes around 30 min to descend from the altitude of 130 km, and the entry point is 8000 km away from your destination; again according to NASA)

    Operator #3: “Commander, we have multiple objects approaching Tower… ETA 25 minutes!”

    Zevala: “Who are they?”

    Operator #3: “It’s… … Cabal, the whole Fleet… Sir.” turns to Zevala in silence, shock and fear on her face

    Zevala stands still for a moment.

    Wide shot of the Tower.

    Zevala tells an inspirational speech about our home, our people, and the Traveler, how the City never failed, and it will not do so today.

    Everything is motionless and silent. Only the creak of the gloves around the weapons’ handles can be heard.

    A bit later, moments before the attack. Storm is raging.

    Silhouettes of Cabal ships are visible in lightning flashes.

    Battle unfolds.

    Hundreds of Gjallarhorn rockets are launched crashing small ships, splitting into a web of wolf pack rounds covering the entire sky above the City in a myriad of explosions, tearing Cabal formations. Guardian’s ships strike from flanks.

    Dogfights across the sky.

    Cabal bombards the City. The Wall is breached. Wards of Dawn everywhere protecting Fireteams.

    Another Gjallarhorn rockets volley… and another… and another.

    Cabal are pushing. Many defensive positions are in ruin, so is the Cabal Fleet. Legionaries begin to land, being immediately fist-of-havoced into oblivion. New troops come. Firefights all over.

    The storm is colored orange and black. Orders, shots, screams and explosions merge and fuse.

    Ikora: “They are attacking the Traveler!”

    Zevala: “If the Traveler is gone – we are gone, the City is gone… Humanity is gone.

    Give it everything we have! Long-range artillery. Every Nova Bomb and Golden Gun shot. Send Sunsingers’ suicide squads to ram this MegaClaw (sorry, I do not know how it calls), self-res and continue on foot. Bring down shield first, engines second. As soon as shields are down, send every Guardian, every ship. Scrap this thing to pieces!”

    One story mission later.

    The MegaClaw looks lifeless and starts falling down. Cabal ranks are thinned, ships are scattered and being chased, Legionnaires are pinned in close quarters and are picked by shotguns and snipers. Only Ghaul flagship remains intact.

    One story mission later.

    Flagship shields are down. Guardians are on board, reaching the main deck.

    Ghaul: “I. AM. GHA…” shoulder-charged, fist-of-havoced and punched to death by Fireteam of three Titans. Ghost tells a joke.

    Several hours later.

    Everything is silent again. Sky is calm. Only rare shots are fired in the distance.

    A few days later.

    Battle is over. Cabal are wiped. Casualties are enormous, but the City stands. Everyone is busy repairing, cleaning and mourning.

    Sweeper bot is sweeping Cabal helmets.

    Vaults are intact. D2 never happened. Crucible is still 6v6

  7. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    High Fidelity
    The holiday season is nigh, so you might be compiling your wish list. The PlayStation 4 Pro and the Xbox One X are now both out there in the wild, and either of them would make a great gift – even if it’s one you buy for yourself. We’ve seen a lot of questions about whether or not Destiny 2 would scale to meet the potential of new hardware. On this festive occasion, the answer is “Yes!”

    On December 5, along with the launch of Curse of Osiris and Season Two, we’ll be deploying an update to Destiny 2 that will deliver stunning gameplay with high dynamic range (HDR) lighting to these new consoles. You’ll also see adaptive 4K resolution on the PlayStation 4 Pro and 4K on the Xbox One X.

    If you’re migrating to these new consoles, or already have, we’ll make it worth your investment.
  8. X-Junk

    X-Junk GT: Reflex Xeros

    Leuk Bevonden:
    "adaptive 4K resolution on the PlayStation 4 Pro and 4K on the Xbox One X"
  9. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Toch een behoorlijk kick-in-the-dick voor Sony :+
  10. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Speelt iemand die game nog dan? :+:+
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ongeveer 2m ja. :+
  12. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waar haal je die cijfers vandaan? Voor zover ik gelezen heb, laten sites als destinytracker niet eens meer zien hoeveel men nog inlogt (waar dit wel zo was in de eerste ~6 weken) en Bungie zelf heb ik nog geen enkele statistieken van gezien hierover.

    Verstuurd vanaf mijn ONE A2003 met Tapatalk
  13. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Destinytracker laat zien yesterday.
    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.
  14. BFR

    BFR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Met 3 characters de max gehaald met de faction rally en maar 1 set compleet =( Puur de farm methode gebruikt.

    Wel leuk dat er nu al wordt gevraagd of het nog gespeeld wordt :+
  15. CrazY

    CrazY Nimma City

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Denk wel dat de active playerbase een scheef beeld geeft.

    De PC release zorgt daar voor, omdat die mensen gewoon 1,5 maand later pas konden beginnen met de game.

    Ik zie ook gewoon letterlijk niemand meer in mijn friendlist die Destiny 2 speelt.
    Best zorgelijk zo'n kleine 2 maanden na release.
  16. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lol, nah.
    Het zou pas gek zijn als de XboneX níet de betere resolutie had met al die extra power.

    Yup, PC release geeft een vertekend beeld. Genoeg artikelen die over minder goede cijfers spreken.
  17. Alexknl

    Alexknl Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb het spel niet meer aangeraakt op pc. Ik vind de PvP echt verschrikkelijk. Dan speel ik nog liever alle slechte space CODs ipv deze game. Gelukkig had ik hem gratis gekregen bij m'n videokaart. Wellicht in de toekomst bij verveling eens verder met de singeplayer.
  18. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je hebt het niet van mij gehoord, maar eigenlijk is de Ps4pro een 1440p console. ;)
  19. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Rampage en FraHel vinden dit leuk.
  20. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hahahahahaha.... ahahahahahaha... wat een kut stream.

    Kijk jongens! Heroic Strikes komen terug. Fucking hell.

    +1 voor de cutscene maar dit stelde echt geen hol voor.

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