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Facebook koopt Oculus Rift voor 2 miljard dollar

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Kevf, 26 mrt 2014.

  1. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Na Whatsapp is nu Oculus Rift aan de beurt. Dat VR groot gaat worden wist ik al wel, ik had echter niet verwacht dat FB hier nu al op zou inspringen. Vreemd, interessant en wellicht ook wel wat eng om te beseffen dat FB straks wel eens de grootste 'eigenaar' van de virtuele wereld zou kunnen worden.

    Facebook to acquire Oculus VR for $2 billion
    Edit: Op Reddit is een tof interview met Palmer Luckey te lezen:

    Palmer Luckey actively answering questions - Follow more responses here (click context for erm context)
    For reference - As for exactly how Facebook will monetize Oculus, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on the call to investors, "We're clearly not a hardware company. We're not going to try to make a profit off of the hardware long-term...but if we can make this a network where people are communicating, and buying virtual goods, and there might be ads down the line...that’s where the business could come from." - Full investor call if you've got the balls to go through it (tasty data for zuckerburg monster nom nom nom)("Ubiquitous computing platform rather than console platform route)

    Some good Q & A over at the verge as well - too much for the OP

    Palmer: This deal specifically lets us greatly lower the price of the Rift.
    Q Cut the PR.
    Most of us will not agree with it.
    Most of us will see it as a sell-out.
    You had our trust. Now you will have to regain it.

    A I understand that, and I am confident that I will.
    Q Just promise me there will be no specific Facebook tech tie-ins.

    A I promise.
    Why would we want to sell to someone like MS or Apple? So they can tear the company apart and use the pieces to build out their own vision of virtual reality, one that fits whatever current strategy they have? Not a chance.
    Palmer: We promise we won't change. If anything, our hardware and software will get even more open, and Facebook is onboard with that.

    Q Okay, question really all I want answered since you didn't go into detail or even really speak about it.
    What will this $2 billion in investment allow you to do with VR that you could not achieve before?
    Follow ups...
    Is it going to rapidly expand your employee base? Do you worry that it might hurt the company culture or efficiency of a smaller team?

    A We have not gotten into all the details yet, but a lot of the news is coming. The key points:
    1) We can make custom hardware, not rely on the scraps of the mobile phone industry. That is insanely expensive, think hundreds of millions of dollars. More news soon.
    2) We can afford to hire everyone we need, the best people that fit into our culture of excellence in all aspects.
    :cool: We can make huge investments in content. More news soon.

    Q I can support this as a great step forward to a variety of VR experiences, not just gaming VR.
    But I have one request: Don't put Facebook updates in my HUD

    A Deal!

    Q What if Facebook tries to create its own version of Steam or Origin where all Oculus games have to go through?

    A We are already working on our own VR game platform/launcher, but we are not going to force everything to go through it. Facebook has no interest in changing that, they believe in what we have been doing all along.

    Q Well, for one thing, I was working on a VR social network platform. It's still extremely early but this news makes me wonder if I'm wasting my time because Facebook may have an "app store" that denies this sort of app.

    A We are not going to lock people out because they compete. We have been working on a variety of first party applications, but are completely open to community equivalents. It would be arrogant of us to assume that our solutions will be the best solutions, users can decide for themselves.

    Q Palmer, as a die-hard fan and supporter since the first day that the kickstarter went live, I am legitimately disappointed by this news, not to mention your response. I feel like your post does not address any of the issues that most people are having, and instead relies on PR doublespeech to avoid our questions. I feel like you have not answered any of the main issues that we are having, such as:

    Facebook is known for it's intrusive tracking of users, not to mention it's extreme focus on advertisement, intrusive logins, and focus on linking to real-life data collection. The appeal of Oculus (as compared to Sony, for example) is because it is on a PC platform, and thus allows us, the developers, freedom over what we want to do with it. How are you going to guarantee that this partnership will not cause the Rift to become "commercialized", so to speak; for example, targeted ads overlaid over games, intrusive tracking of applications or programs that we run, brickwalling indie developers from the rift, and allowing our personal information to be sold/marketed/given to facebook?
    Facebook, although undebatedly a massive company, is beginning to lose a lot of its teenage population due to the more widespread use of it by the older population. The Rift is absolutely targeted towards the gaming population, which tends to be teenage to early 20s/30s, which is the exact population that Facebook is currently losing. By partnering with Facebook, you are gaining access to a massive userbase of people that the rift is not targeted towards, which people might feel is a very bad move. In fact, it's arguable that you are actually targeting the userbase which has the highest chance of actively opposing the Rift, due to how the middle-aged/older population tends to view technology and video games, and especially the negative consequences associated with them. Can you guarantee that this will not negatively affect the Rift's health?
    The fact that Oculus has been acquired by Facebook, not partnering with Facebook. I noticed that in your post, you were very careful to use the term partnering, which suggests that you retain freedom and complete control over Oculus. However, news sites are stating that this is an acquisition, and the price point thrown around of $2b suggests that this is correct. What we fear is not that Oculus will be partnering with Facebook, but that you are selling out the company to Facebook and no longer retain control over Oculus. I can say that I, personally, support Oculus because I believed in the goals and visions that you had. However, now that you have been acquired by Facebook and no longer retain control over your own company, how can you guarantee that you will continue pursuing these goals?

    I know that due to the massive negative backlash right now, chances are you will not reply to this post. However, I hope that sooner or later, you will provide us with answers to these issues, since I feel that you stand to lose a large section of your fanbase.

    A I am sorry that you are disappointed. To be honest, if I were you, I would probably have a similar initial impression! There are a lot of reasons why this is a good thing, many of which are not yet public. A lot of people obviously feel the same way you do, so I definitely want to address your points:

    The appeal of Oculus (as compared to Sony, for example) is because it is on a PC platform, and thus allows us, the developers, freedom over what we want to do with it.

    None of that will change. Oculus continues to operate independently! We are going to remain as indie/developer/enthusiast friendly as we have always been, if not more so. This deal lets us dedicate a lot of resources to developer relations, technical help, engine optimizations, and our content investment/publishing/sales platform. We are not going to track you, flash ads at you, or do anything invasive.

    The Rift is absolutely targeted towards the gaming population, which tends to be teenage to early 20s/30s, which is the exact population that Facebook is currently losing. By partnering with Facebook, you are gaining access to a massive userbase of people that the rift is not targeted towards, which people might feel is a very bad move.

    Almost everyone at Oculus is a gamer, and virtual reality will certainly be led by the games industry, largely because it is the only industry that already has the talent and tools required to build awesome interactive 3D environments. In the long run, though, there are going to be a lot of other industries that use VR in huge ways, ways that are not exclusive to gamers; the current focus on gaming is a reflection of the current state of VR, not the long term potential. Education, communication, training, rehabilitation, gaming and film are all going to be major drivers for VR, and they will reach a very wide audience. We are not targeting social media users, we are targeting everyone who has a reason to use VR.

    What we fear is not that Oculus will be partnering with Facebook, but that you are selling out the company to Facebook and no longer retain control over Oculus. I can say that I, personally, support Oculus because I believed in the goals and visions that you had.

    This acquisition/partnership gives us more control of our destiny, not less! We don't have to compromise on anything, and can afford to make decisions that are right for the future of virtual reality, not our current revenue. Keep in mind that we already have great partners who invested heavily in Oculus and got us to where we are, so we have not had full control of our destiny for some time. Facebook believes in our long term vision, and they want us to continue executing on our own roadmap, not control what we do. I would never have done this deal if it meant changing our direction, and Facebook has a good track record of letting companies work independently post-acquisition.

    There is a lot of related good news on the way. I am swamped right now, but I do plan on addressing everyone's concerns. I think everyone will see why this is so incredible when the big picture is clear.

    via: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=790919

    Hij is iig erg enthousiast :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 26 mrt 2014
  2. Rienbu

    Rienbu Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit was toch een product van Valve?
  3. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nope. Valve heeft zijn eigen prototype. De geruchten gaan dat het bij een prototype blijft. Ook Sony heeft een bril (Morpheus) en ook MS schijnt met een variant bezig te zijn.

    Grote verschil is dat de installbase verbleekt bij het aantal leden wat FB heeft. Voor de ontwikkeling van de technologie natuurlijk erg gaaf dit. Die zal nu wel retesnel gaan.
  4. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Denk alleen dat dit het VR is stroomversnelling brengt. Nu de grote meneren zich er mee bezig gaan houden gaan Sony en MS ook beseffen dat ze wat gas moeten gaan geven.
    Of het specifieke voor OR goed is dat nou net Facebook het project koopt, ik weet het niet.
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Farmville in VR?

    rip Oculus
  6. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Leuke quote van een random gaffer:

    Misschien is FB toch wel ietsje groter dan alleen die ene website?
  7. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    aha een facebook gameconsole ;)
  8. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit denken veel mensen. Maar VR gaat echt zoveel groter worden dan gamen. FB wordt hier wellicht het platform voor en OR de bijpassende techniek.

    Op zich lees je best veel goede dingen mbt de overnames van FB. Ze schijnen bedrijven een relatief grote zelfstandigheid te geven/behouden. Echter ik ben gewoon geen fan van FB en sowieso niet van alles bij 1 bedrijf neerleggen.

    Maar zoals Tyrant zegt: het zal nu wel heel hard gaan. Wel apart dat de pre-orders van DK2 net geplaatst konden worden.
  9. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wat. nee. ze zitten met die domme ideeen nu al VR te verpesten.

    Lang leve Morpheus! :+

    Hoe is het eigenlijk met die whatsapp overname afgelopen? Staat de app opeens vol met ads of valt dat mee?
  10. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Whatsapp is gewoon precies hetzelfde gebleven, net zoals Instagram ;)

    Ik betwijfel dat FB het allemaal gaat verpesten, ze hebben gewoon geld teveel en willen overal een aandeel in hebben.

    Ondertussen gaan Sony, MS en Valve wel verder met hun eigen VR techniek.
  11. Killamonkey

    Killamonkey Niet zo aanstellen! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Merk er niks van.
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ah mooi zo.

    Nou ja, ik heb Oculus al bijna afgeschreven. Het is een goede boost voor VR in het algemeen misschien, maar Oculus bij Facebook? Het past gewoon niet. 8)

    En waarom kondigen ze dit zo kort op 1 april aan? :+ Ik geloof er nog steeds niks van!
  13. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heel raar dit inderdaad..

    hoop dat het niet waar is
  14. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het zal wel waar zijn, geen problemen als Facebook er geld instopt maar om het gelijk over te nemen is ook weer zoiets. We zullen het zien, kijken of de concurrenten hierdoor meer motivatie krijgen :)
  15. PePzi NL

    PePzi NL Ōkami! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarom meteen al die negativiteit naar Facebook? Na hun overname van Instagram en Whatsapp veranderde er ook niks aan die apps. Als het Google of MS was geweest die OR gekocht had was er waarschijnlijk niks aan de hand geweest...
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als Sony slim is maken ze hun VR ook compatible voor de PC. Daar is nu een aardig gaat ontstaan om in te springen.
  17. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is wel een beetje een trend die zich aan het voortzetten is. Google koopt Nest (home automation), Apple is in onderhandeling met Comcast (online TV streaming) en Facebook wil een drone maken (8)) kopen.

    Die gasten proberen gewoon een nieuw verdienmodel te verdienen buiten je desktop om. Het internet is nu wel een beetje afgeroomd. Iedereen heeft al een smartphone, en Google heeft een monopolie online... Men zit te zoeken naar de volgende technologie golf.

    Het wordt echter wel 'eng' dat onze technologische toekomst nu bij slechts enkele bedrijven ligt, ook allemaal gelokaliseerd in Silicon Valley.
  18. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Facebook heeft de P2W games een flinke boost gegeven, wat een erg slechte zaak is, daarom vertrouw ik ze niet meer wat games betreft.
  19. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geen idee of Facebook VR ziet als iets enkel voor games; ik denk het niet.
  20. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat staat volop beschreven in de 2e alinea van het persbericht. Wel lezen he! :+

    edit: de naam 'Virtual Reality' zegt het al: het wordt een virtuele realiteit die opgezet gaat worden. Dat heeft in de basis vrij weinig te maken met gamen, gamen is alleen een eerste stap om het aan de man te brengen. Gamers en technerds zijn de perfecte niche om de early adaptor uit te hangen.
    Laatst bewerkt: 26 mrt 2014

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