Show je Achievements! [deel 2]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Matrix, 27 aug 2006.

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  1. Corneel

    Corneel Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gisteren eindelijk NfS: Most Wanted uitgespeeld. Met de nr. 2 heb ik echt enorm veel problemen gehad en de nr. 1 was een eitje |:- .
    Defeat Toru Sato "Bull" 200G
    Defeated Toru Sato and took the 2nd spot on the Blacklist 15.

    Defeat Clarence Callahan “Razor” 350G
    Defeated Razor and took the top spot on the Blacklist 15, becoming the most notorious racer around.

    Verder heb ik net nog de volgende achievement bij Time Pilot gehaald. (nu alleen nog maar de perfect achievement):
    Complete 2001 30G
    Complete 2001.
  2. gotcha

    gotcha Monkey Business

    Leuk Bevonden:

    doe je goed .. ben nog steeds bezig met bounty om de nummer 3 te kunnen verslaan 8) heb je de bounty op de easy bounty manier gedaan of gewoon ??
  3. Corneel

    Corneel Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mijn heat metertje stond op 5 en zo heb ik ongeveer een minuut of 20 een achtervolging gedaan. Dit leverde mij genoeg bounty op zodat ik me daar geen zorgen meer over hoefde te maken.
    Ik heb het wel op de easy manier geprobeerd, maar dat werkte bij mij voor geen meter. Er kwamen de hele tijd politieauto's achter mij aan die me van die bussen af duwden.
  4. gotcha

    gotcha Monkey Business

    Leuk Bevonden:
    heb ik ook soms want of ik zit op een te hoog politie gehalte 4/5 en dan zijn ze er zo op of ik heb er te weinig waardoor ze veel te snel weg zijn :mad:
  5. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dead Rising

    ∞ Mode:
    TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Get the true ending. 20GP

    TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Get the ture ending without being knocked out. 20GP

    Overtime Mode:
    TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Unveil all CASES and be at the heliport at noon. 20GP

    Item Smasher:
    TYPE: Total REQ: Break at least 100 items. 20GP
  6. xerofox

    xerofox were given today

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Even GRAW weer erbij gepakt

    Deadly (Multiplayer)
    Get 4 kills in 4 seconds or less in multiplayer (20GP)

    Unyielding (Multiplayer)
    Get 30 kills before being killed in multiplayer (32GP)

    De hele storymode op medium uitgespeeld, 250 GP erbij
    4 Missies op Hard uitgespeeld, 100 GP erbij.

    Heel Amped 3 uitgespeeld, 790GP erbij.
    Ben nu bezig met alles op Goud halen maar dat is ook een makkie.
  7. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    1: Last Call
    "Last Call" completed 10 [​IMG]

    2: Escape Velocity
    "Escape Velocity" completed 10 [​IMG]

    3: Downward Spiral
    "Downward Spira"l completed 10 [​IMG]

    4: Rites Of Passage
    "Rites Of Passage" completed 10 [​IMG]

    erg moeilijk waren ze niet
    maar het is een begin :cool:
    Laatst bewerkt: 14 okt 2006
  8. deNeut

    deNeut Narf !

    Leuk Bevonden:
    \o/ \o/ Eindelijk gehaald \o/ \o/

    Completed Single Dark Agent 50 [​IMG]

    En deze een paar dagen geleden:

    1000 Rounds Survived 30 [​IMG]
    Laatst bewerkt: 14 okt 2006
  9. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dead Rising

    Clothes Horse:
    TYPE: Total REQ: Change into all costumes available in the mall. 20GP

    Sharp Dresser:
    TYPE: Total REQ: Change into at least 20 different costumes. 20GP

    TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Spend at least 24 hours indoors. 20GP

    Karate Champ:
    TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Defeat at least 1,000 zombies barehanded. 20GP

    TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Spend at least 24 hours outdoors. 20GP
    Laatst bewerkt: 14 okt 2006
  10. gotcha

    gotcha Monkey Business

    Leuk Bevonden:


    defeated Ronald Mc Crea '' Ronnie'' 100G
  11. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dead Rising

    Frank the Pimp
    TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Simultaneously escort 8 female survivors. 20GP

    Tour Guide
    TYPE: 1 Play REQ: Escort 8 survivors at once. 20GP
  12. xerofox

    xerofox were given today

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Heb je nog tips??
  13. ninja-man

    ninja-man YEAH BUDDY

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja een vraagje, hoe do je die 8 vrouwen achievement? moet je die achter elkaar doen? of mogen er ook mannen tussen zitten?
  14. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    niet achter elkaar maar tegelijk, en nee geen man :D
  15. Nukeshell

    Nukeshell Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    1. Ignore everything until 9pm the first day
    3. kill Adam the clown in wonderland, let the guy open the shortcut, then kill him
    4. wait in the bathroom til the coward scoop at 9am 2nd day and head to North Plaza
    5. Kill the coward, then head over to kill the hatchetman
    6. kill everyone locked in the room next to where you killed the hatchetman
    7. go to wonderland plaza for the lovers and kill them

    Notice at this point you have no survivors... theres a reason for this. You would have to lug these people around while doing these tasks, taking the risk of killing them. But here's where you start your rescues, and you only have to go between Paradise Plaza and Wonderland via the shortcut.

    8. by this time it should be nearly 11am... grab pam and heather from paradise plaza (by the toy store first floor)
    9. if its after 11am go kill ron in the sandwich shop, if not head back to wonderland plaza and wait til 11am then back to paradise plaza to kill ron
    9. wait in paradise bathroom til 12pm then go do "above the law" scoop in wonderland plaza
    10. head back to paradise plaza bathroom until 3pm
    11. go back to wonderland plaza for the 2 people hanging off the bunny (kill the guy, save the girl)
    12. head back to paradise plaza for the cult scene, and save the girl from the crate

    please note that it is very important to do steps 8-12 in order

  16. SiNNeD26

    SiNNeD26 The world, chico.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fight Night Round 3:

    ESPN PPV Achievement

    Everlast™ Achievement

    Bijna uitgespeeld nu, wel alle GP behaald. Was niet echt moeilijk al heb ik wel een paar keer verloren bij de laatste matches. Ik speel op Normal, niet de Easy mode.


    20 GP

    Poker Face

    Deze laatste was wel erg leuk want ik heb absoluut geen verstand van pokeren. Ik drukte gewoon een paar keer op het scherm en kreeg de Achievement :)
  17. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    5: Second Chances
    "Second Chances" completed 15 [​IMG]

    Poker Face
    $250 won on Draw Poker 10 [​IMG]

    6: All Fall Down
    "All Fall Down" completed 15 [​IMG]

    7: Crash Landing
    "Crash Landing" completed 15 [​IMG]
  18. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb hem anders gedaan:

    First, get Leah from "A Mother's Lament". 
    Kill Burt and Aaron. Be creative, try to find a way to feed
    them to the zombies that you haven't done before. Head to
    the Food Court with Leah. Make her stay up in one of the
    elevated restaurants near the windows. Zombies rarely, if ever,
    will come up there. At 6 PM, leave Leah in the Food Court,
    head into Leisure Park and grab Sophie. Get her back to the
    Food Court with Leah, and give Leah some wine to get her
    health back up. Next, continue to wait in the Food Court until
    you get the call for "Out of Control". Head into Wonderland
    Plaza with both of them and take them into the woman's
    bathroom which Greg, once saved, will lead you to reavealing
    the shortcut to Paradise Plaza. Make a waypoint and keep
    them there. Go up to fight Adam. After the cutscene,
    kneedrop (or fall) back down to the floor, head back into the
    bathroom, and re-make that waypoint. (The girls disappear
    after a cutscene so you have bring them back to the
    bathroom) Go kill Adam, quick free Greg, (stop the ride)
    after that second cutscene, kneedrop down and set the
    waypoint in the women's bathroom one more time. Go back
    up to Greg and have him lead you there. At this point, head
    to Paradise Plaza. Stay in Paradise until you get the call for
    the Japanese tourists. Head back to Wonderland. Stay in
    Wonderland until you get a call for Restaurant Man. You
    should also have had The Hatchet Man and I believe The
    Coward at this point. Head to Paradise, keep the girls in
    the bathroom, kill Ronald "Restaurant Man" Shriner. Head
    back to Wonderland, then if it's past 11 AM, head back
    to Paradise, keep them in the bathroom, and go save
    Heather and Pamela. Then, once they've joined, Heather
    and Pamela will run into the bathroom along with Leah and
    Sophie. Continue to wait in the Paradise Plaza women's
    room. Around 3 PM, Hatchet Man and the other scoop I
    believe to be The Coward, should have expired, you
    should then recieve your call for Above the Law. Head
    to Wonderland and keep the four girls you have in the
    Wonderland Plaza women's bathroom. Go kill Jo, save
    the four girls, and as soon as you've got all four of
    them to join your group, you should recieve your
    Frank the Pimp achievement.
    hij duurt even, maar dan heb je ook wat :D
  19. Joene90

    Joene90 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Prey: Saviour
    [​IMG] 65 [​IMG]
    Completed game on Normal difficulty

    Nu op naar Cherokee difficulty :b:
  20. Nukeshell

    Nukeshell Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja je kunt het op de makkelijke manier doen of gewoon heel ingewikkeld8)
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