Xbox 360 vs. Playstation 3 vs. Nintendo Wii [deel 9]

Discussie in 'Xbox Hardware' gestart door Fardo, 22 nov 2006.

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  1. Xwon

    Xwon het is wat het is.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet iemand nog hoeveel PS3's Sony van plan was te verkopen voor het einde van het jaar?? 6 miljoen ofzo iets...??
    Weet iemand dan toevallig ook hoeveel er ongeveer zijn verkocht tot heden.....??

    Ik heb een discussie met een collega, als de PS3 niet uitkomt in maart (wat ik denk) dan koopt hij namelijk ook een 360 ;)

    Edit: oja, nog een "ingame vs real time" filmpje waarvan Sony zei dat het echt waar ingame was.... zoek de verschillen :D
    Laatst bewerkt: 4 dec 2006
  2. joostpolletje

    joostpolletje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik dacht dat ze op de 600.000 zaten ofzo..

    En die collega kan vast de 360 gaan kopen denkik :)
  3. rikkel

    rikkel Umm Kulthum

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ze hebben niet veel verkocht. Check
  4. MrX

    MrX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sterk geschreven stuk, moest er hardop om lachen (puur vanwege the way of saying things). Ik mis echter de wii in het hele stuk en hij begint er zo veelbeloven over.

    Al met al een bevestiging van wat we al ps3 heeft zijn voorsprong nu iig niet waargemaakt en de 360 blijft vooralsnog de beste console.
  6. MacDennis

    MacDennis Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fight Night 3 IGN review

    360: 8.5
    PS3: 8.3

    Leuk detail, de PS3 versie verschijnt 10 maanden later ..
  7. CaptnCook

    CaptnCook Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De Xbox 360 spreekt trouwens aardig wat nieuwe doelgroepen aan en is erg populair. Ik was gisteren even bij Media Markt in Alphen a/d Rijn. Door de hele winkel heen hingen Xbox 360 posters en zowat al het personeel heeft Xbox 360 shirts aan. Een verkoper wist mij te vertellen dat de consoles en de accessoires niet aan te slepen zijn. Hij moet de pallets met 360's opvullen met demo dozen om te laten lijken dat hij nog wat 360's heeft staan. Tevens zei hij dat Media Markt de Xbox 360 als het gameplatform gaat zien en daar dus ook volle aandacht aan gaat besteden. Er zullen dus aardig wat Xbox 360's vanavond uit de zak van de Sint komen. :b:
  8. Xwon

    Xwon het is wat het is.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sja, als grote leverancier richt je natuurlijk je pijlen op de console waar je het meeste op kunt verdienen (lees; waar je de meeste games en extra's door kunt verkopen). Dit zal je wereldwijd gaan zien (zelfde geld voor game developers). Dit is een win win situatie voor MS en de bedrijven die er geld aan verdienen (bijvoorbeeld Media Markt). Sony had de vorige generatie de juiste kaarten in handen, nu lijkt het wel omgekeerd te zijn \o/ Goed voor MS, goed voor de community en dus goed voor ons :thumbs:

    Jammer voor Sony ..... :):

    En de Wii natuurlijk, die zal er wat dat betreft ook goed uitkomen (als ze de strijd over een paar jaar vol kunnen houden... Met de gamecube zag je ook dat ze in het begin als warme broodjes verkochten maar binnen een jaar was het gedaan met de 3th party support.....)
  9. joostpolletje

    joostpolletje Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Politie schiet Playstationdief dood

    AMSTERDAM - Politieagenten in de Amerikaanse staat North Carolina hebben een achttienjarige student doodgeschoten die er van werd verdacht twee Playstations 3 te hebben gestolen op de dag dat de gameconsole werd geïntroduceerd, zo meldt Associated Press.

    Het slachtoffer zou met een medeplichtige een medestudent hebben beroofd van twee exemplaren van de nieuwe spelcomputer. De jongen had drie dagen in de rij gestaan bij de plaatselijke Wal-Mart. Toen hij de PS3's thuisbracht, werd hij neergeslagen en werden zijn aankopen afgepakt.
    De verdachte deed de deur van zijn studentenflat niet open toen de politie hem kwam arresteren. Daarop trapten agenten de deur in, en werd de jongen neergeschoten. Ook zijn hond, een Duitse herder, werd dodelijk getroffen. De precieze toedracht van de schietpartij is onduidelijk.

    De andere verdachte werd op een ander adres aangehouden.


    De introductie van de Playstation verliep in de Verenigde Staten rumoerig. Voor veel winkels vormden zich al dagen van tevoren lange rijen, omdat de voorraad van de langverwachte console beperkt was. Op verschillende plaatsen werden kopers beroofd van hun PS3's.
  10. xboxmaniaxx

    xboxmaniaxx Loyal to the game

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vind het maar triest 8)
  11. MrX

    MrX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, heel rot voor ze, ik leef met ze mee. :'-(
  12. Xwon

    Xwon het is wat het is.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ach ja, in Belgie voor een I-pod, vroeger in de USA voor een paar Air Jordan's.... In Nederland omdat je betrapt word door een 8 jarig knulletje....
    Moeilijke tijden om te relativeren.... :mad:
    Laatst bewerkt: 5 dec 2006
  13. mr.elk

    mr.elk een beetje maar

    Leuk Bevonden:
    grappige uitspraak :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 5 dec 2006
  14. goodfella

    goodfella You're fired!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klopt, volgens wat mannetjes hier zou CoD III laten zien dat de PS3 veel meer in huis had. hihihi

    Trouwens, tecnomic zie ik nooit meer in dit topic? :)
  15. Matrix

    Matrix Semi-Définie Positive VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Omdat Tecnomic hier ook nooit meer kan komen.
  16. MacDennis

    MacDennis Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    GameDaily Biz, Impressions: PlayStation 3

  17. MrX

    MrX Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hier een interview met een developer. Op zich weinig nieuws, maar wel een interessante kijk op de HD DVD externe player versus ingebouwde blu ray speler.

    Being a video game developer (I develop for both, Playstation 3 and XBOX 360) people ask me almost daily which platform I think is better. These are my personal feelings, in no way does this reflect my employer.

    Short answer: XBOX 360.

    Long answer: Price, performance, visual quality, game selection and online support. I think the XBOX 360 wins in every category.

    Price: This is obvious; the XBOX 360 core is only $299. The PS3 is around $499 for the 20GB version. It comes with a hard drive, but you don’t need a hard drive to enjoy a lot of great games on the 360 so I think it’s fair to compare both core systems.

    Performance: On paper, the PS3 is more powerful. In reality, it’s quite inferior to the 360. Without getting into too many details, the three general-purpose CPU’s the xbox360 has are currently FAR easier to take advantage of than the SPU’s on the PS3. I suspect a few years down the road some high budget, first party PS3 exclusive titles will come out that really take advantage of the SPU’s and do things the XBOX 360 can’t, but I don’t think the console is worth buying based on this speculation (for some it will be though, we'll have to wait and see how these games turn out).

    Graphics: The XBOX 360 is a clear winner. The GPU is more powerful. It has more powerful fillrate, and far more pixel and vertex processing horsepower. Part of the reason is their choice of memory, and architecture of pixel and vertex procesing. I can’t get into details but the same vertex shader will run much slower on the PS3 than the XBOX 360. The 360 also has a clever new way rendering high definition anti aliased back buffers. To accomplish the same effect on PS3 is prohibitively expensive. For this reason I think many games will have no choice but to run in non-HD resolutions on the PS3 version, use a lower quality anti aliasing technique, or do back buffer upscaling. The end result in all cases is going to be noticeably worse image quality.

    Game Selection: The XBOX 360 has a huge head start here. 1 year is an eternity in gaming. Almost all multi-platform developers have made the XBOX 360 their primary platform due to timing of release-to-market, this means the games will look and perform better on the 360. The PS3 versions will be ports of the 360 versions. (The opposite was true for XBOX 1 vs. PS2). The XBOX 360 is also far faster to develop for due to better development tools (massively popular Visual Studio .NET vs. proprietary, buggy PS3 compiler and debugger), better documentation, and easier architecture (3 general purpose CPU’s vs. 8 specialized processors that require DMA). Timing has also caused all next-gen middleware developers to make XBOX 360 their primary platform, and they will ‘add ps3 support’ as needed. This support will probably be inferior to the XBOX 360’s due to manpower and more importantly, demand. It’s this catch-22 now that will continue to drive the 360 forward and hold PS3 back.

    The other obvious point here is that right now the Xbox360 already has a very impressive line-up of titles on store shelves; the ps3 just launched, and has virtually nothing of interest. Also, many 360 games are already discounted ($35 for Fight Night 3 on Amazon). PS3 games are all full price since it just launched.

    Live: Microsoft’s online support with XBOX1 was phenomenal. They built in-house experience, user base, facilities, $$ commitment from executive level (since it proved successful), and most importantly, feedback from 100,000s of XBOX Live subscribers. Playstation 2’s online support sucked. They are now playing catch-up, trying to emulate Xbox’s model. But they had their hands tied just trying to make the PS3 work, it was incredibly ambitious (blu-ray etc.). I haven’t seen it yet, but I seriously doubt the quality will be anywhere to the level of XBOX 360.

    HD Content: The PS3 comes with one built in (blu-ray). The XBOX 360 offers HD-DVD as an add-on for $200. You probably don’t care about HD-DVD right now. But you will soon (The quality between DVD and HD is comparable to VHS vs DVD, if you have the right TV) so I suggest paying attention to the war that’s begun. There are two formats: HD-DVD and BLU-RAY. Basically if you rent a BLU-RAY DVD from Bockbuster, it won’t play in your XBOX 360 HD-DVD, and vice versa with the PS3. The implications of this format war would require another article on its own. But as far as the consoles are concerned, the XBOX 360 wins because the DVD player is a separate unit. Playing movies is very taxing on the DVD reader, and let’s face it. In 3 years when your PS3 DVD drive goes out due to playing lots of movies (PS2 was notoriously bad about this) you will have to go buy another PS3. With the 360, you’ll just chuck your HD-DVD player, and go buy another one at the store. In 3 years standalone units wlil probably only cost about $99-150. Another point for the XBOX 360, is that I don’t know who will win the format-war, so I would rather wait with purchase of a HD player. The PS3 doesn’t give you this option.

    PS3 controversy: Shootings, Wallmart fights, $15,000 Ebay sales etc. My advice is ignore it. It will pass soon.
  18. Zeroine 83

    Zeroine 83 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 dec 2006
  19. Xwon

    Xwon het is wat het is.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oja, hadden we het er een tijdje geleden niet over dat dit soort negatieve nieuws berichten nooit bij de massa media kwamen....? Alleen bij ons, de hardcore gamers :+ (zo hardcore ben ik niet gelukkig ;) )

    Check hier een leuk artikel in de NY Times (redelijk massaal gelezen krant ;) )
    Ze eindigen met deze quote: With two excellent systems on the market, consumers should not go wrong this holiday. Happy gaming.

    Artike hier: Duking It Out for a Houseful of Smiles

    PICKING out a home video game system should be easy this holiday season because for most consumers the decision ought to come down to only three choices — including one that is easily dismissed.

    STANDING OUT For serious gamers, there is much to like about the Xbox 360.

    If you or your loved ones are even halfway-serious gamers who want to experience world-class high-definition graphics and an online gaming service populated with millions of other players, go buy the top version of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 ($399).

    On the other hand, if you do not really care about the latest graphics and want instead a riotously fun experience that can be shared by the entire family, including the nongamers who usually flee from a joystick, try to get your hands on Nintendo’s new Wii ($249).

    It is really that simple. Though aimed at different markets, the 360 and the Wii provide excellent entertainment for the dollar and are each capable of filling your home with smiles for years to come.

    But what about Sony’s new PlayStation 3?

    By now, you have probably heard about folks who camped out for days to buy the PS3. You have heard about some of those people getting mugged while shivering in line a few weeks ago. You have heard about the four-figure prices the console has been fetching on eBay. And you may have heard, quite correctly, that it will be all but impossible for many consumers to buy one at retail for the rest of the year.

    No problem. In fact, if you are anything other than a complete Sony fanboy (that’s Internet lingo for an obsessed, myopic groupie) go ahead and forget about the PlayStation 3 this year. Even if you find one, the overhyped PS3 does not deliver an entertainment experience commensurate with its cost ($599 for the top version, not including special cables to connect to a high-definition TV), and falls short of its main competition in important ways.

    The big picture is that Microsoft and Sony are duking it out for dominance at the top end of the video game business while Nintendo has essentially carved out the less hard-core, more budget-sensitive swath of the market for itself. The Wii (pronounced “we”) is a mass-market entertainment device. The 360 and PS3, by contrast, are each trying to be the world’s best top-end video game system and also high-powered living room media hubs.

    The big problem for Sony is that the 360 performs those functions better right now, and for less money, than the PS3. Sony may get the PS3’s act together in the future, but right now there is basically no rational reason to buy a PlayStation 3 instead of an Xbox 360.

    Here are some reasons:

    GAME SELECTION: 360 by a lot. There are more than 100 games currently available for the 360. The PS3 is scheduled to have fewer than two dozen games available by the end of the year, and most are available on the 360 anyway. With the notable exception of Resistance: Fall of Man, the PS3-exclusive games have been nothing to write home about.

    ONLINE SERVICE: A slam-dunk for Microsoft, which is not surprising considering the two companies’ histories. Microsoft’s Xbox Live offers easily downloadable games, TV shows and full movies, not to mention one of the world’s most fervent Internet gaming communities. The PlayStation Network is slow, clunky and makes it hard to keep track of your friends online.

    OVERALL EASE OF USE: 360. Incredibly, perhaps, for a Microsoft product, the 360 is intuitive and relatively easy to navigate. Just as incredible, considering Sony’s past ergonomic mastery, the PS3 feels more like a specialized computer, so get ready to break out a separate U.S.B. keyboard.

    GRAPHICS: An overall tie. The PS3 has more pure silicon horsepower under the hood than the 360, but some experts say it is actually more difficult to program the PS3 because of the system’s design. The bottom line is that the same games (like the Madden NFL series) look almost identical on the two systems, and the best-looking 360-only games, like the new Gears of War, look better than anything on the PS3 at the moment.

    FILM PLAYBACK: A wash. The PlayStation 3 comes out of the box ready to play Blu-ray high-definition movie discs. The 360 can play HD-DVD high-definition discs only with an add-on ($199). The top version of the 360, however, includes a separate living room-style remote control for watching those movies, while watching films on the PS3 requires using a two-handed controller. (Sony says a separate PS3 movie remote will be available soon.)

    There are all kinds of questions swirling around the industry about whether Sony will stage a comeback next year, but for now the 360 is the superior machine. Most telling, perhaps, Sony has lost many of its exclusive relationships with game publishers who were once willing to make their games work only on PlayStations. Two of next year’s most-anticipated games, Grand Theft Auto IV and Assassin’s Creed, are scheduled to come out on both systems.

    But what if carjackings and Crusade-era stabbings are just not your style? What if you do not want to hear about all the bells and whistles, do not want to spend as much as you would on a low-end PC and just want to have fun (with your children, possibly). In that case, the Wii is for you.

    Its main innovation is a TV-remote-style controller that can merely be tilted and waved to produce in-game action, rather than having to master combinations of buttons and triggers.

    The Wii comes with a collection of minigames called Wii Sports — baseball, bowling, boxing, golf and tennis — that demonstrate the appeal of the new controller masterly. (The Microsoft and Sony systems generally do not come with any games.) In Wii tennis, for example, users merely swing their arms as if holding rackets to make their characters swing on the screen. It is a system so intuitive that game-phobic adults often find themselves playing and laughing in minutes.

    With two excellent systems on the market, consumers should not go wrong this holiday. Happy gaming.
  20. Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Cool al wist ik dit al een beetje tomshardware heeft verleden jaar dat van de CELL VS de 3 cores van de 360 ongeveer voorspelt. En voor de graphische kaart hadden ze ook zo een inschatting gemaakt

    Wel mooi eigenlijk, over het algemeen zijn de 360 games ook mooier :)

    Ressistance zou ik nou wel eens op de 360 willen zien, de PS3 geeft wat licht en doffig beeld, ik denk dat bij de 360 versie alles veel mooier zal glimmen en blinken, ook de stenen op straat. :thumbs:
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