Ok don’t panic just yet, it’s just a small rumor and it’s far from a confirmation but if you headover to Rockstar’s
support pages and check out the list of available to get support from you’ll notice that GTA IV only has support available for the Xbox 360, with no mention of the Playstation 3 and PC versions. The official GTA IV site has no logos for any consoles listed and still shows to countdown to the trailer that’s coming tomorrow. Now normally this wouldn’t be any reason to panic but with the rumors of Microsoft buying Take Two an exclusive wouldn’t be too surprising.
Something’s missing…
Take Two has recently been in financial trouble and has been looking to be bought up by another publisher. They postponed a shareholder meeting, this meeting was scheduled 5 days ago but has been postponed until tomorrow. Tomorrow is not only the day that the GTA IV trailer hits but also the day that Microsoft is making a big announcement, according to the grapevine that is. Now the grapevine wasn’t very specific, it could’ve been talking about the Elite announcement, and MGS vice president Shane Kim already
said that they “could never launch an acquisition bid at a third party publisher” but it’s all becoming a bit too coincidental for us.
Again, before you go running around, screaming that Sony’s doomed; this could still be a screwup by Rockstar’s webmasters and it’s far from a confirmation, especially since the game’s entry in Rockstar’s list of games still lists the game as multi-platform.
Don’t panic.
Check back on Xboxic again tomorrow around 11PM GMT tomorrow for the promised GTA IV trailer, which is most likely to provide some hard evidence as to which platforms the game is going to be on.
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