Xbox live arcade games [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door CaptnCook, 28 aug 2006.

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  1. MIB Asterix

    MIB Asterix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    probleempje bij Catan

    Hoi ik zit met een probleempje, wat alleen gebeurt tijdens het spelen van catan...

    na een minuut of 12 drop ik steeds uit het spel, heb verders met niet een game ergens last van. Kan ook gewoon joinen. Allen rond de 12e minuut, zit ik ineens met 3 AI spelers ipv de mensen met wie ik aan het spelen was. Erg vervelend. Iemand een idee waar ik dit probleem zou kunnen oplossen. Zoals gezegd andere games gaan zonder problemen via Live.
  2. MAX3400

    MAX3400 Virtualization...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, Speedball 2. Oude port vanaf de Amiga. Briljant spel!:) :) :)

    Pinball FX is best wel leuk, vooral Speed Machine maar heeft iemand een site/tutorial welke combo's wat opleveren aan punten?
  3. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En wat je precies moet doen voor elke achievement. Wil ik ook wel weten namelijk :)
  4. Sen

    Sen Active Member Hoofdredacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Speedball 2 brutal deluxe is inderdaad erg leuk, vroeger op de Megadrive erg veel gespeeld.
  5. Rikske

    Rikske UnRegistered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
  6. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wow, speedball 2? Dat was toch ook van de Bitmap Brothers toch? Als ze nou nog eens Gods en Xenon 2 (jezus, dat heb ik vroeger veel gespeeld) op XBL willen zetten ben ik helemaal gelukkig. Dat waren echt geweldige spellen en ze zagen er allemaal ontzettend goed uit voor hun tijd. Trouwens, heb gehoord dat er een heel behoorlijke remake aankomt van Speedball 2 deluxe. Wel alleen voor de PC jammer genoeg.
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 mei 2007
  7. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    thnx :). Vond via die topic ook een andere link naar een guide (moest wel eerst een account aanmaken >_>). Soms is die onduidelijk maar uiteindelijk is het wel een redelijke guide:

    Pinball FX Achievement Guide
    Written by: Taco Bob 04

    First things first, if you are ever confused about one of the achievements, go to it's corresponding board and check out the How to Play section under the Help & Options menu. It will explain what certain modes and tournaments are.

    Next it would be a good thing to note, that you can get achievements in player matches. Although it would seem that it only works if the penalty is 10% or below. Set the score to 100,000,000 and go to town, just make sure you just don't reach the score limit. Once you get to a certain score, just let the game sit for a bit and forfeit a bunch of balls, it should only take a second for your score to go down. This is best to do with a friend, but if you have no one available just make it public. Most people will quit mid-way, leaving you in the room by yourself. This gives you as much time as you need, and you can still get achievements. This technique is especially helpful in getting the final tournament achievements on each board.

    1. Multi-tasker (10)
    Start any of the multi-ball modes to get this achievement.

    This one is pretty easy; just trigger one of the multi-ball modes on one of the tables. They are usually triggered after storing three balls in certain places, such as the ship on the Agent table, but also include other various modes, like the police chase on the Speed table. If you are still having trouble finding a multi-ball mode, check the in-game help, it will tell you how to trigger them.

    2. Emerald flasher (10)
    You'll have this one after scoring enough to earn your first Extra Ball.

    The score to reach, for an extra ball, would be 200,000,000, but there are easier ways to achieve extra balls. There are several methods on both the Agents and Xtreme tables that will give you an extra ball and unlock the achievement.

    3. Good Luck (10)
    Earn 2 Million points on any pinball table.

    Close your eyes and spam the flippers. Trust me, you'll get it.

    4. Elite Operative (15)
    Complete a Hurry Up mode within 20 seconds on the Agents pinball table.

    Trigger the Hurry Up mode, and as quickly as possible launch up the ramps indicated. Don't worry if you don't meet the 20 second requirement, it's more of a 30-40 second cutoff.

    5. Professional (30)
    Win the Final Confrontation game mode on the Agents pinball table.

    One of the three dreaded tournament achievements, this one is best done by doing the player match technique as read above. Basically what you need to do is collect 6 pieces of evidence, by completing all four missions and various modes, on the table. Once in the Final Confrontation, DO NOT LOSE YOUR BALL, if you do, you will be forced to start all over.

    To complete the Final Confrontation all you need to do is shoot all of the flashing ramps, and then go to headquarters. Sounds simple enough, but with 3 balls it can get rather hectic. You might want to practice some first by starting some multiball modes.

    6. Alien technology (10)
    Collect at least five artifacts on the Agents pinball table.

    This one is moderately difficult, but you should get it just by playing and trying to get the other achievements. What you need to do for this one, is hit the four yellow bumpers in the top-left of the table. Each time you hit one, you should see a letter pop-up on your score screen. You will need to hit these bumpers eight times to spell, ARTIFACT. Once spelled, you should be able to unlock artifacts rather easy. You can get them by completing various modes, shooting into the artifact archive (red slot, below the right most ramp), or by successfully shooting the target during the ball launch.

    7. Mr. Falcon (30)
    Be the best by winning the State Championship on the Extreme pinball table.

    Probably the easiest of the three tournament achievements, because this time you only need to complete four rounds to start this one. Start off by spelling "Airwalk", by hitting the seven red bumpers at the bottom of the table. Once you have completed that, shoot into the second left-most slot, which should trigger something called "Free Competition". Now you need to perform tricks by shooting through the lit up ramps and slots. Once finished with the first round, you have to complete the same process for the rest of the three rounds. After the first three rounds are done, spell Airwalk one more time, and you should be able to enter the final State Championship. Complete this, and unlock your achievement.

    8. Angel (15)
    Do a plus Airwalk free trick during any competition on the Extreme pinball table.

    This one is a cake walk when compared to the Championship achievement. Just enter the first round, as listed above, but instead of following the lit ramps and such, just spell Airwalk again to get the achievement.

    9. First aid kit (10)
    Complete the Bungee Jumping game on the Extreme pinball table.

    This one requires a bit of skill, so you might want to practice on the Xtreme table for a bit. The first thing you need to do for this one, is get to the top half of the table, and while your up there, time it right and hit your ball on the upper-most ramp. Once done, a green light should light up on the second left-most slot, in the middle of the table. Enter that to enter the Bungee Jumping mode. The mode won't really begin until you lose your ball, so just let your ball drop, doesn't matter if you have a ball save or not. Once your ball has re-launched, you will be in the Bungee Jumping game. As quickly as possible, because you only have approximately 30 seconds, shoot through the top ramp, which is the same ramp as the first step of the process. If done in the allotted time, you should get your achievement.

    10. Sweet Ride (20)
    Collect at least two tunings on the Speed Machine pinball table.

    Here all you need to do is collect at least 2 of the 4 tunings in one game. The tunings are as follows: Nitro, Turbo, Chip, and Suspension. A little bit to the right of the center of the table, you should see a pink car with four lights around it. Each light corresponds with a tuning, so you basically need to get those to light up. All steps must be completed in one ball in order to tune your car, but once tuned it stays.

    To get the Nitro tuning, you need to first go through the second right-most ramp three times, and then hit the nitro button, that is right above your left bumper. Once hit, it should trigger the Overheat Hurry Up. Shoot your ball into the race slot, within the time limit, and you will have gotten the Nitro tuning (This also unlocks the Platinum Cylinders achievement).

    For the Turbo tuning, you need to start a Police chase multi-ball mode. This can be done several ways, but most just involve luck. The only sure way that I can see, is to successfully complete the spinner lap eight times. Once the chase has been triggered, you need to lock one of your two balls in the dragon's head. Once locked, you should get the Turbo tuning.

    The Chip tuning is in my opinion, the hardest. It sounds easy, because all you need to do is hit the chip slot, located above your right bumper, four times. The problem is, is that it is a pain in the butt to just get it in there once, and you have to get it in their all four times in one ball. I really don't have any tips for this, since I have only gotten it once. Just spam your flippers and hope you are lucky.

    The final tune available for your car is the Suspension tune. I'm not too sure on how to trigger this, but it should be rather easy. I get it most of the time, without even realizing it. The only thing I can figure is to hit the two suspension bumpers, on the left side of the table, a whole bunch of times.

    11. Speed Demon (30)
    Win the Wizard Tournament on the Speed Machine pinball table.

    The final of the three tournament achievements and this one is a pain. First you need to complete all 5 races, by first completing the spinner lap twice, and then hitting your ball into the race whole. Select your race, and then complete it.

    I would suggest you leave one easy race alone, until you have completed the Tuning Competition. Reason being, because you don't want to be forced to enter the Tuning Competition with only 2 upgrades. If you do, then you will only place 3rd and all upgrades will be removed. You need to get at least 3 of the 4 tunings to complete the Tuning Competition. This will place you in 2nd, and although its corresponding light won't light up, it will count towards the Wizard Tournament. Once the Tuning Competition is completed, go ahead and finish off your remaining races and enter the Wizard Tournament.

    As for the Wizard Tournament itself, it's kind of like the Qualifying Tournament, just keep shooting through the spinner. It's not as easy as it sounds though, considering you have 3 balls, and you need to shoot through the spinner a bunch.

    12. Platinum cylinders (10)
    Complete the Overheat Hurry Up mode on the Speed Machine pinball table.

    All you need to do for this one is to complete the Nitro tuning. See the achievements above to learn how to do this.
  8. MAX3400

    MAX3400 Virtualization...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    HOE? :mad: :mad:

    En ja, Speedball zit in inderdaad ook naar uit te kijken; hopelijk is het een waardige port van een game wat ik echt zooo ontzettend vaak gespeeld heb, dat ik minstens 3 kopieeen had liggen op mijn Amiga want die diskettes hielden het niet lang vol.
  9. jackie brown JR

    jackie brown JR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    iemand zin in Catan, voeg me dan even toe op live Jackie brown JR

    Wat is dit spel verslavend, ik wil nu ook het bordspel hebben :)
  10. Heideroos

    Heideroos Drossie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand zin om vanavond een spelletje CATAN online te spelen? Zo rond 19u?
    Voeg me toe en ik zend een invite!
  11. MAX3400

    MAX3400 Virtualization...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Trouwens van het weekend in een half dronken bui een nieuwe persoonlijke highscore geregeld op Speed Machine... Tegen de 800M aan; hopelijk deze week over het miljard heen, just for the sake of it.
  12. mortalexe_29

    mortalexe_29 fun !

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja ligt aangeschoten lijkt wel vaker beter te werken dan helemaal nuchter. Volgens mij ga je dan wat meer op je reflexen af. Daarna gaat het natuurlijk wel bergafwaarts :b:

    Die miljard zie ik mezelf nog niet halen btw, mag ook niet, binnenkort examen |:-
  13. jackie brown JR

    jackie brown JR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik haal nog geen eens 100 miljoen, maar iemand enig idee hoe je de 30 punten achievements krijgt ?en hoe krijg de die bungee jump achievement op de extreme tafel ?
  14. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ^^Guide :)

    Dat bedoel ik met: soms is die redelijk vaag :9
  15. TotalSOLO

    TotalSOLO launch ball

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je jou bal bovenin de tafel op de ollieramp(skatebaan) schiet gaat er onder een groen lampje knipperen, als je hem daar inschiet heb je 45 seconden om nogmaals de ollieramp te schieten, lukt dit dan ben je er.

    Wat gaat dat catan online kut zeg, heb nu drie potjes gespeeld (ranked) en heb er twee gewonnen en eentje verloren, volgens de stats heb ik er twee verloren, aan het einde van de game verliest je steeds weer je connectie en wordt je winst omgezet in verlies.

    Die 30 punten achievement is helemaal een nachtmerrie, dit is de volgorde om hem te halen;
    1: Raak de air walk targets allemaal, in hetzelfde gat als de bungeejump gaat nu een roze lampje knipperen, knal hem hierin voor de competities.
    2: Tijdens een competitie moet je een aantal ''stunts'' doen waarvan enkele verplicht, deze worden aangegeven met knipperende lampjes.
    3: Doe dit voor alle vier de competities en dan heb je hem.
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 mei 2007
  16. MAX3400

    MAX3400 Virtualization...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je zin hebt kunnen we wel ff Player Match doen op Speed Machine (enige tafel die ik leuk vind). Dan ontdek je sneller bepaalde opties/combi's dan als je uren achter elkaar singleplayer doet. En eventueel nog private chat als je elkaar wat te vragen hebt.

    Voeg me maar toe: OctagonQontrol
  17. jackie brown JR

    jackie brown JR Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    oke sorry dat ik zolaat reageer maari k kom wel even online
  18. Rikske

    Rikske UnRegistered User

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Thx dude, juist MS poits gaan halen en ga eraan beginnen :thumbs:
  19. iMark 007

    iMark 007 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Alleen Double Dragon deze week, niet echt interessant
    Maar goed, ik ben nog lang niet uitgekeken op Catan
  20. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Double Dragon was altijd kick ass om te doen in the automatenhal. De home versies daarentegen waren niet allemaal even sterk.
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