First to 5 - 2vs2 -
Execution 10sec - Maptime 4min
- Canals - Mausoleum - Rooftops - Fuel Depot -
Given to botch champions:
Team 1 -
qG | Quality Gaming.NL
qG I EviL B U U
qG I Ar1d1Ty
Team 2 -
iG | Infused Gaming
iG Loco G O D
iG DevilZ
Team 3 -
pG | Professional Gamesquad
pG LocustGod
Team 4 -
xHLHx | Humanity's Last Hope
xHLHx Gimbly
Team 5 -
qG | QualityG aming.UK
qG I TrueKillaH
qG I AbSyInTh
Team 6 -
eAxis | evil Axis.BigBen
eAxis BeN
eAxis kArNaGe
Team 7 -
RiP | Rest In Peace
Carbon Ic3
RiP ShocKeRr
Team 8 -
xP | Xplicit ProjeXz
xP I InF3Rn4L
xP I ChAoS
Team 9 -
Ls | Lost Souls
Ls HeadShot
Ls Thuggish
Team 10 -
EuR | EuropeanRedemption
EuR Yerky
EuR Sidders
Team 11 -
pG | Professional Genocide
pG Chippas
pG Montana
Team 12 -
AR | Nibelheims' Stars
N ShinjuKu
Team 1 vs Team 4
Team 2 vs Team 7
Team 3 vs Team 10
Team 5 vs Team 6
Team 8 vs Team 9
Team 11 vs Team 12
It's a best of three, the hosts must make sure that all weapons are swapped for a sniper.
The mappick is very simple. Each team hosts a match, the team who isn't hosting picks the map. It's a best out of three (first to 2) and each team can pick out of five maps:
- Clocktower -
- Fuel Depot -
- Canals -
- Raven Down -
- Mansion -
It's allowed to play the same map more then one time.
The tiebreaker is via GameBattles rules (most rounds won = host, other team picks map)