Tonics (53 Total)
Physical Tonics (19)
1. BloodLust - U-Invent machine / Inventable after Arcadia
2. Booze Hound - U-Invent MAchine / Inventable after Arcadia
3. Eve Link - Sold at Gatherer's Garden machines
4. Eve Link 2 - Farmer's Market / On the ground near U-Invent & vending machines.
5. Extra Nutrition - Sold at Gatherer's Garden machines.
6. Extra Nutrition 2 - Storage Basement of the mall area in Fort Frolic. Covered by metal grate if Cohen dies. Also purchasable.
7. Extra Nutrition 3 - Research Spider splicers
8. Hacker's Delight - Cremate the body in the Medical Pavillion.
9. Hacker's Delight 2 - U-Invent machine / Inventable after Arcadia
10. Hacker's Delight 3 - Proving Grounds / Same room as the Big Daddy Helmet.
11. Medical Expert - Neptune's Bounty / In the center of the muddy section of the Lower Wharf.
12. Medical Expert 2 - Fort Frolic / Awarded by an alive Cohen or bought in Hephestus
13. Medical Expert 3 - Near the toilets in Dr. Suchong's Clinic on the second floor of Artemis Suites.
14. Natural Camoflouge - Research the Houdini Splicers
15. Scrounger - Research Leadhead splicers
16. Security Evasion - Arcadia / In the center of a group of splicers, near an Invent machine.
17. Security Evasion 2 - Hephaestus / Heat Monitoring / Across from electricuted ghost scene, sitting on desk
18. Sportboost - Research Thuggish splicers
19. Sportboost 2 - Research Thuggish Splicers
Engineering Tonics (16)
1. Alarm Expert - Fort Frolic / Theater / Top Left balcony sitting on the ledge
2. Alarm Expert 2 - Point Prometheus / Optimized Eugenics / on filing cabinet
3. Clever Inventor - Suchong's Apartment / Beside the tape recorder
4. Focused Hacker - Neptune's Bounty / In the area right before fighting Peach Wilkins.
5. Focused Hacker 2 - Hestia Fourth Floor, on the desk in the corner of the room near the safe.
6. Hacking Expert - Arcadia / Sitting on the first desk in Langford Labs
7. Hacking Expert 2 - Available in Gatherer's Garden vending machine, starting in the Fort Frolic area.
8. Prolific Inventor - Awarded for saving Little Sisters / Last Tonic reward
9. Safecracker - Awarded for saving Little Sisters / First Tonic reward
10. Safecracker 2 - In the Autopsy room in the downstairs of the Little Wonders Educational Facility.
11. Security Expert - Medical Pavilion / On a small chest in the morgue.
12. Security Expert 2 - Research the flying Security Bot
13. Shorten Alarms - Neptune's bounty / Near "Saw Masha Today" recording or buy it at a Gatherer's Garden machine in Arcadia.
14. Shorten Alarms 2 - Hephaestus / On the floor right before setting off the EMP.
15. Speedy Hacker - Medical Pavilion / On the desk in the dentist's lab.
16. Speedy Hacker 2 - Available at Gatherer's Garden vending machines, starting in the Olympus Heights area.
Combat Tonics (1
1. Armored Shell - Available at Gatherer's Garden vending machine, starting with the Medical Pavilion area.
2. Armored Shell 2 - Awarded for saving Little Sisters / Second Tonic Reward
3. Damage Research - Hephaestus / Across from the EMP bomb on a table
4. Damage Research 2 - In the Mendel Family Library, on a desk in the rear of the room.
5. Electric Flesh - Fort Frolic / The Projector Room in the Theater / On bookshelf
6. Electric Flesh 2 - Olympic Heights / Fontaine's apartment / In the office on the desk
7. Frozen Field - Fort Frolic / Awarded for killing the Cohen victim in the freezer
8. Frozen Field 2 - Hephaestus - Room off entrance to Ryan's office - on desk
9. Human Inferno - Arcadia Gatherer's Garden machine / 20 Adam
10. Human Inferno 2 - Available at Gatherer's Garden vending machine starting in the Point Prometheus area.
11. Photographer's Eye - In the bunk room of the wine cellar in Farmer's Market.
12. Photographer's Eye 2 - Research the Rosie Big Daddy.
13. Static Discarge - Medicial Pavilion / In the hallway after fighting Steinman.
14. Static Discharge 2 - Research Leadhead splicers
15. Wrench Jockey - Medical Pavilion / Seen from a window. In a back room, reached by airshaft.
16. Wrench Jockey 2 - Research Bouncer Big Daddy
17. Wrench Lurker - Neptune's Bounty / Sitting on the ledge near the plasmid machine.
18. Wrench Lurker 2 - Available at Gatherer's Garden vending machine, starting at Olympus Heights.