Mass Effect: Bioware's X360 RPG

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door jellejelle, 4 okt 2005.

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  1. Freezing Aaron

    Freezing Aaron Registered member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Moet je haar namaken in de character creator. Dan heb je er 2.
  2. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik gaa ook met chick beginnen :cool:
  3. Liquid2ubstanc3

    Liquid2ubstanc3 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik begin als mannetje, al die lesbische relaties heb ik geen zin in ;)

    Btw, er is een nieuw plaatje op de mass effect site gezet, niet veel bijzonders maar alles is meegenomen...
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 nov 2007
  4. aqwwqa

    aqwwqa Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zijn er meerdere eindes eigenlijk ? Ik heb hier en daar gelezen van wel ( marja ofdat dat allemaal zo betrouwbaar is weet ik niet ) . Ook las ik ergens (op zo'n roddelsite wrs ) dat ME een triologie gaat worden ! Als dit beide waar is hoe gaan ze dat dan aanpakken, meerdere eindes en een triologie kan toch nooit overeen komen ?! :confused:
  5. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    het is volgens mij een trilogie ja.
  6. Liquid2ubstanc3

    Liquid2ubstanc3 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik weet zeker dat er meerdere eindes zijn, dit werd ik KotOR etc. ook al gedaan. Het wordt idd een triologie. Hoe ze dit gaan aanpakken weet ik niet. Maar het zou bijv mogelijk kunnen zijn dat je je savegame van Mass Effect 1 ook kan gebruiken voor Mass Effect 2 ofzoiets. Maak je niet druk, komt goed :9
  7. kenshin

    kenshin Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    laten we nou maar eerst dit spel spelen voordat we aan deel 2 gaan denken
  8. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vorige week het boek uitgelezen en ik kan niet wachten om verder met het verhaal te gaan....ingame dan he :)

    Aaaah nog maar eventjes....SUPER maand deze maand november, tjonge.


    Iemand die bij 1up gewerkt heeft en nu bij Turn10 werkt speelt de game......


    "You can go anywhere. Seriously. Those mountains in the background, you can climb them."

    I'll post more impressions and answer questions later today. Going to play more now.

    Dude, this game is too much. It just keeps throwing shit at you to do. I'm about 10 hours into the game and I've barely even touched the main quest.

    To answer the question about the moon buggy physics... no it definitely isn't a canned go-from-point-A-to-point-B type of affair. Like I said, it's Warthog meets Scorpion tank and you have thrusters so yeah you are doing INSANE stunts the whole time. You can't ever flip over (although you come close and then the computer rights you up again) but you can do some pretty funny stuff.

    Vehicular combat is also very satisfying. There's also a "hood view" for the moon buggy if you pull down the left trigger. Makes it REALLY immersive when you're exploring new worlds or an ancient ruin... driving slowly in hood view, right thumb on the right turret stick, looking independently of where you're driving... so awesome.

    And yeah, different planets have different climate effects. I went to one planet where it was having a meteor shower or something. Shit was raining down from the sky... of course, it wasn't like you had to dodge the meteors but it looked and sounded cool as hell.

    The characters are really good in this game too. I've already become attached to 2 of my characters, and because I'm playing a female character, I've already had one of my male Biotic engineers hit on me during one conversation. It was... uh, awkward.

    But it's the NPCs and the plot in this game that really does it for me and propels you forward. I've never really been a fan of Bioware's console RPGs (yeah, gasp, I know) because I felt they were trying to do these emotional, deep, cinematic dialogues, but it would always fall flat on its face because of the game's shitty graphics which couldn't support the kind of drama Bioware was going for. Plus, it didn't help that KOTOR had basically like 10 character models in the whole universe and you kept running into the same black guy or the same alien guy.

    Well, that is NOT the case here... every character in the galaxy has been unique so far, and fucking WOW at the graphics/acting/voiceover for the most part. There has been some good writing and very interesting interaction with both my crew and the rest of the NPCs out there. Really awesome informational tangents and personal anecdotes. At first I was playing with subtitles on because I didn't want to miss any details or whatever, but after a couple hours, I turned them off and I swear to god it was like watching a gorgeous CG movie where you can somewhat control the outcome of events.

    This is next gen RPG folks. Gonna go play now before the wife wakes up and makes me go to the farmer's market.

    In other words, it's ALL GEOMETRY.

    Obviously, there are some building structures and such that will block your path, and overall, planets have an ultimate boundary (so it's basically a very large square sandbox) although it'll take you a long time to get from one end to the other.

    The feeling of "discovery" is definitely here.

    Laatst bewerkt: 6 nov 2007
  9. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:




    oh my dear god, this game is amazing so

    I haven't really followed Mass Effect through the stages, except the occasional screenshot, but jesus christ the graphics in this game are ridiculously good... and WTF, Bioware basically created a 3rd person shooter a la GRAW, complete with cover system.

    then underneath that is a deep RPG with an intriguing story and really good voice acting.

    only a few hours in so far so take these impressions with a grain of salt. but whoooa, 30+ hours of this sort of bliss? who knows, maybe it'll suck in the 20th hour.

    I can see myself leaving COD4 in its wrapper until I'm done with Mass Effect.

    I'll post more detailed impressions once I get further into the game.

    I'm literally scratching the surface of the game. So far, it's fairly linear but I've only had a few encounters on the first intro planet. Tutorial dialogue boxes are literally still popping up.

    Still, I've been really impressed with the gameplay so far. There's none of the faux action game bullshit here a la Jade Empire. This is basically a 3rd person shooter first and RPG second, with a ton of other stuff going on underneath the action, as well as the ability to pause the action and tell your party how to kick ass.

    KOTOR doesn't hold a dying matchstick to Mass Effect so far, simply on the merit of gameplay alone.

    And then there's the graphics... fucking ridiculous!

    I had plans to do an elaborate post about this the whole time I've been playing.

    I'm about 8.5 hours into the game now and it's just gotten better and better.

    Too much to talk about really, so I guess I'll just answer RStein's question.

    Combat is really fun. There are occasional problems with the AI, but it's really nothing 3rd/1st person shooter fans aren't already used to in teammates found in the genre (GRAW, RS: Vegas, etc). I set my squad to "active" which lets the AI use both defensive and offensive abilities on their own (without you having to pause the action, choose targets, and say "perform a neuro blast" or whatever). They definitely get the job done and I often find them stealing my kills. Thankfully, XP and loot goes to the party and it's up to you to divvy up items.

    When I said earlier that this game is a shooter first and an RPG second, I was wrong. It's really a great balance of both genres. Mechanically speaking, this is an action game through and through. You dodge bullets, spring to cover, and do all the things required of you in games like Gears of War. You point your gun at something and fire and there is a 1-to-1 cause-and-effect reaction and shit takes damage and blow up, etc.

    Stats act more like modifiers. For instance, if I do a full auto burst with my assault rifle, the reticle will gradually grow wider and bigger the longer you fire, representing the kick and recoil of the assault rifle. As a result, the spread of your shots will go from tight to practically useless through the duration of your burst. As you invest in your assault rifle skill, that behavior improves so your spread is tighter even if you fire longer. Of course, if you play the game like I do and just do controlled bursts, it really isn't too much of a problem.

    This basically goes for all weapons (sniper rifle, shotguns, etc.) and I think it works great. In the end, combat is an action affair and really there's no other game like Mass Effect where it combines my favorite genre with a genre I no longer play. It's such a nice RPG homecoming.

    The only aspect of the combat that can be clunky at times is trying to get under cover mode against an obstacle that's shorter, as it requires you to duck. Whereas Gears of War automatically makes you duck and puts you against lower cover, you have to do so manually here so there's the added click of the left stick -- and in the heat of combat, it can be frustrating... particularly because combat is really chaotic and crazy at times.

    Anyway, I know it's too early to know what's GOTY at this point since I haven't played SMG, COD4, or Uncharted, but I know for a fact that Mass Effect is already an easy contender.

    I'll take some phone pics and post 'em tonight. This game is RIDICULOUSLY gorgeous and 8 hours later, I am still slackjawed.

    The lighting and atmosphere in this game is off the fucking hook. Every planet has its own look, and from what I've seen so far, there are a ton of planets. Not all will allow you to land (for instance, planets which are gas giants or nothing but oceans of sulfuric acid), but I've poked around 1 system and have already found 2 really big random worlds.

    Vehicle controls are sweet, and the moon patrol buggy is crazy fun to drive. You can literally climb any mountain, and you have little thruster jets. Also, vehicular combat is pretty cool -- a cross between the Scorpion tank and the Warthog. You can also exit your vehicle any time you are on a relatively flat surface. Yeehaw

    Wow, and just to make sure I wasn't talking out my ass, I just drove to those mountains in the background and actually found some more minerals. Sweet.

    This game is like a modern day Starflight. Except infinitely better.

    *NERAZZURRI* Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, dat is dus allemaal al lang gepost :+
  11. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 nov 2007
  12. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Lees het voor het eerst.. ziet er erg tof uit!
  13. Liquid2ubstanc3

    Liquid2ubstanc3 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zeker tof! Kan niet meer wachten!!! pakt zn boek en gaat maar verder lezen...
  14. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fucking ongelooflijk gewoon. Dat je echt gewoon overal heenkan op dat landschap...echte vrijheid.
  15. Liquid2ubstanc3

    Liquid2ubstanc3 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Idd, deze game is een van de grotere redenen geweest dat ik een 360 heb gekocht. Kijk al uit naar deze game sinds de X05 trailer.

    Weer een nieuw plaatje vrijgegeven.
    Laatst bewerkt: 7 nov 2007
  16. Tsux

    Tsux Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit is nog niet gepost, ik doe het even voor je :)

    Ik vind niet echt dat er spoilers in de volgende tekst zitten, maar er worden namen van locaties genoemd en ik weet dat wat de ene persoon niet boeiend vindt, vindt de ander een ontzettende spoiler, dus bepaal voor jezelf of je echt over kleine dingen valt of niet.

    Laatst bewerkt: 7 nov 2007
  17. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    whaha die dikke trol achtige op dat plaatje :lol:
  18. Eagle32

    Eagle32 Secret Service

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja nu weet ik het zeker deze gaat de 360 in en komt er voorlopig niet meer uit.
  19. XI Jptje NL XI

    XI Jptje NL XI EndLeSs Gaming

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Inderdaad Eagle32 :).Mijn laatste games die dat voor elkaar kregen was Oblivion en Finalal Fantasy 8&10.
  20. Tsux

    Tsux Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik denk dat deze game, gameplay technisch gezien, Oblivion wel gaat overtreffen, hoewel ze misschien toch niet vergelijkbaar zijn...

    Skill-level systeem is natuurlijk wel heel anders... En de 3e persoons view werkte bij Oblivion ook niet bepaald... En je speelt niet in je eentje... En het is een totaal andere setting...

    Okee, laat maar, maar overall gezien ga ik me denk ik meer vermaken met Mass Effect dan met Oblivion!

    *Hoopt dat het vervloekte Mass Effect boek vandaag nu eens binnenkomt*
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