Als je gereport wordt dan heb je een ban voor life. op forum ook een stukje van een koper&seller die gebanned werd. Nou echt for life dus geen discussie meer mogelijk.
Ik zou het risico niet nemen.
Ik wil het stukje wel opzoeken. als ik het nog kan vinden.
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Re: Nazi Cars in AH
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I bought a mercedes gullwing with the nazi ss design on it as i collect the WWII themed liveries (fighter planes etc). I put one on auction and now i have been banned for apparently promoting hate crimes and Neo-fascism!!! I am not and never have been racist!!
Take a look at the link and see if you agree!!!
Im not calling you a racist or nazi or anything like that, but what would you think of a guy on the street who has a swaztika tattoo down his arm ?, your not likeley to think hes showing an interest in WW2 memrobilia. So when Turn10 sees the same design being sold on a car on their Auction House their not thinking that either.
Fine, there isnt a difference between selling cars with anime porn on them and Nazi signs, in the sense they are both against their ToA (morals of the content aside), but you got caught and they might not have been. End of the day you broke T10's rules.
GT: Cerra23
My garage (Purchased or made).
Painting Krista Allen
Ik speel liever op safe: (lief he)
Laatst bewerkt: 23 dec 2007