Hi there EMEA Community!
Acey has kindly given me permission to post in your forum to tell you about an opportunity that me and MGC wants to extend to your sites.
Hopefully most of you are familiar with me, or my website, MyGamerCard.net.
But if we haven't been introduced, here's a less-than-brief background on who I am and what I do: (If you're not a history buff, feel free to jump down to the Fast-forward
Back when the Xbox GamerCards first made their worldwide debut in October 2005, members wanted to show these mostly-blank mysteries everywhere they could. Since Xbox.com's 'official' way of displaying them didn't play nice with most user-driven sites like forums and MySpace, I developed image-based versions using my development webserver on my home internet connection. A week later, I could barely sign into Xbox Live, much less play a few rounds of Halo 2.
I jumped around to a number of different web hosts, most of whom I outgrew or got kicked off of after a week or two of service (or less! I was on one host for about 3 days), one was decently stable enough to do two things...
A) Generate so much traffic as to heavily contribute to Xbox.com outages a week before US Launch.
B) Make an official domain debut -- MyGamerCard.net was unveiled on November 22nd, 2005, the same day as the 360 launch.
Soon after, I started generating the first lists of the top-scoring gamers, which has now become one of the most controversial services in the Xbox Community: The GamerScore Leaderboard. (Oh, how I mourn those youthful, innocent days of GamerScore races)
We moved to our current host in late December of '05, with one small box doing all the work: GamerCards, website, and the database tying them together.
>> Fast-forward
In October 2007, I reworked our GamerCard platform (which by that time had been on one dedicated machine) to two servers, and used some technologies to increase both the speed and stability, and reduce the overall overhead of such a setup. Combined, they regularly handle over 9 million requests daily (Broke the 10 Million mark on January 2nd!), and I'm poised to add a third server to the mix soon.
When that happens, that will make a grand total of 6 active servers in the MGC ecosystem.
What do we do with all this new extra processing power? We fill it up!
Now that these things are proven and stable, I'm able to spend more time creating content and broadening the number of GamerCards we provide to the Xbox Live community.
In turn, it's time for MGC to help support YOUR community.
Your users are already using MGC on your site, but what about when they're not there? Why not work together to bring more exposure to your communities through your members?
I'm offering to provide the services to host an Official GamerCard for your Community.
You can design it yourself, appoint someone else to do it, or even hold a competition/co-op to help shape it.
Include your logo, maybe come up with a unique design that matches your site style. Use transparency, rounding effects, the sky's the limt. You make it, I can most likely make it come alive. We can work together to help guide your creation if needed. It's not that hard, I promise.
If you wish to participate, please post your interest here!
Once we have that down, we can begin to address any questions you may have on the creation or design of the cards.
Happy New Year!
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