qG.QualityGaming DEEL 7

Discussie in 'XBW Gaming' gestart door MaUp3Rd, 7 apr 2008.

  1. Meneer Stefan

    Meneer Stefan Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    neem aan dat handewasser niet in 1x naar wcg mag, met die caparo ligt alles dichter bij elkaar dan de f50gt...
  2. JeePee

    JeePee Guest

    Als je er ff voor gaat zitten maak je best kans denk ik. Zijn consistentie is lang niet meer wat het geweest was kijken naar die video's van de ECG. Twee keer een
    JP-die-te-vroeg-instuurt-in-bocht-6-momentje in één race op STL.
  3. Metal Mark

    Metal Mark VIP Dino XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Powered by Metal Mark :cool:.

    Heb nog niet eens fatsoenlijk gereden in die Caparo, laat al wel zien hoeveel ik het spel gespeeld heb :')
  4. MaUp3Rd

    MaUp3Rd qG.MAnaGer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja die caparo is idd strakke matches! Zoals je kunt zien in die SEC movie op onze site ook en het verslag over de rematch vanwege FOTO finish hahaha!
  5. Orange

    Orange One of a kind.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb ik wat gemist?

    We moeten helemaal niet tegen qG!!
  6. joeperd

    joeperd TaH PoWnz0r

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja sorry :9 ik ben erg VERWARD sorry qG moeten tegen een andere clan :9
  7. MaUp3Rd

    MaUp3Rd qG.MAnaGer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ja doen ze wel vaker! Ik weet het ook allemaal niet meer!
  8. netlemon

    netlemon Tramp

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ook niet! :)

    ps. Lang geleden zeg
  9. MaUp3Rd

    MaUp3Rd qG.MAnaGer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ?mod graag normale dingen in je sig Chris! GDVR

    Wanneer is de site klaar?
  10. netlemon

    netlemon Tramp

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Binnen NU en een WEEK! Als het goed is dit weekend!
  11. MaUp3Rd

    MaUp3Rd qG.MAnaGer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    qG turns the heat up in Europe

    over 10 minuten kunnen jullie een officiele notice vinden op www.qualitygaming.eu


    qG turns the heat up in Europe.
    Gears of war legends return to qG

    Gears of War
    is a third-person tactical action/horror game—is being developed by Epic Games exclusively for Microsoft Game Studios and the Xbox 360® video game system. As Marcus Fenix, you fight a war against the immense Locust Horde, which not only out powers but outnumbers you, your squad, and the entire force of the Coalition of Ordered Governments. Gears of War is the only game to blend a deep and disturbing story of human survival against an endless mass of nightmarish creatures, a next-generation tactical combat system, and unsurpassed visuals and special effects. The story unfolds as a ragtag group of soldiers use every last ounce of strength to survive the onslaught from the forces of evil, which began on the historic Emergence Day and has brought many Legendary GAMERS to life.

    After long thinking and reorganizing the squads of qG and reviewing the future ideas we have decided to get back to the game, we have been the strongest on in the EU for a long period "Gears of War".

    qG will turn the heat up in Europe once again and will bring back 2 very good and stable squads of "legends"

    [​IMG] qG dSis.
    [​IMG] qG 12eaper
    [​IMG] qG Nivaho.
    [​IMG] qG Dominic

    This team in its old form was the runner up for the WCG2007 in the Netherlands and won silver during the Dutch preliminaries

    [​IMG] qG Flipsyde.
    [​IMG] qG Pulse
    [​IMG] qG phaZed.
    [​IMG] qG BloodDrunk

    Who does not remember these UK legends as old members of the best clans of Europe, after becoming 4th on XL4 we are aiming to get at least a top 2 spot at XL5

    the qG Management have contracted these players for a year and will make sure they will all attend the major LAN tournaments and of course if possible the WCG2009.

    Please all wish these teams the best of luck as they will not only be fighting for qG but of course for the whole EU community.

    Welcome guys

    qG.Coelum, the Dutch pride returns

    qG NiVaHo

    My previous clans were 'Supreme Gaming' and 'Humanity's last Hope' My achievements I'm proud off are Runner ups in the 'World Cyber Games 2007', our main goal is to win 'World Cyber Games 2009.' Also my favorite weapon in Gears of War is the Shotgun, giving support to my teammates.

    qG dSis (captain)

    My previous clan was: 'Supreme Gaming' My best achievements are Second place 'World Cyber Games in Seattle' (as sniper in the qG team) My main goal is to win the 'World Cyber Games 2009' with this team. Also my main weapon is Sniper, but I also don't mind communicating for the whole team, support them.

    qG Dominic

    My Previous clans were 'Supreme Gaming' 'CyberNetsOnline' 'Team EnVy'. My best achievement is Runner ups in the 'World Cyber Games 2007'. our main goal is to win 'World Cyber Games 2009.' Also my favorite weapon in Gears of War is the Shotgun, feel my wrath, i will arise.

    qG 12eaper

    My Previous clans were 'Supreme Gaming' 'CyberNetsOnline'. My best achivement is Runner ups in the 'World Cyber Games 2007'. our main goal is to win 'World Cyber Games 2009.' Also my favorite weapon in Gears of War is the Shotgun, communication with the team during a match. people see me and say Oh mY GOD its qG 12eaper.

    qG.Supremacy the legends return

    qG FlipSyde (Captain) - AKA Hero

    Been in man previous clans of high calibre including a short stint in qG, other teams were : Team Win , Natural Supremacy , Future Prospectz, Next Generation and Xcellence, I try to bring leadership and communication to my team aswell as good individual skill, I look forward to joining qG and doing well for the clan once more.

    qG PhaZed

    Rated by many as one of the best all round players, I try to bring a high level of individual skill to every weapon on the game, My previous clans include No One Knows and Humanitys Last Hope. Also a Beast on Host :D

    qG Pulse

    Long running player with a past of top quality clans these include : Natural Supremacy , pG UK , HLH.UK , Team Win and Xcellence, Good Shotty snipe player with loads of previous experience in matches and a high level of dedication

    qG BloodDrunk

    Highly Skilled Sniper and Shotgunner on Gears of War recognized at XL4 by many as one of the top UK LAN players, Previous clan include that of Project-X and Team Straife Red
  12. Dominic

    Dominic Fariko Dominic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    I'm back on GoW guys i still need some more players on my f/l for GoW so pls Add me :D gt is cno i dominic in a few minutes it'll be qG Dominic

    I'm proud to be a member of qG FTW !!
  13. MaUp3Rd

    MaUp3Rd qG.MAnaGer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ben blij dat je er weer bent maat!
  14. Dominic

    Dominic Fariko Dominic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thnx leuke tijd dat je post 13:37 hahaha \o/
  15. joeperd

    joeperd TaH PoWnz0r

    Leuk Bevonden:
    12:37 staat er bij mij ;)
  16. SusPenZz

    SusPenZz Veldhuis tot me dood

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha dominic goed opgemerkt!:9
  17. MaUp3Rd

    MaUp3Rd qG.MAnaGer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nog ff fotootje van de pro's natuurlijk
  18. FuSionZ

    FuSionZ Guest

    heb je ook een foto van Jou pro's en de andere pro's ( vVv) die in de finale stonden?:thumbs:
  19. Towel

    Towel Guest

    Haha syco kijkt vet baas*)
  20. Sostic

    Sostic Sostic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    welke lan was dat?

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