Gears of War 2

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Sognare, 2 feb 2008.

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  1. Parasite

    Parasite Ryu Hayabusa

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga uit van soortgelijke achievements.
  2. Marruk

    Marruk hallo

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat is er mis met je kogels als je host bent dan? Die komen toch gewoon aan...

    In Gears 1 had je helemaal geen client-side hit detection, waardoor je maar een beetje moest gokken waar hij is wanneer je kogels er eindelijk uitkomen.
  3. Biba

    Biba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe je het ook noemt, het was bij veel hosts gewoon de eerste paar minuten aanvoelen hoe snel je kogels aankomen, pas daarna kon je serieuzer op gang komen.
  4. Shizzel

    Shizzel Guest

    Ik wil gewoon dedicated servers voor Gears of War 2 online multiplayer; dat zou geweldig zijn.
  5. (Smart)ass

    (Smart)ass Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik vraag me af waarom dat met console online gaming zoveel minder is?
    heel lang was ik een pc gamer, en speelde je alleen maar op dedicated servers, nu worden ze gehost door 1 of andere gast die vaak de connectie er niet voor heeft,

    ze moeten online gaming op console meer zoals op de pc doen, beetje offtopic;P
  6. Biba

    Biba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als dat er in zou zitten, zou Gears de concurrentie volgens mij echt wegblazen. Gears 1 was sowieso al één van de beste online consolespellen, en als ze bij deel 2 met zo'n ingrijpende nieuwe feature komen, kan het eigenlijk niet meer mis.
  7. Intraxz

    Intraxz Ja!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als ze aleen maar de mogelijkheid hadden om een gears servertje te draaien op je pc zou het fantastisch zijn :)
  8. Intraxz

    Intraxz Ja!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb ik het over de host dan?

    Ai dubbelpost :'-(
  9. AapVader

    AapVader Ja toch?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee dat geldt zeker niet voor iedereen. Maar ik was al GoW veteran online voordat ik de single player gezien had. Nee 3,5 maand toch maar besloten om die ook nog maar eens te spelen, mede omdat mn internet connectie er toen uitlag :+. Ik zie mezelf voor deze game wel weer een xbox op de kop tikken.

    EDIT: Hmmm ik zou toch zweren dat een post van Dulle hierboven stond? Kzal wel op de verkeerde pagina gekeken hebben :+.
    Laatst bewerkt: 15 mei 2008
  10. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Intervieuw met CB. Erg leuk om te lezen!

    Eurogamer: What about the feedback on the Internet for the trailer you released earlier this week?

    Cliff Bleszinski: I think it was about 85 percent positive and 15 percent hating, which I think is a really good ratio. Any time you have people on a message board saying, 'That was amazing, that was amazing, that was amazing,' someone has to come in and be like, 'I didn't think it was that cool,' yadda-yadda-yadda. I think it was an incredibly positive response, and I think gamers are stoked for Gears 2.

    Would you wear that helmet after what happened to the last red-shirt who did?
    Eurogamer: But going back to that 15 percent - how much notice will you take of that? Will you take that criticism on board, and will it change the design of the game at all?

    Cliff Bleszinski: I don't know if it'll change the design a lot. For instance, a lot of gamers were somehow expecting Gears 2 to suddenly come out and have big bright purple flowers and rainbows and unicorns coming out of my ass or something like that. It's just not that game. It's not a very saturated colour palette, but we are going for large, beautiful open vistas this time around, much larger scale of battle - so it's not just grey pillars, right?

    You know, as much as it saddens me to read those 15 percent of gamers not liking what they see, I still want to win them over, and I want everyone out there to play the game and enjoy it.

    Eurogamer: So we've finally had our first look at Gears of War 2. How have you found the feedback so far?

    Cliff Bleszinski: I feel really good. Being able to show the Assault level to journalists today and give them a full dog and pony show of what that level is, it's just been extremely encouraging. When we were building this level, we wanted to create a scenario where it was just one thing after another - to build the ultimate watercooler level. So many of the levels in Gears 2 are like that, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. I think people are responding really nicely.

    Eurogamer: Another, perhaps less controversial criticism of the first game was the controls tended to get stuck. Is that something you've addressed for the sequel?

    Cliff Bleszinski: Absolutely. I believe that hands-down, in Gears 2, we will have the best cover system ever seen in the videogame industry. I'd say about 90 percent of the time, it worked exactly how gamers wanted it to work. About 10 percent of the time, players were going into cover when they didn't want to. We put some of those tweaks in a patch for Gears 1, we iterated on them for Gears PC, and now we're bringing it full circle for Gears 2. I think players are really going to love the system this time around.

    Eurogamer: What makes Gears of War 2 so much bigger and better than the first game?

    Cliff Bleszinski: I think it's the sum of its parts. There's a grander feel for the game as far as the battlefield goes, and there's a deeper story. You actually get into the heads of some of your squad-mates. From the start of the game you learn that Dominic Santiago, Marcus's best friend, is looking for his wife. He was looking for her in the first game but now he has a photo and a couple of leads, and that hopefully will be driven to a resolution. You'll see where the Locust live, you'll see where humanity lives, you'll see a darker story with more intimate violence and more executions. And a whole lot more ass-kicking.

    Eurogamer: Which aspect of the game are you personally most proud of?

    Cliff Bleszinski: I'm proud of getting inside Dom's head a little bit more, figuring out who this Dom Santiago is, who his wife was and what wound up happening to her. I'm also excited to see the large scale battle scenes and a lot of the coolness we're putting in the multiplayer feature set.

    Eurogamer: How do you strike the balance between giving fans of the first game more of what they liked and introducing new, innovative stuff?

    Cliff Bleszinski: Well the first thing we don't do is say, 'Hey, a chainsaw and a gun worked, so let's put a spatula on a dishwasher.' You start getting into a beltsander attached to a moped, and it starts getting really gimmicky at that point. We wanted new weapons that are cool, so we have the semi-automatic pistol which combines with hostage taking.

    A game is the sum of its parts. When you have somebody knocked down but not out, and they're trying to crawl away from you leaving a blood trail, and the environment's chipping away at you while hundreds of locusts are closing in, and the Brumak comes in and a chopper gets shot down, it's really everything together that makes Gears of War what it is.

    Eurogamer: How have the enemies changed in this game?

    Cliff Bleszinski: They're meaner, they're nastier. The Locust have been in the underground for a while, and there are a lot of indigenous creatures down there they've essentially mastered through various means. So you see Brumaks return and other nefarious creatures. I don't want to spoil too much, but I've been quoted as saying we have creatures that make the Brumaks look like baby panda bears. Very, very large.

    Perhaps the Brumak is Marcus's dad.
    Eurogamer: About this 'Bigger, better, more badass' tagline you've created. The bigger and better thing is pretty obvious, but can you explain what the badass factor is?

    Cliff Bleszinski: So when Marcus shoots a Locust and the Locust crawls away leaving a blood trail, and he walks over to him and kicks him over and jumps on him and punches him in the head till he dies - moments like that. When you come up behind a Locust and you take your chainsaw and you flip it in half from groin to gullet, that's more badass. When Marcus is injured and he's leaning on the wall and you see the blood dripping down the wall, that's more badass, et cetera et cetera.

    We call them the three Bs. It's such a cheesy marketing catchphrase but it works, right?

    Eurogamer: On a badass scale of one to ten, how badass was the first Gears of War and how badass is Gears of War 2?

    Cliff Bleszinski: The first Gears is pretty, kinda, sorta badass...

    Eurogamer: Like a 7?

    Cliff Bleszinski: Yeah, it's like a 7, and Gears 2 is like 12. It doesn't just go to 11, it goes to 12.

    Eurogamer: I talked to [Gears brand manager] Kudo Tsunoda earlier, and he said it's an 11. Are you saying he doesn't really understand how badass it is?

    Cliff Bleszinski: Yeah well, I have to one-up that guy. It's kind of like no one can be told what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself. Nobody can really be told how badass Gears 2 is until you play it and you walk away with your hands sweating, and go crying to your Mama.

    Eurogamer: Gears 2 is out in November, a competitive time of year - do you think it'll be the best game out this Christmas?

    Cliff Bleszinski: Hands down. But Fable 2 is amazing too.
  11. Biba

    Biba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gears servertje op je PC, leg uit?
  12. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zodat je gekopieerde exemplaren kan spelen? ;)
  13. Intraxz

    Intraxz Ja!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je download bijv. gewoon de software voor een deticated server voor gears of war2. Er zijn zat games waarvoor je alleen de stand alone server kan downloaden hoor. Met je live gamertag is het vast wel te intergreren zodat in windows met je gamertag kan inloggen en op die manier die server kan regelen. Het is maar een ideetje hoor.
  14. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    wat is het voordeel daarvan? je hebt dan nog steeds host-side hit detection bij 1 van de spelers lokaal
  15. Intraxz

    Intraxz Ja!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja, dat wel, maar je kan bijv ook een andere server joinen waar de host zelf niet bij zit. Het wordt dan ook mogelijk om "profesionele" servers te laten hosten.
  16. (Smart)ass

    (Smart)ass Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    nou dan krijg je de mogelijkheid om servers te huren, dmv bv creativegaming, die servers hosten voor bv counterstrike en andere games,
    nog een favorieten functie, en je kan je server joinen met alleen maar nederlanders:) en dan nog de mogelijkheid om mods te installeren:p
  17. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    dus je wilt dat microsoft derden in staat gaat stellen om WEL dedicated servers te hosten zolang ze het zelf niet doen,.. ik weet niet of dat zou werken met xbox live,..maar t zou wel leuk zijn idd.
  18. Intraxz

    Intraxz Ja!

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik denk wel dat in de toekomst nog zoiets gaat gebeuren. Het kan iig beter dan dat het nu is. Al is het nu niet slecht ofzo.
  19. Marruk

    Marruk hallo

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja je hebt het over de host side hit detetection, aan de kant van de host dus. Ik denk dat jij het zo bedoeld dat je de host raakt, en ik dat je iedereen raakt als niet host zijnde. Het komt op hetzelfde neer in ieder geval :)
  20. Biba

    Biba Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Met Halo 2 speelde ik ook al heel vaak op een soort van in elkaar geknutselde dedicated server, maar dan was er dus altijd 1 speler die niet mee deed. Er stond een Xbox bij een of ander datacenter in Duitsland, die van een afstand bestuurd kon worden. Er werd dan een game gehost, en de lead werd aan een 'echte' speler doorgegeven. Hierdoor was lag echt minimaal, ook al speelde je 7v7.

    Zo'n systeem moet dus ook in Gears komen, maar dan op zo'n manier dat die speler die eigenlijk een aangestuurde xbox is, niet ingame hoeft te zijn.
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