Seriously, we have no idea. This image just landed into our tips box with a short message stating that it is a leaked picture of 2.40's trophy support. Whether that's true or not is up for discussion. The tipster calls himself "The Patriots," so there's a chance that this is just the beginning of a new S3 Project which will end with us being transformed into some kind of sneaky government super soldiers. Here's hoping.
Things that make this image seem legit include a lack of blur (seriously, why does every "leaked" image or video have to be super blurry and hard to make out?), not to mention that this is clearly photographed from a monitor. We've checked and that Clank avatar is a real PS3 avatar. Not exactly conclusive evidence, but enough to keep us speculating, for now.
And speculating is all we can do, at this point. If the image
is real, does it show a PS3 Gamercard? You'll notice that the trophy page is only one of three, so what's on the others? No doubt we'll see and hear more of this over the next few weeks in the run up to 2.40's release. Unless the image is fake, in which case we probably won't be hearing anymore about it for a long time. If ever.
[UPDATE] Take a look after the jump for more images, details on how trophies will work and some information on in-game XMB.
[Thanks, The Patriots]