Fable 2 [Deel 3]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Juunanagou, 16 aug 2008.

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  1. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Leuk dat je daar speciaal voor registreerd, maar ze zijn inderdaad al bekend bij ons. :+
  2. SoulSh0oter

    SoulSh0oter Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ok dan ;) ik dacht je weet maar nooit he:p miss kom ik wel met iets nieuws
  3. Gdzr

    Gdzr Hmmm?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet iemand al of hij regio vrij wordt?
  4. Furies

    Furies XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens Gamehubs wel. Ik geloof dat, mocht het zo zijn dat hij niet regio vrij is, je je geld kan terugkrijgen.
  5. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De features zijn inmiddels weer wat ge-update. Staan een hoop leuke feiten tussen.

    • You can cheat on your wife/husband in the game if you'd like. They can find out about it however, especially if you come home with a sexually transmitted disease.
    • Cut-scenes are interactive. Aside from just a few FMV scenes most cut-scenes will allow you to perform expressions during the cut-scenes not only getting a reaction out of the characters in the cut-scene but sometimes even changing the events of the cut-scene.
    • If you play as a female character you can become pregnant. (lijkt me persoonlijk wat minder...)
    • You can also be cheated on. If you ignore your spouse too much or abuse them they will begin to cheat on you.
  6. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wow, lekker uitgebreid.
    What's next, de mogelijkheid tot je dochter opsluiten in een zelfgemaakte kelder en 7 kinderen verwekken?
  7. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    -_- Je moet je kinderen ook naar school sturen etc. Ze kunnen zelfs gepest worden. Maar het blijft jouw keuze. Als jij gewoon een main quest wil doorlopen dan kan dit ook gewoon. Gelukkig maar :)

    Voor diegenen die geen account willen maken (dacht dat dit verplicht is op die site om de lijst te zien):

    * A second player can come in and out of the game at any time as a guest. This player keeps all gold and experience they earn and takes it with them back to their own game world.
    * Co-op can be couch co-op and can also be done via Xbox Live.
    * In your game world there will be purple ambient orbs that float around the game world. These orbs represent people on your friends list and it shows where they are in their world as they're playing it. To invite them into your game you can just go up to them, invite them, and in just a matter of seconds they've entered your game world.
    * The host can determine what share the guest gets of the gold and experience gained when the guest is in their world.
    * Guest players will get an hourly rate of pay for helping the host out.
    * Guest players can kill the host player's family.
    * NPC's will be able to recognize and respond to any guest playing with the main player. For example, if you have an evil guest with you and you're a good character, people will react accordingly.
    * If you go into another persons game as a guest the look of the character will be based off of your character's look. If you don't have a character of your own you'll have a generic pre-determined look to your hero.
    * The host can give the guest items to take back with them to their own game.
    * Demon Doors are returning for Fable II and are still only opened by meeting certain requirements or performing certain actions. Some can only be opened in co-op.
    * The game world will alter according to your interactions with it. If you trade with a small camp you may find that it's given the camp the push it needs to turn into a small settlement in the next 10 years.
    * NPC's have their own schedules and routines that they will follow. They'll go to sleep when tired, and so on.
    * You can rename every NPC if you like.
    * Good and evil are being tracked as well as rich and poor, and both can affect your physical appearance and how the world reacts around you.
    * Morphing is going to have a large part in Fable II, with the different morphs relying on good, evil, corruption, purity, strength, will, and more.
    * You can customize your character with tattoos, clothes tint and colour, hair styles and colour, makeup, jewelry and weapons.
    * Experience gained can be spent on the three different methods of attack; melee, ranged, and magic.
    * There will be a bard that will follow you around Bowerstone and if you'd like you can get him to follow you into a dark alleyway and murder him.
    * If you murder someone and somebody else witnesses it they will run off to tell the guards (unless you kill the witness too).
    * You can go on an entire massacre in a city if you'd like.
    * Upgrading one of the three attack methods will result in gaining new attack moves, new ways to fight, and other special abilities.
    * Because so many people played as good characters in the first game it's going to be more difficult to be good in Fable II.
    * A dog is going to be the main characters main companion in the game from near the beginning on forward.
    * You can use expressions towards the dog to help train it.
    * If your dog is injured you can choose not to heal him but he will limp his way to you no matter where you go, always trying to return to his master.
    * The expression system is back for the main character.
    * Expressions are divided into a few different categories. Fun, Flirty, Social, Rude, and Scary.
    * A few available Fun expressions are Dance, Sock Puppet, Laugh, Hat Headband and Moustache, Victory Arm Pump, Belch and Fart.
    * A few available Flirty expressions are Pick Up Line, Whistle, Blow Kiss, Heroic Pose, Worship and Come Back to My Place.
    * If you flirt, try to impress, or try to become friends with an NPC plus or minus numbers will appear over their head showing how their like or dislike towards you is changing.
    * You will have no direct control over the dog.
    * You can play with your dog, such as throwing it a ball to play fetch.
    * Your dog works with with you to alert you of danger, hidden areas, and assists you in combat.
    * Your dog will morph according to your actions as a player. If you're a good character your dog will look pleasant. If you're an evil character your dog will appear scary.
    * If you go into a fight with your sword drawn your dog will attack the gun-wielding enemies first and vice versa.
    * If an enemy gets knocked down you can train your dog to attack fallen enemies.
    * Just as in the first game hero titles will be available in Fable II.
    * Hollowmen (zombie like creatures) are an enemy that will be in Fable II.
    * Hobbes are an enemy that will be in Fable II.
    * Trolls are an enemy that will be in Fable II.
    * Balverines will be making a return in Fable II.
    * You can feed your dog but you're not responsible for feeding him.
    * If you overfeed your dog it can become fat.
    * The lower your health is the closer the dog will stay to you rather than venturing off further down the path.
    * Any money won in the pub games can be imported into Fable II.
    * Fable II is going to be all about sacrifice.
    * You can swim.
    * You can have somebody sculpt a statue of you.
    * You'll get more experience for a good "style" of fighting and less experience for "button mashing".
    * You'll have spell slots to choose from and by dropping them into different slots you'll determine which control they are linked with (tapping the magic button, holding the magic button, etc.).
    * All spells will have variants of area attacks and projectile attacks.
    * Instead of picking up gold from enemies you'll have to rely on getting gold from gambling or various jobs offered around the world. You will also get no gold for completing quests.
    * Jobs you can have include blacksmith, bartending, assasin, and henchmen.
    * You can also be cheated on. If you ignore your spouse too much or abuse them they will begin to cheat on you.
    * You can be divorced in the game in which case your spouse gets half of all your assets.
    * You can cheat on your wife/husband in the game if you'd like. They can find out about it however, especially if you come home with a sexually transmitted disease.
    * There will be bookstores in Fable II that will have training guides for yourself and your dog as well.
    * Chicken kicking has returned to Fable II.
    * There will be an achievement for being an E v i l [Evil] landlord (such as raising rent to an extreme amount while residents are still living there).
    * There will be a chicken kicking related achievement.
    * You can buy property and then rent it out.
    * The more you work at a job the more your skill in that job will increase.
    * Getting "killed" in Fable II will result in you losing experience but then rising back up in a heroic manner after you've lost some of your experience.
    * Village shops will offer you free items as thanks if you happen to have saved that village from a particular evil.
    * When you marry somebody you become a part of that community.
    * You can have a dowry during marriage.
    * Due to marriage you can have a father-in-law.
    * Instead of mini-maps there will be a new breadcrumb trail. It will update as you explore showing you the quickest route to your next goal.
    * If your spouse is killed your son or daughter will have to go to an orphanage.
    * You can purchase and own any building in the game, ranging from dungeons, houses, inns, to castles.
    * Most buildings or structures you can buy have specific quests associated with them.
    * You can play as a male or female.
    * You can get married and have children.
    * Just as in the first game same-sex marriage is possible.
    * The appearance of your children will be determined by the appearance of your spouse as well as that of yourself.
    * If you leave home for too long your family will react accordingly upon your return, either by being very happy you're back or by being upset that you've been gone for so long.
    * Condoms can be obtained by the character (made of animal intestines) which can be used to help avoid unwanted pregnancies as well as sexually transmitted diseases.
    * Whenever you get caught for a crime you can choose to pay a fine, resist arrest, or perform community service.
    * Choosing community service as crime repayment will open up new side quests.
    * Just as in Fable I you can knock down doors in Fable II.
    * Some women are attracted to evil men and will be impressed when your murder and so on.
    * If you're evil your child will exhibit evil characteristics. If you're good your child will exhibit good characteristics.
    * If you want to avoid accidental murder of a non-combatant you can turn the feature off to allow you to kill anybody who is not an enemy.
    * As the breadwinner of your family you will be responsible for your families survival by making sure they have enough food to eat, etc.
    * You can have protected or unprotected sex.
    * If you play as a female character you can become pregnant.
    * Combat will be used via a one-button system. There will be one button for your sword, one for gun, and another for magic. This kind of combat is based off of timing and positioning of the character.
    * Combat will be position oriented; your character will interact with the environment around him to help him fight.
    * You can pick up and throw bottles at enemies.
    * Your combat style will change according to the kind of weapon you're using.
    * The player will unlock more skills and combos with particular weapons as they become better at fighting.
    * Cut-scenes are interactive. Aside from just a few FMV scenes most cut-scenes will allow you to perform expressions during the cut-scenes not only getting a reaction out of the characters in the cut-scene but sometimes even changing the events of the cut-scene.
    * Aside from swords and magic the player can use guns.
    * The player can use a more accurate aim with a crosshair during gameplay.
    * Some side quests include exposing a secret lover, helping a drunk get into a drinking program, and protecting (or slaughtering) a villager's livestock.
    * While Peter says you can complete the main story in 12 hours if you rush through it it would much longer to do everything in the game.
  8. Sjakiejojo

    Sjakiejojo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kan dus zwanger worden, dus moet je ook bevallen ;) ben benieuwd of Peter dat in beeld gaat brengen of dat je plotseling een cutscene (niet letterlijk) krijgt en je baby op je rug zit. En wat als je dan weeen krijgt moet je voor een bepaalde tijd naar de doktor? en als je dat negeert? :eek:

    Klinkt allemaal goed maar hoop ook dat hij het allemaal goed werkt anders kan hij het er beter uitlaten.
  9. Pegas

    Pegas XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm... persoonlijke queste: dood iedere man die met je vrouw heeft geslapen. In andere woorden, dood iedere man in het dorp en maak van al de vrouwen je harem :cool:.
  10. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hehe, wel leuk allemaal hoor. Al zal ik wel schijtziek worden van mijn kind, ach ik word lekker zo'n gast die overal schijt aan heeft. Maak met iedereen kinderen, word lekker evil en drink me kapot. :+
  11. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga dit keer voor een goede hero. Bij fable 1 was iedereen tegen mij. Ik had heel Oakvale opgeëist en alle huizen gekocht. Overal waar ik liep kreeg ik "boeeeee" naar mijn oren gesmeten. De counter stond uiteindelijk op 5000 villagers en iets van 3000 guards O-)

    Dus dit keer word ik echt een Hero :cool:
  12. Pegas

    Pegas XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vergeet je kinderen ook niet slagen, zeer belanrijke factor in een goede opvoeding. Idem voor kinder misbruik, moest dat gaan in de game :+.

    Heb trouwens zin om een "hero" te maken en elk dorp dat ik tegen kom ga ik uitroeien, in de mate mogelijk (en hopelijk kan het wat beter dan in Fable, want daar kan je slechts 1 dorpje uitroeien).
  13. Gdzr

    Gdzr Hmmm?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou je als je incest gaat doen, ook mongooltjes krijgen?
  14. Sjakiejojo

    Sjakiejojo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je zus en je moeder kan je nemen volgens Peter (bevestigt in een onlangs verschenen interview) je kinderen is die nog mee bezig dacht ik maar dat moeten we maar even afwachten. Wat het resultaat dan wordt weet ik ook niet
  15. Dusky Demon NL

    Dusky Demon NL Daan

    Leuk Bevonden:
    T gaat wel ver zeg. Condooms, SOA's :+

    Zou je trouwens ook zo'n dikke Wrong Turn (2) familie kunnen maken? Van die dik gemuteerde incest mensen :9

    EDIT: Oh gdzr zei dat al.
  16. japie06

    japie06 Kaasfabriek

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik heb fable bij gamehubs besteld. Ik had gevraagd of ze 100% zekerheid kunnen zeggen dat hij regio vrij is en zei bevestigden dat. Dus ik hoop eind otober met een goedkope fable II te zitten \o/
  17. Cookie

    Cookie #TaylorSwift XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klinkt allemaal best fout dit :eek:

    Ik ga sowieso dit kasteel kopen:


    1 miljoen maar het is het waard :cool:

    Nu hopen dat er niks met het geld van de pubgames gaat gebeuren door een eventuele patch.
  18. tricker

    tricker Semper Fi

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Das nog niks ik had alles gekocht! Gewoon de eigenaren afmaken en dan gebouw kopen :+ Had alles en dan ook alles ter huur op stellen dus ook nog mooi centjes innen O-) Geweldig was dat...hoop dat het nu ook weer kan!

    En dat kind, daar ga ik me de eerste keer niet zo op focusen ga me straks rot ergeren aan dat joch en gaat spel stof vangen :9
  19. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bruut dat kasteel! Hoe meer ik zie/lees hoe meer zin ik er in heb, als ik een game mocht kopen dit jaar dan is het ongetwijfeld Fable 2. _O_
  20. Dyonko

    Dyonko Duke

    Leuk Bevonden:
    jesus , volgens mij is fable gewoon net the sims alleen dan nog met een verhaallijntje ernaast voor als je niet zown zin hebt in een gezin :9
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