Wanneer de achievement verschijnt meteen je xbox uitzetten. Dan zal die verder niets opslaan. Wanneer je continue doet zal hij net voor de keuze weer verder gaan. Mits je daar gesaved hebt natuurlijk.
Melee weapons
Hal's Sword
Damage: 22; Type ???; Attack Speed: Fast; Augments: three empty slots
Location: Chest at the end of the Chamber Of Fate (downloadable content)
The Calavera
Damage: 67; Type: Mace; Attack Speed: Slow; Augments: Flame
Location: Westcliffe Demon Door
The Chopper
Damage: 96; Type: Axe; Attack Speed: Slow; Augments: Discipline, Stoneskin
Location: Score eight perfect rounds in The Crucible.
The Daichi
Damage: 91; Type: Katana; Attack Speed: Fast; Augment: Devastation, Bewitching, Killerwatt
Location: From Cullis Gate area of Brightwood Tower. Look for a gap in the railing, and vault over it into Archon's Knot tomb, and make your way through it. When coming out of the exit, there is a chest to the right containing this weapon.
The Hammerthyst
Damage: 78; Type: Hammer; Attack Speed: Slow; Augments: Barkskin
Location: Oakfield Demon Door, in the windmill
The Maelstrom
Damage: 58; Type: Cutlass; Attack Speed: Normal; Augment: Scourge
Location: Temple of Shadows. Gain 2,000 points, then sacrifice your husband or wife and three monks between 12 a.m. and 1 a.m.
The Rising Sun
Damage: 61; Type: Cleaver; Attack Speed: Normal; Augment: Righteous Violence
Location: Temple of Light. Donate 5,000 gold. After the monk tells you about the harvest benefactor, donate 10,000 gold between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m.
The Wreckager
Damage: 78; Type:Cutlass; Attack Speed: Normal; Augments: Fear Itself, Golden Touch, Stoneskin.
Location: Halls Of The Dead (downloadable content in Limited Edition only)
Ranged weapons
The Enforcer
Damage: 177; Type: Blunderbuss; Attack Speed: Slow; Augments: Barkskin, Luck Charm
Location: Successfully complete the "Cold Comfort Farmer" and "The Blind Date" quests. This will let you buy Farmer Giles farm, which contains a key that will let you down into the farm cellar in the barn. It is at a dig spot at the end.
The Perforator
Damage: 81; Type: Turret Rifle; Attack Speed; Normal Augments: Fear Itself, Discipline, Barkskin; Augments: Fear Itself, Discipline, Barkskin
Location: Wraithmarsh Demon Door. In a cave in the back.
The Rammer
Damage: 119; Type: Crossbow; Attack Speed: Normal; Augments: Ghoul, Flame, Bewitching
Location: Gargoyles Treasure. This unlocks the "Gargoyles Treasure" achievement. You must also shoot all 50 Gargoyles.
The Red Dragon
Damage: 41; Type: Pistol; Attack Speed: Normal; Augments: Devastation, Lucky Charm
Location: Westcliff shooting range. Score 175 or higher in one game.
Is er tevens al iemand die me kan helpen aan de 2 expressies die je moet halen met de Pubgames. Dan kan ik eindelijk the completionist achievement halen. TIA