dlc nieuws heel veel dlc!

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door mitch afca, 28 dec 2008.

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  1. mitch afca

    mitch afca New Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    call of duty word at war!

    that the downloadable content offered for previous Call of Dutys consisted of run-of-the-mill map packs, deviating from that path shouldn't prove difficult. But World at War executive producer Daniel Suarez is still being mysterious.

    He tells MTV Multiplayer that the team has "potentially two, maybe three packs" planned for the fifth core Call of Duty title. If they were as simple as Modern Warfare's "Variety" map pack or Call of Duty 3's duo of similar content, he probably wouldn't be so cagey about dishing details.

    Hmmm... would Nazi werewolves fall under "what we've done traditionally"?

    Activision: 'Call of Duty: World At War' DLC Will Be Unusual, Announced In 2009 [MTV Multiplayer]

    midnightclub la

    Now that everyone should actually be able to progress through Midnight Club: Los Angeles, what is Rockstar's next step in supporting the latest entry in the Midnight Club series? We learned today that they're planning to release downloadable content that will add a new area to the already-large map: South Central.
    This new area is roughly one-third of the size of the current MC: L.A. map and will contain landmarks like the USC campus and the L.A. Memorial Coliseum, according to Rockstar. Alongside the release of the 'South Central upgrade map' will be the premium 'South Central content pack.' There's no indication as to what the pack will cost, but we know that it will include new cars, a motorcycle, SUVs (which aren't currently available in L.A.), races, music, and more.

    All of this content is expected to be released in early 2009 on both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

    mirrors edge

    EA and DICE have announced details on Mirror's Edge DLC. In late January, players will be able to download nine new races for the Time Trial mode. According to the press release, these levels will have "no guns, no cops, and no city: this is true aesthetics, agility and flow that will challenge any runner." We're not entirely sure what that means, but we certainly want to find out. Update: Well, this new video certainly clears things up. Wow.

    The nine new races will cost $10. However, PS3 owners get a special treat. All owners of the game can download an additional tenth race for free from the PlayStation Store. This is the PS3-exclusive DLC we've been waiting to hear about. (Who doesn't like free stuff?)

    een kleine greep in een paar dlc die we binnenkort kunnen spelen
  2. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    8), dat hoort in het desbetreffende topic van die game. Niet in een nieuwe topic, anders worden de modjes boos. :cool:
  3. mitch afca

    mitch afca New Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    teveel werk.

    you can hate it or love it mods moeten niet zo moeilijk zitten doen hier op deze site is het wel heel erg
  4. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb geen klachten over de werkwijze hier. ;)
    Wordt wel erg onoverzichtelijk als voor ieder nieuwtje/opmerking een nieuw topic wordt aangemaakt.

    Ik kijk iig uit naar de Mirror's Edge DLC. Al moet ik de game eerst nog eens uitspelen. :+
  5. mitch afca

    mitch afca New Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    duurt niet zo lang 8 levels vrij simpel
  6. WinterBase


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet je, ik ben blij dat ze zo moeilijk doen over topics als deze. Anders zou namelijk het hele forum binnen de kortste keren helemaal uit zijn voegen barsten met topics als deze. Anyway, je topic is gereport dus zal zo wel een slot op komen :thumbs:
  7. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zoals al eerder gezegd door de members is deze topic overbodig, aangezien het veel overzichtelijker is dit te posten in de topics van de desbetreffende games.

    Als je daarnaast aanmerkingen op het werk van de mods hebt, here you go
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