[XOne] [Saints Row 2] Algemeen [deel 3]

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door WinterBase, 26 okt 2008.

  1. Mitch0Neil

    Mitch0Neil World Domination

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb laatst de verhaallijn uitgespeeld:thumbs:, en dat is zeker leuk om te doen. Wat wel jammer is aan de verhaallijn is dat je gewoon kan gokken wat je moet doen..
  2. RdG

    RdG lettss gooo

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb hem bijna uitgespeeld,ik moet alleen nog de laatste missie doen maar die snapte ik eerst maar niet :p.

    Maarja ik had ff op Youtube gekeken dus weet ik het nu wel.
  3. Daantjuhh14

    Daantjuhh14 Guest


    Ik kom niet verder bij die missie dat je met een zwaard kanto moet afmaken..:mad: heeft iemand tips? want met dat rt/lt snap ik niet helemaal, ik doe dat als hij begint met zn aanval uittevoeren, maar er gebeurt niks
  4. RdG

    RdG lettss gooo

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Ja,dat stuk vond ik ook zo irritant want,ik kreeg die gast pas na een half uur dood ofzo.
    Als hij net wilt gaan slaan dan moet je RT indrukken en dan sla je hem.
    Maar,dat werkte bij mij soms maar.
  5. Mitch0Neil

    Mitch0Neil World Domination

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is dit op die boot of is deze missie in dat chineese gebouw?:9
  6. Daantjuhh14

    Daantjuhh14 Guest

    in het chinese gebouw..
  7. acisiz

    acisiz Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik speelde deze game op de pc maar daarop zuigt die ZWAAAAAAAARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    hoe is die op de 360? wel fijne gameplay etc?
  8. RdG

    RdG lettss gooo

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb vandaag het spel uitgespeeld!
    En ik ben pas op 62% maarja ik heb geen zin in die irritante activiteiten.

    Gameplay is wel chill op Xbox360 vind ik.
  9. Mitch0Neil

    Mitch0Neil World Domination

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Op 360 is de gameplay wel tof, ik heb het spel uitgespeeld met 95%,:+ had alle activiteiten eerst gedaan.:thumbs:
  10. Dedemsvaart

    Dedemsvaart redonkulous

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Joepi, ik heb mn eerste Chop shop af!:D
    Was echt te makkelijk voor woorden maar toch leuk.

    Nu nog 4 andere locaties....

    Heeft iemand trouwens tips voor die activity met die strontwagen?
    Ik haal zelfs level 1 niet.......
  11. Daantjuhh14

    Daantjuhh14 Guest

    heeft iemand tips voor die missie dat je die dj moet killen met flashbangs? ik kom echt niet verder..
    Welke wapens gebruiken jullie?


    Heel rustig rijden, je kunt niet gearresteerd worden. gewoon alle tijd nemen, en alle doelen goed proberen te raken:)
  12. Mitch0Neil

    Mitch0Neil World Domination

    Leuk Bevonden:
    The Veteran... 8)Flashbang pakken, gooien en dan met shotgun beknallen. Ik stond telkens achter die pilaren voor dekking:), en af en toe tevoorschijn komen voor de flashbangs... Succes;)

    Gewoon heletijd remmen en alles wat je ziet besproeien, je auto kan niet kapot en je kan ook niet opgepakt worden.:D
    Laatst bewerkt: 18 mrt 2009
  13. FR-thaan

    FR-thaan Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    EDIT: Laat maar, het is al gelukt!
    Ben alweer op 93% van het spel, in 2 weekjes tijd.
    Behoorlijk verslaafd.
    Heb alle activities en chop shops en hitman targets gedaan. Main verhaal was ook zo uitgespeeld. Morgen nog even de ambulance en taxi missies enzo doen en daarna nog is een keer het spel in co-op uitspelen. Misschien ook nog een paar multiplayer achievements halen(boosten dan denk ik).
    Laatst bewerkt: 19 mrt 2009
  14. Alizor

    Alizor Murdaturk

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb hem ook hier liggen maar de game boeit mij niet zo, doet me echt teveel aan Saints Row 1 denken.
  15. Dedemsvaart

    Dedemsvaart redonkulous

    Leuk Bevonden:
    haha, nice. Ik wist dus niet dat je kon remmen:9
    Ik heb nu alle activity's af. Alles op Hardcore, behalve drug-trafficing.

    Gisteravond heb ik deze game de hele tijd gespeeld.
    erg vermakkelijk. Vooral die unlockables zijn leuk.
    Ik heb nu een full-pimp outfit. Gehaald door Ho-ing tot level 11 te doen ofzo.
    Verder heb ik nu unlimited ammo voor: Shotgun, Rifle, submachine en pistol.

    Verder heb ik eindelijk satchel charges, en die zijn zo geweldig:lol::thumbs:
    Wel jammer dat ik er maar 5 telkens kan ophalen in mn crib. ik heb ook geen shop gevonden waar ze die verkopen....
    Weet iemand hoe je er meer dan 5 krijgt? welke shop ofzo..?

    kben nu bezig met alle races. ben op 70% ofzo al van alle races.
    91% van het spel in totaal:D
  16. Saint 360

    Saint 360 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe maak je je eigen radiostation in SR2 op 360? (via ipod eventueel)
  17. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe werkt dat Ho-ing eigenlijk?

    Ksnap er geen bal van :+
  18. Mitch0Neil

    Mitch0Neil World Domination

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tijdens het spelen op het 'start' knopje drukken en dan naar radio gaan. Daarzo kan je zelf kiezen tussen radiozenders kiezen en zelf een lijst samenstellen. Ik weet niet op je het vanaf je Ipod kan doen:confused: Succes:9
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Saints Row 2: Ultor Exposed
    Tera Patrick is your new homie.

    March 30, 2009 - Saints Row 2 is about to get its first downloadable add-on. Due out April 16, the Ultor Exposed expansion will add three new missions, a mission metagame, six vehicles, more hairstyles and outfits, and new multiplayer maps. Oh, Tera Patrick will also be a new in-game character and one of your homies. No big deal. All of that comes with the price of 800 Microsoft points or $9.99. To learn more about this add-on, we went to THQ and got the answers from James Torbit, DLC Producer on Saints Row 2.

    IGN: So, Tera Patrick?

    James Torbit
    : Right. And we couldn't be more excited!

    We thought, who would players want to team up with when they're sticking it to the man (Ultor) in the new mission arc? We could have put someone unattractive and boring in there, myself for example, but ultimately concluded that would be a poor decision. We want to reward players for playing Saints Row 2 and Ultor Exposed. It's a philosophy we've stuck to for years and we'll not be stopping that any time soon.


    Tera has a great role in the Ultor Exposed arc, but you'll also be able to call her up as homie and take her along for all existing and future content as well. She'll bring along one of the new vehicles, the Temptress, which is probably the most balanced performance car in Stilwater.

    IGN: How did you capture her "essence" in digital form?

    James Torbit
    : Visually rebuilding a real person within the stylistic and technical boundaries of an existing video game isn't easy. The expectations go beyond compelling character design, because now you must also evoke the iconic and subtle details of someone we've all seen. It's a very iterative art meets science process.

    Of course, we're lucky enough to have Tera on board recording her own dialogue, which really brings the character and her attitude home. In game, Tera portrays herself having worked as a microbiologist for the Ultor Corporation, and now she's coming to you and you're both going to blow the whistle on the crimes Ultor has been committing under the guise of "research." It's a vengeance play, straight up.

    Ms. Patrick in digital form.​

    IGN: Why the long time span from the game's release to this add-on?

    James Torbit
    : In truth, we'd have loved to do it sooner, but first, we're going to do it right… and that's what it's all about. The expectations placed on DLC content are increasing and we're not in the business of disappointment.

    Ultor Exposed is priced very competitively for a loaded pack containing a new mission arc, a new co-op gameplay mode, vehicles, piles of new customization items, multiplayer maps and so on. I'd say we're proud of that; consider it our stimulus package for gamers in these economically disastrous times.

    IGN: People loved Saints Row 2 for the sheer variety and "fun factor" in the things you could do. How do you build on that successfully with an add-on?

    James Torbit
    : I mentioned the Saints Row 2 philosophy of fun earlier. It's about gameplay that accommodates the whim of the player even if that means catering to the absurd and over the top. Because, why not? We've exaggerated that philosophy further in Ultor Exposed.

    Consider this: You've got Tera Patrick on speed dial. She's unloading an assault rifle into a Masako super soldier while you're driving around a truck full of dead bodies. In your garage you've got an armored vehicle that fires heat-seeking missiles as fast as you can pull the trigger… and you're wearing a new alien costume. Honestly, WTF is going on here?

    To most people this sounds insane, but to the residents of Stilwater this is Tuesday.

    All of the Ultor Exposed content is baked right into the game. Just load up your save file and go, no questions asked. Part of the fun is taking all of these new toys back to your favorite Saints Row 2 experiences.

    IGN: What makes the new multiplayer maps special? In other words, what do they offer that will spark a renewed interest in someone who has stopped playing Saints Row 2?

    James Torbit
    : Ultor Exposed includes four new maps, two each for the Gangster Brawl and Strong Arm multiplayer modes. Each of these maps takes players to special renditions of popular Stilwater locations, like the Downtown or Prison Cellblock.

    These maps are worth your time for two reasons: One, like everything in Ultor Exposed, they benefit from all we've learned while creating Saints Row 2. Two, multiplayer gamer expectations are high and we've responded by investing a significant amount of time and effort in developing the highest quality maps possible, both visually and functionally.

    This is somehow familiar...​

    New maps always give way to new tactics. As a gamer, I enjoy these times the most, because there are new opportunities to make the environment work for you in the struggle for victory. Well designed maps are going to give you these options, and this is definitely something you'll find in the Ultor Exposed multiplayer maps.

    IGN: Imagine I'm crazy and don't want to play around with the new distractions, vehicles or multiplayer maps. About how long will it take just to beat the three new missions?

    James Torbit
    : Crazy people will spend around two hours completing the new mission arc. The Ultor Exposed missions are a bit larger than usual and we've taken care to give players the challenge they've been asking for. When you take into consideration all the other content, you're looking at many more hours. We think the all-new co-op metagame is reason enough the play through Saints Row 2 all over again, and if you're a fan of multiplayer, the new maps will add hours of new gameplay. Throw in all the new vehicles and customization options and it's hard to pin-point just how much time it will take to explore everything.

    IGN: How does the mission metagame work?

    James Torbit
    : The meta-game is a new competitive co-op gameplay mode that works not only in the Ultor Exposed mission arc, but also in all of the existing Saints Row 2 missions.

    During the metagame, players will receive points for getting kills and causing mayhem during missions. Killing your co-op partner will result in a penalty, so it's all about getting the job at hand done as destructively as possible. Points are shown on screen as they're earned so you'll always know the score.


    When the mission ends you'll see the final tally on the completion screen and the victor walks away with a bonus wad of cash money.

    The game is activated in the pause menu and can be turned on and off anytime. It's great fun and it's killer for replay value. We've found ourselves hitting up lots of our favorite missions, sometimes over and over, as we compete for the high score.

    IGN: Which of the new vehicles is your favorite to toy around with?

    James Torbit
    : There are six new vehicles in Ultor Exposed, all of which are available in the player's garage. Many of them are equipped with destructive weaponry, like the EDF Scout which makes an explosive crossover appearance from Red Faction: Guerilla or the Vulture, a military grade helicopter that's all about air superiority.

    I'm a car guy, so my favorite is the Stallion, a vintage racing car. It's maneuverable in the extreme and it's an all-out torque-monster. I've taken it through many of the races available throughout the city.

    IGN: This download has been labeled DLC Pack 01. How long will we have to wait for 02?

    James Torbit
    : We'll be getting to the business of the next Saints Row 2 DLC package once Ultor Exposed is complete. I'd be breaking the rules if I revealed anything specific but I will say that you won't have as long a wait as you did for Ultor Exposed, so stay tuned.
  20. Peter OtH

    Peter OtH XBW.nl VIP Redacteur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ok, dit ga ik dus op zeker aanschaffen 16 april.
    Best flink wat content voor 800 punten (zeker als je het vergelijkt met het gemiddelde '3 MP maps' voor 800 punten)

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