[XOne] Account gehackt

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door PRO EVO6, 15 apr 2009.

  1. Steel Dogg

    Steel Dogg Registered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wacht, ik weet het! Ik heb mijn account ook eens verloren

    Mailen naar hun en dan zoveel mogelijk informatie opgeven die je weet, om zo opnieuw je wachtwoord in te stellen!

    Eerst natuurlijk bidden dat hij je gegevens niet verwijderd heeft :cool:

    Waarschijnlijk niet. Wss heeft hij alleen je belangrijkste gegevens om in te loggen/ account terug te krijgen gedaan.
  2. jorisjee

    jorisjee Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik zouw het ook even tegen je vrienden op live zeggen want waarschijnlijk stuurt hij hun nu een berichteje met als je gratis ms points wil log dan in op die site en dan zijn hun hem ook allemaal kwijt.
  3. strapping young lad

    strapping young lad Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wachtwoord veranderen, aangeven bij microsoft en je CC onmiddelijk blokkeren!
    Wat hij nu doet in jouw account? spam sturen naar zoveel mogelijk mensen met dezelfde website in de hoop dat meer mensen hun paswoord aan hun gaan geven.
  4. PRO EVO6


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben echt blij dat mijn CC gegevens er niet op staan,maar ik ga is proberen ms te bellen,maar dat is nu toe denk ik.Ik heb er alles voor over om mijn gamercard terug te krijgen.
  5. Shin David

    Shin David Ajax Amsterdam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vond het al vreemd dat ik ineens een berichtje kreeg van je met "I GOT 2100 MS POINTS FOR FREE WITH HALO WARS AT THIS SITE www. blablaweebly.com".
  6. PRO EVO6


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nu stuurt hij op mijn andere gamercard dit U WANT IT BACK GET ME ¤¤ MICROSOFT POINTS
  7. PRO EVO6


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja dat was ik dus niet maar hij.Man ik ben er ziek van.Microsoft neemt niet meer op nu,morgen is bellen
  8. Steel Dogg

    Steel Dogg Registered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Maar probeer eens wat ik zei, want dat werkt gewoon wel als je simpelweg de juiste informatie hebt opgegeven. De meeste scammers gaan alleen de wachtwoorden, geheime vraag en evt. ook nog de alternatieve email adres veranderen, maar de informatie laten ze dan gewoon zitten zodat je gewoon de mogelijkheid hebt een reset voor het wachtwoord aan te vragen.

    En dat doe je dan weer door te gaan mailen en een soort formulier in te vullen over het betreffende email adres. En als het gewoon klopt, dan krijg je je email adres + account terug. :)
  9. PRO EVO6


    Leuk Bevonden:
    En weet je welk e-mail adres dat is ? dan kan ik is proberen.
  10. Steel Dogg

    Steel Dogg Registered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
  11. Dribble

    Dribble Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoop voor je dat de oplossing van Steel Dogg werkt. Denk namelijk niet dat MS je helpt op het moment dat al je gegevens verandert zijn en jij nergens meer antwoord op kunt geven. Hoop het beste voor je man.
  12. Steel Dogg

    Steel Dogg Registered User

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klantenservice van Hotmail zal je eerder helpen dan MS, want die kunnen makkelijker je email weer fixen.

    En dat helpt je weer je account terug te krijgen. Dus probeer sowieso wat ik je vertelde ;)
  13. Rebel8319

    Rebel8319 XBW Addict

    Leuk Bevonden:
    microsoft mailen ,me vriendin heeft hetzelfdde gehad en toen heb ik gemailt met MS en na een aantal vragen kreeg ik nieuwe inlog gegevens !
  14. PRO EVO6


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dank u ,als het niet helpt word het maar een nieuwe gamercard aanmaken,jammer genoeg
  15. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De enige manier is om de xbox helpdesk te bellen .. vermelden dat je account gestolen is
  16. Godsmack257

    Godsmack257 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik kreeg idd ook een message van je (de scammer dus).
    Geloofde er niets van en heb niet eens gekeken.

    Dit is wel mooi klote voor je, maar het kan de beste gebeuren lijkt me.
    Hopen dat het goed afloopt!
  17. PRO EVO6


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja heb al een email gestuurd naar de klantenservice,morgen ga ik ook is bellen naar microsoft,en die gast blijft mij terwijl berichten sturen dat hij ms punten van me wilt en dan krijg ik alles terug zegt hij.
  18. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb de site gereport op xbox.com
  19. jorisjee

    jorisjee Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    heey pro evo je kunt aan hem vragen of hij level 100 op gow 2 dan kun je dat ruilen tegen je aucount dan geef ik jouw wel een aucount waar dat op staat
  20. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Account Security for Xbox LIVE

    What is Unauthorized Access?

    Unauthorized access is the use of your Xbox LIVE account without your knowledge and consent. Unauthorized use can involve the recovery of your Xbox LIVE account on a console that is not yours, or logging into your account via Xbox.com. The unauthorized recovery of your account to another console can result in loss of your access to the service or other consequences that will negatively affect your gaming experience. The unauthorized use of your account can also result in unauthorized charges for purchases made using your account.
    How are accounts compromised today?

    Your Xbox LIVE account can be compromised in several different ways, most of which can easily be prevented by you. Below are a few examples of situations that can lead to your account being compromised, and steps that you can take to avoid that from happening.
    Account Sharing

    Sharing your Windows Live ID password is one of the most common ways to have your account compromised and is easily preventable by you. Help ensure the safety of your account by keeping your password secret. Do not share your Windows Live ID password with friends, family members or anyone else, regardless of the reason, as this allows others to access your account. Do not share your Windows Live ID password with others.
    Phishing Scams

    Phishing is a type of internet scam designed to trick you into revealing your login credentials, such as your Windows Live ID and password, or information about you or your accounts that can be used to gain access to your account. Phishing is typically attempted through spoofed or fake emails, websites or other means of communication. You may be phished via:
    • Email messages that appear to be from a coworker or friend with links to a web site or asking for information about you or your account(s)
    • An instant message that appear to come from someone in your friends list with a link to a web site
    • An email appearing to come from XBOX or Microsoft
    • A "Spoof" web site, pretending to be an Xbox LIVE website with a Windows Live ID login page
    Regardless of the phishing method, the single most important thing to remember is: Do not reveal your login credentials or other information about you or your account(s).
    More information on different types of phishing scams, and what you can do to protect yourself is available from Microsoft here: www.microsoft.com/protect/yourself/phishing/default.mspx
    Gamerscore Boosting sites

    Sites and advertisements claiming to provide services to "Boost" your Gamerscore often lead to a compromise of your account. Typically, these sites will offer to play on your account to boost your gamer score and will require you to provide your Windows Live ID and password in order to play on your account. To add insult to injury, many of these "services" require some form of payment. In the end, you have paid someone to compromise your account, make unauthorized purchases on your account and have received nothing in return for the payment you provided. These sites are not affiliated with Microsoft, and should be avoided.
    Email and Web Site Phishing Example

    You are checking your email, and one of your most recent messages appears to be from XBOX offering a free 5000 Microsoft Points to the first 100 people to go to a website linked in the email. Upon clicking the link, you are sent to a web site which appears to be affiliated with XBOX and is asking for your Windows Live ID and password to login. Once you have entered your information and click sign in, you are sent to a confirmation page. Later, you go to the Xbox Live Marketplace and attempt to redeem your points, only to notice that you did not receive any. You have just been "Phished".
    What does this mean? The email and website were not from Xbox and whoever is monitoring that web site now has your Windows Live ID and password, and can use this information to compromise your account.
    What can you do?
    1. If you have not lost access to your account yet, immediately change your Windows Live ID password.
    2. Change your secret question and secret answer for your account.
    3. Change your alternate email address associated with your Windows Live ID.
    For information on how to perform these actions from a computer online, please go to accounts.live.com, and click "Help Central" at the bottom of the page.
    For "How-to steps" to perform these changes through the Xbox LIVE dashboard can be found at the following address: support.xbox.com/support/en/us/xbox360/xboxlive/myaccount/managemyaccount/windowsliveid.aspx
    Social Engineering

    Social Engineering is the process someone uses, through basic conversation or other means, to manipulate individuals into revealing personal information about themselves or their accounts. They may try to engage you in seemingly meaningless conversation that is actually intended to gather information about you or your account. Once the "Phisher" has enough information about you they can use this information to pose as you and attempt to obtain access or make changes to your account. Once they have access to your Xbox LIVE account, the "Phisher" can use your account to perform any action that you could. They'll normally settle for purchasing the maximum number of Points possible on your account and downloading everything that looks interesting to them while sticking you with the bill. Do not reveal personal information about yourself or your accounts.
    How to Secure Your Account

    The security of your Xbox LIVE account is of the utmost importance to Microsoft. However, your account can only be as secure as you make it. Exercise caution when providing information over the internet. There are a few simple steps you can use to protect yourself when dealing with individuals over the internet.
    1. Do not provide your First or Last name to individuals you do not know over the internet or over Xbox Live. Do not put your full First or last name in your Xbox profile.
    2. Keep your physical address private. The simple act of telling someone what school you go to, or what neighborhood you live in can be enough to locate more information about you. Think of all the personal information you've likely posted to social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace or Windows Live Spaces that can be used to pose as you. Do not put your full physical address in your Xbox profile.
    3. Do not provide your Windows Live ID to individuals who want to email you that you do not know. Set up a second email account at www.hotmail.com to use if people wish to send you an email. Your Windows Live ID should be something you provide to known acquaintances or businesses, not something you provide to anyone who asks for it.
    4. Your job is your business. Keep responses about your career brief, or vague. Do not provide specifics about where you work or who you work for as this information can lead to locating more information about you. Do not put your employer in your Xbox profile.
    5. Be wary of anyone asking you for information about yourself that doesn't have a need for the information.
    How to keep your Windows Live ID secure

    There are several steps you can take to help keep your Windows Live ID and password secure:
    Note: Microsoft and Xbox will never ask you for your Windows Live ID password in email, Instant Messaging or over the phone. Enter your Windows Live ID password only at known Microsoft sites or through the Xbox console.
    1. Create a strong password that includes a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters (e.g. #$%^&*).
    2. Change your password, and secret question and secret answer routinely. When resetting your password, you can choose to make your password expire every 72 days.
    3. Never share your Windows Live ID password with others.
    4. Share your Windows Live ID only with people you know in person, such as friends and business contacts, that you wish to use Messenger to speak with.
    5. Use a Secret Question and Secret Answer that only you would be able to answer.
    6. Do not provide your Windows Live ID to unknown web sites, businesses or message boards.
    7. Do not share your password or personal information with anyone contacting you presenting themselves as a customer support agent or affiliated with Xbox and Microsoft. If you are concerned that the contact might not be legitimate, contact Xbox support directly at 1-800-4-MY-XBOX.
    For more information, please review the information available at Microsoft.com available here.
    How to help protect yourself online

    Helping to keep your computer and your information secure is a priority for Microsoft and all of our customers. For information on how to help protect your computer, yourself, and your family while on line, please visit the Security At Home portal from Microsoft, available here: www.microsoft.com/protect/default.mspx
    The security at home portal, available from Microsoft, provides information on how to protect your computer, protect yourself, and how to protect your family while online.
    If your Xbox LIVE account has been compromised and you no longer have access to your account, please contact Xbox LIVE support. For more information about how to request assistance when your account has been compromised, please see the following article.

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