Section 8

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door tricker, 14 jan 2008.

  1. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als ze me zouden vragen, zou ik tekenen. ;)

    Mare ik weet niet, deze game heeft denk ik veel potentie en lijkt me erg vet. Jammer genoeg, want dan kan hij alleen maar hard tegenvallen natuurlijk. Ik sta voor de pc in ieder geval ingeschreven voor 2 beta's :+ Beta wordt eind deze maand verspreid.
  2. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Futuristische wapens :thumbs:
    Zolang de game goed speelt wil ik het zeker en kans geven.
  3. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Om even antwoord te geven :)
    Rest van het interview; 360 16 spelers sowieso, pc 32 soweiso, kunnen er meer worden. :)
    2. Q: From past interviews, there is nothing in regards to map restrictions. Could you tell us if there are any and if so, how will these be balanced during burn-in?

    A: When players are preparing to burn-in, they will be provided with a birds-eye tactical view of the battlefield and choose where they will begin burning-in to. The player will be able to burn-in anywhere on this map, though they will want to be weary of dropping into the deadly radii of hostile AA Turrets.

    3. Q: It has been mentioned that the player will be able to purchase a variety of different deployable. Since this is a first-person shooter, how will players earn credits/points?

    A: Players will be rewarded for their actions on the battlefield. For example, attacking or defending a base well, capturing a Control Point, repairing teammates, assisting in kills, providing sniper cover, or completing Dynamic Combat Missions will all reward the player with the ability to purchase different deployable vehicles, turrets, and other aids.

    Q: How do you choose where you’re going to burn-in on the map? Do you just click a spot on the map to where you want to burn-in?

    A: The player will have a tactical, birds-eye view of the battlefield prior to burn-in. They can make any adjustments to their load out during this time. Then, they will be able to select any location on the battlefield to begin burning-in. The burn-in process does not stop here though. The player must make a choice between braking and steering their path for a more precise landing, or not braking for the quickest, yet least controlled landing. Players need to be careful during this process; those foolish enough to burn-in too close to AA turrets or other hazards will surely meet a grim fate.

    Q: What type of environments will we see in Section 8

    A: Section 8 will feature a variety of environments from lush, green planets to barren desert planets. Each map in Section 8 has a very unique feel and defining characteristics that should make for a memorable battle each and every time.

    Q: Many people have asked if it would be possible to burn-in to indoor locations. Also, will we be able to fight inside of buildings/underground bunkers?

    A: It is possible to burn-in to a building if it has an opening on the roof. However, the player will be burning-in from their drop ship over 15,000 feet in the air much too high for the ceiling of any building! There are plenty of interior and exterior areas on each map so players will have to change their tactics accordingly.

    Q: Will there be support for modding, user-made levels, and such? Will an SDK and/or level editor be released with or shortly after release?

    A: We will have more information on this later, but we are extremely supportive of our community. Head over to the <a href="">Section 8 forums</a> and join the discussion!

    8. Q: In other interviews it has been suggested that you will have to find items in order to be healed or you will be able to heal yourself. Can you explain this?

    A: If a player sustains enough damage to their armor, they can repair it in two different ways. The first way is to visit any friendly Supply Depot which can repair the player’s armor. The other way to repair a player is to use a repair tool that can be equipped in a players load out. However, this repair tool is not limited to repairing the players themselves or their teammates; it can also be used to repair any turrets, deployable, or vehicles on the battlefield.

    9. Q: It has been stated that everything is decided by the player, the lay of the land, buildings and more, what is meant by this and can you explain in further detail?

    A: Whether its burning-in from 15,000 ft. to anywhere on the battlefield, creating your own custom class with fully customizable load outs, purchasing a variety of on-demand deployable and vehicles, or participating in the variety of exciting Dynamic Combat Missions throughout each game, the player will be faced with near-limitless choices to play the experience they want to play in Section 8.

    10. Q: In another interview, it was said that players pet peeves is team killing in order to obtain and location or vehicle of some sorts. What can you tell us you have done to avoid this?

    A: We have a variety of effective measures to limit the amount of team killing and vehicle stealing in the game. Also, each player will have an equal opportunity to purchase their own vehicles or deployable they have earned in combat, minimizing the need to steal vehicles in the first place.

    11. Q: Where will this game fall in terms of tactical versus arcade?

    A: Section 8 is an intense, futuristic, tactical first-person shooter. A player with a good balance of battle prowess, teamwork, and strategy will be the most valuable on the battlefield in this game.

    12. Q: How in-depth will the level of customization be? What can we do with the armors, weapons and classes?

    A: There are options for nearly every aspect of the players powered armor suit, and no one is confined to a specific class. Nearly everything is customizable and can either be saved or loaded on the fly from countless modifications on player weapons and powered suits; the choices are limitless.

    13. Q: What is the health system like? Are there three tiers to it (Energy shields, Armor, Health)?

    A: Each powered armor features a shield that helps mitigate damage from battle. Coupled with the armor itself, there are two tiers in the health system. Once a player’s armor is destroyed, they will die. These are extremely deadly weapons of the future; one hit to a player not protected by armor and they are eliminated.

    14. Q: What can you tell us about a squad based system being implemented? Will you have VOIP and if so, how many people?

    A: Squads will be included in the game and will play an important role. We will feature a variety of communication options to the player to ensure they can execute the most difficult mission objectives with the most effective and streamlined communication possible.

    15. Q: There seems to be several types of modes of play. Can you elaborate what these modes are in further detail?

    A: Section 8 will feature many different options for both multiplayer and single-player. Whether the player chooses to play online, over LAN, or alone, they will have many different options available for play.

    16. Q: Will there be specific kits for performing different roles like assault, sniper, support etc?

    A: Unlike most other games, Section 8 will not feature specific classes that railroad the player into playing as a preset class. Instead, players will be able to equip their powered armor suit the way they see fit. There are countless options for nearly every aspect of the players suit and weapons; no one is confined to a specific class, but given the option to create their own. Everything is customizable and can either be saved and loaded on the fly or changed in-between burn-ins.

    17. Q: What type of servers will S8 be running on? Will teams be able to lease there own? Will there be stats or do you have something else in mind?

    A: Well have more details on this soon, but it is important to us to offer a variety of different options to the player.

    18. Q: What will be the maximum amount of players?

    A: Well have 16+ on the console and 32+ on the PC. We are still optimizing the games performance, so these numbers may increase over time.
  4. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    waar kan je je inschrijven voor een beta :D?
  5. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    0 we hebben het wel over de pc beta dan. Over een beta voor de 360 is nog niks bekent volgens mij ^^.
  6. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    oh :'-( mijn pc zal dat niet trekken..
    Zou je dan een goeie impressie willen geven als je het hebt gespeeld?
    Stiekem lijkt het me een supervette game mits het goed is uitgewerkt.
  7. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mocht ik 1 van de gelukkige mensen worden die tijdens de eerste reeks de beta mag spelen, en hij is vet, dan ga ik jullie zo doodgooien met alles dat iedereen er ziek van wordt en ik wordt geband:+
  8. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    :lol: oke mooi zo :9
  9. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Interview 2
    Q: First of all, could you give us an overview of what Section 8 is?

    A: Section 8 is a large-scale, sci-fi first-person shooter that blends fast-paced action and military strategy in the far reaches of the galaxy. Players will join the epic battle between the 8th Armored Infantry, nicknamed “Section 8” after an old United States military regulation for reason of being mentally unfit for service, against a splinter faction, the Arm of Orion. Players will choose the experience they want to play through “burn-in” spawning anywhere on the map from an orbital dropship from over 15,000 feet above the battlefield, detailed customization of their own equipment loadouts, and dynamically manipulating the flow of combat with on-demand vehicle requisitions, strategic asset deliveries, and Dynamic Combat Missions.

    Q: Tell us a bit about the universe of Section 8. What sort of environments will see in the game?

    A: Section 8 takes place in the future when humans have begun colonizing alien worlds in far reaches of the Milky Way galaxy. While it is science fiction, everything in the game is grounded in reality; the setting utilizes a mechanical functionality and is very relatable to players.

    The player can expect to see a variety of environments in the game from lush, green planets to barren desert planets. Each battlefield in Section 8 is very unique and will make for a memorable battle experience each and every time.

    Q: What drove you guys to start working on a game like this?

    A: TimeGate Studios has a rich history in creating innovative, award-winning games, beginning with Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, a critically acclaimed real-time strategy game released in 2001. After releasing four real-time strategy games, we noticed that our passion started shifting toward first-person shooters. Many of us found ourselves playing first-person shooters more frequently and wanted to create our own, sci-fi shooter. We made our transition into the genre by completing both expansions to F.E.A.R. and immediately began working on Section 8.

    Q: Could you provide us with details as to how the support system works? We were especially amazed by those armored suits. Will the game have some kind of currency?

    A: Players in Section 8 will be rewarded for their bravery on the battlefield with the ability to obtain on-demand vehicles, turrets, and other battle aids. For example, capturing a control point, attacking an enemy base, defending a friendly base, destroying a vehicle, assisting in kills, or helping complete a Dynamic Combat Mission will reward players with access to purchasing these deployables, including the extremely deadly heavy armor you mentioned.

    Q: The way players enter the battlefield also caught our attention. Was that conceived just for the sake of fun, or will it directly affect gameplay?

    A: Players will spawn through a process called “burning-in.” Not only is this experience extremely cool and exciting, but it functionally serves a purpose as well. We never liked the idea of just sitting and watching your corpse after being killed in battle. It’s like the game is telling the player to not have fun for the next 30 seconds, and then respawns them in a fixed location where they are often subject to spawn-campers. Section 8 gives players the choice to immediately rejoin the fun by burning-in anywhere on the map, headfirst, with knuckle-whitening intensity. This not only eliminates marathon respawn times and the predictability of traditional spawning, but it also adds a fun, strategic depth to something that in most games is incredibly frustrating, not fun, and unfair.

    The burn-in process does not stop here though. Players must make a critical choice between braking and steering their path for a more precise landing, or not braking for the quickest, yet least controlled landing. They will need to be careful during this process; those foolish enough to burn-in too close to AA turrets or other hazards will surely meet a grim fate.

    Q: Regarding gameplay, how do you hope to make Section 8 stand above so many other shooters? Will this be a multiplayer-only title?

    A: Section 8 is all about choice—the choice of the player to play the game they want to experience. Many other games railroad players by confining them to specific classes—not Section 8. Whether it’s burning-in from 15,000 feet to any location on the battlefield, creating your own custom class with fully customizable loadouts, purchasing a variety of on-demand deployables and vehicles, or participating in the various exciting Dynamic Combat Missions throughout each game, the player will be faced with near-limitless choices to play the experience they want to play in Section 8.

    Section 8 will feature many different options for both multiplayer and single-player. Whether the player chooses to play online, over LAN, or alone, they will have many different options available for play.

    Q: Will Section 8 feature classes? If so, can you elaborate on it a bit?

    A: Unlike most other games, Section 8 does not railroad the player into playing as a preset class. Instead, players will be able to equip their powered armor suit the way they see fit. There are countless options for nearly every aspect of the player’s suit and weapons; no one is confined to a specific class, but given the option to create their own. Everything is customizable and can either be saved and loaded on the fly or changed in-between burn-ins.

    Q: How many players per map will we be able to see in the final version of the game?

    A: We’ll have 16+ on the console and 32+ on the PC. We are still optimizing the game’s performance, so these numbers may increase over time.

    Q: Taking the game as a whole, what would you say was (or is) the hardest thing to accomplish and what are you the most proud of?

    A: In general, the first-person shooter genre is overcrowded with stale features and concepts. It was a bit of a challenge to create something truly innovative in this genre—something that stands out from the crowd—but we believe we have succeeded in doing this, and it’s incredibly exciting.

    Technically speaking, burning-in was no small feat to conquer because players actually drop to the battlefield at a break-neck speed from over 15,000 feet. We pushed the game engine to its limits and the end result is something truly spectacular.

    Overall, we are most proud that our game is truly original and innovative. Even better, we created a game that we love to play and we hope others will too.

    Q: Is there anything you would like to add or leave any message to Brazilians who are waiting for Section 8?

    A: You can look for Section 8 on store shelves this fall. Give it a try; it’ll be unlike any first-person shooter you have played before.

    Weet verder niet of ik het hier al gezegd had, maar timegates is sowieso met section 8 aanwezig op de e3 :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 27 mei 2009
  10. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog een interview en sceens:)
    It's easy to look at a game within a genre and reduce it to its special defining characteristic. Some may call this a gimmick (and let's be real, they often are), but sometimes that defining characteristic is something remarkable. Where would modern shooters be without regenerative health systems like in Halo, or the RPG elements in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare? Sure, at first glance, they might seem like gimmicks, but in hindsight, these elements prove irreplaceable.

    Now, if you read our preview of the upcoming Section 8, you would know that developer TimeGate has a rather nifty method to deal with spawning. Called "burning in," players jump thousands of feet before landing on the battlefield. It's different, that's for sure, and the promised combination of deep customization coupled with varied gameplay is definitely ambitious.

    Taking the opportunity to speak with Robert Siwiak, the producer of Section 8, I found some insight and clarity on the state of Section 8. Is it a game you should keep an eye upon? Is "burning in" an exciting and interesting change of pace for the genre? Hit the jump for our discussion of TimeGate Studio's ambitous project, Section 8.

    Destructoid: Describe the experience for the game. What can gamers look forward to in playing Section 8?

    Robert Siwiak: Well, with Section 8, what we really set out to do is really empower the player with a lot of different abilities at their disposal. We wanted to create from the ground up an experience that was truly unpredictable in that no two games of Section 8 would play the same as a result. Really the key to doing that was to afford the player a lot of control over what he had at his disposal, so everything from allowing the player to customize different load options for weapons, to choosing where on the battlefield he wants to spawn into via a process called “burning in” , and once he’s on the battlefield, he can choose where to create chokepoints by calling in deployable turrets and other support structures, where he wants a vehicle to be delivered onto the battlefield, and whether he wants to participate in dynamic combat missions that pop up during a course of these multiplayer rounds. So it’s very much a player driven experience, and ultimately one that results in no two games of Section 8 ever playing the same.

    That dynamic combat system is very unique. Can you describe that for us?

    Sure. At its very base layer, Section 8 has a wide-open series of maps with these different strategic control points that these two teams are fighting over. We kinda sat there and decided “there’s got to be more that the player can do, there’s got to be something more fun that he can do”. We started looking at these different arch-types that you have in games. You have people who really love, for instance, to play sniper, or people that love just blowing shit up. In any case, what really set out to do is interject some more flavor into these multiplayer games.

    The way that we did that is a system of what we call “dynamic combat missions” or DCMs and what happens here is the dynamic objectives that kick off during the course this multiplayer round are based off the player and the rest of his team’s actions. For instance, if we have a lot of snipers that are out there, eliminating enemies on the other team, it might kick off a VIP assassination mission, where we actually spawn into the game a bot on the other team.One team’s objective is to escort this VIP from one control point to another control point, and the other team has a counter DCM, which is to hunt down and assassinate this VIP. So we actually use bots to accomplish this, it’s a bot playing this VIP. We’ll never put the player into this role. If one team completes this objective, it rewards them requisition points that they can use to purchase vehicles and deployables and also rewards their team with points that contribute towards their victory towards that particular round.

    Of course, likewise, if the other team completes their counter-DCM, they are the ones rewarded. So beyond a VIP assassination, there are also things like a convoy escort mission, where you have to jump in and man a convoy and escort it between these bases, a mission that allows you to plant a bomb in another team’s base, and if the bomb detonates, it destroys all the strategic structures associated with that structure, anti-air turrets, supply depots, its automated defenses, making it easier for your team to go ahead and attack it. Really, it’s just these different hotspots that we introduce into an otherwise mundane first person shooter to help add a little bit of variety.

    Let’s list a whole bunch of numbers. Number of weapons, number levels; could you sort of describe what we are going to see when we play this game?

    There’s a lot of different content categories the player will otherwise be exposed to. For instance, when the player goes to his customized load-out, he has a variety of different weapons to choose from. He can choose assault rifles and missile launchers, the sniper rifle and machine gun, a pistol, a shotgun, etc., so there’s a variety of different contemporary weapons that he has. There’s also, with the rest of your suit, you can customize different sorts of equipment, so things like hand-thrown grenades, shoulder mounted mortar launchers, jet pack explosives, a knife that you can do a melee attack with. If that wasn’t enough, we’ve given the player the ability to upgrade different modules on the suit. So if you want to take shield boosters so that they last longer in a fire fight, or stealth boosters so that they are harder to detect, speed boosters so that you can run faster, etc. So there’s a great deal of customization that are available through the load-out interface.

    When the player actually gets onto the map, we have a wide variety of maps at his disposal. With Section 8, right now we are looking at 8 different multiplayer maps, each with a different variety of sizes. There are variants of these maps that are conducive to 32-player experiences , 16-player experience, so usually we have a large and a couple of small different variants as a result. When he’s fighting on these maps, he has at his disposal a wide variety of different deployables, things like supply depots, sensor arrays, anti-vehicle, anti-infantry, anti-air turrets, and likewise, you can call in things like four-man tanks, and anti-armor suits.
    So you mentioned 32-player and 16-player options.

    Are we going to see that on both PC and consoles?

    Definitely on the PC side of things, especially with a dedicated server, 32-plus players. We are still several months out from release, and we are comfortable playing with 32 players. Now, I can tell you between now and release date, we are going to be pushing that number as high as possible. I’d like to think that upwards of up to 52-players might be possible.

    On the console side of things, we are working to support a dedicated server solution, that’ll actually allow 360 players to host a PC hosting a dedicated Xbox 360 server that’ll otherwise give 360 players the opportunity to play against 32 other players online.

    What about PlayStation 3?

    The PlayStation 3 version of Section 8 is something that TimeGate very much wants to go ahead and pursue. Right now, it’s not currently slated to ship at the same time as the PC and the Xbox 360, but for PlayStation 3 fans out there, I think that they’ll be seeing Section 8 shortly after.

    For the PC, what’s the distribution model? Will we see this on Steam at all? Or will it be just disc based?

    We are still working out the distribution mechanism for the PC model for Section 8. I’m sure you can see it out on store shelves. This title is supporting Games for Windows Live online for its multiplayer component, we are also looking for other mechanisms for distribution for online and in stores.

    “Burning in” is a very integral part of Section 8. What came first, “burning in” or Section 8?

    Section 8 was actually conceived back in 2005, and at the time we were playing a lot of other first person shooters. Playing games like Battlefield 1942, Tribes, Counter-Strike, Planetside, etc. So we kinda asked the development team “what do we want to work on next?” The first answers we got back was “Let’s make a first person shooter, let’s make a sci-fi first person shooter.” Then quickly it became, “let’s get these guys powered armored suits and let’s have them drop in from 15,000 feet above the battlefield.” The concept of “burn in” spawning was very much in there from the beginning. It was a way of answering the age old method of how do you spawn the character in the game world. “You die, you stare at a 30-second timer, it tells you you’re not going to have fun for the next 29 seconds. Let’s make you stare at your corpse, while we’re at it.” There’s got to be a better way of answering that.

    As FPS fans, one of the immediate answers to that was, well, let’s make spawning into the game fun. Let’s let the player see the entire battlefield as he’s dropping in on them. If you’re equipped a sniper and you see a tank moving across the road, let’s give you the ability to hit the brakes, drift over, land behind a rock or on top of an outcropping where you have a good sniping position and otherwise respond to what you are seeing on the battlefield below you.

    So yes, very much from the ground up, “burn in” spawning was one of those components that was there from day one. Whereas something that got added to the game was that we introduced this concept of "burn in" spawning, and we found that players were choosing anywhere on the battlefield to spawn into. They were dropping directly on top of control points, and that was making it very easy for control points to shift between these sides. As a result, we countered it with anti-aircraft turrets that would shoot players down as they were spawning in. So if you get control of a base, you would gain access to that AA-turret, and help protect it. Then as a counter to that, we saw in our internal play tests, guys would become very sneaky. They would send in one of their squad mates with explosives, blow up the AA-turrets, and now your team could otherwise drop in on that point.

    Can we expect DLC for the game?

    We fully intend to DLC for Section 8. Post release, players can expect to, at the very least, see new maps make their way into the game, but we have some other, interesting concepts up our sleeve that we are looking forward adding into our mix.

    Finally, when can we expect to see Section 8 release?
    Section 8 is due out on store shelves this fall for the PC and Xbox 360.

    Laatst bewerkt: 28 mei 2009
  11. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als actief halo speler zie ik dit spel zeker zitten, nu hopen dat de gameplay dit alles mooi aanvult.
    Laatst bewerkt: 29 mei 2009
  12. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ok vergeet even de vorige 2 interviews, ik heb nu de goeiste evahhh :cool:
    Staat heel veel info in, ik zal de meest opvallende dingen even op een rijtje zetten.

    • Je kan overal in de map inburnen> Dus bv ook in een boom en dat als sniperspot gebruiken
    • Tijdens het inburnen heb je een birds-eye view
    • Iedere speler heeft een jetpack voor de langere afstanden
    • Jetpack is niet onbeperkt, meer een hulpmiddel tijdens springen
    • Geen one-shot kills.
    • Je maakt wel in 1 keer een kill als je op iemand inburnt :cool:
    • Custumizen: 1.) weapons 2.) equipment 3.) passive modules suit
    • 2 primary weapons tegelijkertijd
    • Zijn voor gemaakte classes
    • Maar je kan ook zelf een class samenstellen
    • Ranking stats,Aantal kills per wapen
    • 16 spelers, 32 spelers, en waarschijnlijk meer
    • Voertuigen "koop je" door behaalde punten
    • Voertuigen worden ingevlogen
    • Beta begint in de zomer
    • Game komt uit in de herfst
    • Matchmaking
    • Clan support
    • Stats per clan
    • DLC

    Vind het zelf jammer dat headshot met sniper niet oneshot kill is. Vind het inburnen erg vet, evenals het aantal mogelijke spelers, de grote maps, en het custimizen/zelf samenstellen van jezelf:

    TimeGate Studios producer Robert Siwiak and community manager Drew Rechner have been answering your Section 8 questions live on Eurogamer.

    They are a talkative pair and they went into plenty of detail about the ambitious, multiplayer-focused first-person shooter, which has jetpacks, lest we forget.

    Thank you to both Robert and Drew for taking part, plus a big thank you to all of you who submitted questions.

    What follows is the full transcript of our Section 8 live text Q&A. The earliest questions and answers are presented first.

    Super Moderating Hero: Hello! Section 8 producer Robert Siwiak has just joined us. Drew Rechner is running late and will join us later. We'll begin in just a minute.

    Super Moderating Hero: Drew has his skates on and is now here. Here we go!

    Super Moderating Hero: OK! First things first, Drew and Robert, can you tell us a bit about who you are and why you're so famous, please?

    Robert Siwiak: Heh, sure. I'm Robert Siwiak, and I'm the producer on Section 8. My previous projects at TimeGate include F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, as well as F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate and F.E.A.R. Files. And Section 8 is definitely my baby at the moment, and has been for the past couple of years.

    Drew Rechner: My name is Drew Rechner and I am the Community Liaison for TimeGate Studios.

    craigy asks: What's Section 8 all about then, in your words? Why should we be excited - it's just another FPS, isn't it?

    Robert Siwiak: We're big-time FPS fans here at TimeGate, so we know what's out there on the market. With Section 8 we've set out to shake the standard mould of what an FPS is. Why do you need to stare at a 30-second timer to respawn into a game? Why do you put up with players team-killing each other to fight over a single vehicle?

    Why do you have to put up with rounds that become so predictable because it's about memorisation of the map, and less about tactical gameplay?

    And most importantly, why do players in other shooters feel like they can hardly make a difference on the battlefield?

    In Section 8 we set out to empower the player and create a rich playground with lots of tactical options. And we truly feel that no two games of Section 8 will ever play the same as a result.

    itisricky_dee asks: Hi guys - what's the point of the this dropping in from 15,000 feet rather than respawning? What do you reckon it'll add to the game - particularly in multiplayer? Once we've dropped can we go back up to the sky?

    Robert Siwiak:
    Burn-in spawning is our primary mechanism for spawning the player into the game world. Rather then choosing a fixed spawn point, you can select any point on the map to spawn in to from the tactical map. Once done, you will actually start free-falling towards the map, and you'll have a tactical birds-eye view of the battlefield.

    If you're a sniper and you see a tank driving on the road in front of you, you can hit the brakes and start drifting behind a rock ledge to find cover. So rather then just "popping" out of thin air at a point that you can't control, we're letting you choose exactly where you want to deploy on the battlefield. And once you've made that choice, you can change your mind at the last minute and fine-tune your landing.

    You can even land on top of a tree, a narrow ledge, or any surface on the map. So for snipers wanting to get into good spots, you've got the perfect mechanism to setup your ambushes. And - it looks pretty frickin' cool when you look up at the sky and see these fireballs dropping in!

    Drew Rechner: It's all very functional for the reasons Robert mentioned but it's also a ton of fun and an incredibly cool experience.

    Robert Siwiak: Once you're on the ground, keep in mind that you're in a powered armor suit with a jetpack and a long-distance overdrive mode. You won't ever feel like you need to hit the suicide button and respawn because you're very mobile once you're down there.

    Super Moderating Hero: How long does it take to drift down to earth? Won't that get boring for people who want to get straight back into the action - or are we looking at a more tactical, slower-paced affair?

    Robert Siwiak: It's definately fast-paced. When you burn-in, you can control a brake that will slow down your descent. If you don't tap the brakes, you'll be back on the ground in about 8-10 seconds, slam your fist into the dirt and kick up a huge cloud of debris.

    If you tap the brakes you can slow your respawn to about 15 seconds, but you gain greater control so that you can perfectly land on-top of something - Or to make a softer, less-noticeable landing so you don't announce your presence to the enemy as much.

    Within about two seconds of dying, you can be right back in and dropping. So from death to being back on the ground, it's about 15-or-so seconds.

    *Disclaimer - All time measurements and gameplay data are subject to change based on internal testing between now and the game's release!

    And, of course, you're actually seeing the entire battlefield on your way down, so you're being exposed to tactical information, such as enemy and friendly troop movements, during that entire period.

    haubitzer asks: Is this run-and-gun then, rather than a cover-based shooter?

    Robert Siwiak:
    To make one thing clear, there are no one-hit kills in Section 8, and you also won't be ducking for cover every second.

    The soldiers in Section 8 are protected by state-of-the-art powered armor suits, and these are equipped with shields and thick armor plating. Between weapons and equipment that you can customize in your suit, you have a lot of tactical options.

    Combat is a little bit more tactical in that respect. Sure, you can just hold down your machine gun and lace into the guy in front of you. But maybe you want to use your Jetpack to get over him, launch a mortar from your suit to drop his shields, and then finish him off with a few rounds from your rifle.

    Taking down a person is slightly longer compared to other shooters, but its very satisfying - you earned that kill, and it wasn't from a spray-and-pray head-shot.

    Drew Rechner:
    But don't expect to frolick around the battlefield, dodging bullets all the time.

    Robert Siwiak:
    Some of the weapons we have can bypass shields when used at close range, so it can be advantageous to get in close to the enemy and bypass his shields completely.

    cowell asks: Hey Robert. I love the idea of being given some more mobility with the jetpack in an FPS. How do you see players making the most of it and how has it affected the layout of levels?

    Robert Siwiak:
    Expect a lot more vertical gameplay in Section 8. Keep in mind that you can burn-in spawn on almost any surface on the battlefield, but you can also access these areas using your jetpack.

    It's relatively easy to setup shop on top of a building, a cliff face, or any other surface on the battlefield. In Section 8, saying "heads up" has a lot more meaning, because players can literally be anywhere.

    Oh, and all players get jetpacks!

    Overdrive is pretty cool - it basically lets you run at the speed of a light jeep, and pops you into third-person. When you pair up the speed of overdrive with a burst from your Jetpack, you can make some pretty killer jumps in Section 8.

    The overdrive also makes you feel like you never need to wait for a vehicle. Again, you are a vehicle! No more waiting for a lift! And using the jetpack in combat adds a new dynamic as well, since it allows you to better evade attacks. Just keep in mind that it's not an unlimited jetpack... it's more of a jet-assisted jump, so you won't be flying per-say.

    Drew Rechner: The jetpack also allows you to really traverse the battlefield quite effectively by being able to leap over obstacles and buildings alike.

    Robert Siwiak: Once you exhaust your capacitor, you'll need to wait for it to recharge. So, it's not as jumpy/arcady as say Tribes or other games with jetpacks.

    Drew Rechner: All our maps take advantage of jetpack usage, so there's a lot of opportunities for a strategic player equipped with a jetpack to find some really cool sniping spots or other tactical advantages.

    Rubakai asks: How will the playable classes work? For example can you skill up your soldier in different areas or do they come packaged as a specific type of unit ie medic/heavy/sniper etc? What sort of customisation is there?

    Robert Siwiak: We have a system that we call Loadouts, where the player can customize 1) weapons 2) equipment :cool: passive modules in his suit.

    You can choose between two primary weapons, so you can choose to be Sniper Rifle/Missile Launcher, or Light Machine Gun/Shotgun, or Assault Rifle/Pistol - anything you want.

    You also have the ability to customize different equipment in your suit, so this includes things like shoulder-mounted mortar launchers, hand-thrown grenades, repair tools, jetpack explosives, micro-sensor arrays, etc. These are used much like weapons.

    And if that wasn't enough, you can customize passive modules on your suit as well. This is somewhat like choosing what stats you want in an RPG.

    If you want to create a character who is like a "tank", you can allocate more armor and shield modules to your suit so you have more health on the battlefield.

    If you want to be stealthy and fast, you can allocate stealth matrix passives and speed modules to decrease the chance you're detected by players and increase your movement speed. So, a great deal of customization to create an avatar that suits your particular play style.

    But, if you want to just get into the action, there are preset templates you can choose right out the box. These align to familiar "class" archtypes, like a "sniper" loadout, "assault", etc.

    Drew Rechner: Essentially the player has the freedom to choose to play as any class they want to play as. They get to create their very own classes or pick one of our pre-existing ones; there's quite a bit of freedom in this respect.

    Robert Siwiak: So, if you want to be a sniper that can repair other players/vehicles, who also has a missile launcher, and is harder to detect because he has stealth boosters, you can be that person in Section 8. Just as easily as a person can have a light machine gun, shotgun, detpack explosives, mortar launchers, and extra shields/armor.

    Super Moderating Hero: Are there any other RPG elements like levelling up added to the mix?

    Robert Siwiak: Yes, the game has persistent stats, so you can expect your player to progress through ranks and compare his stats against other players on leaderboards and through our stats browser. I can jump in right now and see that I've got more kills with the light machine gun then Drew... you know, because I'm better than him.

    Drew Rechner: He's doesn't, by the way!

    Robert Siwiak:
    Lies! I also have admin access to the stats backend, so I can reset all of Drew's stat information if he keeps lying. 'scuse me, that's "Private Drew" now.

    Drew Rechner: hmmm... I'll keep that in mind.

    peeps asks: The game certainly sounds interesting. Something to keep my eye on that's for sure! Is this a multiplayer focused game? With the ability to 'drop in' to the battlefield, I imagine the maps must be fairly large? What sort of player count are you hoping to achieve?

    Robert Siwiak:
    Is definitely a multiplayer-focused, large-scale, outdoor FPS game. These are pretty huge maps - somewhat analogous in size to say something you would see in the Battlefield franchise. As far as player counts, you will see 16 on player-hosted listen servers, and 32+ on dedicated servers.

    A listen server is where you're both hosting a server and running the game from a single machine. A dedicated server is when you have a machine that does nothing but host the server.

    Drew Rechner
    : The maps are absolutely huge, but they're quite easy to move across because of Overdrive and jetpack as we mentioned earlier.

    Robert Siwiak:
    Between now and release I expect that 32 number to go up! There's nothing quite like seeing 32 fireballs dropping in at the beginning of a match in Section 8.

    Super Moderating Hero: Are those numbers for both PC and Xbox 360?

    Robert Siwiak: Yes.

    bibalasvegas asks: With the emphasis on the multiplayer, why did you decide to include the single-player mode and what, do you feel, makes the single-player stand out?

    Robert Siwiak: We have a whole new universe that we need to introduce to players, so a single player mode was an obvious choice to accomplish that in Section 8. You'll be able to follow a recent addition to the 8th Armored's 1st Recon unit. A soldier by the name of Alex Corde.

    Drew Rechner
    : He's the one that's featured in our trailer if you've seen that.

    Robert Siwiak:
    Throughout the story you'll be introduced to the two major factions in Section 8 - the 8th Armored Infantry and the Arm of Orion. You'll also be introduced to all of the game's major features in preparation for multiplayer.

    Also, I should mention there are two single-player modes in S8. One is the story mode, which I mentioned above. The other is the Instant Action mode, which allows you to play all of the multiplayer maps with full bot support. So, even offline, you can get the complete Section 8 experience.

    Going back to the story, again, we have a rich universe that we wanted to get players into.

    Super Moderating Hero: Is the single-player story long and involved or simply an introduction to the multiplayer game?

    Robert Siwiak: It certainly stands on its own. My comments earlier were more from the standpoint that many other FPS games feel like the single-player and multiplayer are two different games with completely different mechanics.

    That's not the case in Section 8. In the single-player story mode, you'll stop burn-in, customize loadouts, call in vehicle and deployable deliveries, etc. Once you complete it, you'll find you won't need to re-learn the multiplayer components of the game.

    The single-player story itself is a few hours in length, and you will experience all the major battles of the war between S8 and the Arm, be treated to cut-scenes that explain the story progression, etc.

    dannywonderful asks: Can you tell us more about the Dynamic Combat Missions? Can we really order our friends around and they have no choice but to obey? That sounds brilliant.

    Robert Siwiak: Well, you can't really order your friends are... you can certainly join up in squads together, though. And, as Squad Leader, you can tell them to go places... and then kick them out of the squad if they disobey.

    For the Dynamic Combat Missions, or "DCMs" for short, these are a pretty cool feature. These operate on top of the basic "conquest" game mode where both sides are fighting to take control of different control points on our huge maps.

    But, based on what actions your team takes, you might kick off a DCM that will alter the flow of gameplay. If your team is having trouble taking over an enemy control point, you might kick off a "Commando" DCM, where a special bot drops into the game world. He's a pretty souped-up soldier with extra shields and firepower, and he'll spearhead an assault on the enemy's base.

    You'll also have missions like the "Convoy Escort" mission, where you will need to find and escort a convoy back to your control point. If you succeed, you're rewarded with tons of requisition points - which you can personally use to purchase vehicles and deployables.

    It also contributes to your team's score in a big way. But keep in mind that for every DCM there is a counter-DCM for the other team. They will get "Convoy Destroy", and will get the payout instead of you if they blow up that convoy.

    There's also a cool "Bomb" mission where your team can plant a huge explosive in the enemy's base. If it detonates at the end of the DCM, it will blow up all of their base defenses and make it easier for your team to attack.

    So, DCMs can change the course of combat in very big ways. And again, these are dynamically kicked off based on your team's actions during the round. You can influence which DCMs will occur based on what you do.

    Spekingur asks: Are there any vehicles? If so, what kind - tanks, robotic juggernauts, aeroplanes? Please say we can run over our friends and break their legs off! [That's the spirit! - SMH]

    Robert Siwiak: Definitely... umm, to both the question and the comment. [I might have said you are strange, Eurogamer readers - SMH]

    So, in S8, I'm sure you're familiar with our mantra at this point - everything is controlled by the player. So, yes, players can choose anywhere on the battlefield that they want a vehicle to be delivered. You pull up an interface and, provided you have enough requisition points, you can request a Tank or Heavy Armor delivery at your location.

    A drop-ship will then fly-in from off map and deliver your vehicle to the requested location.

    Drew Rechner: I like how it wasn't asking if they could run over their enemies and break their legs off, but their friends instead. They sound a lot like Robert !

    Robert Siwiak: Hey! If only there were a rank lower than Private... Wait, Recruit!

    Anyway, yes, vehicles - we have them. They can be used to blow things up, run over people, etc.

    Drew Rechner: By the way, the Heavy Armor is incredibly cool and destructive; it's definitely my favorite vehicle!

    Robert Siwiak: You also have access to deployables, too, so things like Supply Depots and automated turrets that you will drop in from orbit and allow you to create choke-points on the map - again, wherever you want to.

    You never have to wait in line, you will never have the urge to team-kill your friends - well, save for the guy who wants to run his friends over. should mention we have some different friendly-fire modes as well. Heh. On, off, and partial - the last one will only allow you to damage friendly shields, so it's the best of both worlds.

    Oh, and take a guess at what happens if a tank or deployable is delivered on top of somebody! Heh! Or, for that matter, what happens if a player burn-in spawns on top of another player. I guess I need to take back that comment about no one-hit kills. Then again, do those count as "weapons"?

    killercow asks: Has the beta already started? When and how can we get involved?

    Robert Siwiak: The beta is scheduled to kick off this summer. We're still working on finalizing dates on it at this time, but please stay on the look out for updates as soon as they're available.

    Super Moderating Hero: What about a release? Is that still later this year - among games like Modern Warfare 2, Halo 3: ODST and so on?

    Robert Siwiak: Yes, Section 8 is currently slated for a fall release.
    And, again, we're looking forward to bringing a "fresh" gameplay experience to the FPS community.

    tjcremese asks: This game sounds awesome, thought how confident in the game's technical strength are you; what compromises did you have to make technically to include all the aforementioned features? How good does Section 8 look, how many frames can we expect every second? Let's get the nitty-gritty out!

    Robert Siwiak: Well, given the title is still in development, its difficult to give exact numbers. It's not like we'll release a game that will chug and drop your frames to unacceptable levels.

    I'm actually quite pleased with the technical strength of the title. Compared to other shooters, and other titles using the Unreal Engine 3, we're doing many things differently. The scale of our maps, the ability to drop in from a great height, and having a wide list of gameplay features (vehicle deliveries, loadouts, deployables, lock-on, DCMs, etc.) are certainly distinguishing points.

    From a technical standpoint, there are certainly compromises you need to make. For instance, you can make a really small room and cram tons of detail, destructibility, and physics objects into it. But at the end of the day you still have a really small room. Or, you can create a really huge room with lots of variable geometry and more of a playground, but you have to spread some of those other elements out.

    Drew Rechner: Currently, the game performs quite well and I would expect it to only get better as we polish and optimize the game.

    Super Moderating Hero: Post-release, how are you going to support the game and community? Is there clan support, matchmaking features, videos, anything like that? Are you planning DLC or even expansions?

    Robert Siwiak: The game will certainly have matchmaking - this is a multiplayer FPS, after all. There is also clan support, so you'll be able to designate a clan tag for your account. You'll also be able to compare and view stats by clan, etc.

    And yes, the game supports DLC, so you can expect to see future Section 8 content after the game releases - definitely maps and probably more.

    Drew Rechner:
    From a community standpoint there will be a lot of things planned, so stay tuned!

    Super Moderating Hero: We've only got time for one more question, one we ask everybody - would you rather have lasers for eyes or be able to turn invisible? And why?

    Robert Siwiak: Invisibility! Then I can sneak into a lab and steal those lasers - get the best of both worlds.

    Drew Rechner: Invisibility for sure.

    Robert Siwiak: Copycat.

    Drew Rechner: Haha! Okay, lasers so I can zap Robert right now!

    Robert Siwiak: I'm looking at him - he was sitting there, waiting to see what I would type. I will steal Drew's laser eyes...

    Wait - can we still see with the lasers? Is it like Cyclops from X-Men? Sounds like something we should put into the sequel. Hmm. Better not be painful, either! If it's painful for the laser eyes, sign Drew up.

    Dit leest makkelijker dan mijn spoiler(A): Klik
    Laatst bewerkt: 28 mei 2009
  13. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
  14. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mwa, valt wel mee geloof ik. Mogelijkheden zijn wel leuk, maar ziet er verder allemaal wat simpel uit, en A.I. is ook (nog) niet indrukwekkend. Of is dit multiplayer footage?
  15. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zie veel positieve dingen, geluid wapens, inburnen, grote maps, stralen van kogels, sneller rennen, invliegen tanks, graphics, ontploffingen, wapens, zelf in elkaar zetten class,.

    Maar ook wat mindere: de ai is idd belabberd, volgens mij zijn het bots op ultra easy. Maar degene die speelt is ook niet echt een held in de game volgens mij. Ben ook bang dat mensen teveel gebruik gaan maken van de jetpack jumps.

    Verder valt me op dat er geen crosshair is. En ik mis sniper footage. Ik blijf positief, lijkt me leuke game om te spelen vooralsnog blijf ik wachten op de beta want ik wil weten hoe het aanvoelt. Er wordt op de site goed geluisterd naar feedback van mensen dus we zullen zien. :)
    Laatst bewerkt: 29 mei 2009
  16. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik mis ook een crosshair, maar op eerdere screens heb ik die wel gezien...
    Game ziet er echt FUN uit, ongeveer wat ik had gehoopt :cool:

    Edit: Nog 2 gameplay filmpjes.
    Laatst bewerkt: 29 mei 2009
  17. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  18. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Volgens mij weet ik nu al dat dit een middenmotor is. Wil me ook wel laten verrassen hoor.
  19. ArtificialFaith

    ArtificialFaith Active Member VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die omgevingen zijn zo crap
  20. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Section 8 - Demo
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