Yes Sir.
De lijst:
Sony PS3
Final Fantasy XIV!(MMO?) 2010 ( MELKEN MAAR ) ( eentje die niet gelekt is
Rachet and Clanck <alleen nog logo gezien
Heavy Rain < alleen nog logo gezien
Uncharted 2: Among Thiefs <
LBP Disney Outfits
ModNation racers ( look-a-like mario kart, met dikke trackmaker )
The Last Guardian
Dit kwam allemaal in hun grote ps3 montage:
Uncharted 2, Infamous, Madden NFL 10, Final Fantasy XIII, MAG, Batman Arkham Asylum, Brutal Legend, White Knight Chronicles, Dirt 2, Ghostbusters, Ninja Gaiden Sigma II: It's Sigma Time, Mafia II, Buzz Quiz World, Tekken 6, Overlord II, Red Faction Guerrilla, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, Dark Void, G-Force (The guinea pig movie, not Gatchaman), Planet 51, Karaoke Revolution, Heavy Rain, Battlefield 1943, Gravity Crash, Hustle Kings, Trash Panic, Critter Crunch,
Sony PSP
Hannah montannah Bundel
Assassin's Creed: Bloodline
PSP go ( Worst keept secret of the E3 )
Prijsverlaging van de PSP Tools < rond de 80% goedkoper
Grand Turismo PSP
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Resident Evil
And many more..
Dit kwam allemaal in hun grote PSP montage: Little Big Planet, Jak & Daxter, MotorStorm: Arctic Edge, Echochrono, PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe, NCAA Football 10, Hot Shots Tennis, Crimson Gem Saga, Fat Princess, Unbound Saga, Star Wars: Battlefront, Petz Hamsterz Bunch, Hannah Montana, Madden NFL 10, Rock Band Unplugged,
Sony Software
Media Go
Sony PSN
Final Fantasy VII
Sony Network
50 Classic Playstation games komen online.
Sony Home
EA Kart Racing
Guitar Hero stage
Godfather II casino
Red Bull Air Racing
Sony Eyetoy
Eyetoy: Blokkendoos
Eyetoy: Schrijven
Eyetoy: Dominee
Eyetoy: Stratego
Eyetoy: Gladiator Arena Fights
Assasins Creed 2
Final Fantasy XIII