Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising [Deel 2]

Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door Distoration, 4 okt 2009.

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  1. Smirnoff

    Smirnoff Wahed fenomeen.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    3x raden wie, *kuch DIs Kuch *
  2. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Uhm ben het nog niet tegengekomen dat die veranderen. Ik ben overigens ook nog geen regen tegengekomen.
  3. Rivanov

    Rivanov Apple Fanboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hoe is het gebruik van DD5.1 in deze game? Of heb jij geen DD5.1 set thuis..
  4. Smirnoff

    Smirnoff Wahed fenomeen.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Al iemand plat gereden?8)

    Oh en btw, heb je al in een heli gevlogen? vliegt dat een beetje chill?
  5. Flix

    Flix Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    haha willem heeft er zo'n spijt van dat ie al bekend gemaakt heeft dat ie m al heeft:+
  6. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laat de review dus maar komen, dan is die er des te sneller vanaf. ;)
  7. dudeer82

    dudeer82 Hit-Girl

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Willem wil er (waarschijnelijk) niet eens vanaf 8)
  8. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    idd, hij vindt het leuk om ons aan het lijntje te houden:p
  9. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zeg, zal vast al 47205215127085721586219740571285613 keer gevraagd zijn maar komt er een demo van uit? Wil toch wel een shooter kopen eind dit jaar, maar vind CoD echt te arcade voor mij. Dit ken ik niet, maar misschien vind ik het wat als ik een demo kan spelen.
  10. dudeer82

    dudeer82 Hit-Girl

    Leuk Bevonden:
    mss na de release,want als ze nu een demo uitbrengen is het mss een beetje te laat.
  11. Distoration

    Distoration Da diii

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Demo komt idd na de releas:)
  12. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb nog geen MP gespeeld omdat er niemand is, ga waarschijnlijk morgen of overmorgen met iemand spelen en dan kan ik wel een review schrijven. :)
  13. pim_smeets

    pim_smeets Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    voor Fiasco:

  14. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb het zelf thuis niet, maar ga er van uit dat het bij spellen als deze (net als bij een Ghost Recon) gewoon goed geregeld is.

    Nee en nee. :+
  15. dudeer82

    dudeer82 Hit-Girl

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 5 okt 2009
  16. Oujdi

    Oujdi Achievement unlocked

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo nep, Demo alleen maar voor de PC....

    Dan wacht ik wel ff op MW2 hoor.

    Straks koop ik OFP en dan heb ik spijt.....
  17. Smirnoff

    Smirnoff Wahed fenomeen.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fout, je heb er heus geen spijt van :+
  18. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan makkelijk. Ik zit al twee dagen vast bij missie 3 en ben van Hardcore naar Normal gegaan. :{
  19. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand interesse in een review?

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising UK review
    First-person warfare simulation aims high, nearly hits.

    UK, October 5, 2009 - The squad medic lies moaning, bleeding out halfway back down the hill. Do you risk crawling the twenty metres on your belly to administer a field dressing? Dilemmas of choice are what sets Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising apart from the current glut of other first-person modern war fare.

    If you crawl back, you could wind up a target yourself. So do you call in your only howitzer strike against the machine gunners and riflemen pinning down your squad? It's a valuable resource, and even if you use it, your medic might be dead by the time you can get to him. Perhaps it's better to just make a panicked sprint for the trees while your squaddies lay down covering fire, to try and flank the entrenched enemy positions and then move on, leaving you without a medic mid-assault?

    Your choice.


    While other current affairs shooters like Modern Warfare and Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter funnel you through high-intensity pinch points, the emphasis with Operation Flashpoint 2 is on complete freedom of choice and strategy-under-fire in a far more realistic warzone. It's all about making tough decisions, fast.

    It is, in that sense, an accurate sequel to the ground-breaking 2001 original Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. Its true rivals are Arma II (made by the original Operation Flashpoint developers) and, to a lesser extent, squad-ordering series like Brothers In Arms and Full Spectrum Warrior.

    You roam a vast environment (the map spans 220 square kilometres), choose your approach to each conflict with near total-freedom of choice, and your choices have serious consequences.
    Operation Flashpoint 2, like the original, prides itself on serious simulation-level accuracy: it only takes a few shots to die, you can bleed out, if untreated, from even minor wounds and anywhere you can see, you can go (to get there, you can jump into any vehicle you find on the field – from jeeps to tanks to helicopters). You even need to take into account bullet trajectories on long-range shots.


    This makes combat highly realistic – slow and scary at times, fast and furious at others. And the plotting matches that – with at least a vaguely credible scenario, and locations based on a real island.

    You're the leader of a four-man US Marine squad sent in to the island of Skira off the coast of Japan. The Chinese People's Liberation Army has invaded, on a historical pretext of ownership, but really to grab the island's recently-found oil reserves from its Russian owners. US forces are going in to try and stop a major international incident from developing into full-blown war.

    The scenario is plausible enough, but quickly fades into the background to be replaced with short, acronym-heavy briefings, mostly telling you to go somewhere and slot a bunch of bad guys. That's no terrible thing though – terse mission briefings win out over dull cut-scene exposition most times. And since when did soldiers want loads of extra information? They just want to know where to go and what to do.

    Single-player, Operation Flashpoint 2 plays out across 11 missions, starting with a smaller tutorial island off the coast of Skira, then moving on to the main meal. Your four man squad changes weapon load-out dramatically from mission to mission – sometimes you're in full-on stealth mode with suppressed weaponry, sometimes assault mode.


    Oddly for this type of game, you don't have any choice in terms of the weaponry you tote or even the specialists your squad is made up of. But while the load-out system may be stripped down in comparison to some military shooters, once you're out in the wild, Operation Flashpoint 2 shines.
    Tasked with flushing out a village you can choose all sorts of different approaches to your attack; your squad and enemy troops will adapt their tactics to the changing situation. The AI in these moments is often stunning – with both sides efficiently flanking, laying down covering fire, lobbing grenades etc. without much intervention from you.

    This open-world approach is where Dragon Rising is at its best – you can steal vehicles, go in stealthy or suppress and flank – sending half the squad one way, while you go the other. And in the end, you'll need to master all of these strategies and more, particularly to cope with multi-player.

    However you tackle each situation, no firefight in Operation Flashpoint 2 will match the adrenaline of Modern Warfare, and even its most intense sequences can't match anything Infinity Ward have come up with for sheer speed rush.

    But Operation Flashpoint 2 has a different sort of appeal, and Dragon Rising is full of its own great moments; when you're in the early stages of an attack and sneaking down the hillside into position, there's a palpable dread to the coming seconds, while there's a real glee from an ambush well-planned that goes off smoothly. Plus, when it all goes wrong and you have to think fast and act faster to stand a chance of not messing up badly, there's an addictive adrenaline fix in thinking on your feet. In those moments, there's a lot to love about Dragon Rising.

    Sadly, it's also in those same moments there's also often a lot to annoy, too. To control your squad, you have two options. You can pull out a top-down map, showing known enemy placements, key objectives and as much of the island as you want – from this screen you can create waypoints and issue orders to the squad. It's ideal for hilltop planning. In the thick of combat, you can use a quicker, context-sensitive four-way menu system.


    Hold one button, then use the D-pad to select actions and move through menus – this can be as simple as pointing down your barrel and yelling "move" to the farmhouse ahead or "enter" the jeep you're pointing at. It can also mean paging through several options to set your troops to a tightly-spaced, attack-ready wedge formation, then telling them to hold until you fire.

    Whether it's from the top-down map or context menu, all of this has to be done while you stand still – and often it has to be done when you're under fire. What's more, these menus seem to be designed to grapple with – they're not simple or smooth. Changing weapon ammunition to go for an underslung grenade launcher, or to go from crouching to prone also means remembering to hold certain buttons – on the consoles at least, it all feels awkward and complex.

    Similarly, get shot and you start bleeding out – realistically, you need to find cover and apply a dressing. But to get a dressing out means cycling through menu items – again - and all the while your squad medic stands idle next to you.

    Of course, you can order your medic to heal someone – using the context-sensitive menus. Again. But you want your sometimes smart-shooting squaddies to figure that one out for themselves. Squad intelligence seems to swing wildly – sometimes they're brilliant at covering each other, ducking down when necessary etc. Sometimes, when three of you are crouched behind an obvious piece of cover, the fourth will decide to have a nonchalant getting-shot-in-the-head break about five metres over.


    And no, you can't tell your squad to get exactly into cover. Nor can you order them to all look in one direction or even better, for some to aim forwards while one watches your back. The point-hold-drag approaches to squad management of both Full Spectrum and Brothers In Arms seem to have passed the developers of Operation Flashpoint 2 by.

    These problems are a frustration in many games. But in Dragon Rising they're worse – because if your squad get themselves killed, or you fumble a menu selection under pressure, that can set you back a long time: up to twenty minutes on the easier "Normal" setting (which has regular checkpoints, a full HUD and squad mates that respawn at checkpoints). On the "Hardcore" setting (no checkpoints, no HUD – including radar and scope, no respawns), you could be put back over an hour by one bad move. And from the middle section of the campaign, ordering troops accurately and good planning becomes vital – so you can't just lead your squad to their own devices.

    The awkward menu system isn't the only quibble, either. Pile on top of that the resolutely green/brown drab colours. And on top of that a lack of user-friendliness throughout for those new to military sims – with little explanation of gun types, little handholding in terms of mission approaches and little in the way of gentle introduction to different vehicle types. And finally, and worst of all for the minor quibbles, there's a lack of mission variety.

    While the later stages of the game introduce some interior action and a brief chance to pilot a helicopter, most of the game sees you on foot (occasionally in a jeep, and very occasionally something bigger) going into a series of villages, refineries and SAM sites and killing people hidden behind walls, sandbags or huts. The open and dynamic nature of the enemy AI and environment does introduce variety – but more imagination could easily have been applied to plotting.


    Nearly all of the problems though, and particularly the ones relating to squad orders, disappear when you're playing co-operatively; co-op makes Dragon Rising a delight.
    The entire campaign can be played through with the entire squad of four being controlled by players. The squad leader issues optional commands, but with headsets on, the game becomes much more fun and fluid. Frankly, there's probably far more fun to be had here just finding three friends and playing the entire game through that way.

    Other than co-op, multi-player extends to a mere two modes (more may come as downloadable add-ons). Annihilation is team deathmatch, and the nice touch here is that you fill slots in a whole bunch of squads on either side - so eight of you can fill out two squads on one side. Or you can each be squad leaders with AI members, four per side, or any mix which takes your fancy. Either way, without loads of players slowing down servers, the game creates an impression of all-out war – with squads running everywhere, jumping into tanks and blitzing villages wholesale.


    The only other mode is Infiltration. One side defends an installation, the other, smaller side tries to infiltrate. On the test servers this played out fairly chaotically – fun, but not exactly the balanced, nervy stealth-versus-force contest it's clearly intended to be. It may grow into that, if it gets enough support and once players get their squad tactics tight.

    Closing Comments
    Far slower, more strategic and more realistic than most modern war shooters – Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising is fairly sure to find an appreciative audience. At its best, it's nerve-janglingly tense as you plot and then implement the next firefight – where decisions you make have very serious consequences. But be warned, it's not a game that gently welcomes those more used to running-and-gunning, and even for the hardcore, there are serious problems with awkward command menus for your squad and bland missions at the top of the list of minus points. Online, with friends, Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising really shows off its best side – and the game is probably best played through co-operatively. If you like playing co-op, or you don't mind trading moments of frustration for a smarter, slower war experience, this is recommended.

  20. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben het volledig met die review eens (heb alleen de conclusie gelezen en dat cijfergebeuren gelezen).
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