Mind you, they are pretty boring.
Multiplayer Game modes:
Team Death Match
Ground War
HQ Pro
Search and Destroy
Capture The Flag
3rd-person Team Death Match
Hardcore Team Death Match
Hardcore Search and Destroy
Ricochet Team Death Match
3rd-person Cage Match
Translation: Born2Kill
Some points regarding new play modes. Firstly, you'll notice the addition of a 3rd-person mode. 3rd-person will have their own playlists. You will not see people 3rd-person checking corners in SnD, HQ, or any other playlist but in those lists already specified. Second, in the initial video, it looked like a number of modes were indeed locked, dependent upon as yet unknown perquisites. Also, the addition of a fourth game type, Ricochet (known). Attempting to TK someone will only reflect the damage back on yourself. So one can deduce there will be no increased penalties for TKing, nor any of the other known methods for combating TKing.
Maps - As previously confirmed, there are 16:
Afghan - Downed C-130 (known)
Derail -
Estate - (known)
Favela - Welcome to Rio (known)
Highrise - Cubicles (known)
Invasion (questionable)
Karachi (questionable)
Quarry - Looks like a lot of blocks.
Rundown -
Rust - Decrepit factory
Scrapyard - Aircraft bone yard
Skidrow - Welcome to the ghetto.
Sub Base - Your winter map. SSN included.
Terminal - Airport terminal
Underpass - Lots of pillars, possibly Greece?
Wasteland - Scrub-brush
Independently confirmed and credits to Caburyfire on Derail. Was wondering what the D one was.
New perks: Buddy scrolled through a number of class setups. Shame the resolution was so low, he never bothered to zoom to any of the text.
1st slot-
Bling Bling (known) - x2 attachments
Marathon (known) - Increased run time
Scavenger (known) -
2nd slot-
Cold Blood (known) - Invisible to UAV / Sentry Guns / Thermal
Lightweight (known) - Increased run speed
3rd slot-
Ninja - Heart Beat Sensor counter.
Commando (known) - Increased melee range
Camoflauge - Ghillie suit? It was known that the ghillie suit would be a perk, should folks desire to be wearing one, looks like it goes here.
Painkiller [Morphine](known) -
Copycat (known) -