Army of Two 15,-
Timeshift (geen boekje) 10,-
Mass Effect
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Splinter Cell: double agent
Orange box (regiovrij)
Burnout paradise ultimate + trivial pursuit bundel
Prince of Persia
Call of Duty: World at War
Saints Row (bundle)
007: Quantum of solace
Pure + Lego Batman
Gears of war 2
Gears of war
Assassin's creed
Skate 2
>>>>>>>>>>Ik ben op zoek naar de volgende spellen:<<<<<<<<<<<
Call of duty Modern warfare 2
GTA - episodes of liberty city
Faceplate: Sun
Microsoft wireless racing wheel!!!
Maar je kunt van alles aanbieden!
Nintendo DS:
New. Super Mario Bros. 10,-
Nintendogs: Chihuahua & friends 10,-
Animal Crossing 10,-
2 World of Warcraft collector's figuren!
- Night elf druid
- Orc shaman
Band of brothers 5 disc.
Sin City steelcase
Catch me if you can steelcase
Blof - de beste clips en documentaires
Boondock saints
Reservoir dogs
Daddy day camp
The hitcher
I Robot
The blair witch project
The kingdom
Oude toppertjes voor de pc:
Sid Meier's Civilization 4
Rome total war + barbarian invasion
Age of mythology
Age of mythology: The Titans
Second sight
Prince of persia: The two thrones
Tomb raider: Legend
Brothers in arms: road to hill 30
Heb al met meerdere members goede deals gehad, en sta op de trusted list; zie signature!
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