
Discussie in 'Algemeen' gestart door DulleNL, 16 mei 2008.

  1. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gamehubs heb ik slechte ervaringen mee (vaak is hun voorraad net op als ik bestel :confused:) en met Zavvi helaas ook (laatst nog mijn geld teruggekregen omdat een bestelling foetsie was :confused:). Gaat lekker, maar in NL heb je ook goedkope adresjes. Verkoop mijn games later toch bijna altijd door, dus een prijs voor tussen de 40 - 50 euries is voldoende.
  2. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tiental +/len goede ervarigen bij beide winkels. Een keertje kan het fout gaan ja maar daar hang ik de winkel niet aan op.

  3. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  4. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Helemaal niet voor Kerst :mad:
  5. norwest

    norwest Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Optie 4:
    • Gamehubs met promo code

    Alleen moet ik even op promo code wachten :+ 60 euro is teveel, vind ik. 37.99 euro bij gamehubs is aardig, maar het moet nog goedkoper }:] Bovendien heb ik ook geen haast, want ik heb zojuist Batman AA besteld.
  6. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tja, bij mij ging het al in het begin mis (of zoals bij gamehubs meerdere malen mis), dus dan maak je bij mij geen goede beurt.
  7. Rick

    Rick Extreme gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waar staat die promo code van GH.
  8. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:

  9. norwest

    norwest Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ehhh, misschien was ik niet duidelijk. Ik heb geen idee of promo code van GC binnenkort komt.

    Ik gok dat ie komt vanwege kerst. Maar het is goed mogelijk dat promo code over halfjaar komt 8) Misschien zit ik naast :x

    Voor alle duidelijkheid: ik heb geen promo code en weet niet of GC de code ooit vrijgeeft.
  10. Porunga NL

    Porunga NL zo laat alweer?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm, dat is niet zo mooi, had me juist een heerlijke 3e kerstdag voor ogen met Bayonetta =(

    nou ja, na het lange uitstellen van de game zal dat weekje ook nog wel goedkomen. (maar het is wel jammer, want 31 december word natuurlijk ook niets hier in NL. gewoon 8 januari dus ben ik bang.)
  11. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat was mijn planning ook, maar helaas... Denk het dan nu nog wel eventjes duurt voor we hem binnen hebben.
  12. Porunga NL

    Porunga NL zo laat alweer?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    shit, bedenk me nu pas net dat we met oud en nieuw altijd de brievenbus af moeten plakken ivm vuurwerk relnichten.

    zelfs als hij op de 31ste komt ga ik hem dus niet krijgen
    (of ik moet een aangebakken deurmat riskeren =()
  13. Dee0342

    Dee0342 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iedereen word gewoon in de maling genomen, het zal wel 8 januari worden dan.
  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Bayonetta Review
    The demons of Inferno are your playthings -- now go crazy.

    December 22, 2009 - Bayonetta is the best action game I've ever played.

    When I say "action game," I refer of course to games like the Devil May Cry, God of War and Ninja Gaiden franchises. I think most gamers can agree that all these titles do similar things (despite their notable differences), so it's safe for me to compare them all and claim that Bayonetta is my favorite. This over-the-top affair from Team Little Angels at Platinum Games not only delivers some of the most sublime combat mechanics around but it coats the experience in an eccentric, hyper-stylish shell that everyone with a 360 should experience. Hideki Kamiya, the director of Bayonetta and the man behind such legendary projects as the original Devil May Cry, Okami and Viewtiful Joe, should be commended for his incredible work. Kamiya and his team have created an action masterpiece.

    At the heart of Bayonetta is a story about the traditional balance between light and darkness. Long ago, two clans -- the Lumen Sages and Umbran Witches -- maintained the balance between the opposing forces. The Lumen, aligned with the god of Paradiso, controlled the power of light, while the Umbra, funneling power from the demons of Inferno, watched over the darkness. Both clans had deep respect for each other, but a tragic event caused the two clans to enter into a terrible war. At the end, only one Umbra Witch remained: Bayonetta.


    One of the most brilliant things about this backstory is how the two clans are portrayed. The Umbra Witches aren't necessarily evil so much as they are an important part of the universe's balance. The game, after all, is mostly about Bayonetta killing the angelic legions that stand in her way to the truth, but I never felt evil or diabolical while playing. It's just Bayonetta's purpose, and she fulfills that purpose with extreme skill.

    Bayonetta is one of the coolest female characters I've ever come across in gaming. Although her sexuality is highlighted at almost every turn (which might lead gamers to believe she's a stereotypical heroine), she is also immensely powerful, calm and confident. Bayonetta is one of my main reasons to play the game, as she's just terribly fun to watch.

    Of course, not everything about the narrative is great. Bayonetta's plot is all over the place, as certain character motivations and past events aren't clearly explained. Once you complete the game, things make quite a bit more sense, but this isn't as skillfully told as game stories like Mass Effect and Uncharted.

    But raw storytelling shouldn't be your only reason for picking up a copy of Bayonetta (people like Ninja Gaiden, after all). This is an action game, so "action" is what you're going to get. The combat system is fairly easy to grasp but has an almost unimaginable amount of depth. The face buttons are used to punch, kick, fire Bayonetta's handguns (regardless of what weapon she has equipped) and jump. The most important input besides the face buttons is pulling the right trigger. This will cause Bayonetta to dodge in any direction, which is arguably the most important technique players must master when learning the Bayonetta combat system.

    When dodging an attack, timing is key. Pull the right trigger just before an attack lands and Bayonetta will leap out of the way in slow motion, which activates Witch Time. This allows Bayonetta to move at incredible speeds while her opponents are trapped in a sluggish state. Witch Time is implemented brilliantly, because it not only allows for phenomenal special effects, but also lets players catch their breath, reorient themselves and score a few much-needed hits on tougher enemies.

    Bayonetta is too cool for school.

    When it comes to the offensive side of the coin, Bayonetta also excels. The beautiful witch has the ability to equip weapons on both her hands and her feet, which helps lend a very unique taste to the combat mechanics. At the start of the game, Bayonetta's set of four pistols, Scarborough Fair, is used as both upper body and lower body weapons -- one gun for each hand and foot. As players progress through the game, more weapons are discovered, like a demonic katana, clawed gauntlets, ice skates (yes, really) and more. Each weapon combination results in a new set of combos, which is truly astounding. Having the freedom to wield a glowing katana blade while skating around the environment is almost too good to be true.

    This massive number of combo sets might seem overwhelming, but fortunately most combos have similar inputs. For example, almost every combination of weapons a player comes up with will almost always have a combo for hitting "punch, kick, punch" in a row. This lets players bleed their skill over into new weapons, which is great. And while players can get away with just pounding on one button to attack, the element of skill comes into play when executing well-timed dodges and preserving a combo string for high scores.

    Of course, there's much more to fighting than just performing combos and dodging attacks. When facing the many angels of the divine, Bayonetta can perform Torture attacks when her magic gauge fills up enough. These attacks -- which can be executed by hitting both punch and kick simultaneously -- are usually unique to each angel type and deal tremendous amounts of damage. Bayonetta, for example, will summon up a guillotine, a massive spiked wheel or some other fiendish device and then pulverize her poor angelic opponent. This system adds a great physical element to the normally skill-based, time-sensitive combat, as players can mash away at a button to power up the attack and earn more halos (the currency in the Bayonetta world).

    Earning halos is an excellent reason to replay missions over and over, as there's plenty to buy in Bayonetta. Rodin, a fierce demonic arms dealer and bartender (again: really) runs the Gates of Hell, a grimy saloon that doubles as Bayonetta's main supplier of items and weapons. Here, players can purchase restorative lollipops to use mid-battle and accessories which augment Bayonetta's normal abilities. Players can also spend halos on additional techniques found outside the normal set of combos, like my personal favorite break dancing move that ends in a seductive pose and camera shutter. Classic.

    Bayonetta also sports its fair share of boss battles, which are all highly entertaining. Bayonetta will not only face powerful opponents her own size but she'll also go head-to-head with "Cardinal Virtues" -- agents of Paradiso that represent the most powerful extensions of divine will. These fights are not only brilliant in their absurd spectacle but they culminate into Bayonetta's fantastic finishing moves where she actually summons demons from Inferno to end the conflict. These Climax attacks are similar to the Torture attacks Bayonetta employs on lesser angels but they occur on a much grander scale.


    It's very much worthwhile to point out that the final moments of Bayonetta are alone worth the price of admission. I found the ending boss fights to be truly extraordinary and there are some surprising moments that reminded me why I love the videogame medium. If you're not a huge fan of Bayonetta by the time the credits roll, there is something wrong with you.

    With that said, I will be the first to admit that Bayonetta has some problems. As mentioned above, the story is not the most crisply told affair you'll find in modern gaming, but the world of Bayonetta is still worth experiencing. More problematic is the game's screen tearing and slowdown, which happen during explorative sections and intense action sequences, respectively. Both these issues will not ruin your Bayonetta experience in any way, but they can be a minor annoyance.

    Bayonetta also has a few unusual presentation elements that seem to contradict the game's normally detailed aesthetics. I refer primarily to the "filmstrip cutscenes" which occur frequently throughout Bayonetta's many chapters. Instead of fully animated cutscenes, the game will display some events with still models of the characters. The camera will continue to move during these sequences though, giving the otherwise static cutscenes a sense of motion. This is much more preferable to the age-old "talking cardboard cutout" that Japanese RPGs use during dialogue scenes, but I would have preferred seeing every sequence in Bayonetta fully animated.

    When you consider the filmstrip sequences (which must be cheaper to produce) along with the aforementioned visual issues, you'll begin to wonder if Platinum Games had a tighter budget than its otherwise astounding game lets on. Clearly the Japanese developer didn't have as many resources as its peers, which makes Bayonetta's supreme quality even more impressive.

    The boss battles in this game are a thing of beauty.

    Do not mistake these issues for reasons not to play the game. Bayonetta is absolutely a must-play. I can assure you that these minor setbacks will not spoil the tremendous amount of fun Bayonetta has to offer.

    Closing Comments
    Although Bayonetta has more than a few similarities to Devil May Cry, I wholeheartedly believe that this game is a must-play. Buyers beware, however: the 360 version is vastly superior to the PS3 version on a technical level, so PS3 owners fortunate enough to own a 360 should absolutely avoid the PS3 copy. For more info on the discrepancy between the versions, feel free to read my full review of the disappointing PS3 port.

    Overall, Bayonetta is gorgeous, stylish, entertaining and deliciously unique. To say that it is my favorite action game yet is an understatement. Kamiya and his team at Platinum Games deserve a round of applause (and perhaps a few platonic hugs) for their incredible work on this project. Bayonetta will remind you how cool videogames can be.


  15. Shin David

    Shin David Ajax Amsterdam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooie review, belooft veel goeds. Ben nu de demo aan het downloaden, kan ik zelf ook ff checken wat ik er van vind.
  16. Rick

    Rick Extreme gamer

    Leuk Bevonden:
    en de xbox versie is dus ook de beste versie.
  17. Davey666

    Davey666 Dislocated Boy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb hem maar geannuleerd.

    Hij komt nu dus alsnog 8 Januari en dan heb ik gewoon liever Darksiders :)
  18. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat ik dit niet wist:eek: Dit maakt het spel voor mij nog alleen maar beter.
  19. Nightbringer

    Nightbringer Wieder geil! VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je kunt ook gewoon beide halen :) ik bestel dark siders lekker bij gamehubs voor 33 euro.
  20. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Deze gaat beter worden dan Darksiders. :9

    Ziet er heeeel goed uit. Bring it on zou ik zeggen! :thumbs:

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