[XOne] Thief IV

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 4 mei 2009.

  1. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Duurt dus zeker nog wel 2 jaar voor dat de game uitkomt :'-(

    edit//Hier trouwens de banner zonder Gamingonly tags :)
    edit2//Toch iets anders maar komt van de officiele Eidos site :+
    Laatst bewerkt: 11 mei 2009
  2. Beawulf Agate

    Beawulf Agate aka Mad Murdock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    het rookt inderdaad wat minder.... :+

    Hopelijk binnenkort nog meer plaatjes...
  3. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    GDC Canada: Eidos Montreal Talks Thief 4
    Could the stealth franchise see its next sequel on a next-gen console?

    May 12, 2009 - In February 2007 an ailing Eidos announced that it would embark on a three-year plan to found a Montreal studio that would house three brand-new development teams. The fledgling office would be tasked with creating new AAA titles that would help lead the company back into its rightful place as one of the world's premier videogame developers.

    It's no easy task, but it's one that the new studio's General Manager, Stephane D'Astous, seems up to. We sat down with the energetic D'Astous at the inaugural Game Developers Conference: Canada in Vancouver this week to talk about Eidos' ambitious plan as it relates to the global company's newest big game announcement: Thief 4.


    For weeks, Internet rumors had been chattering that Eidos Montreal was working on the fourth installment in the popular stealth franchise, and the company confirmed the Thief 4 rumors on Monday. But beyond the announcement, Eidos remained fairly silent on just what it had in store for Thief 4. And while the company is still refusing to cough up details this early (the title just passed the proof-of-concept phase three weeks ago), D'Astous did talk with IGN about the team's general approach for the game and its overall philosophy as a studio.

    The Thief franchise got its start on the PC and saw most of its success there, although the third Thief title also ended up on the original Xbox. And while it seems likely that a PC version of Thief 4 is in the works, the fledgling title's console future is a bit hazier.

    "As for platforms and consoles, things are moving so fast. There's some contradictory noise on when there's going to be the next generation, so we're going to be prudent on that one," said D'Astous. "So we're going to wait a couple of months to announce more about that. It's going to be cutting edge technology, that's for sure. It would be imprudent for us to say which console because, first of all, we don't know exactly the window of release and we don't know the first-party strategy.

    Does that mean Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony is planning to introduce a new console sooner rather than later? D'Astous wouldn't say anything further on the topic. But he did confirm that neither Thief 4 nor Deus Ex 3 would be on display at this year's E3 convention in Los Angeles. That leaves plenty of time for Eidos Montreal to get an earful from fans.


    With Thief 4, there's a firm focus on the fanbase. After Monday's announcement, the studio threw up an official message board that quickly became peppered with comments and questions from fans of the franchise. Would Garrett return as the main character? Would voice actor Stephen Russell reprise his role? How would stealth be handled? Would it be open-world?

    We asked D'Astous all of the above questions and were politely refused answers, although he did assure us that the game would stay true to its stealth roots, even while attempting to broaden the series' horizons.

    "It's safe to say that there's an association of stealth games being boring and slow-paced. And we're fully aware of that. I think we'll try to repeat what the first game did, which is to really break ground on the traditional way of playing. And I think if we want to do a fully stealth game, it's going to be, I hope, very innovative and bring a lot of new things to the table," D'Astous said.

    To do that, Eidos has established a top-notch team of developers in Montreal, many of whom left high-paying jobs at competing studios to work on Thief 4 and Deus Ex 3. Most of the team members have serious development pedigrees and solid experience shipping AAA titles. Before settling on Montreal, the company looked at both Vancouver and Austin, Texas, site of the now-shuttered Ion Storm (which created the original Deus Ex) as a base for the new studio. But, D'Astous said, the talent pool in Montreal sealed the deal.

    And soon Eidos will be siphoning yet more top-tier talent away from studios like Ubisoft and EA in Montreal when it begins ramping up development on a third unannounced game next year. D'Astous wouldn't say what the studio's next big project is, but we know it will be a major or possibly new IP. Eidos killed 15 pending game projects when it reorganized around the new Montreal office last year, so expect all the studio's upcoming bets to be big ones.

    For Eidos, that seems to mean hardcore-focused games that also draw in more mainstream gamers, ones who may not have played games like Thief previously but are curious and willing to try a new series.

    "We want to bring something new to the table, because these games sold respectably [in the past], but we want to bring it to another level. We want to have a larger audience without diluting the content," said D'Astous. "That is the real challenge, to bring it to a larger audience but without making it too easy or too thin on content. We're going to bring certainly a lot of innovation to both [Thief 4 and Deus Ex 3]."

    Exactly what that means is open to interpretation at this stage, although D'Astous hinted that story, choice and RPG elements will play a large role in Thief 4, rather than the instant gratification that comes with twitch combat.

    "I think shooters are fine – it's an adrenaline rush. But I think the RPGs in recent years are really gaining a lot of momentum," said D'Astous. "People want to have a richer experience. They want to have choices in their gameplay and I think games are getting more and more sophisticated with storytelling, and I think we can certainly do something with that with Thief."

    Pas op de Xbox 720?
    "As for platforms and consoles, things are moving so fast. There's some contradictory noise on when there's going to be the next generation, so we're going to be prudent on that one,"​

    Ze hadden de game nooit zo vroeg moeten aankondigen. -_- Ze zijn er nauwelijks aan begonnen.
    But he did confirm that neither Thief 4 nor Deus Ex 3 would be on display at this year's E3 convention in Los Angeles.

    the title just passed the proof-of-concept phase three weeks ago​
  4. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dus een hoop geblaat maar de komende jaren nog geen THief of Deus Ex,...

    zal wel komen omdat ze net overgenomen zijn door Square Enix, die mogen ook altijd graag 12 jaar van tevoren een game al beginnen te hypen :D
  5. Beawulf Agate

    Beawulf Agate aka Mad Murdock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hmmm, er komen genoeg games uit in de tussentijd die interessant zijn... het goede nieuws in ieder geval is dat ze er aan begonnen zijn. :thumbs:
  6. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. Tyrant

    Tyrant Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Waarop baseer je dat?
    Denk dat de miljoenen van Microsoft dat niet toelaten.
    Anders wordt het toch echt tijd voor een PS3 :p.
  8. fredfenster

    fredfenster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hm, er was toch geen zekerheid of ie naar PS/XBOX zou komen? Dan hoeft dit niet te betekenen dat 't exclusief PS wordt. Hoop 't niet.
  9. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Niks super speciaals. :+ Gewoon doordat het de Playstation Twitter is wat 'Oh man' roept met een link naar de THI4F site.
    (blijft een kutnaam :emo:)

    Moest toch ook even dit topic kicken. :D

    edit: Op de E3 hoeven we iig niks te verwachten:
    Laatst bewerkt: 3 jun 2010
  10. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thiaf :+
    Oh well, we wachten de E3 maar even af..
  11. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Opzouten met je dukes ex mensen revolutie, waar is Hitman 5 EIDOS! :mad:
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Stealing Sound: Generative Music in THIEF
    Speaker/s: Paul Weir (Eidos Montreal)
    Day / Time / Location: TBD

    Track / Format: Audio / Lecture


    Innovative audio has been at the heart of the original THIEF titles and Eidos Montreals new THIEF is no exception, this presentation will mark the first time that the game has been spoken about publicly. This talk will argue for the benefits of using generative music in games and will present a theoretical framework for its justification. Developers should more enthusiastically embrace alternative music models to resolve ongoing issues with linearity and to create a musical aesthetic that pushes away from the shadow of film. I will show our custom generative system (GRAMPS), demonstrate its key design features and suggest some best practice techniques. Ill also discuss how using a single person as the composer, sound designer and audio director on a AAA title can help create a unified sound field, blurring the lines between sound design and music.

    Takeaway: - The benefits of using a live generative music system over pre-rendered music from both a practical production perspective and for enhancing the user experience.
    - A music theory approach as to why generative music can solve some issues regarding music, structure and its relationship with time.
    - A challenge to composers to explore alternative composition models.
    - The first public insight into Thief and its generative music engine.

    Intended Audience: The talk may interest composers and sound designers as well as game designers. It is focused on the theory and practice of generative music with practical demonstrations and the role music can play in general. No prior technical experience is required.
    Eligible Passes: Audio Pass, All Access Pass, Main Conference Pass

    Muziek... Hey, het is na al die tijd tenminste iets!
  13. Tripletth

    Tripletth ɹǝsn pǝɹǝʇsıƃǝɹ

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thief IV!!! Heb deel 2 echt helemaal kapot gespeeld \o/

    Deel 3 overigens nooit afgemaakt.. Zal hem binnenkort weer eens in de computer stoppen.
  14. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan niet wachten hierop hoop dat hij zo leuk is als de vorige delen :) en dat hij op de xbox 360 komt natuurlijk.
  15. Beawulf Agate

    Beawulf Agate aka Mad Murdock

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb me vermaakt met Deadly Shadows. Geluid speelde een belangrijke rol... zeker met een goede geluidsinstallatie.
  16. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Thief 4 en Battlefield 3 voor het eerst te zien op GDC (X360, PS3, PC)

    Volgens de organisatoren van de Game Developers Conference zullen op de beurs voor het allereerst beelden te zien zijn van Thief 4 en Battlefield 3. Afgelopen week hadden we het nieuws dat Battlefield 3 ook naar de consoles komt en op de beurs zal de game getoond worden vanaf de PlayStation 3. Thief 4 was vorig jaar mei aangekondigd, maar sindsdien is het verdacht stil geweest rondom deze titel. Eidos Montreal is op het moment bezig met Deus Ex: Human Revolution en daarnaast dus met Thief 4. De GDC vindt plaats van 28 februari tot 4 maart in San Francisco.
  17. Willem

    Willem Obi-Willem XBW.nl Bestuur

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als Eidos dit goed doet, kunnen ze zichzelf echt met twee games echt weer volledig op de kaart zetten. Van Deus Ex verwacht ik heel veel, van Thief weet ik het nog niet zo. Maar als ook die vet is, wow! :D
  18. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop het voor ze, want Eidos zit al jaren in een diep dal.
  19. Gakkie

    Gakkie Black Queen

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop dat ze het goed doen. Thief I & II behoren tot de top games allertijden.
    Heerlijke gameplay, super sfeer, creepy, heerlijk!
  20. fredfenster

    fredfenster Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


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