E3 2010

Discussie in 'Xbox Hardware' gestart door DulleNL, 4 mei 2010.


Wie had de beste pers conferentie op de E3 van 2010?

  1. Microsoft

    24 stem(men)
  2. Nintendo

    47 stem(men)
  3. Sony

    19 stem(men)
  4. De Konami Dance Master-Japanner _O_

    23 stem(men)
  1. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja goed gezegd, ik wil echt geen enkele game van het lijstje spelen. Maar heb evenals vanochtend alle reacties gelezen en die waren over het algemeen heel positief dus ga der maar vanuit dat het een goede line up is voor de Wii. :)

    Wel erg benieuwd naar de 3DS, wil ik graag wat van zien.
  2. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    same here, maar als je daarentegen het 3ds gamelijstje bekijkt....
  3. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heh wat shit,MGS3 : Snake Eater. Die heb ik allang uitgespeeld op de PS2. Jammer nou dat het geen gloednieuwe MGS is.
  4. DimlightHero

    DimlightHero Rule 7

    Leuk Bevonden:
    maar die komt op de 360 ;)
  5. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eerste 3D impressie. Behoorlijk positief, maar dus een behoorlijke sweetspot. Stukje van mgs is ERG gaaf

    Hands-On With Seven Nintendo 3DS Games and Gadgets
    It feels like a slight of hand, of mind, of eye: But hold Nintendo's 3DS in front of you, turn it on and the top screen drops away turning the imagined world 3D.

    There are some kinks that still need to be worked out for the upcoming, glasses-free 3D gaming device. The window in which 3D looks 3D on that screen and doesn't appear fuzzy or make you feel cross-eyed, is extremely narrow.

    Hold the device too close, too far, tilt it too much in either direction and the magic is gone.

    But hold it just right and your perceptions change, the game is 3D, without glasses. Without glasses. It sounds unbelievable, and when it works it is unbelievable.

    I tried out sevendifferent demos on the system and they all offered interesting different bits of information.

    The 3DS will be able to play real Hollywood movies in 3D without the need for glasses. I checked out a trailer for one and was as impressed as I am when I watch a Real 3D movie. Which is to say, not very. The 3D feels painted on, used to highlights bits of the screen, certain objects, but not to create an entirely 3D experience. But that's not the fault of the 3DS or Nintendo, that's all up to the movie makers.

    Next I checked out an interactive trailer for Metal Gear Solid in 3D. The jungle popped in 3D. Leaves brushed up against the camera. I could adjust the point of view just slightly with the analog thumbstick. It was a neat way to show off how subtle 3D can be on this system. And how, even as a subtle addition, the effect has an amazing impact.

    Next was Resident Evil. This is when I ran into my first issue. I started off the cutscene with the 3DS resting on the table, but in my hands. It was a bit further away from my face then it typically would be when playing. The impact was horrendous. It felt like I had gone permanently cross eyed. It made my stomach flop slightly and my eyes quickly tried to correct what they were seeing. I used the slider on the face of the 3DS to turn the 3D down but it didn't help. They I tried moving the 3DS slightly closer and suddenly the game's images synched and the world was amazingly deep.

    I tried putting the screen even closer to my face, moving it way too close and the image went double again. Tilting the 3DS or moving it to either side made the image fuzzy.

    There is, I learned, a 3D sweet-spot for the 3DS, a bubble in which the image is perfect and deep. Outside the bubble things go wrong.

    Next I tried out a neat little Nintendo demo that showed 3D sculptures. I could use the slider to move around the images. This was the best looking demo of the bunch. Well almost, certainly the best looking game demo.

    Nintendogs and Cats had a neat effect, using the bottom screen to let you interact with the 3D pets and throw objects. But the 3D didn't blow me away. It was, though, still very solid, deep 3D.

    Next I checked out the Kid Icarus trailer, now in full 3D. I was impressed with how seemingly powerful the system must be to deliver this level of gameplay and graphics all in 3D.

    The most impressive thing I saw this morning, though, was the 3DS' camera. The ability to take a picture in 3D and then view it in 3D seconds later may sound like a gimick. But it's the sort of gimick that will require a hunt for your socks afterward.

    When you activate the camera you use the thumbstick to slide back and forth on what you want the focal point to be in the image. So you can make the thing closest to you in focus or the thing in the back. Once you snap the pic you can look at it on that top screen.

    The effect is astounding. I took a picture of the woman who had the 3DS padlocked to her waist. She's smiling and has her hands up. The hands feel like they're popping out of the screen, behind the room just goes on and on.

    It's astounding

    http://kotaku.com/5564204/hands on-with-seven-nintendo-3ds-games-and-gadgets
  6. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hoop wel dat ze games als Mario Kart niet simpel van de DS porten en er alleen 3D bij doen
  7. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ze hebben nu iig al een mgs game op de 3ds (jungle!) en die kid icarus trailer moet er bizar uit zien in 3D.
  8. Cybeln

    Cybeln jeej

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja das idd al een stuk betere lijst :)

    Mooi stuk, ben nu wel erg benieuwd naar dit apparaat.
  9. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hoe laat is Sony?
  10. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    9 uur.
  11. Rebel8319

    Rebel8319 XBW Addict

    Leuk Bevonden:
    komt net thuis , check later wel wat Nintendo heeft gedaan , iemand een goeie stream voor de Sony Presser ? , aangezien ik het niet aan de praat krijg via GT ..
  12. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga nu toch echt serieus nadenken om een Wii te kopen... 8)
    Iemand nog een tip voor een megapack of zo? Zwart, 1 controller, wat games?

    @ boven; youtube/IGN/gamespot/GT. Genoeg opties.
  13. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh . . . .even snel douchen, paar biertjes pakken en weer lekker 2x safari openstaan.

    Kijken en posten. Hit the fucking F5 button! ....... en weer posten. :D

    Ben benieuwd wat sony ervan gaat bakken.
  14. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. Rebel8319

    Rebel8319 XBW Addict

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hey ! toch internet man ? \o/
  16. Sander H

    Sander H Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    GT kreeg ik ook niet geladen tijdens Nintendo, Youtube wel maar die bleef ook nog wel eens vast zitten.
  17. Yaron

    Yaron <font color="orange"><b>XBW.nl VIP</b></font> XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    uhhh de beursvloer gaat straks pas open dude. Tegelijk met de SOny conference geloof ik.
  18. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    My bad, ik had begrepen 14 juni :)
  19. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hahah, natuurlijk ja. Het is daar nu bijna 9 uur in de ochtend de 15e toch? Of zeg ik nou iets geks. 8)
  20. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Sony is begonnen

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