[XOne] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 3 jul 2009.

  1. Natasja27

    Natasja27 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Harry Potter spellen vind ik altijd leuk om te spelen.Dus dit deel zal ik ook zeker gaan kopen.
  2. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hey, dat was ook mijn idee met wat ze met deze game moesten doen! :+ Free-roam vind ik veel leuker, maar ja... dat zal er bij deze niet in zitten. ;)

    Als ze het een beetje goed uitwerken kan het heel leuk worden.

    @ je laatste punt. ... Ja. :+ Maar is dat niet vaak zo?: als je een fan bent van het bronmateriaal, zal de game je ook een stuk beter zal bevallen; je weet er veel meer plezier uit te halen dan iemand die niks met HP heeft
  3. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nog wat meer lelijke plaatjes:

    Er waren er nog een paar meer, maar die waren niet HD en ook lelijk, dus die heb ik maar niet gepost. :+
  4. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ziet er niet slecht uit.
    Game komt er wel, maar ik hoop wel op dezelfde of soortgelijke sfeer als in OOTP.

    Vond HBP lang niet zo leuk. =(
  5. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Je weet nu toch al dat dat gewoon niet kan? Ga er nu dus ook maar niet op hopen. :+
  6. Jeffer

    Jeffer Pearl Jam

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Graphics zijn nog steeds van dezelfde kwaliteit als OOTP 8) En de beste HP game blijft deel 1 :cool: Die heeft toentertijd de meeste impact op mij gemaakt. Helemaal grijs gespeeld op de PS1
  7. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet ik.
    Het was ook meer bedoeld in zijn soort dan naar zijn voorganger(s).
    Snap dat dan. :+
  8. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    E3 2010: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 Videogame Preview
    Class is dismissed. Now, it's time to kill people.

    For the last few Harry Potter videogames, the fun has been investigating Hogwarts, mixing up potions, and finding hundreds of collectables hidden in the halls. In fact, if there was one part that always seemed to be "so-so," it was the wand-based combat. It seemed like Harry would just plant his feet, hurl a few incantations, and you'd move on to doing something more fun. Knowing all of that, it was a bit shocking to play the latest Chosen One videogame recently.

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 is a third-person shooter where your wand is the stand-in for a gun. Believe it.

    Hogwarts is gone this time around and instead you step behind Harry's spectacles as he runs about England fighting Death Eaters and tracking He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Rather than eating chocolate frogs and figuring out how to ride a broom, the Deathly Hallows is all about life and death so EA decided to make the game follow the book and film's more serious direction.


    When the demo booted up and I took the controller, the scene looked like your typical Potter game. I ran Harry into a trashy construction site, he looked good, and the setting was your typical overcast (but mossy green) English day. Suddenly, a bad guy popped up in the area. Clad in ragged clothes, he looked a bit like a homeless man, but it was explained to me that this was one of the Snatchers, the lowest echelon of Voldemort's evil empire. I whipped out the wand, lined up the reticle on the screen and sent out a couple blasts of Stupefy to level the foe.

    I moved forward, found a whole bunch of Snatchers and Death Eaters, and ran to a steel girder. With the click of a button, Harry threw his back to the construction beam and was in cover so that I could safely plan my next move. I fired a few more blasts before jumping behind a wooden box. The Death Eaters fired away, blew the box to bits, and little orphan Potter was on the run once more. Later on, I took shelter on a catwalk, and the piece of sheet metal I was hiding behind tumbled to the ground after taking too many hits.

    There are a number of spells at your disposal in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1, and you can select them by cycling through with the D-Pad or pausing the action and calling up your weapon wheel. Now, what's interesting about these spells is that they don't act like they did in the previous games – I didn't see anyone going completely rigid or being turned upside down when my magic nailed 'em. Instead, each charm shoots out of your wand as a colorful energy blast and is like a different gun in your typical shooter. Stupefy is your trusty handgun that can be fired like mad but doesn't do a ton of damage, Crucio is like a submachine as it sprays out dark magic, Expelliarmus needs to charge before going off like a magnum, and Confringo sends out a purple blast in line with that of a rocket launcher.

    Clearly, the impact of a Confringo blast is going to knock a Snatcher off his feet and even a headshot with Stupefy will take down the bad guys, but not every spell is just a different damage modifier. When I'd use Leviosa, I could pick up the barrels and boxes I was using as cover and task them with being a mobile fort for me or shoot them out in all directions as an attack. Meanwhile, Confundus bewilders any enemy it comes in contact with and makes the bad guy fight for you.

    Shoot the scary man!

    My demo was short. I made my way through the junky construction site, used Leviosa to open a path, and fought a whole bunch of Death Eaters. The build was early as there were a lot of blurred visuals as Harry moved, he didn't exactly look flush with the wall when he took cover, and the animations weren't quite there yet, but it was interesting to see Death Eaters dodge my incoming spells and fire off their own attacks. Even sweeter, the game ended with Dementors descending on some wizards I was out to save, and as I approached the scene, the screen began to ice over as the world went supernaturally cold.

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 is definitely a different take on the franchise, and that alone is exciting. There's a lot of work to be done on the game, but it is cool to get into these magic shootouts where spells are ricocheting off of barrels and bad guys are disappearing into plumes of black smoke. I doubt it'll be a Gears of War killer, but fans shouldn't be expecting the same old same old when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 1 ships alongside the film this fall.

    En een interview

    IGN AU: This title represents a massive shift for Harry Potter games. Tell us a little about taking Harry Potter away from Hogwarts and into new territory.

    Jonathan Bunney:
    This story is so different from the previous six books/movies. Harry has left school and is out in the adult world, and Voldemort is using anything and everything under his command to try and locate Harry - you can really feel him closing in. We took advantage of this darker narrative and used it to stimulate the team to deliver a game that explores Harry's new challenges as well as following him through his journey away from the now crumbling safety of Hogwarts.

    Every third person game is now required by law to have a cover system.

    IGN AU: The book opens with a great broomstick chase sequence – is that how the game will begin as well? Tell us a little about it.

    Jonathan Bunney:
    I don't want to give too much away about the opening sequence but we're really glad that we have an opportunity to open the game with such a high action sequence, it's perfect for a game opening and we've explored that opportunity fully.

    IGN AU: Harry spends a fair bit of time in the first half of Deathly Hallows stumbling around the wilderness not really knowing what to do – how much creative license do you have to take to make this period of inactivity and indecision action-packed?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    Harry's time in the wilderness has the constant threat of being captured by snatchers or Death Eaters, and we've dialed up that threat so that this part of the game is full of intense action. J K Rowling has created such a rich and detailed world, filled with amazing characters and creatures and we've been able to draw upon the fiction from the entire series, not just from The Deathly Hallows, to create forest environments where danger can lurk around any corner. The Death Eaters, Voldemort's most trusted allies, patrol the wilds searching for clues as to Harry's whereabouts. Snatchers, magical mercenaries if you like, are also intent on capturing Harry for the huge reward that that would bring. And don't forget, the forests are inhabited by many potentially hostile magical creatures which means exciting opportunities for action-packed gameplay.

    IGN AU: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is essentially a third person shooter. Do you think Harry Potter fans will embrace this approach?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    Based on the fans that have seen the game so far, together with the comments we've seen on fansite and gaming forums we're pretty confident that this is the right game to make – Harry Potter is no longer a franchise 'just for kids', so we're making a game that will appeal to an older audience. There are only two more movies, and so this is our opportunity to satiate all those gamers who have been asking for a game that's not restricted by school rules, one where they can run into the outside world and take on Voldemort's most dangerous henchmen.

    IGN AU: Harry has a range of spells at his disposal, each paralleling a weapon type from other action games. Will these all be unlocked from the start? If so, how are you planning on evolving the gameplay over the course of the game?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    Harry will start the game with a basic spell and have the opportunity to collect and unlock others as the game progresses. I don't want to give too much away about how this evolves through the game yet other than to say that upgrading collected spells is really going to help Harry in his quest for the Horcruxes.

    Gritty and urban aren't generally words associated with innovation. Fingers crossed.

    IGN AU: Crucio is an unforgiveable curse – why is Harry using it now?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    Harry is in a new and hostile environment facing an enemy intent on his capture and ultimate death. As in the fiction, he needs to protect himself using everything he can and Crucio is a powerful and dangerous spell. Obviously, he can never use the spell against those innocent wizards or muggles caught up in the brewing civil war – that's definitely not in Harry's character. And truthfully, Harry will never do as much damage with Crucio as his enemies, he doesn't have the same evil intent when he uses it.

    IGN AU: Tell us a little about how Harry will be able to use spells like Protego and Leviosa for defence.

    Jonathan Bunney:
    Protego is a magical shield that Harry can use at any point in the game. It stops all spells completely until it becomes weakened and fails and leaves Harry vulnerable again. When Harry is casting Protego he can't move and so while the protection is welcome it does come with its drawbacks. To counter this we wanted Harry to have an alternative defensive mechanic which also came with its own set of pros and cons. Using Wingardium Leviosa to pick up objects and hold them in front of Harry means shots are deflected away and Harry can also move around while casting it. Unfortunately it's not quite as strong or effective at stopping all spells.

    IGN AU: We've seen two grades of Death Eaters so far in the game. What other enemies will Harry encounter?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    There are multiple grades of Death Eaters in the game, each with their own signature spells and strategies. Allied to them are the Snatcher characters who aren't quite as skilled or powerful as the Death Eaters but are effective in numbers. As I mentioned earlier we also have many and varied creatures that live in the forests for Harry to encounter such as the Inferi (Voldemort's re-animated dead), Dragons and Dementors to name but a few.

    IGN AU: The sections of the game we've seen are very derelict and rundown. What will set the visual design of this game apart from other gritty-looking shooters?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    We wanted to keep Harry apart from the Muggle world, as he is in the fiction, and so any Muggle environments that he comes across are more run-down and derelict. However, they're but a few of the areas that Harry needs to explore in his quest for the Horcruxes. We get to visit a quaint English village, beautifully sculpted interiors and other more magical locations that all utilize our new tech that makes beautifully, magically lit environments a real pleasure to explore.

    Watch the recoil on that spell, Harry.

    IGN AU: How closely have you been working with the makers of the upcoming film? Has there been much in the way of asset sharing?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    We've built up a great working relationship with the film-makers over the years and, once again, have had access to every location, image from their unit photography and also meetings and feedback from their art department. As the film studios are located so close to our studio here in the UK we've been able to really share our plans with them and ensure that we're as authentic to the movie as we could possibly be. Although we do share some assets such as 3D environments, movies tend to work on their video effects right at the end of the development schedule, usually way past our deadlines, but we constantly talk to the art department about our and their plans for the way different things will look and feel. In this way we can ensure that we're as close as possible to each other in the final outcome.

    IGN AU: Harry spends most of his time in this book with at least one friend – will co-op play be included?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    If you're familiar with the fiction you'll know that the Deathly Hallows story is really about Harry and his journey to find a means to defeat Voldemort. Our game reflects that focus on Harry.

    IGN AU: Given that the final book is being split into two films, at what point in the story will the first film and this game end?

    Jonathan Bunney:
    Unfortunately that's one piece of information that we've been sworn to secrecy on. My lips are sealed.

    Geen co-op... jammer.
  9. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat er geen co op is vind ik helemaal niet erg. Ik heb het wel liever dan MP's in games, maar dat is nu eenmaal niet zo.

    Ik hoop dat ze zich dan verder gewoon lekker concentreren op de SP en die uitgebreid maken.

    Ik denk dat het wel goed komt Dullie. ;)
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  11. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En we moeten nog tot november wachten. :'-(

    Moet toegeven dat de eerste trailer van de film er wel goed uit zag. :thumbs:
  12. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het lijkt nu van de site verwijderd te zijn...
    Kan me eerlijk gezegd niet zo boeien. Heb eigenlijk sinds de E3 geen interesse meer in Natal.\, dus zolang ik het nog met een controller kan spelen is het prima.
  13. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Controller is imo veel fijner. Heb je tenminste nog ''controle'' over de games. ;)

    Check OOTP topic even collega. ;)
  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is de US cover, maar bij HBP was er volgens mij ook geen verschil.

    Dan was deze blijkbaar een tijdelijke.
    Vind die anders wel mooier. O-)
  15. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    vind ze allebei nogal ongeinspireerd

    Die ogen van Lord blahblablah dat kan toch echt niet meer... zou me verbazen als ze langer dan 10 minuten met die cover bezig geweest zijn
  16. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zou me verbazen als ze langer dan 10 minuten met de game bezig zijn geweest. 8)
  17. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mwoah, Gears of War re-skinnen is toch zeker wel een middag werk denk ik..
  18. Fardo

    Fardo Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit is de eerste HP die ik waarschijnlijk ga kopen
  19. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die andere wist je zeker?
  20. mattiejj

    mattiejj Registered Muser

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou, als Gears of Potter dezelfde kwaliteit geven als Gears Of War, hoor je mij niet klagen:+

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