Also please note that I am not a Gearbox employee - all of this information is just what i can gather from the files. Some of the following information may turn out to be false.
If you are a Gearbox employee and don't want any of this information out until you make an offical announcement feel free to delete this thread or message me and request i delete it.
DLC Introduction:
Marcus: Our story began when the Hyperion Corporation decided they'd had enough of the treasure hunters. With The Vault on lockdown, they had served their purpose, and now they were a drain on the economy. Why pay full price for
weapons when you can take a five-finger discount off the nearest corpse?
Marcus: Hyperion was looking to clear the drain, but those guys were one tough hairball...
Marcus: Well- yes, see the treasure hunters were blocking the flow of- and the grimy build-up of money and-
Marcus: Shut up! The point is Hyperion had a plan. The treasure hunters could handle all manner of beastie, bandit, and batallion, but they weren't expecting the ... Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap!
Marcus: This claptrap was programmed to take our boys out indirectly. Trapping, poisoning, spreading catty rumors around town. Nothing was off-limits. He was smart... too smart.
Marcus: He looked around, and didn't like what he saw: claptraps being subjugated, humliated, obliterated. What we call programming, he called slavery.
So he rallied his fellow claptraps and turned them against their corporate masters. What started as a rebellion became a revolution. And take a wild guess who Hyperion called to clean up the mess...
Intro Kid: I thought you said the treasure hunters were the drain.Now they're the hairball?
Intro Kid: This metaphor stinks...
Story Overview:
Basically the ninja claptrap was created by Hyperion to stop the vault hunters from taking all the guns and treasure etc... but was too clever, he saw other claptraps being 'enslaved' and 'killed' - he wanted it to stop so he started a claptrap revoloution. Now Hyperion have asked the vault hunters to help them stop the claptrap uprising and return things back to normal but the claptraps have gone about... re-animating dead people and adding claptrap robot parts to them to fight in their army. Some of the people re-animated include Dr Ned. Commandant Steele and General Knoxx.
new enemies (just a very short selection)
It is also worth saying that these enemies have differnt names on playthrough 1 2 and 2.5 aswell as another set of names that indicate another level of enemy (although considering how the system works it may indicate another playthrough but I'm not going to speculate.)
Mutant Midget Psycho-Trap
D-Fault Bandit Thug
Badass Bruiser-Trap
Badass Hyperion Soldier-Trap
Famished Rakk-Trapling
Adult Skag-Trap
Plenty of new quests (exact amount not specified)
Characters - new and old
Blake (new character)
General knoxx
Commandant Steele
Undead Ned
interplanetry ninja Assasin
10 mentioned in the file which is named as telport outposts which indicates for the first time we may have fast travel in a dlc
Dividing Faults
Hyperion Dump Entrance
Mine Cart
Sanders Gorge
Scortched Snake Canyon Entrance
Scortched Snake Canyon Exit
Tannis Outpost
Tartarus Station
Train Station
Wayward Pass
Image contained within the patch, Didn't really know where to put it so i thought bottom of op would be ok.