[XOne] [Algemeen] Mass Effect 2 [Deel 4]

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Fiasco, 31 jul 2010.

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  1. Gemini NL

    Gemini NL Mell

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Over die ship upgrades (maar even in een spoiler)
    Wat gebeurt er eigenlijk op`t einde van ME2 als je de normandy sr2 niet upgrade? Ik had in deze run het schip alle upgrades gegeven met een glorieuze eind battle als gevolg :cool:
  2. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Per upgrade van je ship die je niet heb gekocht, gaat er één persoon dood. Dit geld voor de cannon, de shield en nog één ding...
  3. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben begonnen op Insanity met een Sentinel van level 1 en het is te doen alleen gaan sommige gevechten zo tergend langzaam en heb ik maar een gelimiteerd arsenaal aan powers en wapens, oftewel saai. Is het mogelijk om een character uit een lagere moeilijkheidsgraad te importeren naar Insanity?
    Laatst bewerkt: 15 jan 2011
  4. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee. ;)

    Ik zou ook niet willen aanraden een level 30 of 60 te importeren. Je zit dan met het probleem dat vijanden al allerhande upgrades hebben en jij nog niet als je er aan begint.
  5. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ach het heet Insanity voor een reden dus...
  6. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    In tegenstelling tot Mass Effect I inderdaad. :cool:
  7. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet iemand of ze bij de PS3 versie iets hebben gedaan om het verhaal van deel 1 uit te leggen? Beetje raar dat 1 niet uit is, maar 2 over 2 weken word gereleased :+.
  8. Pegas

    Pegas XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er zit een interactieve strip (ME Genesis) bij die het verhaal van deel 1 behandeld. De interactiviteit zal gaan om de keuzes die je moet maken in ME1. Die interactieve strip zou ook moeten uitkomen voor de 360 en pc versie.
  9. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oké tof :). Ben echt blij dat Mass Effect 2 ook eindelijk op de PS3 komt, toch een game die je niet kan missen.
  10. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zodat wij zelf de keuzes kunnen maken, die we zouden hebben gemaakt in ME1? Of...? En wanneer zou het moeten komen dan?
  11. Pegas

    Pegas XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het laat je 6 kritieke keuzes maken die in ME1 voorkwamen, deze keuzes zullen gevolgen hebben voor ME2 en/of ME3. De PS3 versie zit gewoon bij de PS3 versie. De overige versies zullen waarschijnlijk ook rond die tijd beschikbaar gemaakt worden (21 januari voor Europa dus).

    Meer info, inclusief wat de 6 keuzes zijn vind je hier. Wel oppassen voor spoilers.

    Het is een leuke vervanging maar het biedt niet dezelfde ervaring als de keuzes van ME1. Zo krijg je de kleine keuzes dus waarschijnlijk niet voorgeschoteld (bv. de journalist of die oude dievegge).
  12. PowerLines

    PowerLines #Lemonade

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh gelukkig!
    Wrex zit er bij! Hij is mijn persoonlijke baas.

    Ik zou opzicht nog eenv olle ME1-ME2 run willen doen, maar ik heb geen zin het spel weer te kopen.
  13. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien ooit eens de PS3 versie van de game checken. Klinkt wel gaaf allemaal.
  14. Pegas

    Pegas XBW.nl VIP XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik zou het eerder bij de 360 versie houden die de strip ook krijgt, maar het is jouw geld.
  15. Badstreak

    Badstreak Veteran

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die strip die overloopt van fouten bedoel je?
    De spoiler laat zien waar ik het over heb:
    A lot of this stuff has been listed before, but I've decided to just consolidate all the problems I and others have seen. I've tried emphasize why it's so bad for someone who knows nothing about ME1, and I've mostly avoided the art, except where it violates continuity. Keep in mind how a lot of this will seem after someone gets into the game and starts getting exposition on a lot of this stuff:

    Normandy's just some ship.

    Shep's just some guy. Not a Spectre candidate.

    Nothing about humanity's current place, or the basics of the setting.

    Nihlus? Gone.

    Joker? Gone.

    Geth? What are those?

    Only an Alliance patrol was attacked. Not Eden Prime as a whole. It also gives the impression that Sovereign did it, not the geth. No video transmission, and the patrol "couldn't explain" what they'd seen. Then they change that during the beacon scene: now the colony was attacked.

    Kaidan? He's a "good kid". He also uses an assault rifle throughout the comic. Later on Virmire: "Save Kaiden."

    Biotics. What are they? Good question. We won't be answering it at this time.

    There's a dead krogan next to the beacon.

    The Citadel and Council are just dropped in with no explanation as to what either is. Spectres aren't explained either. Shep just becomes one for some reason.

    There was some unspecified, additional evidence connecting Saren to Sovereign.

    Udina's just a guy. His personality is elided pretty much entirely, with just a little bit mentioned at the very end.

    Garrus is "a top agent for Citadel Security." Uh, huh?

    Tali's a fugitive. From what? Why? Who knows.

    Tali's evidence was apparently a holographic recording of Saren. It also somehow proved Sovereign was his flagship.

    Why is Wrex even involved? He just had some unspecified "intel". Why'd he have it? What was it? More good questions.

    Wrex's armor starts out short-sleeved, then reverts to normal on Virmire. (yeah, nitpick, but that's just sloppy)

    Reapers allegedly kill everything every 50,000 years. It almost sounds like this is a commonly known thing. Oh and that fact alone is supposed to "explain" why Saren's trying to bring about their return. Until the comic gets to Virmire and suddenly it doesn't explain it, and Shep wonders why Saren's doing all this. Which by the way is never explained. Sovereign just indocrinated him at some point apparently.

    BTW, what's indoctrination exactly?

    Anderson voluntarily gives up command of the Normandy. His connection to Saren? What connection?

    Therum? No mention. Liara is just found somewhere and comes along.

    If you didn't know about asari, you could easily think just Liara and her mother had the melding ability, like some sort of mutant superpower.

    Noveria's just a name. It comes across like rachni lived there, and Saren conquered them.

    Absolutely nothing is said about where on Noveria you fought the rachni.

    It's said that Saren was there with Benezia, and you just miss him.

    Benezia is just there to extract "information" from the Queen. What it is and why Saren wants it? Not explained.

    Benezia's just a name. You see her corpse in one panel, no face.

    It's made out like the Rachni Queen was controlling all the workers and warriors.

    It's simply said she's "angry and dangerous" and that the "rachni had terrorized the galaxy" before.

    Free her and "She left, and took her army of drones with her."

    There's no explanation as to why killing the queen would doom the entire species to extinction.

    Mu-relay? What's that?

    Feros. Cipher. Thorian. All gone.

    Shep just finds Virmire somehow.

    STG? Kirrahe? Gone. There's a salarian in one panel though.

    Indoctrination? Shep figures out what it really is just by talking to Saren on Virmire.

    Tank-bred krogan? They "weren't real", and were "mindless beasts".

    Genophage? Explained very poorly, but at least it's accurate about what it does explain.

    "Wrex disagreed...violently." Uh, he did? If you didn't know better, you'd think he attacked Shep.

    "Fortunately, Wrex is smarter than he looks." C'mon, that's just insulting.

    No second beacon.

    "I split up my team in two squads, sending Ash with one, Kaidan with the other as a distraction. We had a nuke, and we planned to use it." Who the f*ck was in these squads? Why is only one person killed?

    Ilos? Just some old planet.

    Conduit? Yeah....no.

    Vigil? Just a "prothean databank" that Shep was able to access and understand with no problem.

    The Cycle? Shep figures that part out on Ilos.

    Reapers? On Ilos, Shep learns they really do kill everything, not just spacefaring civilizations.

    Citadel? Apparently, not a relay to dark space. There's more than one of those now.

    The Citadel controls the mass relays. What's a mass relay? Good question.

    Dual-pistol-wielding Tali and Garrus.

    Husks have red blood. Not that you'd know what they are as they just appear out of nowhere on the Citadel.

    Geth ships don't look right at all. You also have no idea what they are.

    Saren "died believing the Reapers would save him."

    RoboSaren? Final boss not appearing in this comic.

    The impression is given that the Destiny Ascension only comes under attack after Saren's dead. The Asari Councilor personally asks for help.

    The Normandy leads a "combined galactic fleet". Humanity and the other races all take down Sovereign.

    Despite that "combined galactic fleet", it's just humanity that'll take a hit if the Council is saved.

    Try and figure out what the Normandy was actually doing in that battle just going by the art alone.

    Udina's office is apparently in a skyscraper. And has glass windows.

    "Earned us our first seat on the Council." It's not really wrong....if you have prior knowledge of how the Council works and know there will be successors. Otherwise, you'd think humans could eventually have multiple Councilors at once.

    Shep isn't asked to recommend a Councilor. Shep is given full authority to choose, as if that wasn't just a gameplay thing.

    Shep isn't assigned to go clean up the geth. Shep goes looking for "answers", and the mop up of Saren's "armies" is just a cover story.
    Laatst bewerkt: 16 jan 2011
  16. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ga er ook zeker de volle pond niet voor betalen.
  17. oeloeimanu

    oeloeimanu Ah yes, "Reapers"

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb hem even opgezocht en bekeken:

    Veel detail zijn inderdaad verloren gegaan, maar je krijgt wel gewoon een goed beeld van ME1. Best goed dus imo. Misschien hadden ze wel iets meer achtergrond kunnen vertellen, de verschillende rassen en zo.
  18. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    WTF: Ze noemen Jenkins niet eens. Die gast had ik graag de hele game in mijn crew gehad. :mad: Extra Soldier is altijd handig.
  19. Grievous NL

    Grievous NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Laatst bewerkt: 16 jan 2011
  20. carnage NL

    carnage NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ik ben op zoek naar deze action figures weet waar ze nog te koop zijn
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