Verdikke had ik ze nu maar opgeslagen. Wel info (van Neogaf)
Moar info, you say? Why yes!
- Doomstones, like in Oblivion, can give you birthsign-like buffs and talents. If you decide you want a different constellation to "guide you", you can activate a different doomstone. They're scattered across Skyrim.
- The speechcraft wheel from Oblivion is out. Instead, the game offers speech checks like in the Fallout games.
- You can bash and block with bows, staffs and two-handed swords.
- The ecology interacts with each other. Foxes will, for instance, hunt rabbits.
- Storm Call is a high level shout, and calls down a lightning strike from the heavens.
- Giants are mentioned to be 12ft tall.
- "It will take 300 hours to see everything this game has to offer".
Laatst bewerkt: 5 jun 2011