New Skins in the Store
."We ran out of ideas so we made a scorpion skin for a scorpion" Skarner
.Earthrune Skarner
.Not as fabulous as usual Taric Store
.Added a purchase history tab in the store so that you can buy the same skin twice v1.41.XX
.Morons that try to join a game that is clearly full with a 10/10 lobby population will now receive a pop up showing a short animated sketch of a moron trying to push a door that says pull
.Fixed a bug where something useless will continue to do something even more useless until we implement achievements.
.Spent time and money fixing a bug that saved you having to click twice more than usual when picking a skin in ARAM
League of Legends v1.0.0.123
Skarner, The Crystal Scorpion.
.Implemented a new useless champion for you to spend money on so everyone under 1400 can cry about it on the forums and call it OP simply because they don't know how to play against it. Release is accompanied by Phreak's retrospective running commentary of him accidentally doing things that make him look rEaL l33t, taking a stupid skill order and building a bruiser with Rylai's Crystal Scepter when he already has the slow from Trinity Force and the slow from Crystal Slash.
.Completely pointless buff for morons that have no perception of time or for dutch guys who are so high that they think they are playing Super Mario 64.
.Amumu's head is so big that it collides with the target's face when he leashes to it with bandage toss
.Inceased the size of Blitzcrank's Mana Barrier to also cover his hands, feet and head
.Blitzcrank is no longer adolescent and will not longer randomly erect a shield in an awkward situation
.Blitzcrank will now rip off and eat a limb from his opponent when using Power Fist
.Fixed a bug where Brand was being used to make Fizzy Pop
.Fixed a bug where Yordles could eat the cup cake from a Yordle Snap Trap without being trapped
.Fixed a why is this champion still here?
.Fixed a bug where a flavour of the month champion was making more flavourable fizzy pop than Brand.
.Fixed a bug where rEaL sRs players from the U.S forums were complaining because they don't know how to scout Fiddlesticks with wards during the laning phase or scout Fiddlesticks with CV prior to team engagements.
.We think that Gangplanks completely retarded damage, tanking ability and team utility come from his passive so we nerfed it again. Now he should be balanced.
.Fixed a bug where players were maximising Garen's shield instead of taking his d3m4ci4444 spin2win because they want him to be even more useless in semi-competitive to competitive games.
.Play this champion in ranked for a free report.
.Completely pointless and unnoticeable change made so that we look busy in front of our boss
Jarvan lV
.Fixed a bug where Jarvan lV would perform a Pantheon ulitmate
.Jax has put on even more weight and will now belly flop his target when performing a leap strike
.Repetition of pointless changes for morons that have no perception of time
.Repetition of pointless changes not dissimilar from a multitude of pointless changes made so far
.We have absoloutely no idea what the hell we are going to do with this champion so we will continue to make a series of pointless reworks and changes to her when we have some spare time in the office
.Made miniscule buffs to Kennen as he is underplayed and not actually under powered instead of nerfing the insanely over powered flavour of the month AP champions.
.Kog'maw's Living Artillery is now r33l ****ing scary **** bro.
Lee Sin
.Repetition of pointless changes made to Amumu, Jax, Katarina and every other champion with a leash effect.
.Made a completely useless champion slightly less useless after we fired the guy that designed her
.Lux's auto attack now moves at the speed of light
.Try to play this champion at mid over one of the flavour of the month OP AP champions for free report from r33l srs pLaYeRs that really want to win their 1300 elo game
.Try to play this champion as AD in bot lane because you saw some virgin do it on his stream for free report
.Fixed a bug where malphite was not hitting r33l ****ing hard like the leg breaking mofo that he is
.Fixed a bug where Unstoppable Force was not as unstoppable as you might think. Xin Zhao will no longer consider himself to be the unstoppable force in his /joke.
.Repetition of pointless changes made to Amumu, Jax, Katarina and Lee Sin.
Master Yi
.Do not feed Master Yi...ever
.Repetition of pointless changes made to Amumu, Jax, Katarina, Lee Sin and Maokai
.Fixed a bug where faceroll players had to faceroll harder than usual when facerolling
.Morgana now carries a gun
.Morgana no longer wears a completely inconvenient skirt so that she runs faster, we updated her model to make her look even more like a hooker so that you guys will buy her because we are r33l gud marketing makers and we no hao to sell stuffs to j00 guise
.All female champions are now available with a "Dutch Hooker" skin
.Now has a longer staff
.Has now been deployed onto the streets of London to fight the hordes of 10-16 year old blacks and Muslims that are stealing as many pairs of trainers as they can so that they are gangster in the hood yo
.Will no longer be thought of with sexual co-notations, not even when wearing the french maid Nidalee skin
.Repetition of pointless changes made to Amumu, Jax, Katarina, Lee Sin, Maokai and Master Yi
.Rebuffed Pantheon after buffing him and then nerfing him and then buffing him again just to nerf him again cus we srsly no whut we r doing
.Pantheon has a new skin because we think you mindless zombies will buy it now that we have buffed him, we are r33l gud marketing jes hue hue hue
.Has stopped looking for Nasus due to rumours that Crocodile Dundee is on holiday in Runeterra
.Fixed a bug where The Equalizer was creating unequal fizzy pop. All fizzy pop shall now be equal
.Made Jack O's less scary by stopping them from falling over and activating side ways, causing them to unintentionally make a "caterpillar" movement in the activators direction
.Sion has an ability called enrage so we will pointlessly make a change that causes him to use the fury system
.Adding water to Teemo's mushrooms will now cause them to grow
.Made a pointless and unnoticeable change to this champion in the hope that more people will buy it's legendary skin cus we are r33l gud marketering professornals
.Fixed a bug where Noxian Corrosive Charge would not update it's armour reduction component as the target gains or loses armour. Noxian Corrosive Charge will now update endlessly until the target has no armour
.Fixed a bug where Warwick would get tired from jumping on peoples heads all day
.Fixed a bug where morons would accidentally right click and cancel Infinite Duress
.Repetition of the pointless change made to made to Amumu, Jax, Katarina, Lee Sin, Maokai, Master Yi and Nocturne.
.Another pointless change not worth more than 10 words when mentioning
.Fixed a bug where some complete ****ing morons were stacking Quick Silver Sash
. A wall of text consisting of a series of obvious bugs that we should have either fixed months ago or predicted occurring that I really can't be bothered mocking.
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