Playstation Vita

Discussie in 'PlayStation Hardware' gestart door DulleNL, 27 jan 2011.

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  1. Modder-Eter

    Modder-Eter VIP VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Tsja, wat moet je nou met die 3G versie. Kost je alleen maar klauwen met extra geld.
  2. RemcoM

    RemcoM Ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aparte 3g abonnementen zijn nog niet eens heel duur.
  3. Bertje sim

    Bertje sim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben echt geschrokken van de kwaliteit van de internet browser. Is voor mij een dealbreaker, had op zijn minst net als de smartphones van tegenwoordig verwacht.

    Heb geen smartphone, wil ik ook niet. Maar ik ga nu wel heel hard twijfelen of dat ik dit wel wil, voor die enkele games.

    Op een tablet kan ik wel alles, inclusief mobiel gamen met gamepad.

    Hmmm.. baal er echt van.

    3 opties

    1. die browser gaat nog erg verbeterd worden, maar daar geloof ik niet zo in.

    2. tablet halen.

    3. toch zelf ook maar een smartphone nemen en een vita.

    Ben bang dat ik gezien mijn beperkte financiele middelen voor 2 moet gaan.
  4. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Tco

    Tco The Chosen One

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Op Ibood komt af en toe een prima smartphone langs voor 130-180 euro.

    Huh, mijn vorige bericht laat wilt geen text weergeven...
  6. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Waar zie je dat over de internet browser dan?
  7. Jel0

    Jel0 <font color="orange"><b> VIP</b></font> VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  8. Grub

    Grub think on your sins

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb vandaag even mogen klooien met Uncharted op de PSVita \o/ \o/ \o/

    SUPERTOF! Werkt heerlijk intuitief, touch screen zit er tof in verwerkt, geluid is redelijk goed (nog steeds piepsje blikkerig) en kan niet heel erg hard, en er zit echt totaal niks in het doosje van de PSVita, alleen een docking station achtig iets, weet niet eens zeker of er een ladar bij zit en geen hoesje, geen microvezel doekje niks.

    Uncharted zag er echt heel, heel erg goed uit. Echt tof.

    Er schijnen wel veel problemen te zijn met "bleeding" in het scherm van de PSVita (vooral bij zwarte schermen zie je vaak donkere strepen erdoorheen lopen) en bijna elk exemplaar schijnt hier wel een beetje last van te hebben.
  9. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Vond je Uncharted qua graphics en performance gewoon eigenlijk een PS3 game in het klein? Of toch wel echte hele duidelijke verschillen?
  10. Grub

    Grub think on your sins

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm, ik weet het niet zo goed, zelf vrij weinig PS3 games in het echt gezien, maar als je zegt dat PSP = PS2 dan komt PSVita denk ik wel heel dicht in de buurt ja, wel wat meer scherpe randen maar het zag er wel echt gruwelijk goed uit.
  11. Cyrax

    Cyrax Weldoener van beroep

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb ook al op de Vita mogen spelen, maar de Vita heeft veel betere graphics dan de PS2 hoor. Ik heb F1 erop gespeeld, en no way dat een PS2 dat kan genereren. Het is ook zeker geen PS3 niveau, zeker niet de huidige generatie PS3 games.
  12. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hij zegt ook psp = ps2 ;)
  13. Cyrax

    Cyrax Weldoener van beroep

    Leuk Bevonden:
    |:- Excuus. Goedemorgen Cy..... Verkeerd gelezen. Dan heb ik niets gezegd :+
  14. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    fixed. :+

    Ik hoor helaas ook 'veel' negatievere verhalen over Uncharted. Schijnt iets tegen te vallen. Dus maar voor de mensen die hopen/verwachten dat het hetzelfde niveau als zijn grotere broers haalt... helaas.

    Even een random user review (zijn toch belangrijker dan die van de grote sites :p)

    Charted on Hard. My review will contain some spoilers however due to some of the idiotic narrative decisions on the part of Bend, you'll know within 5 minutes all of them except one.

    Overall content: Length-wise the campaign is pretty long. It definitely seemed to be longer or of equivalent length to Uncharted 3. I also would like to note that Hard on Golden Abyss seemed to be much harder than in any of the other Uncharted titles(part of which is tied into the gameplay which I'll go into depth later). Overall there are 34 chapters some of which are extremely short. There is an absolute plethora of treasures to find. Like an insane amount. From my menu I count 96 treasures to find, 141 bounties to collect on random enemies and 138 related mystery items to find. You have to finish Hard to unlock Crushing, similar to other Uncharted titles. There however is no cutscene viewer in the main menu after beating the game.

    Visuals:It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Let's get this out of the way early, Uncharted definitely seems to be the best looking handheld game I've ever seen. That said, it can also look like shit as well. The best thing graphically definitely seems to be the textures of which the environment textures and detail is outstanding. The characters though are another story. The characters are definitely a downgrade compared to a PS3 version. Now before someone says, "Of course it won't look as good as a PS3 game", well that's my only current option for comparison in regards to how the characters should look. Enemy models are also for the most part generic and I wouldn't be surprised if they reused or maybe slightly modified some models from other Uncharted titles. However the models do look better than what can be seen in iPhone games like Modern Combat 3, Infinity Blade 2 being an exception. Animations especially in cutscenes seem to be a little stiff. The main problem I've noted with the graphics is the aliasing. This seems to be especially apparent in the jungle sections while it seems to be less noticeable in the ruins/base. The aliasing is really distracting especially early on. Explosions and fire effects are also very poor. Explosions in general are on the level of a PSP game. Fire/spark effects are also poor but not on the level of the explosions. Overall though the game is very good looking however has some serious flaws thoughs that stand out.

    Here are some screenshots:


    Soundtrack/Audio: Overall very good. There are some excellent new tracks and there. A couple of which stood out to me and were very much in sync with the game. I also noted a few remixes of classic themes. There was also some ambient sounds used which was nice such as gunfire in the distance. However there were some audio problems in the later half such as static(or something like that) coming out of the speakers. Note that this wasn't related to my Vita as the sounds returned to normal within half a minute but they did pop up atleast twice maybe thrice. Another issue was the audio related to explosions in that they weren't as crisp as they should be.

    Story: Extremely straight forward. Really nothing noteworthy about it. There is no emotional component to it compared to Uncharted 3. However in-game references do make nods to Uncharted 3's story. Probably the worst of the Uncharted franchise due to how bland it is.

    Characters: Dante is the best villain in the Uncharted franchise. He's not as crazy as the villains in 1 and 2 and not as non-existant as Marlowe. Talbot is a very strong second but Dante's dialogs with Drake push him over the competition. Marisa Chase weighs him out though. She's very bland and it's like having a boring female Drake coming along(in that she's very intellectual but that's really it). She has none of the witty humor that Elena has (though she does have some good lines) or the fiery personality of Chloe. Marisa also near the end has a somewhat big personality shift that just seems to happen. Guerro is as generic as Lazarevic.

    (Character reveal spoiler)Sully's surpise appearance saves the day. His banter with Drake and overall personality is a nice reminder that this is an Uncharted game. His sections of the game are the best just due to his character.

    Gameplay: I saved the worst for last. I initially had the controls for stick only however due to the combat mechanics being such a mess, I took the advice of one of the posters above and actived motion for regular aiming. The assisted motion for regular aiming allowed me to use the sticks to line up normal shots and use the motion controls for the precision shots. This GREATLY helped due to how bad sticks only is. For awhile I was just going to flat out stop playing the game. This is partly due to the speed of the camera and also the inertia in regards to the aiming. The speed of the camera at max sensitivity is still pretty sluggish. The heavy inertia is probably the most serious problem though as it makes precision shots damn near impossible with sticks. Overall it makes precision shots and sometimes just shooting in general very hard as the player overshoots the enemy. It's easily the worst of the Uncharted series in this aspect and I didn't even notice the problems in Uncharted 3 with the aiming so I imagine this will be much more horrific for some people. That said, I did adjust to them however this was due to extensive tweaking on my part. The motion swipes though for the platforming does wonders on making the platforming sections a little more exciting.

    The gameplay in general is closer in line to Drake's Fortune. There are very very few setpieces and there is more of an emphasis on exploration. That said, there is alot of combat especially towards the end.

    I also would like to note that the difficulty on Hard was bullshit at times. There are segments where you literally have no cover and you have enemies shooting at you and so you have to quickly kill them before they get you which is made harder due to the bad aiming. I messed around on Crushing and it looks to make the game impossible. Two to three shots from a regular pistol will kill you.

    Other Techincal Issues/Bugs: There was nothing major for the most part except for a few things. The first being the framerate dropped a few times in the later half of the game. It was sporadic and not that big of a deal but it was indeed noticeable. Second had to do with the touchscreen and motion controls. The swiping wasn't always reactive in that I did indeed do the right swipe but the game didn't recognize that. This can be frustrating on a normal basis but for the two final boss fights which each contain over a dozen swipes, this pissed me off for more than once. The final boss has literally 30 swipes that you have to do correctly and if you fail once you have to start over. Nothing is worse than doing 20 and for the game not to recognize a swipe. There were also some vey minor bugs but they're not worth mentioning.

    Overall: 7/10. The gameplay controls really bring the game down. Also the lack of an interesting story hurts the game as well. The visuals in general are a plus even if they can be inconsistent or downright bad at times. It's a solid launch title but not on the level of the mainline Uncharteds.
  15. Dee0342

    Dee0342 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik hoop dat je niet teveel vertrouwen hebt in random user reviews verder ;)
  16. Cyrax

    Cyrax Weldoener van beroep

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oei, dat had ik niet verwacht eigenlijk. Ben benieuwd wat de pro reviewers zullen gaan zeggen. Dit is toch de game waarvoor ik een Vita ga aanschaffen.
  17. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    De enige waar ik écht vertrouwen in heb is mezelf. :+ Maar als ik vergelijk tussen de pro's en users dan heb ik vaak meer vertrouwen in de impressies van de users.
  18. Kevf

    Kevf Hardcore poster

    Leuk Bevonden:
    niet in een paar zinnen van een random user, maar als een random user net zo'n uitgebreide review schrijft als een site, dan vertrouw ik de user eerder ;)
  19. Grub

    Grub think on your sins

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dankje :+
  20. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik was bij Nedgame net, en vroeg de verkoper wat hij van de VITA vond en wat ie ervan verwachtte qua of mensen interesse hebben. En hij zei mij gewoon eerlijk dat ie er niks van verwachtte, en dat tot nu toe heel weinig mensen echt interesse tonen. Ik ben echt benieuwd hoe het allemaal zal gaan straks, qua launch hebben ze een hele sterke lineup, ik denk wel één van de sterkste lineups voor een handheld.
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