[XOne] Mass Effect 3

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 11 dec 2010.

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  1. Delphiki

    Delphiki Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Denk dat ze een piepklein hoofdje heeft, past anders nooit in dat kleine helmpje :+

    Is de verkoop nu al echt los?

    Voor ME3 wil ik zo nog wel even langs de winkel rijden, mag Gamemania die pre-order omzetten in een pre-order voor Max Payne o.i.d :+
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 mrt 2012

    EXCEDO :)

    Leuk Bevonden:
    weliswaar fanart, maar toch in een spoiler :p
    voor het geval dat bioware deze fanart heeft overgenomen:+
  3. Juunanagou

    Juunanagou Live streamer XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ow dan zal het wel niet want de op voorraad was pas rond 12/13 uur bij freerecordshop.nl

    Want toen ik om 11 uur keek op de site stond overal nog 8 maart.
  4. Roboduck

    Roboduck Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weet iemand al of ze 'm in de normale winkels verkopen toevallig?
  5. ResidentS

    ResidentS Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wil ik ook weten...! Maar ik ga zo wel ff een rondje doen in Utrecht.
  6. johnnybt

    johnnybt Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    iemand al rondje Arnhem gedaan?
  7. Conscience

    Conscience Mr. Fahrenheit

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor de mensen die hem nu al hebben: waar hebben jullie hem vandaan?
  8. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    ben net pas begonnen aan ME1, maar wil zo graag beginnen aan ME3 !!!!

  9. Joris Springer

    Joris Springer Tjilper

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Eigenlijk is het de volgende screenshot (echt uit het spel zegt men op het Bioware forum dus een dikke spoiler):


    Niet mijn screenshot trouwens. Wacht nog op Nedgame die mijn exemplaar moet versturen... helaas :mad:, ik kan echt niet meer wachten.

    Trouwens, nog geen wisselforum voor Mass Effect? Is toch een van de grootste titels van het jaar zou je denken.
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 mrt 2012
  10. Seh

    Seh Guest

    Haha, wilde eigenlijk ook nog vanaf 1 beginnen. Maarja, geen tijd meer voor nu. Zodra ik die game binnen heb gaat er toch niks meer van komen. :lol:
  11. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
  12. Seh

    Seh Guest

  13. ResidentS

    ResidentS Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Misschien oud nieuws, maar de From Ashes DLC staat al op Marketplace...!
  14. Sandman069

    Sandman069 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    zalig mijn hamster terug!!! :thumbs:
  15. Roboduck

    Roboduck Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nice, laat je het even weten hier? _O_
  16. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Belangrijker vind ik of de Mako terug is...maar dat lijkt vrijwel zeker van niet...helaas.
  17. ShadoW_2k

    ShadoW_2k Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pc Gamer

    Is Mass Effect 3 everything we wanted? Well, we can check (http://www.pcgamer.com/2012/03/06/is-mass-effect-3-everything-we-wanted-well-we-can-check/)

    1. A little faith
    Fulfilled: yes!
    We were frustrated, then incredulous, then just kind of bored of people not believing the Reapers were real. For a long time, BioWare said Mass Effect 3 would start with you on trial for killing thousands of Batarians to stop the Reaper’s arrival, because people were still sceptical the Reapers were coming. They changed that, thank God. You’ve been discharged for “the shit you’ve done,” as Anderson puts it – which to be honest is fair enough.

    The Reapers are everywhere. No-one doubts it. And as a result, working with the various races to rally them together is a much less frustrating process.

    2. More varied combat
    Fulfilled: yes!
    They went to town on this one. The relationships between enemies like Cannibals and Marauders are particularly interesting and fun to deal with. Brutes, Banshees, Ravagers and Harvesters all change how you have to play to survive. It’s excellent enemy design.

    3. Free run of the galaxy
    Fulfilled: yes!
    We worried ME3 might be too Earth-centric to feel like a galaxy-trotting adventure. It’s not. In fact, people keep giving Shepard a hard time for leaving Earth behind so quickly.

    4. Broader choice of weapons
    Fulfilled: yes!
    Each category of weapon has lots of meaningfully different types, now, and they’re all viable throughout. One shotgun is like a cluster nailgun whose charge you can vary. One pistol fires delayed-detonation explosives instead of regular bullets. One assault rifle is virtually a sniper rifle.

    5. More convincing romances
    Fulfilled: remains to be seen.
    I can’t comment on this one yet, because I stayed faithful to Liara. Four crew members made it pretty obvious they were interested, but I don’t know how convincingly that unfolds if you pursue it.

    6. No coolant clips
    Fulfilled: no.
    They’ve changed the system a little, but only so that it makes even less sense. These supposedly universal clips only give you a set amount of ammo for each weapon, so that taking more weapons into battle gives you more ammo total. It’s still unclear to me how I can run out of Sniper Rifle ammo but still have hundreds of Assault Rifle shots spare, if they both use the same clips.

    7. A mix of the personal and epic
    Fulfilled: yes!
    I thought this was handled beautifully. The scale of your mission is bigger than ever, but the characters from your past are each vital to it, and your relationships with them come to a head in moments that decide both your friends and the galaxy’s fate.

    8. A less fiddly cover system
    Fulfilled: god no
    This has got worse. They key I was already mocking for doing so many functions taht it became fatally unpredictable in certain situations now does even more. Space bar now loves to make you do forward rolls at inopportune times mid-combat.

    9. No Cerberus
    Fulfilled: yes, in spirit
    Cerberus are still in, but my complaint was having to work for them. This time, you don’t.

    10. A closer knit squad
    Fulfilled: yes
    It’s certainly a smaller squad, and it’s mostly characters you know well. Most of your squadmates don’t have as much of a role in the plot as the other returning characters, but before the final fight, there are some lovely quiet character moments with each.

    11. Better class abilities
    Fulfilled: mostly
    I still didn’t find Soldier or Sentinel very interesting, but Adept, Vanguard, Infiltrator and Engineer all feel upgraded and devastating.

    12. Old friends
    Fulfilled: yes
    Absolutely. The only major characters who didn’t return in my game were the ones I got killed at the end of ME2, or only met in DLC with a different savegame.

    13. An Elcor team mate
    Fulfilled: no
    Intense disappointment: not much Elcor love at all, though what little interaction you have with them is delightful as ever.

    14. Female Shepard on the box
    Fulfilled: yes!
    Holy shit, they actually did this. Female Shepard features alongside her male counterpart on the N7 edition, and on other editions the cover is reversible to feature her.

    15. Tali’s face
    Fulfilled: no.

    Vind nummer 15 wel jammer als dat echt niet zo is maar goed niks aan te doen !
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 mrt 2012
  18. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vergeet alleen altijd die vissen te voeren. :+

    @ BigKabuto: Die wil ik ook terug, ongeschonden. Misschien als DLC?
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 mrt 2012
  19. ShadoW_2k

    ShadoW_2k Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Kan je ook Kelly Chambers laten doen dan hoef je het zelf niet meer te doen :thumbs:
  20. ResidentS

    ResidentS Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Helaas, nog niet in Utrecht. Ze zeiden wel 'misschien morgen' dus als er dan één over de brug gaat... Komt vast goed!
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