[XOne] Halo 4

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 6 jun 2011.

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  1. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Van mij hoeven ze niet groot te zijn. Zo lang ze maar uniek zijn en niet rechtstreeks uit Forge komen. :emo:

    Overigens wel blij dat er deze keer geen beta komt. Ik heb er iedere keer veel plezier mee gehad, maar uiteindelijk ben je het nooit eens met de veranderingen en roep je bij de full game dat de beta toch beter was. :+ En de game blijft op deze manier lekker fris als je het voor het eerst opstart. :D
  2. schijterwt

    schijterwt *-*

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Trailer doet me eigenlijk vooral denken aan een mappack van reach
  3. mrbeast

    mrbeast Beestie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben toch niet de enigste die reach wel leuk vond? :confused:

    En ook met die multiplayer screens is die BR/DMR echt veels te groot en neemt een groot deel van je scherm weg, en dan ook nog eens split-screen dan heb je maar de helf van t beeld tot je beschikking....
    Het zou ook fijner zijn als de medals en dergelijk gewoon links onder komen te staan anders is bij halo4 het enigste game die met MP iets belangrijks in de right-corner heeft staan. :p
  4. Seh

    Seh Guest

    Reach was geinig, maar Halo 3 was zoveel beter. Reach niet eens uitgespeeld.
  5. mrbeast

    mrbeast Beestie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klopt en als al je maten ook nog eens meedoen :p
    Zelf ben ik niet echt verslaafd geweest aan H3 multiplayer, ik weet niet waarom maar het had net iets niet =(

    En ik vond helaas toch de campaign van Reach net iets meer hebben dan H3 (komt vast door de graphics, en ik na ODST aan H3 begon :9 )
  6. Seh

    Seh Guest

    Ja, dan telt het ook niet. Je mag pas er wat over zeggen als je vanaf Halo 1 speelt! :+
  7. xboxlol

    xboxlol Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Reach kan niet tippen aan de main serie. Leuke spin-off, maar het verhaal was ondermaats, en die veranderingen in gameplay (Armor abilities, hoe je shield alle damage kon absorberen, wapens veranderd, rectule bloom, geen dual wielding) maakte Reach minder Halo en meer wat anders.

    Het was in ieder geval geen volwaardige opvolger van Halo 3. Halo 4 lijkt dat wel mooi te worden. :thumbs: Reach was leuk, maar het was geen echte Halo.

    Je gaat toch ook geen derde deel van een film trilogie kijken zonder dat je de eerste twee delen heb gekeken, om vervolgens te zeggen dat je hem niks vind 8). Hoe kun je het verhaal dan begrijpen. :+ Je moet gewoon eerst H1, dan H2, dan H3 en dan pas ODST spelen.
    Laatst bewerkt: 6 mrt 2012
  8. mrbeast

    mrbeast Beestie

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eigenlijk begon ik vanaf H2 alleen toen was ik klein en nu weet ik er niks meer van :'-(

    @xboxlol, klopt maar alsnog heb ik op youtube van H1 t/m H3 walktroughs gekeken en op wikia(GEEN wikipedia) alle side-storys gelezen van alles en nog wat, en binnekort nog de boek Glasslands :p
  9. Lenny-t

    Lenny-t Melted Forest XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee het beste is bij 6minuten :cool:
  10. DulleNL

    DulleNL I'm a little teapot Magic Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    What do the media mean when they say "perks?" –Krevilz

    Well, I think they’re talking about performance-enhancing abilities from Call of Duty, if we’re going to be perfectly honest. I should clarify that we never used the terms “perks,” other than when asked about them. That was a term coined in questions about our admittedly mysterious content.

    The systems in Halo 4, and I say that in the plural because there is no single element that defines that aspect of our game, are interconnected and related directly to your in-game experience as a Spartan IV, but they’re not exactly like any specific existing template or scheme. We’ll be explaining more about the Campaign and Multiplayer systems as the year progresses, but suffice it to say that the new features we’re hinting at for Halo 4 will not be mirror images of the stuff they’re being compared to now in online conversations.

    Can you elaborate a little more on the armor customization and how it affects gameplay? I'm expecting a vague answer, but anything new on the subject (even a little sliver) would be extremely appreciated. –ZippingFilly812

    You will have a wide degree of control over your appearance, of course, but as we have hinted, there will also be elements of your ability and performance as a Spartan IV that you will have some control over, that will actually impact your gameplay experience, although it should be noted this will not allow players to arrive in a game session with what are traditionally called “power weapons” or a massively asymmetrical advantage over opponents. Now, there’s a lot of speculation about how this will affect balance – and when we have more details to share, that experience will start to come into focus, but our philosophy is still to provide a balanced and enjoyable game for all types of players, regardless of skill or experience.

    Will there be a public multiplayer Beta, like the Halo 3 and Halo: Reach Betas, where everyday people got to play them? With this being 343's first Halo game and entry in the franchise, it seems like something very important.

    While we are testing Halo 4 code, gameplay, and systems at significant scale to get excellent data, input, and feedback, we are focused on polishing and shipping our experience for the duration of the year, and splitting resources to manage and build a beta is not on our schedule.


    Will Armor Abilities and/or Equipment return? –Daedalos42

    Without going into too many details, in Halo: CE, you’d fight for control over armor abilities based on timing and map control, and that’s something that evolved over time until it became the Equipment pick-ups in Halo 3 and eventually the Armor Ability loadouts in Reach. Halo 4’s system will be a logical evolution, but based on lessons and inspiration from the (matchmaking) successes and less-than-successes in prior titles.

    What is your general approach to the marketing of Halo 4? Can we expect more/bigger info blowouts before release or will you keep things closer to your chest this time (compared to other Halo games)? –Sempik

    We have some surprises in store. We’re not simply cruel teases—it’s a combination of genuinely wanting to surprise fans and, of course, the production reality of making sure everything is cool before revealing things. Previous Halo marketing campaigns have kind of taken on a life of their own and are definitely a part of the overall launch experience for some hardcore fans. I think we have some ideas, traditional and not-so-traditional, that certainly embrace marketing, but a couple of things that go beyond product marketing into what I can only tease as a fairly different experience. More on that later in the year, but expect at least a human presence from 343 Industries at many of the big events in the gaming calendar year.

    So you guys mentioned that the Multiplayer will have its own story and explanations. Will they intertwine with the single-player Campaign and story? –DS xHunterZx SD

    That’s an interesting question and the short answer is that they are connected, but you shouldn’t spend too much time wondering how. All of our current experiences, games, terminals, books, etc., are all interconnected. Sometimes directly, sometimes tangentially, but from this point on, everything matters. If you’re new to the series, don’t panic. None of the external experiences are necessary to understand the game plot, and vice versa. Each Halo story will work as a standalone piece, but the more you experience, the more resonance (and Easter Eggs) you’ll get.

    When will the full game be released? –Burninhell647

    In precisely 2012. The actual ship date (and other details) will be rolled out in the not-too-crazy-distant future.


    Seeing how Halo 4 is the return of Master Chief, when can we expect to get some Campaign information? –Maggot081608

    We’re going to be rolling out more information throughout the year, and you will certainly find out more about both Campaign and Multiplayer relatively soon. Of course, now you have to define “relatively.”

    Is there going to be a nice balance of playlists in Halo 4, like ranked and social? –A Critical H1T

    We aren’t going to go into detail about matchmaking systems or playlists for a little while, but there will definitely be options for traditional Halo fans to enjoy, and some very new experiences that we’re pretty excited about. Our playlists will be tightly focused, consistent, and properly polished. This will be especially evident at launch, but like with prior Halo games, these playlists will be organic and will evolve, but sensibly and appropriately.

    What is the difference of philosophy of visuals between Campaign and Multiplayer, and will we see a more cinematic look in the Multiplayer with different techniques usually reserved for single-player? –DemonCarnotaur

    The technology for both Campaign and Multiplayer graphics is effectively identical, but the philosophies will vary depending on the game mode/map. Certainly the traditional MP stuff we’ve already shown continues Halo’s tradition of clean lines of sight and recognizable environments designed to propel and lubricate map flow and fast-paced gameplay. The technology in Campaign will be used differently to accommodate a more cinematic experience, but there are a lot of approaches we’re taking to the whole game this time that will add layers of nuance to those approaches.

    With all the care being put into improving and pushing the Multiplayer and single-player experiences forward, will the same care be put into features such as Forge and Theater? What are your goals for improving community content in Halo 4? –AtlasIsShruggin

    We will do our best not to disappoint fans of the existing Halo feature set. Every aspect of the game is being approached with a passion and fervor to improve, grow, or streamline. More detail soon, but I suspect most folks will be pretty happy.


    How close to a traditional Halo experience will we be able to get? Will there be a place for fans of the original trilogy to get to play Halo as they remember it? –MATCLAN x MT

    Every Halo game is different, sometimes subtly, sometimes radically. You can expect that tradition to continue here, but the short answer is that the core things that make Halo Campaign and Multiplayer feel like Halo will be intact and immediately available to players.

    Will other characters, besides Master Chief and Cortana, from the previous games or novels appear in Halo 4? –Assassin 11D7

    One of the luxuries of being in the game business is the ability to keep story and surprises completely shrouded in secrecy for a very long time. I can at least confirm that there will be some very interesting new characters joining the fray.

    What stage of development are you at currently? –UnrealCh13f

    Crunch. We’re finishing levels. Improving perf. Finishing gameplay. Finishing UI. The Campaign is playable from beginning to end. Cinematics are being fully realized. Music is composed, final orchestra sessions are booked. Some levels are graphically polished and beautiful, others waiting their turn in the schedule. Testing and polishing of systems continues. Crunchy.


    Are there going to be more, fewer, or the same number of guns in Halo 4 compared to Halo: Reach? Is there one gun that when you saw it you just went "WOW!" –Someone

    It is not the same number of guns. I can state bluntly that we have made significant changes to the sandbox. Perhaps the most radical overhauls and additions it’s ever had in a single iteration. Fans should expect to see very new stuff. And not just weapons. As usual a couple of things will get deleted (or changed), but on balance, it will be more new stuff. And yes, a lot of guns have made me go wow. New ones and old ones. Almost every single gun sound effect makes me go wow.

    The HUD shown in the gameplay clips lacks a health bar. Will this change, has this changed, or will Halo 4 use the same health system as the one in Halo 2 and 3? –Gravemind

    Health has been changed. There are no health pickups, but we’ll have more news on how that system works in gameplay at a later date.

    What will the ranking system be like? –xMcCarthee

    It will be altered. More news later.


    In the new footage we see the game type set as Slayer yet the score goes up not by individual kills but by points. Is this a custom game? A new Slayer variant? Or is this how the default Slayer scoring is going to be? –zNiTeY

    The footage of MP you saw is taken from our internal Network test build and actually features a mashup of various game styles and UI elements, so don’t spend too much time trying to figure out what’s happening in it, because outside of surface elements, it’s not going to teach you a lot about any particular game mode. However, our new implementation of Slayer will score differently than the traditional 0-50 method of yore, and is one of 100 things we’ll share with you more deeply in the coming months.

    Is the music in the video that was released on Monday from Halo 4's score? Furthermore, who is the lead composer? And if you can't tell us who it is, can we have a hint? –Neloms

    Effectively, all of the music you hear from this point out is going to be from the game. It’s one of the things we’re most excited about. We can never emulate Marty’s legendary scores, so we’re taking it in a different direction, but one that still, we think, fits the Halo universe beautifully. Our composer will be revealed soon enough, and as soon as a fairly dry contractual date arrives, we will be ecstatic to introduce him to you. And it will be soon-ish.

    Will skulls be returning to Halo 4? –Negative 9

    There will be interesting ways to replay Halo 4, as is traditional in the series.

    Will there be any Covenant presence in Campaign or Multiplayer? Be it weaponry, equipment, architecture, etc. –Lloyd Jo en es

    Yes. The Covenant will definitely return, albeit in a completely (graphically, politically and sonically) overhauled form, but they may be the least of your problems.


    Will the mid-construction mech seen on one of the Multiplayer levels appear in some form in the campaign of Halo 4? –Franc and Co

    The Cyclops 2 seen in the center of War House will not be playable. But we will have some vehicle surprises, at least one of which will dwarf that weapon.

    Any chance we'll be getting Forge info anytime soon? –Nuclear Taco 42

    We will discuss the future of Forge later this year. It will not be sad news.

    Does the BR have spread? Is it hitscan? –xBrutaIity

    The BR is a three-shot burst weapon. It is hitscan. In its current tuning, it has recoil (not bloom) which causes it to rise slightly (in a predictable and suppressible way). It is not a replacement for the DMR as has been discussed in the community. You will not see bloom as it currently exists in Vanilla Reach on any weapon, but there will be different methods for reticle targeting that vary depending on the weapon, and players will have a wide arsenal of weapons to choose from. More news about that later.

    Will there be multiple editions like with previous Halo titles? (Standard, limited, legendary) –Revenant1988

    After we announce the release date, we will announce what content will be available at retail.

    Will assassinations return and if yes, will we have more unique weapon moves, for example the Energy Sword in Halo: Reach? –D4RKNESS 360

    Short version, yes. Assassinations are altered, but they’re back. The weapon question isn’t something we’re going to answer today.


    Will there be any other media (books, comics, etc.) released in the lead-up to Halo 4, or will we have to gather our clues and form theories about the Campaign primarily from Cryptum, Primordium, Glasslands, and the Halo: Anniversary terminals? –Monkey Bloke

    At least one more Karen Traviss novel, with important connective elements, will arrive between now and launch, although the final Forerunner chapter from Greg Bear will arrive afterwards. For some pretty specific strategic reasons. As you can imagine, juggling all these things is crazy hard.

    Is Jen Taylor voicing Cortana? Who were the woman and man in the motion capture part of the Halo 4 video? –Jedi Otter

    The man and woman in the video were incredibly talented actors. Their roles in Halo 4 are pivotal and essential to the story we’re telling, but we’ll talk more about those and other actors in the future. I think Halo fans will be calm and happy about our casting, including MP V/O, but we’re not revealing more at this time.

    What kind of features will Halo 4 provide to the machinima community? –farmer scott21

    Halo has been a cornerstone of the machinima community. It’s also a personal passion of mine (and others here on the team), so we will continue to embrace and support that community, but I honestly don’t have too many details to share at this point.

    Will Halo 4 include Gravity Hammers and Energy Swords (or adequate replacements) for Grifball? –Kalbelgarion

    It will be (more or less) possible to play Grifball in Halo 4.

    Will there be remakes from Halo 3 maps like Guardian? –xRCNx VorteX

    We aren’t discussing MP maps beyond Wraparound and War House, and while the vast majority of our maps will be brand new, we also know what the ladies (and gents) like.


    Why the decision to use Spartan IVs in Multiplayer instead of the ol' Spartan IIs? –randomrosso93

    That will become apparent in the fiction of the game components, but the “feel” of Chief as it relates to the “feel” of a Spartan IV will be practically identical for gameplay purposes.

    Will there be a color-blind option? Even in Reach where contrast is high, people such as myself have a hard time even with Blue Team’s colors against the dark grays of Countdown. –HamboBlank

    We have a lot of color-blind players in the studio, including myself (100% red/green, which is why I seldom break the Tashi Ceiling), but we will not be producing a color-blindness “mode.” However, we have considered it as an art team, in how we choose palettes and types of contrast. The Spartans and UI elements help tremendously, and so far I am doing a bit better than I’d expect in that area.

    Now that we conquered the heavier stuff, I thought we could throw some lighter questions and answers in as well. Off we go!


    When will we see more Mister Chief? –Spec ops Grunt

    Unfortunately, and I apologize personally, but yes.

    bs angel note: What is this I don't even

    Does Frankie really have a shrine to Star Wars - Episode 1? –FireSharter


    How much Mountain Dew will I need to drink when Halo 4 releases? –Assassin 11D7

    A healthy, delicious, and sensible quantity.

    Why am I playing better when I sit uncomfortably on the floor? Will this apply to Halo 4 as well? –Naqser

    I thought I was the only one who did the floor thing.

    Can you describe your favorite addition to the game? –Snipers Recon

    Something that Jeremy Clarkson would cause a traffic jam with.

    Pancakes or waffles? –SomeLuckyCharms

    They are both equitable bacon/syrup conveyances.

    Why is it when people ask me if I've got questions, I always draw a blank? –RC Master

    Try drawing live rounds.

    How on earth do you manage to feed the 200+ people who work in your office? Do you have a canteen or do you just let them out at lunchtime to wander the streets in packs scavenging for scraps? –scarab

    Catered meals, obviously, but also hoppers full of junk food, like how you’d feed a cat if you went on vacation. This is not a joke.

    How's the water looking? –UnrealCh13f

    Looks wet and wild.

    Considering there’s nothing I can say that will top that last line, this officially brings today’s edition of your Halo Bulletin to a conclusion. Until next week, my friends….

    bs angel

  11. ThunderCrasH

    ThunderCrasH Ja toch?

    Leuk Bevonden:

    4 shot BR met hitscan? LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS BABY!

    Het enigste wat me nog zorgen maakt zijn die 'perks' en dat hoe je eruit ziet invloed heeft op de game.
    Laatst bewerkt: 8 mrt 2012
  12. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Graag niet zo'n post quoten, pijn in m'n vingers van het scrollen8)

    Nergens gezegd dat het trouwens 4 schoten zijn om iemand te doden, ben ook erg blij dat het hitscan is en dat er enige vorm van recoil is.
  13. ThunderCrasH

    ThunderCrasH Ja toch?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Speciaal voor jou aangepast LocKum! :+

    Oh dat van die 4 shot had ik op de MLG forums gevonden, ik ga er wel vanuit dat die gasten dat alleen posten als het waar is.

    Ik hoop gewoon dat ze sprint aanpassen, in Reach werd het altijd gebruikt om weg te rennen zodra je in de gaten had dat je ging verliezen. Zo waren duels al een stuk minder door bloom (luck>skill), maar kon de verliezende partij ook veelste makkelijk wegkomen.

    Daarbij was ook het bekende double melee + sprint een hatelijk iets. Maar ik heb vertrouwen in Halo 4, Halo blijft mij hypen zoals geen ander.

  14. LocKuM

    LocKuM Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee, precies, in Reach deden die 1v1 faceoffs altijd ontiegelijk lang, en vaak hadden ze inderdaad de kans om weg te rennen, bloom zorgde ervoor dat de gevechten NOG langer deden.

    Zijn de mensen die Halo spelen meer van het big team battle of het 4v4, ik persoonlijk van het laatste. Heb het niet zo met voertuigen in shooters naast dat ze als transportmiddel kunnen worden gebruikt. Dus hoop op veel middelgrote en kleine mappen:+
  15. Metal Mark

    Metal Mark VIP Dino XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heb zelf ook helemaal niks met voertuigen. De beste game modes zijn dus voor mij ook de 4 vs 4 en squad van 5 vs 5. Ik weet alleen niet of ik nog Mythic wordt voordat de volgende Halo uitkomt. Zoveel speel ik het niet meer.
  16. ThunderCrasH

    ThunderCrasH Ja toch?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wissel af, 4vs4 (5vs5) is op competitief niveau veel leuker. Standaard slayer raakte ik in Reach amper aan, kleine mappen werken niet met sprint en de (veelste) lange kill times.

    BTB is leuk als je gewoon even wilt kloten, ik heb vehicles in Halo altijd leuk gevonden. Helaas was dit ook minder in Reach, waar een paar vehicles gewoon konden worden abused zoals de Banshee en Scorpion terwijl klassiekers zoals de Ghost en Warthog geen plek hadden.

    Een element zoals sprint neemt gewoon het risico van beslissingen weg. Als jij buiten je 'safe-zone' bent als het ware, dan ben je dood, simpel. Sprint (en zo'n beetje elke AA in Reach) gaven spelers de mogelijkheid tot goedkope escapes.

    Hoe is trouwens die CE playlist bij Reach? Ik ben opzich gehyped, en misschien dat ik nog even die Anniversary edition van CE koop.
  17. OniRyo

    OniRyo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik wist gewoon dat de einde van Halo 3(legendary einde) expres was gedaan, maar ik moet zeggen na Halo 2 een hele lange tijd te hebben gespeeld(ik heb zo'n 40k kills op Halo 2?) en Halo 3 een tijdje te hebben spelen ben ik de Multiplayer wel even zat en het interesseert me bij Halo 4 ook niet zoveel. ik ben wel benieuwd naar de Singleplayer!.
  18. BigKabuto

    BigKabuto Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ook, de singleplayer interesseert mij echt veel meer dan die hele multiplayer. Halo op Xbox was 100% singleplayer, de focus lag alleen maar daar bij. En ineens na Halo 2 niet meer, en steeds meer ging het alleen nog maar om de multiplayer mode. Ik vond de campaigns van Halo 2 en 3 ook echt niet geweldig, bij lange na geen Halo 1. Reach had zijn leuke momenten.
  19. Reckuuza


    Leuk Bevonden:
    Geef mij de MP maar, fuck de campaign. En please, geen Reach praktijken meer. Jezus wat was dat achteraf gezien een kutgame.
  20. Rbz NL

    Rbz NL Xbox Juan XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Halo 3 multiplayer blijft leuker dan ODST en Reach bij elkaar vind ik.
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