[XOne] [Algemeen] Grand Theft Auto V [Deel XI]

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Fiasco, 19 sep 2013.

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  1. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit las ik in de manual btw.

  2. RemcoM

    RemcoM Ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Fuckzooi, had 2 gepimpte auto's in de garage van Michael staan en ze zijn foetsie :mad:.
    E: Maar ff die Vinewood Garage gekocht.
    Laatst bewerkt: 21 sep 2013
  3. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor opslaan van auto's kan je beter idd die grote garage gebruiken. Die garages bij de huizen zijn bugged denk ik. Btw ik heb nooit een grote garage moeten kopen eigenlijk. Volgens mij kreeg ik die gewoon.
  4. RemcoM

    RemcoM Ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ze staan ook niet bij de Vehicle Impound :mad:.
    Ben gisteren een uur lang bezig geweest opzoek naar een aantal auto's (de Ford GT en een Ferarri), start ik vandaag de game weer op, zie er gelijk een paar lang rijden.
    Ik jat dus zo'n Ferrari, koop die garage, ga de garage in en de auto is opeens weg, nu heb ik een Ford GT maar staat er nergens een Los Santos customs op de map, heel apart.
    E: En Los Santos Customs staat inmiddels weer op de kaart.
    Laatst bewerkt: 21 sep 2013
  5. PePzi NL

    PePzi NL Ōkami! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mag ik vragen waar je die manual kan vinden? 8) Niet in het doosje iig :lol:
  6. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. Cees.S

    Cees.S Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Klopt, als je account gekoppeld is met socialclub krijg je die, + die Elegy
  8. Dr0kz

    Dr0kz Niet?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat saven van autos is idd best hoerig gedaan, iemand heeft het uitvoerig getest op Gamefaqs:

    As a quick note, I've only tried this on Franklin with the Grove Street Garage (GSG). I cannot confirm if this works for other characters with other garages, so information on that would be adequate.

    I messed with everything from loading/reloading saves, to missions, and have found that saving cars is almost completely random, and not at all trustworthy for most situations, when using the character safehouse. This is the garage at Franklin's aunt's house, Michael's mansion, and the apartment for Trevor.

    Stealing a car (I have yet to purchase a car in the online system) does not automatically bind the car to your player, nor does customizing it. When stealing a car the system believes that you will ditch it for another, and therefore, unless you save it at a safehouse/garage, AND customize it it will disappear when a loading screen occurs or an event happens (such as a cinematic).

    Missions and Miscellaneous: I tried multiple customized cars, dropped them off on various Strangers and Freaks missions, the Tonya tow-truck missions, and a couple random missions, as well as some mini-games. Here's what I've noticed. If you steal a car, and customize it, then go on a mission/shoot-out with the police, or even leave it somewhere, it has a timer. The timer seems to be based on how long it takes the world to respawn parked cars. Say you're about to play golf. If you leave your car out in front of the golf course, and play four-to-five holes, returning to the parking lot you will see that new cars have spawned in the parking spaces. 90% of the time, this includes your car, which will be gone.

    The same applies for getting busted, or wasted. When your player character respawns at a hospital or police station, the location of your car changes. IF you managed to save it at your safehouse (there is no guarantee this will work), it will return there (though this seems random). IF, you managed to save it at your safe house, and park it elsewhere before the respawn timer changes, or you get killed or busted, then there is a small chance that it will end up at the tow place. The tow place seems bugged however, as it only applies when the car is parked, not if you leave it in an undisclosed location, such as a park, or behind a building, or on the road.

    Now, here's the best way to save your car:

    Saving a Car: With any character buy a garage. Save right after buying the garage--the least expensive of which is the GSG (30,000). Find a car and customize it--paint jobs and actual physical changes to the engine, brakes, or transmission seem to work the best, even for safehouses (your car might last longer, but it is not a guarantee). Finally, take the car of choice to GSG, save before and after putting the car in the garage. This way, when you load, you have the option of loading a game before the car was deposited, and after, as it still might bug.

    Once you have saved at your safehouse (or on the phone), go back into the garage and see if the car is still there. I had no problems accessing the cars after this point. Another note of attention....DO NOT use these cars for story missions. The default car given to each character is exactly that, a default. Story missions spawn your default car, but will sometimes spawn your garage-picked car. When this happens, reload the save. Your garage-picked car seems to be coded in such a way that it is replaced, in the next mission, with your default car, deleting it from the game entirely. Your garage-picked car should be (until patched) for fooling around, drag racing, and all around stupidity. Your default car is the one chosen for most missions.

    Retrying Missions (You Will Lose Your Car): Take for example a drag race, oftentimes these can be found AS Franklin in South Los Santos in a Strangers and Freaks mission. If you do not win the race, and 'retry' the mission, Franklin WILL ALWAYS (tried this five times last night) restart the race with his default car. Your garage-picked car will be lost. A convenient way around this is to load before doing any mission at your garage or in the garage-picked car, then reinitiating the mission. It is less convenient, sure, but at least you will not lose a 100,000 dollar-pimped out car in the process. Retrying missions, or failing a mission, will almost always cause you to lose your garage-picked car, which is why it is not recommended to use these cars in missions.

    Here, Drive This!: Another issue with missions is the fact that you are required to drive certain vehicles. Take for instance, one of Trevor's first missions, which tasks him of taking out enemies at an airfield (any more information would be spoiler-worthy). Parking any vehicle out in front of his house will initiate the mission....however when the cinematic has run its course, ATVs (two of them) will have replaced the vehicle used to start the mission. There is no way around this. You could walk to the quest designation, and perhaps park behind your house, but this is not a permanent solution. If you have a beefed up car, and you use it on a mission where your vehicle is switched with another, you will likely lose the car.

    Spoiled, Rotten, Kids: Michael is notorious for losing cars, sadly. His family seems to have a random subset of cars that spawn regularly in the driveway areas. The driveway IS NOT safe to use as a parking spot. That being said, the mission marker is oftentimes hard to miss, as it's typically right in front of the garage. Saving a car in Michael's garage seems to work the best out of the three characters, until your wife takes the car. I've tried parking other cars in the area to see if the kids/wife will take those cars instead, but they just despawn. She will not take your default car, but, she will take your garage car, as it takes one save, one mission, and the car will disappear from your garage and never return. Keep the nice things away from the family!

    Long story short, safehouses are notoriously bad-mannered when it comes to saving cars. Buy a garage, and ONLY use beefed-up supercars for fun, driving, or general hooliganism. Save always before and after (I recommend that one of these saves be at your bed) putting a car into a bought garage, and if you lose the car, reload to a previous save where you have the car.


    Hopelijk word dat nog gepatched dus.

    Toch wel jammer, kan in games als Saints Row echt uren autos verzamelen en customizen en hoopte dat dus ook in GTA te doen :mad:
    Laatst bewerkt: 21 sep 2013
  9. oneshot1tkil

    oneshot1tkil Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    heeft hier iemand al een auto gekocht?
  10. capullo

    capullo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ben ik de enige die moeite heeft om de crosshair te zien in Gta 5?
    Er is gelukkig auto aim, maar soms wil ik zelf ergens op richten en duurt het een paar seconde tot ik dat witte puntje kan ontdekken.
  11. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is me geen enkele keer gelukt :-(
  12. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Weapon target op complex zetten. Krijg je een grotere crosshair. :)
  13. capullo

    capullo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wtf, echt?
    Ben nu op mijn werk ga het vanavond proberen, thnx m8-)
  14. PePzi NL

    PePzi NL Ōkami! XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Toch is het zonde dat er geen awesome manual bij zit. Rockstar was zowat een van de weinige die het nog deed en wat gewoon geweldig was. Manuals zijn nu echt verleden tijd.
  16. LDawg

    LDawg Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik vond dit echt een geweldig gesprek. Helemaal aan het begin van de game dus niet echt spoiler
    Wat een tekstschrijvers hebben ze daar bij Rockstar, niet normaal :lol:
  17. WinterBase


    Leuk Bevonden:
  18. Fiasco

    Fiasco Big Stepper XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik had mijn kapsel daarna aangepast en toen kreeg ik er een opmerking over.
    Humor is vooralsnog geweldig, elke missie of gesprek zit wel iets geniaals tussen. _O_
  19. martinibaby

    martinibaby aka Misty

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik speel zonder auto-aim, maar ook met de complex crosshair. Dan heb je voor elke type wapen een ander crosshair. Zonder auto-aim is het best lastig richten, ik heb bij Ammunation elke challenge op gold, maar heb op straat nog steeds last met mikken.. Btw, schieten vanuit een auto is nog steeds ruk, want je kan niet echt mikken, hij begint gelijk al te knallen :mad:
  20. oneshot1tkil

    oneshot1tkil Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Die nuggaaaahhh maakte em af.
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