[Multi] Destiny

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 13 feb 2013.


Naar welke nieuwe subclass kijk jij het meeste uit?

  1. Sunbreaker

  2. Nightstalker

  3. Stormcaller

  1. Maluku-Ak

    Maluku-Ak Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Eindelijk crota down! Damn wat een ontlading! Niks bijzonders gekregen helaas maar fijn om te weten dat we het kunnen. :+

    Nu ook eindelijk mijn lock op 32 dus alle 3 mijn chars nu op 32.

    Morgenavond nog maar eens proberen maar dan heeft iemand anders zwaard dienst. De tering wat is dat stressvol. 8)
    bulletproof010, AnubisNefer en Ic3DFire vinden dit leuk.
  2. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zit nu met 5 vrienden bij Crota ;) Pittig en ik begrijp de frustratie als hij op 10% is en het zwaard ertussen uit piept haha..

    Heb dus een CP voor het geval ik hem niet plat krijg. Als iemand me wil/kan helpen morgen, graag!
  3. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ARGHHHH! Soms he :mad:

    Na een aantal pogingen ging het heerlijk. Crota z'n enrage kwam en we hadden nog tijd "zat" voor het laatste zetje. Crota gaat neer, iedereen leeft nog. Swordbearer springt op Crota af en de Oversoul verschijnt...


    En dan het ergste. Het is ze gelukt. Ik ben gekaast door Crota :+ Morgen maar even Glimmer farmen voor wat Heavy Ammo :) Daar ben ik nu helemaal doorheen!
    nawa en bulletproof010 vinden dit leuk.
  4. nawa

    nawa Zelfbenoemde Halo fanboy en Huntercape Fashionboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    hahaha Thanks for the compliments en natuurlijk je goede coaching en organisatie Monk!

    Ja het was best spannend voor een eerste keer en een aantal domme wipes omdat crota met zn spear of death liep te rammen.
    Dat is een kwestie van trial and error gemixt met geduld en ervaring.

    Blijkbaar triggeren cursed thrall explosion in de buurt van het zwaar de "vaporising sword glitch". Dat kan wel eens gebeuren als er een exploder thrall in de buurt staat van de Swordbearer en iedereen gjallarhorns op hem schiet.

    Ik vind het wel een leuke en uitdagende bossfight. Al was dat gister wel even stressen toen Crota ging Ragen en ik nog maar een tiende van mn health over had en full Ninja Gaiden mode ging (was zo hyped dat ik vergat te blink striken). Oh de high door Crota te beaten. Een Word of Crota gekregen, en mn Glowhoo shader.( staat best nice bij hunters)

    Heb zeker nog steeds ervaring nodig met deze fight dus als jullie ooit een mannetje extra nodig hebben, invite me. Ook als ik loot heb gekregen join ik, speel het spelletje immers voor de lol.


    TL;DR: Thanks Mad Monkey en Co. Hard Mode crota is een leuke uitdaging
    LVL 33 is cheap van Bungie, voor de rest prima
  5. nawa

    nawa Zelfbenoemde Halo fanboy en Huntercape Fashionboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik ben vanavond online als je nog een mannetje zoekt: GT: Nawa Montana
    lvl 32 hunter #TeamforeverGjallarNOtho
    Ic3DFire vindt dit leuk.
  6. Ic3DFire

    Ic3DFire Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Haha, Monkey is een goede mentor idd. Hoe meer mensen dat zwaard kunnen dragen, des te beter natuurlijk!
  7. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Prima man! Swordbearer is altijd handig :) Nog 4 te gaan! :+
  8. nawa

    nawa Zelfbenoemde Halo fanboy en Huntercape Fashionboy

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja top, ik kan van 19:00 tot 21:00 helpen. Daarna heb ik afgesproken met mn eigen groepje te HM tot crota te doen( ex-cheesers die alles nu legit moeten doen XD, maar practice makes perfect)

    Berichten via Xbox App/message zie ik sneller als op het forum, vooral savonds als ik aan het gamen ben.
  9. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Voor mensen met de Fang of Ir Yut... NIET die Hive Damage upgrade activeren... Die breekt de Arc Burn van het wapen.

    GG Bungie.
  10. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Raafie vindt dit leuk.
  11. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Goede post op Reddit mbt Crota Hard. Leuk om te lezen.

    It seems like alot of guardians are complaining about HM Crota being too difficult or having "glitches" ruin the encounter. I want to set the record straight on many of the common complaints/misconceptions out there, so here goes nothing. (I'm assuming most everyone uses the ledge strategy by now)

    1. A Hunter must be the sword bearer

    False. Although a Hunter is undeniably the best candidate, a Titan and Warlock can very capably do enough damage to kill Crota in 3 swords. I know the Hunter can put an extra hit on Crota with the invisibility mechanic, but this is NOT required. I would much rather have a capable Titan running the sword vs. a Hunter who is struggling with it.

    2. We should try and get Crota to kneel 3 times in one sword. This is the best way!

    You should not. The timing for that has to be picture perfect and unless you're with a group of experienced clan members, you won't get it with ANY sort of consistency. As long as you get three slams each time he kneels, you'll kill Crota on the third sword. I promise you'll spend more time failing at this strategy than doing it on two kneels and dealing with Ogres. I'm also going to explain why Ogres are incredibly easy and shouldn't be a concern. More on that later...

    3. Crota glitches sometimes and moves before we can get him to kneel a second time.

    This is not a glitch. Crota is on a timer from the second the first guardian leaves the crystal room area and spawns the sword bearer. You have about 15-20 seconds to kill the sword bearer after he first appears. If you aren't in position and don't kill him in time, Crota WILL move before you make him kneel twice. This leads me to my next complaint...

    4. The Sword Bearer can be too hard/impossible to kill from the ledge. He moves out of view too often!

    If that happens, you're doing it wrong. The trick with the sword bearer is Sniper Rifles!!! You will obviously need to have 4 or 5 guardians on the ledge before/right as he spawns, but that's a given as long as you don't have one or two guys running out of the crystal room before everyone is ready. The reason this works best is the stagger mechanic. Hits to the head (especially with Black Hammer) stagger the sword bearer and keep him in the same spot. If you let him get behind a pillar, just designate one person (usually the sword bearer) to shoot a rocket and make him move again. Protip: if he's sitting behind a pillar, shoot the rocket to the outer side of the pillar to make him react back toward the center. By doing this, there's no reason you can't kill him in the necessary 15-20 seconds.

    5. The sword disappears before I can grab it sometimes.

    Credit to /u/oldpaperplate for this one. It IS a glitch, BUT it only happens if you let a cursed thrall explode on the sword. The obvious solution is to draw any cursed thrall away from the sword before grabbing it. If you're quick, you can also time a jump to land right on top of a sword that's near a cursed thrall and start holding X (square on PS4??) as you're about to land, then jump immediately after landing to carry the momentum. You should be able to grab the sword AND avoid the explosion if you do it right. (EDIT: Confirmed this glitch happens for all explosions and sometimes out of the blue as well. Definitely a concern Bungie would have to address)

    6. Crota glitch kills the sword bearer as he's going down or stands up too quickly!

    These are both timing things. If the sword bearer aggros Crota's melee attack as he's approaching, Crota gets juggernaut frames as he performs the sword attack. This makes him invincible to kneeling even if his shield is entirely gone. You have to completely deplete Crota's shield before the frame where he initiates the melee attack. Note that there are quite a few frames where Crota "notices you" before actually moving to swing (about 1/4 second). He's invincible to kneeling during those frames as well, even though you CAN still take his shield down making it appear like he's glitching. If Crota seems like he's standing up too quickly, it's also a timing thing. The best way to time it is to have the sword bearer crouch on the rock to the left or right (doesn't matter) of the Crota platform, and then call for rockets as he jumps up to the platform. 3 maxed Gjallarhorn rockets remove the shield, but 5 Hunger of Crota rockets do the trick as well. If you do it just like that, the timing is almost perfect and you'll get the first sword slam on Crota as he's just beginning the kneel down animation. Communication is key!

    (Note: If there are people with laggy internet connections, it CAN cause actual glitches with the no kneel down, quick stand up, etc. The solution is to get a host that's not lagging. This case is definitely in the minority, and most people I see complaining about this being a "glitch" are saying so when it's clear the timing was just off with the sword bearer)

    7. But if a Hunter's not running the sword, Crota will shoot at the sword bearer and kill them on the approach or even as they're jumping up on the rock to the left or right of the platform!

    There are two easy solutions to this. The easiest is to have one person on the ledge shoot their primary at Crota while the sword bearer is approaching/getting on the rock. This will draw his attention. The other solution is to just have the sword bearer crouch on the rock, but hugging the wall before he jumps up. Crota's attacks will actually hit the platform if you're in the proper position. If you're the sword bearer and Crota is still "looking at you" when you are ready for the rockets, wait until he fires a full salvo of his bolts before actually asking for the rockets and jumping up. Crota's bolts are on timed intervals with a few seconds to respond after the full salvo (i.e. just like wizards).

    8. The Boomers are too hard to deal with!

    THEN DON'T DEAL WITH THEM!!! There is absolutely zero reason to ever shoot a Boomer if you're using the ledge strategy. The only time you are ever in danger of Boomers is when you're moving in our out of the center room, or under the right-side tower for Ogres. You DO NOT need to "stagger" them for the sword bearer, put bubbles in their face, or do ANYTHING of significance if you follow the 3 tips below:

    1. When leaving the crystal room, send ONE guardian (usually somebody who can regain health easily with a Red Death or some other method just in case) straight down the stairs to draw Boomer fire. Those blasts travel rather slowly through the air, so if you keep moving horizontally they won't hit you. Why do this? Because it will aggro the boomers to just that one person. The only time Boomer shots start screwing you over is when they aim at the first guardian running to the ledge, travel through the air for a second, and then actually hit the 3rd or 4th guardian running in the group. The same is true when leaving the ledge and returning to the room. The only thing to remember is the person that does this must still get back on the ledge quickly after drawing the fire away so they can shoot the sword bearer and don't actually aggro him to the far left!

    2. When returning to the crystal room, have the first person off the ledge run directly toward the Boomers initially, and then bank hard left/right toward the crystal room when about to be hit. Everyone after the first guardian should hug the wall going into the room. This will draw the boomer fire to the first guardian, and eliminate that scenario where the shots actually hit the 3rd-4th person in the pack.

    3. This one is probably the least well-known and underutilized. When carrying the sword, DO NOT run straight to the left/right rock of the Crota platform. This will definitely draw Boomer fire and decrease your odds of success. Instead, run straight to the wall where the sword bearer originally spawns, and hug that wall on your way to the rock. If the sword bearer died very far to the left/right, then hug the wall underneath the Boomer tower on that side. The Boomers will NOT shoot at you if you do this properly. (EDIT: I'm also hearing that not double jumping has the same effect. I haven't tried myself, but definitely something to consider. I do know that hugging the back wall works, but probably because it involves no double jumping as well...)
    (Another reason to NEVER shoot the Boomers is that sometimes you can make one jump or glitch off the ledge when they stagger. You can also accidentally kill one and spawn a pesky Wizard. Just don't bother with shooting them!!!) (Notice how I said nothing about using Titan bubbles... Sure they make things easier, but they're a luxury and not a necessity.)

    9. Ogres. Man, F%#K those things!

    I've seen about 10 different strategies for dealing with Ogres including bottom middle on coffins, on the ledge with a bubble, rotating right with a bubble, etc. etc. I'm not going to take credit for coming up with this, but one strategy is the best BY FAR. After Crota kneels for the 2nd time on the 2nd sword, have every Guardian run to the right side Boomer tower below the Boomers. There will be plenty of coffins and doors so that one guardian can fit on each one. Aim your rockets toward the back of the room and wait for the first Ogre to spawn. When it does, take it out with heavy weapons/snipers. If everyone focuses it down, it will die before opening its eye to shoot. Once that one is dead, clear any thrall in the room and jump down to snipe the 2nd Ogre. It should be just leaving the area under the 2nd Boomer tower and out in the open. Once this is done, Crota will still be on the side near the left Boomer tower (i.e. the one across from you). Run directly to the left and back in the crystal room. This is actually the most dangerous part of the raid because you have to avoid Boomers and Thrall. If/when you make it back to the crystal room, make sure to shoot thrall on both sides or one might sneak up and ruin your day.

    I also want to say something else here: Many teams will notice Crota will be just back to mid when leaving the lower tower, or just about to rotate from left. THERE IS NO NEED TO RUSH THIS PART! Sure Crota may be mid just in time for the third run with the sword, but it's 100% better to get back in the crystal room, let him rotate right again, and then BACK to mid a second time before the final sword run. The Enrage timer is not that quick so you won't get oversouls if you do this. Why is this better? First off, you aren't rushing onto the ledge and you avoid that awkward scenario where Crota is actually still on the left and shoots at you while there or while moving back to mid. Less margin for error there. Second, you avoid being on the ledge when thralls are still in the crystal room. They can and will melee you through the glass, usually leading to one or multiple deaths. Third, even if everyone makes it and thralls don't screw you over, the sword bearer is now going to be on the far right and out of view. You'll need to kill him extremely fast because the timer is already ticking for Crota to move again. Finally, running straight back to the crystal room lets everyone regain health, composure, and pop heavy synths for the final run. There's really no better way to do it.

    10. But the Ogres spawned after the first sword bearer was killed! What's up with that?!?

    You took too long to kill the word bearer the first time. This usually happens when somebody runs out of the crystal room early to start the encounter while everyone else is still killing knights and acolytes. Don't be that guy. Wait for your team and this won't happen. (See also: Crota moved to the right before we could down him twice)

    11. Crota didn't move where he was supposed to/followed me into the crystal room.

    This one is all about aggro. First off, it should never happen because it usually means somebody is trying to return to the crystal room via the wrong side. After the first sword, Crota moves to the right. Naturally, if you go to the right as well, he will follow you into the crystal room with his melee attack closing the gap. He won't always kill you, but the encounter is a wipe 9/10 times because now he IS glitched... Similarly, if he swings at the sword bearer after standing up, he may follow them especially if they didn't die. The solution is obviously to not be in range when he stands up.

    If I'm missing anything, let me know in the comments and I'll try to shed some light on it. Obviously there ARE some legitimate glitches out there and network connectivity is a real thing, but there are just as many things which seem like glitches that aren't. Those are the ones I'm trying to highlight, and hopefully everyone will learn something by the time they finish reading this and be better for it.

    Edit 1: I'm hearing that you need to kill a thrall or two before the Ogres will spawn. I've noticed them taking forever as well, and that could very well be why. Can't confirm it, but definitely something to note. (Thanks /u/bigwest713 )

    Edit 2: Obligatory front page edit!

    Edit 3: I'm hearing that ANY explosion near the sword can cause it to disappear. Apparently grenades and supers do it as well. I'm also hearing that it can de-spawn just on its own. Sounds like this one might actually be a legitimate glitch.

    Edit 4: WOW my first Reddit gold!!! I'm glad everyone finds this helpful!

    Edit 5: I'm seeing alot of folks saying Crota stands up immediately and slashes sometimes. I've noticed this too, but I think (based on my internal sword timer and absolutely no empirical evidence) that he is kneeling longer, and just skips the stand up animation. (i.e. the time from kneeling to slashing is the same, minus a stand-up animation) Always trust your instincts and know what you CAN do and CAN'T do as the sword bearer. It's either 3 hits or 4 depending on when you start the first hit/how comfortable you are getting out.
    Rampage vindt dit leuk.
  12. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Das pas informatie :eek:

    Dat Ogre stukje werkt inderdaad als een tiet. Als je genoeg damage doet lijkt het soms net alsof hij weer z'n hok in wil kruipen :+

    Over die animatie "glitch"... logisch. Als hij z'n mĂȘlee animatie start en toch down gaat maakt hij zei beide af. Vind het nog steeds een luie Raid maar hij geeft wel voldoening en een goeie spanning.
  13. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hmm vind dat er wel wat ontbreekt zoals: gebruik jouw class optimaal of zoals wij deden met orbs droppen als een malle om health te regennen. Daarnaast zijn er een aantal toch echt wel glitches die gewoon direct voor een wipe zorgen en het is wel belangrijk dat de snipers zo min mogeijk op de sword bearer schieten
  14. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Er zijn zat fouten ja.

    Maar niemand schiet op de Swordbearer? Waarom de Snipers niet? :eek:

    Orbs spawnen als een debiel ja, zeker in het begin. SUROS helpt wel met het regeneraten van je health. De aandacht trekken van die "Boomers" werkt ook niet elke keer. Soms knallen ze de Sword carrier net zo hard af
  15. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ehm boomers bedoede ik (en guardian sword bearer) :+ Ik noem die snipers :p. sword bearer moet gewoon neergeknald worden, daar moet JUIST iedereen gelijk op schieten, dan heb je dat probleem niet dat hij achter stenen schuilt.

    Nee, precies. Ik heb daarom wel graag de bubble erbij hoor :) maakt het echt 300x zoveel constanter ipv hopen dat de sword bear niet geraakt wordt.
  16. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Vind Suros maar crap voor health regen. Onderkant van het magazijn en een kans dat je healed.
    Zo vaak gehad dat ik het nodig had maar het gewoon niet activeerde. Dan heb ik liever een helm die orb health regen heeft. Meer zekerheid.
  17. Raafie

    Raafie GT: Raafie

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Had ik al , maar toch een leuk cadeautje van RNGesus
    Rampage vindt dit leuk.
  18. Rampage

    Rampage Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    SUROS is ook niet alles. Pak dan liever een Orb op ja :)
  19. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Bitch :mad:

    Je moet het natuurijk wel hebben, maar orb helmpjes zijn verreweg het beste ja, samen met de health perks.
    Raafie vindt dit leuk.
  20. AnubisNefer

    AnubisNefer Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Word of Crota binnen....

    Nu nog de Fang en Black Hammer.

    Maddmonkey vindt dit leuk.

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