[Multi] Tom Clancy's: The Division

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Flavourlicious, 11 jun 2013.

  1. jansen007natas

    jansen007natas Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Heee pas op he. Niet alle vrouwen zijn zo.
  2. donfatos

    donfatos Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is het nog te doen om nu nog met deze game te beginnen?
  3. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja why not??
  4. Guilty 343

    Guilty 343 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Guilty 343

    Guilty 343 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Iemand zin om nu even te darkzonen? add me on xbl.
  6. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zo eindelijk goede set items erbij. Nu 3x striker en 2x sentey gear aan. Mn dps zit op 222k en mn health op bijna 90k. Dmg reduction bijna op 65%.

    Zoek nu nog een goede assault, loop nog met een caduceus rond. Maar vind m niet super. En nog een goede sniper.

    Moet nog 3 items rerollen voor betere stats en dan is mn gear wel prima volgens mij.
    Laatst bewerkt: 1 mei 2016
  7. donfatos

    donfatos Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Omdat veel mensen al gigantische hoge leven hebben
  8. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Gigantisch? Het gaat maar tot level 30. Darkzone rang gaat hoger maar dat zegt niet zoveel. Dus gewoon beginnen joh
    donfatos vindt dit leuk.
  9. SHiZ NL

    SHiZ NL Active Assassin

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @donfatos gewoon beginnen en niet het poesje uithangen :). Begin eerst met "'SP" deel. En zodra je beetje gelevelt bent ga dan pas de Darkzone in voor het PVP deel. Dan maakt het geen hol uit. En PVP kan best eerder hoor. Deze is namelijk verdeeld in brackets. Zo kom je als level 12 nooit op een server van level 30 spelers. Alleen de loot is ook wat minder als je laag level bent, dus zou ik gewoon even wachten tot je 30 bent voor je de DZ in gaat.
    donfatos vindt dit leuk.
  10. Batwheelman

    Batwheelman Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    +1 Gewoon doen :)
  11. Xandorra

    Xandorra Eigenlijk best wel gezellig

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee inderdaad niet

    verstuurd via Tapatalk
  12. Stingray

    Stingray NcA Clan Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    24 mei nieuwe update.

    Of ik dat geintje met het doorsnijden van het touw nou leuk vind...
  13. drsjordi

    drsjordi Doing it like a boss

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ze maken de game steeds beter en leuker. Ze vergeten alleen die rotte appels eruit te gooien..
  14. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat touw doorsnijden vind ik maar kut, ach, speel het toch al niet meer :+
    Servantes vindt dit leuk.
  15. drsjordi

    drsjordi Doing it like a boss

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Trolls incoming... :'-( Voor de lol touwtje doorsnijden :mad:
    Stingray vindt dit leuk.
  16. Guilty 343

    Guilty 343 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dat ga ik zeker doen, hehe
  17. Batwheelman

    Batwheelman Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mooi zo laat die update maar komen :)
  18. Maddmonkey

    Maddmonkey Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:


    Edit: Hot damn, aardig wat veranderingen komen er ook. Ik stop het even in een spoiler.
    Lead level designer Magnus Jonsson introduced the new incursion

    What is Clear Sky all about:
    In Columbus Circle, Rikers have seized one of the anti-aircraft sites abandoned by the Last Man Battalion. Now, they control the entire Manhattan airspace, and are taking possession of the supply drops. It is now your job, to neutralize this new threat and get these weapons back under the control of The Division.

    Features and facts from Clear Sky:
    • It is outside and can have different weather (big difference from Falcon Lost)
    • It appears to be a more a classic mission
    • The weather is toned down, so you won´t get the worst weather like blizzard, where you can only see a few meters.
    • The weather is random, so you can´t choose that.
    • The main enemy is the Rikers, so it is a more nightmarish encounter than with the LMBs
    • Gear Score recommendation for hard is 160
    • There is an open street at the beginning, you need to recover explosives from mobs and blast your way into Columbus Circle
    • You need to be more mobile than Falcon Lost, you can´t camp out in a pit
    • The way to Columbus Circle is a DPS check, that gives you an impression, if you can handle the rest
    • There is a checkpoint once you have reached Columbus Circle.
    • Clear Sky supports the different roles – more tank, distance DPS and healers.
    • The map is almost a replica of the real thing
    • You can pickup Med-Packs from the Restock Crate at the checkpoint, so you don´t have to attempt the second part of the mission with only 2 Med-Packs after you died.
    • Challenge mode will come out one week after 1.2 is deployed (exact dates will be revealed)

    New open-world activities
    Search and Destroy missions
    • Search and Destroy (S&D) missions can be accepted from the Situation Board in the different Safe Houses.
    • You can only accept S&D missions, once you have cleared all Encounters and Sidemissions of a District.
    • There is an exclamation point next to the Save House, when new missions are available
    • S&D missions are random events that spawn on the map and your mission is to kill a group of mobs.
    • Each time you clear the S&D missions, you get an Intel Token. When you have cleared every mission of a District, you get additional two Intel Tokens.

    High Value Target Missions
    • In the Base of Operations there are 2 new NPCs, where you can accept daily and weekly High Value Target Missions. Dailies are cheap 5 – 15 Intel Tokens, weeklies are more expensive and can cost up to 60 Intel Tokens
    • There are 6 daily and 4 weekly High Value Target missions
    • High Value Target missions have a timer on them that starts as soon as you accept the mission.
    • Normal High Value Target missions can be done as many times as it takes to complete them, High Risk Missions can only be attempted once.
    • The most difficult High Value Target missions have up to level 32 NPCs
    • High Value Target missions have different difficulties and the highest difficulty can drop 240 gear items

    You can read the full explanation about these missions in the new Intelligence Annex #10: Spice it up

    Balancing / Changes
    • They want to move away from the crafting to be the best source of loot – in-game activities should be the primary source of loot
    • There should be multiple sources to get the best loot
    • 1.2 will be more generous, better loot and it will have a clear progression
    • Nomad Set will still be designated to the Dark Zone, but it can also drop in other activities
    • No weapon balancing, but there will be changes to the combat mechanics
    • Talents will be changed (for example Brutal and Balanced) and with the new gear sets, they will buff other weapons that are not really popular right now (LMG / Shotgun / Assault Rifle)
    • Sentry´s Call will be changed, so that the debuff-mark can only be applied with semi-automatic weapons. That should make it a more of a support / sniper set
    • The armor cap is increased to 75% Damage Mitigation. That should give the players more survivability against the most dangerous enemies

    • New loot System - read the full explanation here
    • There are new level 32 weapon mods

    Dark Zone
    • New Dark Zone 200+ gear score bracket
    • 200+ should separate the low geared players from the maxed out and min/maxed players
    • 200+ Bracket enemies will go from 32 up to level 34
    • 200+ Will have only High End Division Tech
    • Supply Drops will give you high ends items and they can also drop one of the 8 gear sets
    • A Stash was added to each Checkpoint

    Hijack Extractions
    • It made no sense that you can just attach the loot to the cable and then run away
    • After 1.2 the loot is no longer safe once it is attached to the cable
    • You have to protect the loot as long as the helicopter has not departed
    • The items will drop when the rope is cut and can be picked up from everybody
    • Once the rope is cut, the extraction is canceled and you have to call a new one
    • The items will not drop in one big pile it will be scattered all over the extraction area (lootsplosion)
    • When a player tries to cut the rope, they will go Rogue immediately, so you won´t be punished when you protect your loot.
    • The cutting of the rope takes longer when the player is hit by bullets and with constant damage, the player won´t be able to cut the rope.
    • They will keep track on the feedback about this new feature, because in the end, a game should be fun.

    Sealed Caches

    • Can drop from all NPC in different rarities
    • Only Named NPCs will drop High End Sealed Caches
    • They contain High End Division Tech / Dark Zone Funds / Gear Items / Weapons and Mods
    • They need to be extracted
    • You won´t know the exact content until you have extracted and opened them

    New Gear Sets
    • The New Gear Set are and play different
    • The should not just improve your stats, but they should change they way you play

    Final Measure is a new defensive set.
    • 2) 50% Exotic Damage Resilience
    • :cool: 15% Protection from Elites
    • 4) When you you damage a player or an NPC with a grenade, you get a defuse buff, that allows you to defuse enemy grenades. When you defuse an enemy grenade it also gives you a grenade. (Also works with mortars in Falcon Lost)

    Hunter’s Faith is a new long range set.
    • 2) 20% Marksmen Rifle critical hit damage
    • :cool: 20% Damage to elite
    • 4) Every time you land a shot depending on the distance to the target, it will give you Damage Resistance against enemy weapon damage – you can go above 75% Damage Mitigation. The additional armor disappears after one bullet hits you.

    Predator’s Mark new support set.
    • 2) 20% Optimal Range
    • :cool: 800 Assault Rifle Damage
    • :cool: 700 Pistol Damage
    • 4) Every time you hit 10 Bullets without switching the target, will apply bleed to the target. The bleed damage will be 100% of the damage already done by the bullets.

    Lone Star is a DPS (damage per second) gear set.
    • 2) 100% Ammo Capacity
    • :cool: 1000 LMG Damage
    • :cool: 1000 Shotgun Damage
    • 4) Every time you holster a weapon it will automatically be reloaded

    Patch Notes and release time
    • Patch notes will be released on Monday
    • Conflict will be deployed in the 3 hour maintenance on may 24th starting at 9:01 CEST / 00:01am PDT / 03:01am EDT.
    Laatst bewerkt: 22 mei 2016
  19. Korkss

    Korkss Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Zolang die fire en explosive bullets erin blijven zitten. Start ik hem niet eens meer op. Dit en de vele andere bugs en glitches maken dit spel voor mij geen blijvertje.
  20. Marcelinho_NL

    Marcelinho_NL Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is er ook nog een andere weg gear sets te krijgen of word ik gewoon hard gedwongen het allemaal in de darkzone te doen ?

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