Cozmo: Another week has come and gone. With it brings new Movies we humbly highlight here for your entertainment. The
Creations page is still alive and well. It’s practically bursting at the seams with submissions. It’s a mixture of montages, massive plays, and more. The winners will be granted a special
Emblem as a tribute to their accomplishment.
But enough of this small talk, send in the winners.
Movie of the Week: Reflection Playground
Honorable Mention: Aksis defeated without weapons
Honorable Mention: Hello Destiny, my old friend
Honorable Mention: "Rise of Iron" Excerpt Cover on Guitar
If you were there with us on Twitch when we traded blows with volunteers from chat, we thank you. We always love sharing games with the community, and it’s always a learning experience. For instance, in exchange for the Emblems we passed out, we claimed these new pearls of wisdom:
1. Never ask 11,000 people at the same time if they want to play a game. #bounty
2. Never tease a secret code without alerting the community to the fact that not all amusing Easter Eggs hatch to reveal Exotic Weapons.
3. @_mantis_ is a person with
There is no playbook for this. We’re writing it as we go along. Wouldn’t have it any other way.
It promises to be a windy weekend here in the otherwise gentle and majestic Pacific Northwest. Storms blowin’ in! We now go to batten down our hatches.
Good luck with that Heroic Raid. As always, we’ll be waiting for you at the finish line with some sweet loot and a big old pat on the back.
DeeJ, out.
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