[Overig] [Algemeen] Games

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door DulleNL, 3 dec 2013.

  1. Jorrie

    Jorrie ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Moderator

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Pff wat een gedoe 8)
  2. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nee joh 3 dingen aanvinken en je heb code al.:+


    The Witness

    PS4 Pro patch update

    Previously, I made a post listing the technical details of the PS4 patch.

    That was a work-in-progress, and I said at the time I’d post final specs as soon as we know them, which we now do.

    We are definitely supporting HDR, on both the PS4 Pro and the base model PS4. If the game detects an HDR TV, it will start in HDR mode. HDR works in all resolutions mentioned below.

    If you have a PS4 Pro, and are outputting to a 1080p TV, The Witness will render at 1080p, 60fps, 4x MSAA (which is substantially higher than the base PS4’s 900p, 60fps, 2x MSAA). This is the same as we announced in the earlier posting.

    If you have a PS4 Pro, and are outputting to a 4k TV, then you get a choice of two modes from the options menu:
    (a) 1440p 3D scene, upscaled to 4k, text and UI rendered at 4k, 60fps
    (b) 4k rendering for everything, 30fps
    We added option (b) because a lot of people seem to want it, and it does look really good!

    I don’t yet know the exact release date for the patch, but it is coming pretty soon, in November sometime. We are now in the process of nailing down all the little details and making sure they are good. As soon as we know the release date I will announce it here.
    Laatst bewerkt: 2 nov 2016
    Lijpe Mocro vindt dit leuk.
  3. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hey everyone. Ratchet & Clank on PS4 marked the first appearance of our long-running heroes on the console. It’s a galactic space adventure filled with exotic planets, wild villains, and an arsenal not fit for this world.

    We’re pleased to be rolling out a free software update to the game to support the additional power that PS4 Pro offers. This patch should be available on or prior to the launch date of PS4 Pro.


    For users with a 4K TV, you’ll be able to play Ratchet & Clank at a much higher resolution, and if your TV supports it, in HDR using an HDMI 2.0 cable. PS4 Pro users with a 1080p TV will see a big increase in gameplay image quality as well. The technique we’re using to get to those better resolutions is something we’re calling Temporal Injection. This allows us to not only hit a much higher resolution, but also to do it with jaggie-eliminating anti-aliasing as well. The extra resolution and HDR’s ability to display even more of the colorful Solana Galaxy should combine for the best image quality you’ve ever seen in a Ratchet & Clank game.

    We’re really excited about the potential of the PS4 Pro and what it means for our games. From Ratchet & Clank (PS4) to our upcoming game with Marvel Entertainment, Spider-Man (working title), PS4 Pro gives us the power to release our best-looking games ever.


    And for those with an HDR-enabled TV but still using a regular PS4 or PS4 Slim, our patch will also enable HDR for Ratchet & Clank as well.

    Next Thursday, 10th November, sees the launch of PS4 Pro, our most powerful games console ever. Offering enhanced performance via boosted CPU and GPU, with resolution up to 4K, HDR imaging technology, and faster, more stable frame rates, it’s the ultimate way to enjoy your favourite videogames.

    We know you’re eager to find out which titles will be the first to take advantage of the increased power and performance of PS4 Pro. The following 30+ titles will be optimised for the new hardware on launch day. Some games have updates to add Pro support, while more recent titles like Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare have Pro enhancements built into the base game. We’ll keep this list updated should additional titles be confirmed.

    These games will have a Pro patch on day one (November 10th)

    Battlefield 1
    Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3
    Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
    Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
    Hustle Kings
    inFAMOUS First Light
    inFAMOUS Second Son
    Mafia III
    Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
    NBA 2K17
    PSVR Worlds
    Ratchet & Clank
    Rez Infinite
    RIGS Mechanized Combat League
    Rise Of The Tomb Raider
    Robinson: The Journey
    Super Stardust Ultra
    The Elders Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
    The Last Of Us Remastered
    The Last Of Us: Left Behind
    Titanfall 2
    Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
    Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
    Viking Squad
    World Of Tanks
    XCOM 2


    We're excited to announce that upcoming PS4 Exclusive, Nioh, will be published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.

    More titles confirmed to have PS4 Pro enhancements on day 1: Dishonored 2, Thumper, Mantis Burn Racing.


    Killing Floor 2 is an action-packed, cooperative shooter with terrifying enemies, a unique blend of weaponry and perk classes, and the most advanced gore system ever created.

    PS4 Pro has allowed us to take Killing Floor 2’s visuals to the next level of fidelity. Resolution, memory, and performance are the three key ways the PS4 Pro enhances Killing Floor 2.

    First on the point of resolution for players that have a 4K TV and a PS4 Pro. Killing Floor 2 runs at a higher 1800p resolution that is then upscaled to 4K 2160p resolution, unlocking the gaming potential of your 4K screen. The extra resolution increases overall environment, weapon, and character detail beyond what is perceivable on a 1080p display.

    Environment details such as foliage and distant level meshes have a new level of definition. Enemies (Zeds) in the world seen at medium to long distances have many more pixels defining them, making it just a bit easier to get that head shot. Killing Floor 2’s over-the-top gore system has never looked better with persistent blood reflecting the world and characters in high resolution.

    The extra memory on PS4 Pro allows us to activate our ultra textures that have higher resolution over the standard PS4. The ultra textures add extra surface detail to everything in the game including first-person weapons, arms, zeds, and the levels themselves.

    These high-res textures will be used whether the player is playing on a 4K TV or a standard 1080p display. In addition to the ultra textures, the extra memory allowed us to increase our dynamic shadow resolution. Killing Floor 2’s custom deferred renderer uses a number of shadowing techniques including dynamic shadows. When these dynamic shadows are used they will be crisper and higher resolution on PS4 Pro then the standard PS4. When playing on a 1080p TV, Killing Floor 2 is effectively super sampled, resulting in much higher quality and smoother anti-aliasing.

    All of this is achieved without compromising on performance. Killing Floor 2 runs at an increased frame rate when using a PS4 Pro on a 1080p display. Whether you have a 4K or 1080p TV, Killing Floor 2 is going to look amazing on a PS4 Pro.

    At Tripwire we love being at the forefront of emerging technology and strive for our games to be as visually stunning as possible. Looking to the future, it’s exciting to know that we can develop on such powerful hardware that allows us to unlock our true artistic and creative vision, and not have to compromise. This is the first time we’ve had a major hardware upgrade during a platform cycle that adds a lot more potential but doesn’t split the player base, since all PS4’s are compatible with each other. It’s also exciting that as virtual reality becomes more widely adopted, we’ll have hardware that can support its demanding performance and resolution requirements.

    We’re excited to release the new trailer today that was compiled completely from the PS4 Pro version of the game!


    Lastly, we’re excited to announce that a PS4 multiplayer open beta will be starting tomorrow on November 4 at 10:00 AM Pacific and will be running through Sunday November 6!

    The Killing Floor 2 open beta on PS4 will feature the following:

    • 2 Multiplayer Modes — Survival and Versus Survival
    • 3 Maps — Burning Paris, Biotics Lab, Evac Point
    • 1 Offline Training Mission
    • 9 Perk Classes
    • 14 Characters
    The full version of Killing Floor 2 launches on November 18!

    Laatst bewerkt: 3 nov 2016
  4. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    @Ps4pro: exciting stuff. Pro valt of staat met dit soort ondersteuning.
  5. Dr0kz

    Dr0kz Niet?

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Killing Floor Open Beta, morgen dus al :D

    @PS4 Neo comments.

    Hogere frame rates vind ik persoonlijk wat belangrijker eigenlijk, daar hoor ik toch te weinig over terwijl dat nou voor veel mensen de reden is om een Neo te halen. 4k is leuk, beter speelbare games leuker :+

    Maak mij trouwens wel zorgen om de huidge PS4, je kunt ervan uitgaan dat er nu dus voor de PRO word geoptimalizeerd en dus zal de oude PS4 spellen nog minder soepeltjes draaien dat het al doet :thumbs:
  6. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Killing Floor is niet veel aan.
    Na paar potjes was ik er wel klaar mee.

    Battlezone PSVR Pro Patch:

    Added PS4 Pro support

    - Increased super-sampling resolution

    - Improved dynamic lighting in the Cobra cockpit

    - Increased reflective lighting resolution

    Balancing changes

    - Defend and Convoy missions are more balanced

    - Difficulty randomization more even throughout campaign

    - Enemy rank scaling more balanced throughout campaign

    Bug, performance fixes and other changes

    - Improved clarity of particle effects

    - Fixed a rare framerate hitch during hangar sequence

    - Fixed rare physics issue that caused players to leave game world

    - Minor enemy behaviour tweaks

    So, big news today – Patch 1.02 is out! First of all, we’re delighted to confirm Battlezone will indeed support PlayStation 4 Pro. Thanks to our patch, players on Pro will get an even crisper, more vibrant experience, adding to the already incredible immersion offered by PSVR!

    Also – with big thanks to you, the community, for providing us with such useful feedback – 1.02 will bring a number of improvements to in-game balance, focusing on the ‘EASY’ difficulty setting as well as minor performance and bug fixes. We’ll be continuing to listen very closely to you, the Battlezone fans, and will keeping seeking to make playing Battlezone the best experience it can be.

    Which brings us nicely onto our last piece of news – and sorry, it’s a bit of a tease – but we can confirm there is FREE CAMPAIGN CONTENT in the works for Battlezone.
    Laatst bewerkt: 4 nov 2016
  7. MAD 1976

    MAD 1976 Useless info here...

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Free content? Nice!:cool:

    (BZ is ook echt vet...al is het soms wel pittig....misschien toch maar effe terugschakelen naar easy:oops:)
  8. Dr0kz

    Dr0kz Niet?

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Killing Floor is dus wel tof. Niet echt leuk solo maar met een groepje geniaal. We gaan hem halen :D
  9. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    In een groep vond ik er ook niet veel aan.
  10. RaouLioo

    RaouLioo Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Aardig wat uurtjes killing floor gespeeld vandaag. Vermaak me er echt meer dan prima mee. Lekker veel goor, chaos, explosies en lekkere wapens. Ondanks dat ik met alleen randoms speelde liep het best lekker met teamwork.
  11. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  12. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hey all — Jaffe here with a bunch of Drawn to Death news to share with you.

    As you may know, Drawn to Death had been available in a quasi-beta phase that we call Limited Access. During this time we collected a ton of insightful information from the community. After reviewing everything we learned during the Limited Access period, we have decided to officially launch Drawn to Death as a traditional paid title.

    Launch Characters

    If you’ve had a chance to play Drawn to Death during Limited Access, you know better than anyone else that mastering the intricacies of each character is as important as your skill on the sticks. In making the move from a free-to-play to a pay-to-play model, we’re now making all six main characters available to unlock at launch.

    Launch Weapons

    Drawn to Death launches with 26 weapons, some unlocked at the start, some that you must fight to earn. And just like all of the game’s characters, all of the weapons in your arsenal are designed to be balanced, each with its own pro and con, guaranteeing there are no overall “best” weapons, only weapons that are best for you!

    Launch Modes
    • Organ Donor: In this objective based mode, Players must shoot the heart out of an enemy’s chest. Then take the heart to a stationary base for 1 point. Take the heart to a moving base for 2X points! First Player to 20 points wins!
    • Classic Deathmatch: First to 10 kills wins.
    • Classic Team Deathmatch: First team with 20 kills wins.
    • Core Deathmatch: First Player to 5 points wins. 1 kill = 1 point, but every time you die you lose a point. (Defense matters!)
    • Core Team Deathmatch: Same as Core Deathmatch, but for teams. First team to 10 points wins.
    • Brawl: In this mode, levels get smaller on the fly to create a more intense one-on-one battle/fighting game experience!

      New Mystery Systems
    We’re also introducing two new systems to the game: Volcano God and Sphynx.

    Both of these systems are key to unlocking a host of cool in-game prizes, goodies, and abilities. We’re not ready to go into details about them just yet, but these systems will be there at launch and will offer up a ton of meta, unlocking collection, and fun!

    AnubisNefer vindt dit leuk.
  13. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Seraph is ook uit op de PS4. Vette dual gun 2D platform shooter. :cool:
  14. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  15. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het is alleen lastig zien hoe goed het daadwerkelijk is. Je zult naar een winkel moeten gaan en daar in real life moeten kijken hoe het eruit ziet. Je kunt geen 4k HDR laten zien op een 1080p screen.
    Ik ben erg benieuwd hoe het er uitziet. Zodra die er is ga ik echt wel even kijken in een shop.. of misschien beter van niet. Dan wil ik vast ook een 4k tv..:'-(
  16. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ja en bij youtube komt er ook nog is compressie op de video's.

    ...However, if you already own a PS4, the question becomes a lot trickier. If you care about your games, how they perform and still want to stick with a console, then the PS4 Pro is a viable upgrade. If you have a 4k TV and want to squeeze the best out of a console, then it’s a viable upgrade. If you have a PSVR, then the PS4 Pro provides a noticeable improvement to the quality of experience you get...

    Has PlayStation 4 Pro managed to live up to its marketing? By and large, yes. At its best, it is capable of producing compelling results at native 4K. Stack up Rise of the Tomb Raider on Pro against an ultra high-end PC and run them side-by-side and you'll see that most of the 4K clarity is there, much of the detail is there and frame-rate remains the clearest differentiating factor. But the fact that a £350/$399 box is capable of even competing is a remarkable achievement.

    Regardless, the PS4 Pro is priced fairly, offers a plethora of features, and is the most powerful console you can buy today.

    Pro has the raw power to potentially deliver greatly enhanced graphics, and in time, with more support, it will likely do just that, but right now, it’s just too much of a crap shoot.

    So who is the PlayStation 4 Pro actually meant for? After testing it out for the past week, I'd say it's for people who haven't yet bought a PS4 and want to show off their fancy new 4K/HDR sets. And of course, there are the hardcore gamers who will snap up any piece of hardware that promises to be faster. Most consumers are better off waiting until more games get patched for the new system, and until Sony figures out its 4K media strategy.

    THE BOTTOM LINE The PlayStation 4 Pro doesn't show major, noticeable improvements in the handful of games we were able to test early, but that could change with titles coming in the months and years ahead.

    Laatst bewerkt: 7 nov 2016
  17. Zifnap

    Zifnap Koehl en gecollecteerd

    Leuk Bevonden:
    4K TVs zijn ook best groot. Het moet allemaal wel passen in je woonkomen. Zeker verhoudingsgewijs. Ik zou sowieso nu nog niet voor een 4K HDR TV gaan. Duur en techniek is nog niet vervolmaakt. (Eind) 2017 wordt misschien het moment om langzaam over te stappen.
  18. Olijke Poffer

    Olijke Poffer PC VR fan.

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Nou dat zeker. Al heb ik meer dan genoeg ruimte Voor. Mijn huiskamer is echt een hele flinke jongen.
    Maar zoals eerder gezegd. Ik heb pas een nieuwe TV en vind het helemaal prima zo.. tegen de tijd dat hij aan vervanging toe is of kapot is, kijk ik wel wat er dan hot is..
  19. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is al bekend wat de veranderingen/verbeteringen van Battlefield 1 op de Pro zijn?
  20. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

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