[XOne] Xbox Game Pass

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door Hybrid, 24 mei 2017.

  1. Racerblade01

    Racerblade01 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  2. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  3. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Hello fellow gamers. Welcome to your August Xbox Game Pass update! Xbox Game Pass offers you unlimited access to over 100 Xbox One and Xbox 360 backward compatible games for just $9.99 USD per month.

    More is better is our mantra, and there should always be something new to play with Xbox Game Pass. So, in addition to the 100+ great games already included in your membership, we are bringing seven more games to the Xbox Game Pass catalog on August 1. And don’t forget, if you haven’t tried Xbox Game Pass yet, you can play free for 14 days.

    DiRT Rally

    Leading the way in August is Codemasters’ off-road racing gem, DiRT Rally. If you’re a fan of racing, rally racing, or just plain getting dirty in an automobile, stop what you’re doing and start downloading this game on August 1. With nearly 20 different cars from the 1960s through modern day, 36 stages, and everything from mud to ice and sand, there are plenty of ways to get your turns in. Push for the winner’s circle in Rallycross or take down friends and online foes in one of several multiplayer modes. There is a little bit of a learning curve, but it’s made much easier with over 20 tutorials and your co-driver’s ongoing instructions throughout each race. Be brave and race on!

    Dead Rising 3

    When it comes to zombies, more is better and more zombies you will get with Dead Rising 3 making its way to Xbox Game Pass! Play as Nick Ramos and explore a wide-open world of obsessive-compulsive, flesh-eating undead. Craft crazy weapons on the fly and create new, innovative ways to rally your zombie kill counter into the tens of thousands. Take on the apocalypse solo, or team up with a friend to conquer Los Perdidos and unlock each alternative ending. If you’ve already played through Dead Rising 3, see if you can do it again this Summer in Nightmare Mode!


    An award-winning story not to be missed this summer, Playdead’s Limbo is an epic 2D puzzle-platforming adventure sure to keep you engaged from beginning to end. You assume the role of a nameless young boy who awakens in the middle of a deep, dark forest, and must set off on a journey to find his lost sister. Navigate your way through this black & white artistic masterpiece, solving puzzles and avoiding various dangers as you try to find a way out of the forest and into the light.


    Also coming to Xbox Game Pass this month is the exciting indie platform shooter, Ultratron. Use the right stick to aim, shoot, and destroy wave after wave of ill-tempered robots. Death is unforgiving in Ultratron, sending you back to square one without mercy. With a deep RPG progression system, you can strategically use the cash you collect to replenish your health, build up your powers, and become an unstoppable force of robo-destruction. See if you can shoot your way past Level 10 in your first half hour of play. Just keep an eye on the clock – Ultratron will suck you in before you know it!

    So Many Me

    Meet Filo. He’s cute, he’s cuddly, and he’s about to clone himself again in So Many Me, a super unique and engaging platform coming in August from our friends at Origi Games. Every level in So Many Me tasks you with solving three complex puzzles, which is a mission made easier as you acquire new and different power-ups. As you progress, the puzzles only get more challenging, making each solution that much sweeter to discover. Throw in a fun and witty storyline and you have another hidden gem just waiting to be found in Xbox Game Pass in August.

    Metal Slug XX

    The action-packed Arcade classic Metal Slug is back with Metal Slug XX. Breeze through the chaos and excitement of all seven levels on easy, or gear up for a challenge and try to beat the game on Hard mode. Go solo or team with a friend for an old school couch co-op adventure. If you’ve played Metal Slug 3 in Xbox Game Pass, you won’t want to miss Metal Slug XX. And if you haven’t played Metal Slug 3, what are you waiting for?! Get shootin’!


    Sprint, dodge, and fight your way through ancient Egypt in Pharaonic, a single-player 2D sidescrolling action RPG. Engage allies, battle enemies, and avoid the many traps and pitfalls on your quest to find the Red Pharaoh. Enjoy the terrific environments and level design, but stay on the ready, as you never know what Pharaonic has for waiting for you around the next turn. Don’t miss this one in August!
  4. Santino

    Santino Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  5. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ReCore Definitive Edition

    ReCore DE is coming – and it’s coming right to Xbox Game Pass! ReCore is an ambitious action/adventure title that puts you in the shoes of Joule, accompanied by her three incredible corebot companions, as you traverse the dystopian world of Far Eden. Battle a wide array of enemies, complete side quests, and solve challenging puzzles in this innovative 3D platforming experience.

    Metro: Last Light Redux

    The post-apocalyptic fun continues in September with Metro: Last Light Redux, an absolute FPS gem from our friends at Deep Silver. Last Light lands you in Moscow in the year 2034, where you play as the character Artyom, navigating the Moscow metro tunnels and combating a hearty mix of human and mutant adversaries. Blending in strong survival and strategy elements, Metro is a compelling sequel to the FPS classic Metro 2033 and an experience Xbox Game Pass members will not want to miss.

    Fable II

    Also coming to Xbox Game Pass in September is the legendary action RPG, Fable II, published by our very own Microsoft Studios. You play as Sparrow, a young child (you can choose male or female) on a journey to gain vengeance against the evil Lucien. Combat enemies, complete side missions, and find allies on your way to becoming a true hero. With both single player and co-op modes, September is a great time to explore the magical open world of Albion.

    Garou: Mark of the Wolves

    Xbox Game Pass’ stable of awesome fighting games gets a boost in September with the NEOGEO classic, Garou: Mark of the Wolves. Fight with one of 12 characters in Arcade mode, defeat both bosses, and become the King of Fighters. Or, find a friend and battle it out for couch co-op supremacy. If you’re a fan of Fatal Fury, or just classic fighting games in general, you are going to love getting your rounds in with Garou.

    10 Second Ninja X

    Requiring skill, speed, and precision, 10 Second Ninja X delivers a heck of a lot of fun and plenty of challenge to Xbox Game Pass members. The premise is simple – you have 10 seconds, a sword, and three shurikens to complete each of the 100 levels in this awesome platformer from our friends at Curve Digital. Explore the different paths to accomplishing each level’s objectives, unlock costumes, gather achievements and find all nine collectible items as you work your way from Level 1 to Level 100. You only get 10 seconds per level, but we won’t be surprised if you lose whole days chasing victory in 10 Second Ninja this month.


    Curve Digital is also giving Xbox Game Pass members access to Hue this September, another terrific Indie puzzle-platformer from our ID@Xbox program. Hue is both the game title and the name of your main character, who is on a mission to bring color to an otherwise monochrome world and solve the mystery of Hue’s lost mother. Read letters from Hue’s mother, learn to control the colors you progressively unlock, and leverage those colors to solve challenging puzzles. With a unique and engaging art style, Hue is a must-play in Xbox Game Pass.

    The Bridge

    As if your brain wasn’t getting enough of a workout, the brilliant minds at The Astrophysicists Guild bring you The Bridge. A 2D puzzler, The Bridge is tons of fun and very engaging. And while the puzzles will keep you thinking, it may be the black-and-white art design we love most about this game. The Bridge feels like an artist’s sketchbook, with each puzzle occupying a single screen, which allows you to closely analyze each level and decipher the best path to completion. Just don’t be tricked into thinking logic alone will help you succeed in The Bridge – without a fair amount of finesse, and meticulous execution, you may find you need multiple attempts to solve each puzzle and complete the game.
  6. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  7. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wat een oude meuk.... Welke zelf respecterende gamer heeft bijv. MGS V nooit gespeeld.
    Tevens ook voor 5 euro te kopen ofzo.
  8. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  9. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    En gratis bij PS Plus deze maand :+.
  10. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    "Gratis" :p
    Of je koopt hem voor 5 euro. :+
  11. Rossi46

    Rossi46 XBL: Ross1fum1 PSN: Rossifum1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dit is dus precies het probleem van Gamepass. Oude games, welke je voor een appel en een ei gebruikt kunt kopen. Of waarschijnlijk al gespeeld hebt, omdat ze dus al wat ouder zijn.

    Zolang we games op disc kunnen kopen én verkopen gaat dat Gamepass nooit een succes worden.
  12. Racerblade01

    Racerblade01 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dan zou EA Access ook enorm gefaald moeten hebben.
  13. Rossi46

    Rossi46 XBL: Ross1fum1 PSN: Rossifum1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik weet niet of dat vergelijkbaar is. Ik heb het idee dat de EA games veel eerder in de vault komen dan bij MS Gamepass. Daarbij zijn dat over het algemeen - een soort van - AAA-titels. Dat kan lang niet gezegd worden van het gros van de Gamepass titels. Ook is EA Access véél goedkoper.
  14. Racerblade01

    Racerblade01 Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Oh, MGS5 is al 2 jaar oud. |:- Ik was er van overtuigd dat die uit 2016 kwam. 8)

    Ze komen wat eerder met EA Access ja, doorgaans duurt het tussen 9 en 12 maanden. Maar Game Pass heeft wel twee keer zo veel games en EA Access heeft ook een hoop games ertussen zitten die rond de 10 jaar oud zijn. Qua waarde is Game Pass een veel betere deal dan EA Access.

    Ik denk dat Game Pass best succesvol kan zijn/al is voor nieuwe spelers. Mensen die geen zin hebben het nieuws te volgen en geen idee hebben wat er allemaal uitkomt, misschien ieder jaar weer de nieuwe FIFA kopen. Mensen die een Xbox cadeau hebben gegeven/gekregen en dan voor relatief weinig geld een aardige verzameling kunnen krijgen. Veel mensen kopen geen console omdat die zelf al behoorlijk duur is, en je dan de games ook nog apart moet kopen. Ik denk dat Game Pass vooral voor die doelgroep bedoeld is, maar die vind je niet veel op fora zoals deze. :D
    Hybrid vindt dit leuk.
  15. Rossi46

    Rossi46 XBL: Ross1fum1 PSN: Rossifum1

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dus ik doe er al twee jaar over om die game überhaupt fatsoenlijk te spelen :D

    Voor die doelgroep is het inderdaad prima. Vraag is dan weer; hoe groot is die doelgroep? Ik denk niet zo groot, maar ik kan dat feitelijk totaal niet staven. Wel denk ik dat Gamepass momenteel geen succes is, anders had MS daar wel iets over naar buiten gebracht. Ze zijn wat dat betreft weinig bescheiden.
  16. Graveheart

    Graveheart Groovy XBW.nl VIP

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb MGS V al zeker een half jaar op m'n Xbox One staan, nog niet aangeraakt. :+
  17. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik heb op het begin ook game pass gehad. Halo 5, GoW Remake, Dead Rising 3, ReCore etc. Allemaal games die wel tof zijn, maar ik normaal niet zou aanschaffen voor meer dan een tientje.

    En ik moet zelf ook nog MGS V uitspelen :+. Heb hem al sinds release day..
  18. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:

    Halo Wars 2
    Fable Anniversary
    Letter Quest: Grimm’s Journey Remastered
    NBA 2K17
    Riptide GP: Renegade
    WWE 2K17
    Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
    Rienbu vindt dit leuk.
  19. Rienbu

    Rienbu Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ow Nice kan ik Rime een kans geven
  20. Hybrid

    Hybrid Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Holy shit.

    Zeepsop, X-Junk en ArtificialFaith vinden dit leuk.

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