[Multi] Red Dead Redemption 2

Discussie in 'Games' gestart door NuclearGoat, 18 okt 2016.

  1. AgentSmith

    AgentSmith Guest

  2. ExquisiteSteez

    ExquisiteSteez Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Grand Theft Auto Online :+
  3. Zumpelvelder

    Zumpelvelder Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Het houdt niet op, niet vanzelf... :F:
  4. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    ... totdat je niet pre ordered. SIRE!
  5. Zumpelvelder

    Zumpelvelder Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Daar doe ik sowieso nooit aan mee...
    Enkel ooit GTA V gereserveerd (pre-order zonder bonus of wat dan ook) om zeker te zijn van een schijfje op de dag van release. :)

    Maar dit soort acties zijn voor mij toch weer minpunten, GTA Online cash als pre-order bonus bij Red Dead Redemption. 8)
  6. ExquisiteSteez

    ExquisiteSteez Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Mijn laatste 2 games (GoW en Detroit) heb ik wel gepreorderd.
    Aangezien GM bij grote releases altijd een inruilactie heeft; 2 games inleveren en €25 betalen voor een nieuwe release.

    Als je 2 spellen heb die 2e hands p/s nog geen €10 waard zijn. Dan kan zo'n actie best handig zijn. Maar normaal gesproken preorder ik ook niet zo snel.
    Vind het ook nergens op slaan dat ze cash geven voor GTA Online.

    Hopelijk wordt dit geen trend. Anders zie je straks ook acties als....preorder Battlefield V en krijg gratis Fifa 19 coins. :+
  7. Tim

    Tim Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Als je BFV preorderd krijg je 5 wapens voor BF1 :+
    NuclearGoat vindt dit leuk.
  8. ExquisiteSteez

    ExquisiteSteez Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Dacht dat je een grap maakte.
    Maar het klopt ook nog.

    Lachwekkend! 8)
    Tim vindt dit leuk.
  9. NuclearGoat

    NuclearGoat PSN: Acrillic

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Is toch al langer zo? Bij CoD al jaren :+.
  10. ExquisiteSteez

    ExquisiteSteez Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Ik speel al jaren geen COD :+

    Maar kom op. Je gaat toch niet zeggen Pre-order Fifa 2019 en krijg Ronaldo 10 wedstrijden gratis in Fifa 2018. Gaat nergens over.... kan aan mij liggen!

    Niets tegen pre-order bonussen (mits ze echt wat toevoegen voor de game die je hebt pre-orderd).

    Maar ja, waar praten we over. RDR gaat er toch wel komen op day 1.
    Laatst bewerkt: 4 jun 2018
  11. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13 Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Doe dan zoiets als met Far Cry 3: Pre Order de SE en krijg daar 2 extra missies en wat items bij. De SE die ik destijds had kostte iets van 5 euro meer, maar was op sommige plekken ook hetzelfde als de game zonder de extra's en daar maakten websites en winkels acties mee.

    Overigens waren het naar mijn herinnering best wel leuke missies en dan vind ik wel dat ze dat best als pre order actie mogen doen, maar ik weet ook niet 100% zeker meer of het helemaal zo gegaan is.

    In ieder geval heb ik liever gameplay content als pre order actie, dan digitaal geld, items of een huis in game. Een stukje verhaal zou ik wel pruimen als pre order content, meer dan dat eigenlijk niet.
  12. AgentSmith

    AgentSmith Guest

  13. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  14. AgentSmith

    AgentSmith Guest

    De Collector’s box kost $100,- en is ZONDER game. Nu te bestellen bij Gamestop USA
  15. Lijpe Mocro

    Lijpe Mocro Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
  16. ExquisiteSteez

    ExquisiteSteez Active Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Wel incl bandana van Zeeman.
    donfatos, AgentSmith en Maddmonkey vinden dit leuk.
  17. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    so there has been some new game info of the recent Hobby Consolas magazine., no new screens or anything but some additional info

    -Arthur was adopted by Dutch when he was a kid, that's why he considers the gang as a family.

    -After the failed robery in Blackwater, the gang is forced to escape from federal agents and bounty hunters across pressumanly three states.

    -The gang feels like a real human group. We can form bonds with them.

    -The honour level you have will have different consecuences in the game

    -The map is the most complex and extense map Rockstar has ever made. The magazine literally says "vaster than Los Santos". It's the most detailed map they've ever made.

    -If we forgive someone's life, he may give some help later in the game or try to kill us instead

    -We can feed, brush or calm horses when they are scared

    -After we kill someone it could randomly trigger a deathcam and slow motion sometimes

    -If we don't shoot an animal in the head the meat/skin could be ruined

    -Dynamic Soundtrack

    -Heists are an essential part of the game

    --The guy who wrote the article says that he thinks (in his opinion) we won't see gameplay footage atleast until the release week. (In my opinion we definitely will)

    - Okay so this is interesting: Due to all the rockstar divisions working in this game, other properties like Max Payne, Midnight Club or even GTA are "currently stopped"
    Yellow 13 vindt dit leuk.
  18. Servantes

    Servantes Well-Known Member

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Below is some of the info that was featured in a extensive interview with Rob Nelson at Rockstar North back in March when they saw a 45 minute demonstration. The link below has more details but here's a rundown of some of the info. Again cheers to TheExecutor10 for translating and sharing, there's a lot more in the link!

    - Since having an Open World is nothing special today and size doesn't make a game great (No Man's Sky), Rockstar Games set out to make their Open World different from any other. With Red Dead Redemption 2 they want to create the deepest, most detailed, believable and interactive Open World they have ever built. Everybody and everything needs to be believable, from the Barkeeper of the local saloon, to the pebble that descends a slope or tiny frogs hopping around. Small details, big difference.

    - Rockstar's philosophy is that players in their open worlds are increasingly likely to lose themselves, distracted from their real tasks, but not torn from the gaming experience. Barrier-free games, you could say.

    - If you set up your own personal camp in a dangerous area (for example near groups of people that don't like guests in their area), you will experience very different situations than before, because you are just in the wrong place, even if you thought you have been everywhere and seen everything

    - Next to smaller buildings like a barn (that is in the building process on first sight, but will be finished when you come back later), villages and even towns will change over time

    - If you complete a mission (for example with your gang members), you will see them returning to their daily schedule instead of just disappearing or walking nowhere with no specific destination. Every major character exists in the world, not just in missions. This is inspired by Michaels house and the life of his family, you could see your family in-game, not just in missions. In Red Dead Redemption 2 they are epxanding on this idea.

    - The transition from free-roam open world gameplay to mission and cutscenes will be even more fluent and seamless than in GTAV. All types of missions, cutscenes and the general open world should feel like organic parts of the same thing, there is no clear distinction between them like in other games.

    - NPCs are unpredictable and believable in their actions and reactions, they have different temperaments. There will be shy people, who will give you their money without you even drawing a gun but also more aggressive people that will immediately attack you if you just antagonize them also without you drawing a gun. Some confident NPCs may ride just past you and ignore you, if you try to rob them. Some may shoot you, while others will first threaten to harm you. R* wants you to feel like you never know how this certain NPC will interact with you and with that R* wants to encourage you to test out different playstyles. You can be an honorable thief or a violent psycopath and the world will react accordingly, but you just never really know how they will react.

    - R* doesn't want to call the world of Red Dead Redemption 2 a sandbox. Because in a sandbox, you can do whatever you want. Sure, R* wants to give you a lot of freedom, in their Open World you can do whatever you want, but only as long as it makes sense for Arthur, his story and the world itself. Nothing should break the immersion.

    - There will be no "checklists-type of missions" like in Ubisoft games or Mass Efffect Andromeda. R* doesn't think in categories like 'content' and 'prefabricated content', they want to blur the lines between everything the player does in order to increase immersion. R* doesn't necessarily want you to know when you are doing a main or a side mission or when you are interacting with a main character or just an NPC, but they will inform you in a very subtle way about it.

    - There will be many optional things to do, but R* wants them to be just as high-quality, engaging and fun as the main missions and you should feel like you never know what to expect. This will cater to all kinds of players: Those who want to rush the main story and those who want to do everything and still have a great experience.

    - "Random sh*t that doesn't fit the context will not happen [in RDR2]": Random encounters aren't really random, there is a certain system in place that ensures those encounters make sense in terms of how far the players have progressed in the story, what they are currently doing and where they are heading to. The changing surroundings and random encounters provide content for the players that makes them loose themselves in the world in a very organic way and naturally provide gameplay for them (in contrast to the very forced 'checklists-sidequests' in other games).

    - The areas in the game not only feel different because of the looks but also because of the different gameplay-mechanics only possible in that area (like different animations for traversing different terrain and flora or different objects to interact with). Since animations influence how connected you feel with the world, R* focuses on making them as believable and fluent as possible in every situation. For example there is an animation for Arthur stowing his weapons, which he had previously strapped on his back, in the halter of the saddle. And there are different skinning animations for different animals.

    - Things you should do in the missions can be done in the open world: For example in Trailer #2 we see Arthur pushing a bank manager through the door. You can do exactly that with every other NPC in free-roam.

    - The world is as realistic as possible, as long as it is still fun

    - Even outside of missions and cutscenes you can listen in on conversations in your gangs camp - or approach them more closely so that the other outlaws can include Arthur in their chat. The camp, the atmosphere and the conversations should change noticeably in the course of the story

    - Instead of slaughtering degraded animals to polygon objects without hesitation in order to be able to craft a larger wallet, the creatures in Rockstar's western game are living beings with - simulated - feelings. This should always be aware of the players when they press the trigger or let the arrow zoom. To kill animals quickly without much suffering you need to take your time to learn the right techniques.

    - If you commit a crime and the lawmen have a hunch that you are the offender, they will first talk to you instead of shooting you instantly, and you can talk yourself out of the situation

    - You can modify your weapons to enhance their stats
  19. Yi-Long

    Yi-Long ...the little dragon

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Komen de rag-doll physics weer terug, of is het meer zoals in GTA5, wat vrij onrealistisch en bagger was, qua reacties van de NPC's op schoten...?
  20. BrAsKe

    BrAsKe Foo Fighters

    Leuk Bevonden:
    Morgen Gameplay beelden
    Yellow 13 en Yi-Long vinden dit leuk.

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