Goed idee, zitten in die gifts genoeg leuke dingen.
Hier die van mij: 8435 5723 1479
Ben benieuwd of er nog iets speciaals in de 7km eieren zit,....
Unlike other Eggs, which come from spinning PokéStops, 7km Eggs are only found within Gifts.
It includes the following Alolan Pokémon, according to Reddit:
- Alolan Grimer
- Alolan Meowth
- Alolan Sandshrew
- Alolan Vulpix
Remember, all of the above can evolve into another Alolan Pokémon, so it's worth hatching two of each if you want of each Form to keep.
Laatst bewerkt: 23 jun 2018
Killamonkey vindt dit leuk.