Nou, ik zou ff wachten todat die Multiplayer wat beter is uitgewerkt. Er zijn geen skins, dus je loopt altijd met zo'n rare grijze skin rond, en de netcode is zo belabberd dat je altijd een lag van 1000 hebt :{
Net dus ff geprobeerd, en het is vrij onspeelbaar 
Er moeten ook nog flink wat crash fixes worden gedaan, ik krijg om de haverklap memory read errors > crash > opnieuw beginnen 
Ik heb natuurlijk wel ff een mailtje gestuurd naar Garry zelf om hem wat ideeën te geven:
"Hello there Garry,
My name is Max van der Stam, and instead of posting on the forums with the rest of the off-topic postwhores I decided to give you a personal mail to let you know about how I think v5 could be better.
First, I'd like to congratulate you on making the first succesful physics mod ever. Jbmod has good options too but you managed to make options like a rope, welding and other cool extra's like that. Still, V5 is very buggy, and I have a 3200+ socket 939 processor with 1024 MB of PC3200 XMS Corsair ram, so it can't be my hardware. Every time a lot of physical objects are present in the world the game crashes and then I have to start all over again. I think this might be a buffer overflow in the engine itself (maybe allow a maximum amount of objects in the world?).
I'd also like to see a 2nd weapon menu for the real weapons, and a option to turn the god mode in the mod off so people can start killing each other by throwing Sawblades, or crushing each other with self-created vehicles. Or just plain shooting with the good old weapons, offcourse! It also might be an good Idea to make a option that enables controlling thrusters and weels while in a vehicle already (like the buggy or the airboat), because the menu disappears when piloting a HL2 vehicle.
As for the multiplayer, just let the mod copy the skin data from HL2
M so people won't be grey and constant have a Gravity Gun sticking out of they're butts. Also, when playing in a multiplayer game the thruster/wheel/balloon menu's of different people dissipate in each other, making it hard for you to pick a item to spawn in the world.
As for maps, the general GM map is cool, but why not make a special terrain vehicle map? Or a air map that enables you to fly really high and fly around with self-created air vehicles. In general, bigger and much taller maps would be great.
Anyway, I really hoped I knew something from building HL2 maps so I could help you too but unfortunately the only thing I can do right now is wish you good luck!
Greetings, Max"
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/edit dit kon inderdaad een edit worden, maar ik drukte per ongeluk op quote, mijn excuses :{
Laatst bewerkt: 12 jan 2005